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Ever since the beginning of history, where there has been life, there has been death. But lurking in the shadows of that ever dancing pair is another phenomenon; the undead. The undead come in just as many forms as the living, some of which are naturally occurring, such as ghosts. Ghosts are the souls of those who were once alive, died, and refused to pass on. Others, like [[:Category: Wisp | the Wisp]], require the touch of an [[:Category: Immortals| Immortal]] in their creation. But man could not be left out of creation, and they too acquired the power to create undead, through the use of [[:Category: Necromancy | Necromancy.]]
Regardless of beliefs, of the method of creation or existence, the undead are real. And among the vast swaths of those avoiding death while denied life, there are those that managed to retain their mind, their sanity, to a degree. These are the undead that are self-determining, autonomous, and are effectively their own people.
Ghosts have been held in varying levels of esteem in cultures around Idalos. In some places, they are viewed as a nuisance that must be dispatched. In others, they are held in reverence as elders, throwbacks to a better time. Each culture in Idalos handles ghosts in their own way, view them in their own way, have their own history with them.
=Quick Facts=
* Height - Varies based on Living Race
* Weight - 0lbs (Unless has a physical form)
* Life Span - Forever.......
* Creator - None
* Population - 30,000,000
* Notable Features - Transparent, often Incorporeal, Spooky Powers
* Mostly Live In - [[:Category: The Beneath | The Beneath]]
* Racial Bonus - [[:Category: Ghost Skills | Ghost Skills]] +25 (choose 1)
* Fast Track Skills - Ghost Skills (Choose 1)
Being a ghost is a confusing and unnerving experience for many, including the grizzled, hardened adventurer. The world has gone grey and blurry, life is no longer visible, you've gone through Judgement with [[:Category: Pier & Pre | Pier and Pre]], and [[:Category: Vri | Vri]] has just arrived, offering to take you away. For many, this is an offer that is untenable, unthinkable. There were too many things left in life to do, to experience; death came too quickly; life was too short; there are loved ones that still need protecting. The list of reasons why a soul does not move on is many. Yet, every soul has its own reason for staying.
And so, while lost in the Beneath as an [[:Category: Echo | Echo]], they are thrust into a whole new world. A world that many mortals speak about in hushed whispers, as a place where the damned are stuck wandering, a place that only a few of the living have experienced first hand, a place that the ghost now must call home. For many, it is scary, being in the unknown but trapped to the areas around their anchors. A world unexplored and also unexplorable. 
And often an Echo will meet another ghost, and realize that they are not alone in this dark and dreary land. Perhaps this ghost is friendly, though more often they are not. Perhaps the ghost is attempting to feast on the newly formed Echo, [[:Category: Syphon | syponing]] away their ectoplasm. And the world becomes scarier, for the realization of being prey occurs.
But, should the Echo survives this attack, or never meet a ghost wishing to hunt them in the first place, they find themselves with a lot of time on their hands. A lot of time to think, to dwell, to muse, to ponder. Their own death is often a subject of this, but typically the most prominent is the object of their obsession that tethered them to becoming a ghost in the first place. Fixated on this, the Ghost often tries to find ways to interact with this obsession of theirs. This becomes a time of discovery for the new Ghost. They learn how to move into the mortal world, through Vergences and through their own materialization. They begin learning the growth of new abilities, and are in fact, able to interact with the world. And through this growth in power and ability, comes the idea that their point of obsession is within reach. So that obsession and focus intensifies, the ghost slowly starts to become that obsession, losing true parts of themselves in the process.
Until they are unrecognizable, insane, and become something else entirely, a being of obsession, no longer a person proper.
See the [https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Souls_Primer#Undeath Section of the Souls Primer] for more on Ghost Psychology
=Ghosts and Skills=
All ghosts, regardless of class, lose the ability to progress in the skills they acquired during life. They are able to use them where applicable, such as using various social skills while communicating with a living person, or physical skills while possessing a person, however, they are static so long as the ghost is a ghost.
Instead, ghosts get access to ghost-specific skills and abilities. Experience points earned from threads while being a ghost can only be spent on these skills. This operates similarly to magic, but a bit differently as well. Any thread grants Ghost Experience Points, and these particularly points can be used in any of the Ghost Skills. These Skill Points can never be used for [[:Category: Magic Disciplines | Domain Magic]], nor living skills. Ghosts are, however, able to earn skill knowledges for living skills as one normally might.
Should the ghost be able to return to life, they are able to retain their Ghost Skills that are of master rank or higher. Being alive while having these skills does alter them somewhat, but functionally, they are present and available.
Additionally, living skills can still be acquired normally, so long as it is done prior to the character’s death, through the use of memories, active threads, placeholders, etc.
Finally, ghosts get a Progression Bonus. For the first time they transition IC to a higher tier of ghost, they get +25 Skill Points in a Ghost Skill of their choice. This includes the transition from Echo to [[:Category: Phantom | Phantom]], and Phantom to any of the Tier 3 Ghosts, which include [[:Category: The Empty | The Empty]], [[:Category: The Risen | The Risen]], and Wisps. There is no bonus for transitioning to a [[:Category: Whisper | Whisper]]. Should the ghost revert to a lesser form, these points are not lost, but they cannot be gained a second time. Starting off as a Phantom does not grant the Echo to Phantom transition bonus.
=Ghost Skills=
* [[:Category: Possession | Possession]] - The ability to possess objects or people and control them.
* [[:Category: Materialization | Materialization]] - The ability to become solid and visible, as well as travel more easily to and from the Beneath.
* [[:Category: Hex | Hex]] - The creation of curses and illusions to alter the world and the beings in it.
* [[:Category: Syphon | Syphon]] - The absorption of ectoplasm, lifeforce, and other energy sources to fuel a ghost.
=Ghost Abilities=
==Death Remnant==
[https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Souls_Primer#Death_Remnant Death Remnant in the Souls Primer]
The Death Remnant is a thematic change in ghosts based around their death. What this means for the player is that it is a creative license to add some additional uniqueness to their character, garnering an additional ability. As such, this Death Remnant must be applied for in [https://www.standingtrials.com/viewforum.php?f=362 the Prophet Support Forum]. Each ghost gets a single Death Remnant, and should be applied for fairly early on as these Death Remnants tend to manifest while as an Echo and maintain with the Ghost through any later progressions. An example is that a Ghost that died in a blaze may be able to start fires or wreathe their bodies or the items they’re possessing in flames. Those that drowned might do the same with water.
==Dream Intrusion==
[https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Souls_Primer#Dream_Intrusion Dream Intrusion in the Souls Primer]
Dream Intrusion is an extension of both Possession and [[:Category: Dreamwalking | Dreamwalking]]. In terms of Dreamwalking, each thread in which Dream Intrusion will count toward the Dreamwalking requirements. Ghosts can be initiated into Dreamwalking, however, until they are able to bring their anchors with them into dreams, they cannot stray further. They may enter [[:Category: The Veil | the Veil]] in order to be initiated, but may only enter further dreams of those sleeping near to their anchors. Additionally, ghosts are able to initiate others into Dreamwalking.
=Echo (Tier 1 Ghost)=
[https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Souls_Primer#Echo Echo in Souls Primer]
==Transition Info==
Anyone who has died and avoids Vri’s escort to Judgment becomes an Echo. They are too new of a ghost to be made into a Wisp, to become the Empty or the Risen. The Echo is the second most common class of ghost in the world. Additionally, an Echo that has been attacked and stripped of ectoplasm, or has had all their anchors destroyed, can transition to a Whisper.
Echoes often go through a spiraling mental and emotional decay in their transition to Phantoms. This varies from ghost to ghost on how this occurs, but it always involves desire or obsession trumping the ghost’s sanity. What this means for a player that prior to the transition, they should be showing this devolving of personality and such. While the transition to Phantom does not require moderation, having a moderator involved may be beneficial to the plot process. Transitioning to a Phantom grants +25 Skill Points to a Ghost Skill of your choice, on the first transition only. This transition bonus must be granted by the local mod and added into Skills section of your Prophet Notes. Subsequent Echo to Phantom transitions will not gain these points.
Maintain more of their living personality and mind than all other classes.
Are the most rational class of ghost, less prone to their emotions running wild.
Aren’t typically hunted by ghost hunters or Famula and her followers.
Easily identifiable. They still look extremely similar to how they appeared in life.
Able to feast upon other Echoes and Anak spirits.
3 Anchors maximum limit
Mostly operate within the Beneath.
Brand new ghost, so poor control of Ghost Skills.
Common food for Phantoms, Empty, Risen, and other beings.
Guaranteed to become a Phantom if left alone.
Unable to feast on higher tiers of ghost, Diri or Induk spirits, nor living beings
=Phantom (Tier 2 Ghost)=
[https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Souls_Primer#Phantoms Phantoms in Souls Primer]
==Transition Info==
Phantoms are Echoes that have given over to their desires and obsessions. Once at this stage, there are many paths a phantom may go down, though most simply remain a phantom for long stretches of time, as this is the most common class of ghost.
At this point, Phantoms are able to ascend to a tier 3 ghost. This includes the Empty, the Risen, and Wisps. Additionally, a Phantom that has been attacked and stripped of Ectoplasm, or has had all of their anchors destroyed, can transition to a Whisper.
Transitioning to the Empty requires there to be little left in the Ghost but their obsession and desires. Additionally, in order to become an Empty, the Ghost must have Expert or higher Syphon skill. This is a significant turning point in the Phantom and the lead up to it should be reflected in previous threads, with a heavy emphasis on hunting other ghosts, spirits, and living beings. This transition does not require moderator approval, but it is highly recommended that a moderator’s input be included. Transitioning to an Empty grants +25 Skill Points to a Ghost skill of your choice, on the first transition only. This transition bonus must be granted by the local mod and added into Skills section of your Prophet Notes. Subsequent Phantom to Empty transitions will not gain these points.
Transitioning to the Risen requires the ghost to possess a corpse, often their own, driven by intense hunger and desire. This chosen corpse can be corpses other than their own, including those of animals, however, it will take longer for the Risen to achieve proper symbiosis. While they learn a body that is not their own, their movements are shaky and sudden, not at all appearing smooth and natural. The amount of increased time varies for each individual ghost. Upon achieving symbiosis, the Risen is able to maintain possession of the chosen corpse indefinitely. The corpse becomes an anchor, and if the Risen is already at maximum anchor slots, the most recently created anchor will be unmade. Additionally, in order to become a Risen, the ghost must have Expert or higher possession skill. This is a significant turning point in the Phantom and the lead up to it should reflected in previous threads, with an emphasis on developing the symbiotic bond with the corpse. This transition does not require moderator approval, but it is highly recommended that a moderator’s input be included. Transitioning to a Risen grants +25 Skill Points to a Ghost skill of your choice, on the first transition only. This transition bonus must be granted by the local mod and added into Skills section of your Prophet Notes. Subsequent Phantom to Risen transitions will not gain these points.
Transitioning to a Wisp requires a ghost to be tasked by Famula or her Exalted followers with the ability to transition a Wisp. While there is no additional skill requirement for a Phantom to transition to a Wisp, they typically require a relationship with Famula or one of her followers. This is a significant turning point in the Phantom and the lead up to it should be reflected in previous threads, with a heavy emphasis on building that relationship with the Zuuda or Famula. This transition does require moderator approval, or a PC Zuuda with the appropriate ability. Transitioning to a Wisp grants +25 Skill Points to a Ghost skill of your choice, on the first transition only. This transition bonus must be granted by the local mod and added into Skills section of your Prophet Notes. Subsequent Phantom to Wisp transitions will not gain these points.
Maintain some aspects of their living personality and memory, but is heavily faded and often forgotten.
Are able to have moments of clarity and memory from life, though their emotions run wild.
Aren’t typically hunted by Famula and her followers, except when attacking the living.
Still identifiable by race and gender, but individual physical identity is lost.
Able to feast upon Echos and other Phantoms, Anak and Diri, and living beings.
Able to travel between the Beneath and the mortal world more easily.
More confident use of their Ghost Skills.
Able to use Immortal Mark Abilities (if the ability requires a physical body, it is only usable while possessing a body)
4 anchors maximum limit
Operate in both the Beneath and mortal world, exposing them to all types of hunters.
Common food for other Phantoms, Empty, Risen, and other beings.
Extremely likely to become an Empty.
Unable to feast upon Empty, Risen, and Induk spirits.
=The Empty (Tier 3)=
[https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Souls_Primer#The_Empty The Empty in Souls Primer]
==Transition Info==
Empty are Phantoms that have nothing but their obsessions and desires, and have delved further into insanity to achieve them. At this point, there is no higher tier of ghost the Empty can transition toward. At this point, they can only transition down to a Whisper when stripped of all their ectoplasm or have all of their anchors destroyed.
==Unique Abilities==
The Empty is able to spread their obsession to Phantoms and Echoes they encounter. This is done by first Syphoning the lesser ghost, weakening them, but taking everything. The Empty then reverses the Siphon, filling the lesser ghost with the Empty’s own ectoplasm. This transfers the obsession the Empty maintains, overriding any purpose or obsession the lesser ghost maintains. The lesser ghost’s purpose/obsession is still there, but it is no longer felt as important. This often leads to mass hauntings, all based around a singular obsession of a single dominant Empty. There is no upper limit for how many ghosts can be converted, but the cooldown of Dominance scales with the Syphon ability.
===Pact Immunity===
The Empty is not able to be forced into a Pact, though they can willingly enter into an agreement.
===Shrouded in the Rind===
The Empty is able to hide themselves within the membrane between the Beneath and the mortal world. Because of this, they can shield themselves from those who can normally see them, as well as those able to enter or see into the Beneath. This is not a long lasting ability, that scales with their Materialization skill.
===Death Rattle===
The Empty has developed an extra resistance to being defeated outright. If their form is drained of ectoplasm or their nearest anchor is destroyed, they are summoned to the next nearest anchor, in a weakened state. This method of combating them can continue until all anchors are destroyed, at which time the Empty is pulled into the Beneath. While in the Beneath, they cannot be outright slain, meaning weakened to the point of becoming a Whisper, unless it is done by the same method as they originally died. This does not need to be exact, but it is symbolic. If their throat was slit by a knife, cutting their throat using a proper tool for damaging ghosts will work. Any other method used during this time will do no damage. This often requires the ghost hunters to pay attention to the anchors the Empty had, or to research the being prior to hunting them, if possible. This Death Rattle means that only the most clever or crafty of ghosts can defeat an Empty properly.
* While lacking clarity, Empty are not lacking in intelligence and experience, as they are often older ghosts, having survived many of the threats against ghosts.
* Able to feast upon Echoes, Phantoms, Empty, Risen, Anak, Diri, and are able to challenge both Wisps and Induk. They are also able to feast upon living beings.
* Few things can feast upon them.
* Traveling between the Beneath and the mortal world is second nature.
* Terrifyingly powerful use of their Ghost Skills.
* Access to unique abilities.
* Able to use Immortal Mark Abilities (if the ability requires a physical body, it is only usable while possessing a body)
* 5 anchors maximum limit
* Have only the barest scraps of the living personality and memories left.
* Are hunted vigorously by Famula, her followers, and ghost hunters.
* Have no physical reminders of their former selves. Their form is now appears to be what they feel they should look like to best achieve their own obsession.
* Smell really bad when Materialized.
=The Risen (Tier 3)=
[https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Souls_Primer#The_Risen The Risen in Souls Primer]
==Unique Abilities==
===Corpse Regeneration===
If any piece of the corpse survives an attack, it can be reformed, the speed of which scales with the Ghost’s Manifestation Skill. All pieces of it must be outright destroyed, with fire being a preferred method. If any piece is missing or hidden, the Risen will regenerate.
===Necromancer Immunity===
While within a corpse, that corpse is completely immune to any control a Necromancer might try to inflict upon it.
===Aura of Rot===
The Risen maintains an Aura of Rot around them, which scales in size based on their Tendril skill. This aura will begin decomposing organic matter around them. This kills smaller, non-sentient creatures and plant life rather quickly. While sentient creatures are within the aura, they can feel a great sense of dread and discomfort, but the rotting is slower. It gives warning signs, typically skin rashes and lesions, before it gets worse.
===Vicarious Viscera===
The Risen is able to use their Syphon skill in a new way. By physically consuming living, sentient beings (or very recently killed), they can improve the flesh of their undead form. This allows their corpse to appear more alive, albeit pale and sickly looking. The duration of this scales with their Syphon skill. They maintain a soft scent of rot, but it does not increase, as the body does not further decompose while they are in possession of it. Standard bodily functions such as organ function, blood flow, and breathing do not function. If stabbed, they will not bleed. If they consume food, it will rot and fester in their stomach, and potentially expose the Risen through the increased scent. They can feign the action of breathing, but it is a conscious effort to do so.
* While lacking clarity, Risen are not lacking in intelligence and experience, as they are often older ghosts, having survived many of the threats against ghosts.
* Able to blend in among living people.
* Able to Siphon Echoes, Phantoms, Empty, Risen, Anak, Diri, and are able to challenge * both Wisps and Induk. They are also able to Siphon living beings.
* Few things can Siphon upon them.
* Terrifyingly powerful use of their Ghost Skills.
* Access to unique abilities.
* Able to use Immortal Mark Abilities to their fullest capacity.
* 5 anchors maximum limit
* Have only the barest scraps of the living personality and memories left.
* Are hunted vigorously by Famula, her followers, and ghost hunters.
* Unable to travel to the Beneath while possessing a corpse.
* Locked into the appearance of the corpse they’ve possessed.
* Are subject to physical restraints associated with being within a corpse.
* If the body is destroyed entirely, but other anchors remain intact, the Risen reverts to a Phantom.
=Wisps (Tier 3)=
[https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Souls_Primer#The_Wisps Wisps in Souls Primer]
==Transition Info==
The Wisps are a special tier of ghost, tapped by Famula and her Zuuda to achieve a specific purpose. These gGhosts often have a special relationship with the Zuuda they are serving, and because of this direction, and as a gift, they receive more of their sanity and memories back, returning to a state more similar to their days as an Echo. The Zuuda that tapped the Wisp becomes an additional anchor for that Wisp. Should the Wisp complete the Purpose for which they were tapped by a Zuuda, the Zuuda is able to release the anchor without harming the Wisp. This allows the Wisp more freedom, to create an additional anchor or serve other Zuuda. When Famula creates a Wisp directly, these Wisps have no Zuuda as an anchor so they have that same freedom. However, they receive a Purpose from Famula herself, and that Purpose often compels them to find a Zuuda to serve. If the Wisp is unable or unwilling to complete the Purpose they were created for, the Zuuda can sever the anchoring in them (without harm to the Wisp). This can be done by the Zuuda at any time, and will revert the Zuuda back to a Phantom.
In the event that the Anchored Zuuda dies, or no longer maintains their presence and bond with the Wisp (if a Player leaves the site/abandons a PC Wisp), the Anchor will fade, freeing the Wisp without reverting them to a Phantom. This will allow them to seek out other Zuuda if they so choose. Occasionally, Famula herself will find the Wisp and give it a new Purpose. PC Wisps may write up and apply for a Zuuda Personal NPC, if they cannot or do not wish to pair up with a PC Zuuda. These follow standard Personal NPC rules and should be a Favored Zuuda at minimum.
==Unique Abilities==
===Dawn’s Deception Form (Daytime Form)===
During the daytime, the Wisp takes on a physical form, that they build themselves from Grave Soil. Once this form is given a general shape, their bond with the Zuuda gives this form the physical shape that the Wisp believes they looked like in life. Whether or not this is an accurate depiction is up to the Ghost in question. This form is indistinguishable from a living person, in appearance only. They do not maintain blood or organs or other such internal structures.
This form needs to be maintained regularly, or the Wisp becomes locked in the Beneath during Daytime. This maintenance is handled differently from Wisp to Wisp, but it always involves using Grave Soil. This might be done through eating the soil, rubbing it onto the ghost’s form, possessing the soil, etc.
====Corpse Finding====
The Wisp is able to always know where the nearest, sentient corpse is located, regardless of distance or direction. The only corpses they are unable to sense are those that are protected by means magical or divine. The closest corpse will always be the one to be sensed, unless that corpse has been tapped for the ability Carcass Cloak. Once it has been tapped, that corpse will never be sensed by that Ghost again. The Wisp is able to discern the method in which the person was killed, however, details beyond that are out of reach.
====Carcass Cloak====
The Wisp is able to interact with a located corpse in order to absorb the visage. This interaction is personalized to each individual Wisp. Some Wisps might lay within the corpse, others might caress the corpse all over until the living visage is absorbed into their mind. There is no wrong way to do this. Once the visage is acquired, the Wisp can then form a physical body out of grave soil, or adjust the current visage. This visage is what the corpse looked like before they died.
The Wisp is able to turn their form into controllable dust. This dust can be fully controlled, often in a similar fashion to the Hive ability that Becomers use. It is subject to natural forces such as wind, but can be floated about by the Wisp. This is often used to bypass natural barriers and impediments while maintaining the physical form.
===Umbral Haunt Form (Nighttime Form)===
During the night time, the Wisp takes on a more standard ghost form. However, in this form, they do appear the most solid of all the non-physical ghosts, and also glow quite bright, especially when in moonlight. This form often looks exactly how they actually looked in life, right before they died. This form does not require maintenance.
====Soul Tracking====
The Wisp, when presented with any object, name, or other aspect that was, or is, important to another Sentient Undead (ghost, stoneheart, etc), is able to use that in order to track down that Sentient Undead. This functions similarly to a bloodhound tracking scent. This is not a straight line effect, rather taking the Wisp along the method of travel the Sentient Undead used instead. How this detection is represented in the Wisp is different from Wisp to Wisp. Some might smell the essence of the Sentient Undead, other’s might hear a sound that they can follow.
====Grave Travel====
The Wisp is able to step into a grave. A grave is any place that a corpse is buried, be it an unmarked paupers grave, or the lavish grave of a king. Through that grave, they are able to instantly travel to a nearby grave and pop back out. The range of this is typically within a day's travel by horseback, roughly 40-50 miles. This is especially useful should the Wisp be in pursuit of an Undead or is fleeing itself. These grave travels do not use the Beneath, and it isn’t know exactly how it works, just that it does. The leading theory is that it is the ability to quickly dip into Famula’s Emea domain and quickly bounce back out. Additionally, the Wisp can bring a Zuuda that they are Anchored to with them.
The Wisp is able to pass through a physical object, sentient beings and magically protected items excluded. During this pass through, they leave a portion of their ectoplasm behind within the object. This make the object impassable for Echoes, Phantoms, and Whispers. If they pass through multiple objects, within a nearby vicinity, the objects will connect with one another, forming a web of walls that are impassable for those classes of Ghosts. For the higher tiers of Ghosts and physical Undead, these walls serve as alarms when they pass through, alerting the Wisp to the location of the breach. Additionally, the Anchored Zuuda may pass through these objects freely, regardless of how physical the object might be.
Due to the relationship with Famula and Zuuda, they are returned to the mental state they maintained as an Echo.
During Dawn’s Deception (day time form), they are able to blend in with normal people.
Able to Siphon Echoes, Phantoms, Empty, Risen, Anak, Diri, and are able to challenge both Wisps and Induk. They are also able to Siphon living beings.
Few things can Siphon upon them.
Terrifyingly powerful use of their Ghost Skills.
Access to unique abilities.
Able to use Immortal Mark Abilities to their fullest capacity.
Able to travel freely to and from the Beneath.
6 anchors maximum limit
Typically hated by most other Ghosts.
Often forsake their own obsessions for the Purpose given to them.
Are at the mercy of the Zuuda they serve.
Forced to change forms based on night and day.
=Whispers (Tier 0)=
[https://www.standingtrials.com/wiki/index.php?title=Souls_Primer#The_Whispers Whispers in Souls Primer]
==Transition Info==
Any other ghost can become a Whisper. Whispers are the basest form of the soul after all the anchors have been destroyed and their ectoplasm stripped away. Whispers are often the worst fate a ghost can suffer. They are trapped in the beneath, can barely use any of their Ghost Skills, having lost all shreds of their old form and personality and memory. They simply exist, trapped in this husk of a ghost.
Restoration is a long and difficult process, usually requiring familiar items or people from life, as well as an infusion of ectoplasm. If successful, they transition into an Echo, and begin the process over. This is a significant turning point in the Whisper and the lead up to it should be reflected in previous threads, with a gaining ectoplasm and finding vestiges from their old life. This often requires an outside force, such as a Zuuda or a spiritualist to aid them. This transition does not require moderator approval, but it is highly recommended that a moderator’s input be included. Transitioning to an Echo grants no skill points.
* Still exists.
* Often hidden away in the Beneath from the dangers of mortal world.
* Are not recognizable beyond being humanoid shaped.
* Have essentially no personality or memories.
* Siphoned by any other class of Ghost.
* Unable to siphon any other class of ghost or spirit or living being.
* Are often stuck in loops, unable to grow in strength.
=Playing a Ghost PC=
==Starting a Ghost PC==
Starting a Ghost PC comes with two selections of Ghost Types. You can choose to start as an Echo or a Phantom. This comes with the amount of anchors appropriate to the type you’ve chosen. You must select at minimum 1 anchor in order to exist as a ghost. You may start with any skills you wish, based on history and such. However, as a ghost, you may only skill up in one of your 7 Ghost Skills. You can gain skill knowledges in other skills though.
You must include your PCs death in your Character History. This is a very prominent point in a Ghost’s existence, so please be sure to be detailed and thorough. How did they die? Why did they refuse to accept Judgment? What obsession of theirs tethers them to the mortal world?
==Becoming a Ghost PC after Character Creation==
Becoming a Ghost PC after Character Creation has a few extra requirements. First, in order to become a ghost, Vri has to show up to take the PC from judgment. Because of this, a Moderator must be involved for this interaction.
Additionally, all brand new Ghosts are the Echo variety.
However, becoming a ghost In Character comes with one larger perk. In addition to the skills that the PC maintained in Life, they also get the +25 Racial Bonus in a Ghost Skill of their choice, without sacrificing their initial Racial Bonus skill.
==Returning to Life==
Returning to life is an extremely rare event for ghosts. It is something many ghosts yearn for, some strive for, but never achieve. But it is possible. However, due to the very nature of it, this is not something that is taken lightly here on Idalos. As such, we are not going to spell out the various methods that a PC can return to life, but rather leave them shrouded in mystery. It is up to the moderators and Storytellers to help bring your PC back to life. This may often involve a series of trials, quests, and other such hardships and proving of merit, but it is up to the Moderator how it happens. If another PC has the ability to bring a PC back to life, they can do so as well, assuming all requirements are met. This can also be applied for through plotting in the PSF if a local moderator is unavailable.
=Quick additional Facts=
* Tunawa cannot become Ghosts.
*  Yludih cannot become Ghosts.
*  Domain magic is dormant while a Ghost.
* A Domain magic spark will often attempt to forcibly initiate someone possessed by a Ghost who carries a spark. The Mage can fight the spark in order to keep it. If this fails, the individual of dies. However, sometimes they survive in a mental and emotional state similar to having been Flayed or having had a spark removed, resulting in nightmares, ptsd, and other trauma. Either way, the spark returns to the ghost. If it succeeds, the person acquires the magic at 0/250 points, and automatically becomes an Anchor for the Ghost. If the Ghost is at their Anchor limit, their newest created Anchor becomes undone and is no longer attached to them.
*  Some Immortal mark abilities can be used as a Ghost, some cannot. It depends on if the ability requires a physical body/interaction. If in possession of a body, they can be used.
* Mortalborn can become a Ghost. However, this is a Unique Type of Ghost and is not yet written up. Until it is written up, no one may become or use a Mortalborn Ghost.
*  Revealed Mages can become a Ghost. However, this is a Unique Class of Ghost and is not yet written up. Until it is written up, no one may become or use a Revealed Mage Ghost.
*  Should a mortal with a Familiar (including both categories of Osẹ-bori for Sev'ryn) become a Ghost, the Familiar will remain by their side. These familiars are often automatically anchored upon death due to their bond. The familiar is often able to help keep the Ghost more stable in their undeath, often delaying the effects of their mental deterioration for far longer than is typical. However, it comes at a great risk, for the ghost (if at Phantom Class) is able to consume the Familiar. Should this happen, the mortal will almost always deteriorate into an Empty. There is rumor of a specific Class of Ghost for Sev'ryn who have consumed their Category 1 Osẹ-bori. However, this is a Unique Class of Ghost and is not yet written up. Until is is written up, no one may become or use this type of Ghost.
* Should an Aberrant become a Ghost, the relationship with their Harvester changes drastically, regardless of the relationship they held in life. With their spark dormant, the Aberrant no longer has the communication or connection of powers with the Harvester BUT the Harvester still feels a small connection there. With new ghosts being Echos, and Harvesters being Diri, the relationship turns into that of the Harvester actively hunting the Ghost until one of them is destroyed. The Harvester can no longer materialize into the mortal realm without the Spark, but anytime the Aberrant Ghost is in the Beneath, the Harvester will be hunting them down. And this is further complicated by the fact that the Harvester is an automatic Anchor for the Ghost.
* PCs that have died in a Cycle prior to current cycle are not able to become Ghosts after the fact. This is to prevent grandfathering issues, succession package issues, etc.
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Revision as of 08:38, 2 February 2019


Ever since the beginning of history, where there has been life, there has been death. But lurking in the shadows of that ever dancing pair is another phenomenon; the undead. The undead come in just as many forms as the living, some of which are naturally occurring, such as ghosts. Ghosts are the souls of those who were once alive, died, and refused to pass on. Others, like the Wisp, require the touch of an Immortal in their creation. But man could not be left out of creation, and they too acquired the power to create undead, through the use of Necromancy.

Regardless of beliefs, of the method of creation or existence, the undead are real. And among the vast swaths of those avoiding death while denied life, there are those that managed to retain their mind, their sanity, to a degree. These are the undead that are self-determining, autonomous, and are effectively their own people.

Ghosts have been held in varying levels of esteem in cultures around Idalos. In some places, they are viewed as a nuisance that must be dispatched. In others, they are held in reverence as elders, throwbacks to a better time. Each culture in Idalos handles ghosts in their own way, view them in their own way, have their own history with them.

Quick Facts

  • Height - Varies based on Living Race
  • Weight - 0lbs (Unless has a physical form)
  • Life Span - Forever.......
  • Creator - None
  • Population - 30,000,000
  • Notable Features - Transparent, often Incorporeal, Spooky Powers
  • Mostly Live In - The Beneath
  • Racial Bonus - Ghost Skills +25 (choose 1)
  • Fast Track Skills - Ghost Skills (Choose 1)


Being a ghost is a confusing and unnerving experience for many, including the grizzled, hardened adventurer. The world has gone grey and blurry, life is no longer visible, you've gone through Judgement with Pier and Pre, and Vri has just arrived, offering to take you away. For many, this is an offer that is untenable, unthinkable. There were too many things left in life to do, to experience; death came too quickly; life was too short; there are loved ones that still need protecting. The list of reasons why a soul does not move on is many. Yet, every soul has its own reason for staying.

And so, while lost in the Beneath as an Echo, they are thrust into a whole new world. A world that many mortals speak about in hushed whispers, as a place where the damned are stuck wandering, a place that only a few of the living have experienced first hand, a place that the ghost now must call home. For many, it is scary, being in the unknown but trapped to the areas around their anchors. A world unexplored and also unexplorable.

And often an Echo will meet another ghost, and realize that they are not alone in this dark and dreary land. Perhaps this ghost is friendly, though more often they are not. Perhaps the ghost is attempting to feast on the newly formed Echo, syponing away their ectoplasm. And the world becomes scarier, for the realization of being prey occurs.

But, should the Echo survives this attack, or never meet a ghost wishing to hunt them in the first place, they find themselves with a lot of time on their hands. A lot of time to think, to dwell, to muse, to ponder. Their own death is often a subject of this, but typically the most prominent is the object of their obsession that tethered them to becoming a ghost in the first place. Fixated on this, the Ghost often tries to find ways to interact with this obsession of theirs. This becomes a time of discovery for the new Ghost. They learn how to move into the mortal world, through Vergences and through their own materialization. They begin learning the growth of new abilities, and are in fact, able to interact with the world. And through this growth in power and ability, comes the idea that their point of obsession is within reach. So that obsession and focus intensifies, the ghost slowly starts to become that obsession, losing true parts of themselves in the process.

Until they are unrecognizable, insane, and become something else entirely, a being of obsession, no longer a person proper.

See the Section of the Souls Primer for more on Ghost Psychology

Ghosts and Skills

All ghosts, regardless of class, lose the ability to progress in the skills they acquired during life. They are able to use them where applicable, such as using various social skills while communicating with a living person, or physical skills while possessing a person, however, they are static so long as the ghost is a ghost.

Instead, ghosts get access to ghost-specific skills and abilities. Experience points earned from threads while being a ghost can only be spent on these skills. This operates similarly to magic, but a bit differently as well. Any thread grants Ghost Experience Points, and these particularly points can be used in any of the Ghost Skills. These Skill Points can never be used for Domain Magic, nor living skills. Ghosts are, however, able to earn skill knowledges for living skills as one normally might.

Should the ghost be able to return to life, they are able to retain their Ghost Skills that are of master rank or higher. Being alive while having these skills does alter them somewhat, but functionally, they are present and available.

Additionally, living skills can still be acquired normally, so long as it is done prior to the character’s death, through the use of memories, active threads, placeholders, etc.

Finally, ghosts get a Progression Bonus. For the first time they transition IC to a higher tier of ghost, they get +25 Skill Points in a Ghost Skill of their choice. This includes the transition from Echo to Phantom, and Phantom to any of the Tier 3 Ghosts, which include The Empty, The Risen, and Wisps. There is no bonus for transitioning to a Whisper. Should the ghost revert to a lesser form, these points are not lost, but they cannot be gained a second time. Starting off as a Phantom does not grant the Echo to Phantom transition bonus.

Ghost Skills

  • Possession - The ability to possess objects or people and control them.
  • Materialization - The ability to become solid and visible, as well as travel more easily to and from the Beneath.
  • Hex - The creation of curses and illusions to alter the world and the beings in it.
  • Syphon - The absorption of ectoplasm, lifeforce, and other energy sources to fuel a ghost.

Ghost Abilities

Death Remnant

Death Remnant in the Souls Primer

The Death Remnant is a thematic change in ghosts based around their death. What this means for the player is that it is a creative license to add some additional uniqueness to their character, garnering an additional ability. As such, this Death Remnant must be applied for in the Prophet Support Forum. Each ghost gets a single Death Remnant, and should be applied for fairly early on as these Death Remnants tend to manifest while as an Echo and maintain with the Ghost through any later progressions. An example is that a Ghost that died in a blaze may be able to start fires or wreathe their bodies or the items they’re possessing in flames. Those that drowned might do the same with water.

Dream Intrusion

Dream Intrusion in the Souls Primer

Dream Intrusion is an extension of both Possession and Dreamwalking. In terms of Dreamwalking, each thread in which Dream Intrusion will count toward the Dreamwalking requirements. Ghosts can be initiated into Dreamwalking, however, until they are able to bring their anchors with them into dreams, they cannot stray further. They may enter the Veil in order to be initiated, but may only enter further dreams of those sleeping near to their anchors. Additionally, ghosts are able to initiate others into Dreamwalking.

Echo (Tier 1 Ghost)

Echo in Souls Primer

Transition Info

Anyone who has died and avoids Vri’s escort to Judgment becomes an Echo. They are too new of a ghost to be made into a Wisp, to become the Empty or the Risen. The Echo is the second most common class of ghost in the world. Additionally, an Echo that has been attacked and stripped of ectoplasm, or has had all their anchors destroyed, can transition to a Whisper.

Echoes often go through a spiraling mental and emotional decay in their transition to Phantoms. This varies from ghost to ghost on how this occurs, but it always involves desire or obsession trumping the ghost’s sanity. What this means for a player that prior to the transition, they should be showing this devolving of personality and such. While the transition to Phantom does not require moderation, having a moderator involved may be beneficial to the plot process. Transitioning to a Phantom grants +25 Skill Points to a Ghost Skill of your choice, on the first transition only. This transition bonus must be granted by the local mod and added into Skills section of your Prophet Notes. Subsequent Echo to Phantom transitions will not gain these points.


Maintain more of their living personality and mind than all other classes. Are the most rational class of ghost, less prone to their emotions running wild. Aren’t typically hunted by ghost hunters or Famula and her followers. Easily identifiable. They still look extremely similar to how they appeared in life. Able to feast upon other Echoes and Anak spirits. 3 Anchors maximum limit


Mostly operate within the Beneath. Brand new ghost, so poor control of Ghost Skills. Common food for Phantoms, Empty, Risen, and other beings. Guaranteed to become a Phantom if left alone. Unable to feast on higher tiers of ghost, Diri or Induk spirits, nor living beings

Phantom (Tier 2 Ghost)

Phantoms in Souls Primer

Transition Info

Phantoms are Echoes that have given over to their desires and obsessions. Once at this stage, there are many paths a phantom may go down, though most simply remain a phantom for long stretches of time, as this is the most common class of ghost.

At this point, Phantoms are able to ascend to a tier 3 ghost. This includes the Empty, the Risen, and Wisps. Additionally, a Phantom that has been attacked and stripped of Ectoplasm, or has had all of their anchors destroyed, can transition to a Whisper.

Transitioning to the Empty requires there to be little left in the Ghost but their obsession and desires. Additionally, in order to become an Empty, the Ghost must have Expert or higher Syphon skill. This is a significant turning point in the Phantom and the lead up to it should be reflected in previous threads, with a heavy emphasis on hunting other ghosts, spirits, and living beings. This transition does not require moderator approval, but it is highly recommended that a moderator’s input be included. Transitioning to an Empty grants +25 Skill Points to a Ghost skill of your choice, on the first transition only. This transition bonus must be granted by the local mod and added into Skills section of your Prophet Notes. Subsequent Phantom to Empty transitions will not gain these points.

Transitioning to the Risen requires the ghost to possess a corpse, often their own, driven by intense hunger and desire. This chosen corpse can be corpses other than their own, including those of animals, however, it will take longer for the Risen to achieve proper symbiosis. While they learn a body that is not their own, their movements are shaky and sudden, not at all appearing smooth and natural. The amount of increased time varies for each individual ghost. Upon achieving symbiosis, the Risen is able to maintain possession of the chosen corpse indefinitely. The corpse becomes an anchor, and if the Risen is already at maximum anchor slots, the most recently created anchor will be unmade. Additionally, in order to become a Risen, the ghost must have Expert or higher possession skill. This is a significant turning point in the Phantom and the lead up to it should reflected in previous threads, with an emphasis on developing the symbiotic bond with the corpse. This transition does not require moderator approval, but it is highly recommended that a moderator’s input be included. Transitioning to a Risen grants +25 Skill Points to a Ghost skill of your choice, on the first transition only. This transition bonus must be granted by the local mod and added into Skills section of your Prophet Notes. Subsequent Phantom to Risen transitions will not gain these points.

Transitioning to a Wisp requires a ghost to be tasked by Famula or her Exalted followers with the ability to transition a Wisp. While there is no additional skill requirement for a Phantom to transition to a Wisp, they typically require a relationship with Famula or one of her followers. This is a significant turning point in the Phantom and the lead up to it should be reflected in previous threads, with a heavy emphasis on building that relationship with the Zuuda or Famula. This transition does require moderator approval, or a PC Zuuda with the appropriate ability. Transitioning to a Wisp grants +25 Skill Points to a Ghost skill of your choice, on the first transition only. This transition bonus must be granted by the local mod and added into Skills section of your Prophet Notes. Subsequent Phantom to Wisp transitions will not gain these points.


Maintain some aspects of their living personality and memory, but is heavily faded and often forgotten. Are able to have moments of clarity and memory from life, though their emotions run wild. Aren’t typically hunted by Famula and her followers, except when attacking the living. Still identifiable by race and gender, but individual physical identity is lost. Able to feast upon Echos and other Phantoms, Anak and Diri, and living beings. Able to travel between the Beneath and the mortal world more easily. More confident use of their Ghost Skills. Able to use Immortal Mark Abilities (if the ability requires a physical body, it is only usable while possessing a body) 4 anchors maximum limit


Operate in both the Beneath and mortal world, exposing them to all types of hunters. Common food for other Phantoms, Empty, Risen, and other beings. Extremely likely to become an Empty. Unable to feast upon Empty, Risen, and Induk spirits.

The Empty (Tier 3)

The Empty in Souls Primer

Transition Info

Empty are Phantoms that have nothing but their obsessions and desires, and have delved further into insanity to achieve them. At this point, there is no higher tier of ghost the Empty can transition toward. At this point, they can only transition down to a Whisper when stripped of all their ectoplasm or have all of their anchors destroyed.

Unique Abilities


The Empty is able to spread their obsession to Phantoms and Echoes they encounter. This is done by first Syphoning the lesser ghost, weakening them, but taking everything. The Empty then reverses the Siphon, filling the lesser ghost with the Empty’s own ectoplasm. This transfers the obsession the Empty maintains, overriding any purpose or obsession the lesser ghost maintains. The lesser ghost’s purpose/obsession is still there, but it is no longer felt as important. This often leads to mass hauntings, all based around a singular obsession of a single dominant Empty. There is no upper limit for how many ghosts can be converted, but the cooldown of Dominance scales with the Syphon ability.

Pact Immunity

The Empty is not able to be forced into a Pact, though they can willingly enter into an agreement.

Shrouded in the Rind

The Empty is able to hide themselves within the membrane between the Beneath and the mortal world. Because of this, they can shield themselves from those who can normally see them, as well as those able to enter or see into the Beneath. This is not a long lasting ability, that scales with their Materialization skill.

Death Rattle

The Empty has developed an extra resistance to being defeated outright. If their form is drained of ectoplasm or their nearest anchor is destroyed, they are summoned to the next nearest anchor, in a weakened state. This method of combating them can continue until all anchors are destroyed, at which time the Empty is pulled into the Beneath. While in the Beneath, they cannot be outright slain, meaning weakened to the point of becoming a Whisper, unless it is done by the same method as they originally died. This does not need to be exact, but it is symbolic. If their throat was slit by a knife, cutting their throat using a proper tool for damaging ghosts will work. Any other method used during this time will do no damage. This often requires the ghost hunters to pay attention to the anchors the Empty had, or to research the being prior to hunting them, if possible. This Death Rattle means that only the most clever or crafty of ghosts can defeat an Empty properly.


  • While lacking clarity, Empty are not lacking in intelligence and experience, as they are often older ghosts, having survived many of the threats against ghosts.
  • Able to feast upon Echoes, Phantoms, Empty, Risen, Anak, Diri, and are able to challenge both Wisps and Induk. They are also able to feast upon living beings.
  • Few things can feast upon them.
  • Traveling between the Beneath and the mortal world is second nature.
  • Terrifyingly powerful use of their Ghost Skills.
  • Access to unique abilities.
  • Able to use Immortal Mark Abilities (if the ability requires a physical body, it is only usable while possessing a body)
  • 5 anchors maximum limit


  • Have only the barest scraps of the living personality and memories left.
  • Are hunted vigorously by Famula, her followers, and ghost hunters.
  • Have no physical reminders of their former selves. Their form is now appears to be what they feel they should look like to best achieve their own obsession.
  • Smell really bad when Materialized.

The Risen (Tier 3)

The Risen in Souls Primer

Unique Abilities

Corpse Regeneration

If any piece of the corpse survives an attack, it can be reformed, the speed of which scales with the Ghost’s Manifestation Skill. All pieces of it must be outright destroyed, with fire being a preferred method. If any piece is missing or hidden, the Risen will regenerate.

Necromancer Immunity

While within a corpse, that corpse is completely immune to any control a Necromancer might try to inflict upon it.

Aura of Rot

The Risen maintains an Aura of Rot around them, which scales in size based on their Tendril skill. This aura will begin decomposing organic matter around them. This kills smaller, non-sentient creatures and plant life rather quickly. While sentient creatures are within the aura, they can feel a great sense of dread and discomfort, but the rotting is slower. It gives warning signs, typically skin rashes and lesions, before it gets worse.

Vicarious Viscera

The Risen is able to use their Syphon skill in a new way. By physically consuming living, sentient beings (or very recently killed), they can improve the flesh of their undead form. This allows their corpse to appear more alive, albeit pale and sickly looking. The duration of this scales with their Syphon skill. They maintain a soft scent of rot, but it does not increase, as the body does not further decompose while they are in possession of it. Standard bodily functions such as organ function, blood flow, and breathing do not function. If stabbed, they will not bleed. If they consume food, it will rot and fester in their stomach, and potentially expose the Risen through the increased scent. They can feign the action of breathing, but it is a conscious effort to do so.


  • While lacking clarity, Risen are not lacking in intelligence and experience, as they are often older ghosts, having survived many of the threats against ghosts.
  • Able to blend in among living people.
  • Able to Siphon Echoes, Phantoms, Empty, Risen, Anak, Diri, and are able to challenge * both Wisps and Induk. They are also able to Siphon living beings.
  • Few things can Siphon upon them.
  • Terrifyingly powerful use of their Ghost Skills.
  • Access to unique abilities.
  • Able to use Immortal Mark Abilities to their fullest capacity.
  • 5 anchors maximum limit


  • Have only the barest scraps of the living personality and memories left.
  • Are hunted vigorously by Famula, her followers, and ghost hunters.
  • Unable to travel to the Beneath while possessing a corpse.
  • Locked into the appearance of the corpse they’ve possessed.
  • Are subject to physical restraints associated with being within a corpse.
  • If the body is destroyed entirely, but other anchors remain intact, the Risen reverts to a Phantom.

Wisps (Tier 3)

Wisps in Souls Primer

Transition Info

The Wisps are a special tier of ghost, tapped by Famula and her Zuuda to achieve a specific purpose. These gGhosts often have a special relationship with the Zuuda they are serving, and because of this direction, and as a gift, they receive more of their sanity and memories back, returning to a state more similar to their days as an Echo. The Zuuda that tapped the Wisp becomes an additional anchor for that Wisp. Should the Wisp complete the Purpose for which they were tapped by a Zuuda, the Zuuda is able to release the anchor without harming the Wisp. This allows the Wisp more freedom, to create an additional anchor or serve other Zuuda. When Famula creates a Wisp directly, these Wisps have no Zuuda as an anchor so they have that same freedom. However, they receive a Purpose from Famula herself, and that Purpose often compels them to find a Zuuda to serve. If the Wisp is unable or unwilling to complete the Purpose they were created for, the Zuuda can sever the anchoring in them (without harm to the Wisp). This can be done by the Zuuda at any time, and will revert the Zuuda back to a Phantom.

In the event that the Anchored Zuuda dies, or no longer maintains their presence and bond with the Wisp (if a Player leaves the site/abandons a PC Wisp), the Anchor will fade, freeing the Wisp without reverting them to a Phantom. This will allow them to seek out other Zuuda if they so choose. Occasionally, Famula herself will find the Wisp and give it a new Purpose. PC Wisps may write up and apply for a Zuuda Personal NPC, if they cannot or do not wish to pair up with a PC Zuuda. These follow standard Personal NPC rules and should be a Favored Zuuda at minimum.

Unique Abilities

Dawn’s Deception Form (Daytime Form)

During the daytime, the Wisp takes on a physical form, that they build themselves from Grave Soil. Once this form is given a general shape, their bond with the Zuuda gives this form the physical shape that the Wisp believes they looked like in life. Whether or not this is an accurate depiction is up to the Ghost in question. This form is indistinguishable from a living person, in appearance only. They do not maintain blood or organs or other such internal structures.

This form needs to be maintained regularly, or the Wisp becomes locked in the Beneath during Daytime. This maintenance is handled differently from Wisp to Wisp, but it always involves using Grave Soil. This might be done through eating the soil, rubbing it onto the ghost’s form, possessing the soil, etc.

Corpse Finding

The Wisp is able to always know where the nearest, sentient corpse is located, regardless of distance or direction. The only corpses they are unable to sense are those that are protected by means magical or divine. The closest corpse will always be the one to be sensed, unless that corpse has been tapped for the ability Carcass Cloak. Once it has been tapped, that corpse will never be sensed by that Ghost again. The Wisp is able to discern the method in which the person was killed, however, details beyond that are out of reach.

Carcass Cloak

The Wisp is able to interact with a located corpse in order to absorb the visage. This interaction is personalized to each individual Wisp. Some Wisps might lay within the corpse, others might caress the corpse all over until the living visage is absorbed into their mind. There is no wrong way to do this. Once the visage is acquired, the Wisp can then form a physical body out of grave soil, or adjust the current visage. This visage is what the corpse looked like before they died.


The Wisp is able to turn their form into controllable dust. This dust can be fully controlled, often in a similar fashion to the Hive ability that Becomers use. It is subject to natural forces such as wind, but can be floated about by the Wisp. This is often used to bypass natural barriers and impediments while maintaining the physical form.

Umbral Haunt Form (Nighttime Form)

During the night time, the Wisp takes on a more standard ghost form. However, in this form, they do appear the most solid of all the non-physical ghosts, and also glow quite bright, especially when in moonlight. This form often looks exactly how they actually looked in life, right before they died. This form does not require maintenance.

Soul Tracking

The Wisp, when presented with any object, name, or other aspect that was, or is, important to another Sentient Undead (ghost, stoneheart, etc), is able to use that in order to track down that Sentient Undead. This functions similarly to a bloodhound tracking scent. This is not a straight line effect, rather taking the Wisp along the method of travel the Sentient Undead used instead. How this detection is represented in the Wisp is different from Wisp to Wisp. Some might smell the essence of the Sentient Undead, other’s might hear a sound that they can follow.

Grave Travel

The Wisp is able to step into a grave. A grave is any place that a corpse is buried, be it an unmarked paupers grave, or the lavish grave of a king. Through that grave, they are able to instantly travel to a nearby grave and pop back out. The range of this is typically within a day's travel by horseback, roughly 40-50 miles. This is especially useful should the Wisp be in pursuit of an Undead or is fleeing itself. These grave travels do not use the Beneath, and it isn’t know exactly how it works, just that it does. The leading theory is that it is the ability to quickly dip into Famula’s Emea domain and quickly bounce back out. Additionally, the Wisp can bring a Zuuda that they are Anchored to with them.


The Wisp is able to pass through a physical object, sentient beings and magically protected items excluded. During this pass through, they leave a portion of their ectoplasm behind within the object. This make the object impassable for Echoes, Phantoms, and Whispers. If they pass through multiple objects, within a nearby vicinity, the objects will connect with one another, forming a web of walls that are impassable for those classes of Ghosts. For the higher tiers of Ghosts and physical Undead, these walls serve as alarms when they pass through, alerting the Wisp to the location of the breach. Additionally, the Anchored Zuuda may pass through these objects freely, regardless of how physical the object might be.


Due to the relationship with Famula and Zuuda, they are returned to the mental state they maintained as an Echo. During Dawn’s Deception (day time form), they are able to blend in with normal people. Able to Siphon Echoes, Phantoms, Empty, Risen, Anak, Diri, and are able to challenge both Wisps and Induk. They are also able to Siphon living beings. Few things can Siphon upon them. Terrifyingly powerful use of their Ghost Skills. Access to unique abilities. Able to use Immortal Mark Abilities to their fullest capacity. Able to travel freely to and from the Beneath. 6 anchors maximum limit


Typically hated by most other Ghosts. Often forsake their own obsessions for the Purpose given to them. Are at the mercy of the Zuuda they serve. Forced to change forms based on night and day.

Whispers (Tier 0)

Whispers in Souls Primer

Transition Info

Any other ghost can become a Whisper. Whispers are the basest form of the soul after all the anchors have been destroyed and their ectoplasm stripped away. Whispers are often the worst fate a ghost can suffer. They are trapped in the beneath, can barely use any of their Ghost Skills, having lost all shreds of their old form and personality and memory. They simply exist, trapped in this husk of a ghost.

Restoration is a long and difficult process, usually requiring familiar items or people from life, as well as an infusion of ectoplasm. If successful, they transition into an Echo, and begin the process over. This is a significant turning point in the Whisper and the lead up to it should be reflected in previous threads, with a gaining ectoplasm and finding vestiges from their old life. This often requires an outside force, such as a Zuuda or a spiritualist to aid them. This transition does not require moderator approval, but it is highly recommended that a moderator’s input be included. Transitioning to an Echo grants no skill points.


  • Still exists.
  • Often hidden away in the Beneath from the dangers of mortal world.


  • Are not recognizable beyond being humanoid shaped.
  • Have essentially no personality or memories.
  • Siphoned by any other class of Ghost.
  • Unable to siphon any other class of ghost or spirit or living being.
  • Are often stuck in loops, unable to grow in strength.

Playing a Ghost PC

Starting a Ghost PC

Starting a Ghost PC comes with two selections of Ghost Types. You can choose to start as an Echo or a Phantom. This comes with the amount of anchors appropriate to the type you’ve chosen. You must select at minimum 1 anchor in order to exist as a ghost. You may start with any skills you wish, based on history and such. However, as a ghost, you may only skill up in one of your 7 Ghost Skills. You can gain skill knowledges in other skills though.

You must include your PCs death in your Character History. This is a very prominent point in a Ghost’s existence, so please be sure to be detailed and thorough. How did they die? Why did they refuse to accept Judgment? What obsession of theirs tethers them to the mortal world?

Becoming a Ghost PC after Character Creation

Becoming a Ghost PC after Character Creation has a few extra requirements. First, in order to become a ghost, Vri has to show up to take the PC from judgment. Because of this, a Moderator must be involved for this interaction.

Additionally, all brand new Ghosts are the Echo variety.

However, becoming a ghost In Character comes with one larger perk. In addition to the skills that the PC maintained in Life, they also get the +25 Racial Bonus in a Ghost Skill of their choice, without sacrificing their initial Racial Bonus skill.

Returning to Life

Returning to life is an extremely rare event for ghosts. It is something many ghosts yearn for, some strive for, but never achieve. But it is possible. However, due to the very nature of it, this is not something that is taken lightly here on Idalos. As such, we are not going to spell out the various methods that a PC can return to life, but rather leave them shrouded in mystery. It is up to the moderators and Storytellers to help bring your PC back to life. This may often involve a series of trials, quests, and other such hardships and proving of merit, but it is up to the Moderator how it happens. If another PC has the ability to bring a PC back to life, they can do so as well, assuming all requirements are met. This can also be applied for through plotting in the PSF if a local moderator is unavailable.

Quick additional Facts

  • Tunawa cannot become Ghosts.
  • Yludih cannot become Ghosts.
  • Domain magic is dormant while a Ghost.
  • A Domain magic spark will often attempt to forcibly initiate someone possessed by a Ghost who carries a spark. The Mage can fight the spark in order to keep it. If this fails, the individual of dies. However, sometimes they survive in a mental and emotional state similar to having been Flayed or having had a spark removed, resulting in nightmares, ptsd, and other trauma. Either way, the spark returns to the ghost. If it succeeds, the person acquires the magic at 0/250 points, and automatically becomes an Anchor for the Ghost. If the Ghost is at their Anchor limit, their newest created Anchor becomes undone and is no longer attached to them.
  • Some Immortal mark abilities can be used as a Ghost, some cannot. It depends on if the ability requires a physical body/interaction. If in possession of a body, they can be used.
  • Mortalborn can become a Ghost. However, this is a Unique Type of Ghost and is not yet written up. Until it is written up, no one may become or use a Mortalborn Ghost.
  • Revealed Mages can become a Ghost. However, this is a Unique Class of Ghost and is not yet written up. Until it is written up, no one may become or use a Revealed Mage Ghost.
  • Should a mortal with a Familiar (including both categories of Osẹ-bori for Sev'ryn) become a Ghost, the Familiar will remain by their side. These familiars are often automatically anchored upon death due to their bond. The familiar is often able to help keep the Ghost more stable in their undeath, often delaying the effects of their mental deterioration for far longer than is typical. However, it comes at a great risk, for the ghost (if at Phantom Class) is able to consume the Familiar. Should this happen, the mortal will almost always deteriorate into an Empty. There is rumor of a specific Class of Ghost for Sev'ryn who have consumed their Category 1 Osẹ-bori. However, this is a Unique Class of Ghost and is not yet written up. Until is is written up, no one may become or use this type of Ghost.
  • Should an Aberrant become a Ghost, the relationship with their Harvester changes drastically, regardless of the relationship they held in life. With their spark dormant, the Aberrant no longer has the communication or connection of powers with the Harvester BUT the Harvester still feels a small connection there. With new ghosts being Echos, and Harvesters being Diri, the relationship turns into that of the Harvester actively hunting the Ghost until one of them is destroyed. The Harvester can no longer materialize into the mortal realm without the Spark, but anytime the Aberrant Ghost is in the Beneath, the Harvester will be hunting them down. And this is further complicated by the fact that the Harvester is an automatic Anchor for the Ghost.
  • PCs that have died in a Cycle prior to current cycle are not able to become Ghosts after the fact. This is to prevent grandfathering issues, succession package issues, etc.


This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.






Pages in category "Ghosts"

This category contains only the following page.