
Status | Alive |
Domains | Death, Sadness, Remembrance, Love |
Holy Names | The Lord of Ends, The Sorrowed, The Hand of Silence, Lord of the Heart |
Holy Symbol | - |
Religion | - |
Location | Unknown |
Faction | Neutral |
Mark | Bellinos |
Notable Creations | - |
Creator | Brelt'ek |
Immediate Family | None |
Allies | Famula, Jesine, Pier and Pre |
Enemies | Lisirra, Sintra, Syroa |
General Traits
Morose: Due to a combination of the nature of his job and the numerous personal tragedies he’s endured, Vri is not at all a cheerful man. Even his closest friends and family can only rarely claim to have seen him smile, and they’re usually the ones that can break him out of his moods.
Dedicated: Vri takes his duties, both as an Immortal and as a husband and father, very seriously, and does everything he can to see those duties fulfilled.
Grief-Ragged: Vri’s mental state has historically been very bad in the period after he suffers a personal tragedy, causing him to take actions that are seen as desperate or foolish. At his worst, his friends have had to directly stop him from crossing the line and doing something outright evil.
Repentant: Vri is not one to refuse to admit his mistakes, or to ignore where he needs to approve or make amends. Consequently, he always works to correct any harm he may have caused and to make reparations where needed.
Reaper: Vri is the Immortal of Death and Rememberance, so it should be no surprise that his powers alone are enough to deter most beings from willingly angering him. Even other Immortals avoid rousing his ire if they can.
Support System: Vri has several Immortals, as well as his wife, that help keep him from falling too far into his more morose moods or from going too far when he is grieving.
Judge Of The Dead: Vri is always present for the judgment of a dead soul. Consequently, it is all but impossible to keep information or secrets from Vri forever, as even Immortals can’t cheat death forever.
Few Resources: Outside of his friends and family, Vri has very little in the way of direct resources to call on, mostly just his own Blessed, which are comparatively few in number.
Neutral Isolation: Vri’s neutrality, while necessary for his role in Idalos, means that he is not usually considered in the plans of others, and he is loath to share secrets he has gleaned with many of his own kind.
Erratic: His tendency to fall into depressed moods and the effect this has on his behavior can make him erratic and unpredictable, making him riskier to deal with when he’s in one of his lower moods, even for his own Blessed.
Personality and Verbal Tics
Happily Married: Insomuch as the word “happy” can apply to Vri, he very much loves his wife and has been much more emotionally stable since her revival. Her now having been gifted immortality has also done much to improve his mood, as he won’t have to lose her again.
Getting Treatment: Following his actions during the War of Death and Souls, Vri was very firmly advised to seek treatment for his then severely declining mental health. While he has improved since then, Vri is still seeing a psychologist, the identity of whom he keeps a secret for their own safety.
Inhuman: Since the vast majority of Vri’s interaction with Mortals comes after they’re already dead, Vri is not good at acting like a Mortal and can say or do things that appear either nonsensical or deliberately obtuse to Mortals, the when questioned, he’ll at least try to explain himself.
Impartial Judge: Vri believes that, as the final judge that all must face, he cannot ever take a side when it comes to his judgements. He’s not always successful, especially towards those that harm his friends, family, or Blessed, but he does try even in those cases.
The great shattering was a bitter time for this Immortal, though, due to his nature, he was able to handle it better than the rest of his siblings. Even though he did handle it better, Vri was quietly distraught about the sudden and unexplained event. This is what gave him reason to wander off in Idalos and discover, along with his sisters Pier & Pre, the existence of man. Vri has a very unusual way of showing his interests in something. He spent much time in the shadows, looking out as mankind developed and grew. Vri was so fascinated and distracted by the humans, he didn't realize the time that moved so slowly for him was quickly going by for them. It was something he found odd that these new creatures, who looked so much like the Immortals and their creators, aged and died the same way that the animals that had walked Idalos for generations before them did.
This realization didn't curb his interest in a particular woman he had watched over for most of her childhood. She was a breath of fresh air, something that pulled at his heart strings and pushed him from the shadows. It was the first day he had appeared before any mortal being. The woman's name was Anaza, though most referred to her as Ana, and she was just coming of age in the village she resided in. Of course, Vri knew of this, and desperately attempted to court her and win her favor. Thankfully, the Immortal wasn't the only one who felt the connection between the two. Soon, friendship bloomed into gentle love until, from that love, came Jesine. But while Jesine aged normally until adulthood, it quickly became apparent that she had inherited her fathers immortality. In time, despite the eternal youth of her family, Anaza was aged, weak, and dying. It was Pier & Pre who bestowed judgment on Anaza that her time had come and, quite painfully, Vri allowed death to take her. It was a blur for him when the war started, something Vri didn't realize until humans attempted to kill him. Now, he spends his time either with Pier and Pre or simply by himself, reminiscing.
Vri is not on any side. He is neutral in the war among Immortals. Vri is committed to his duty to govern over death with Pier and Pre, not having any interest in fighting battles against his brothers and sisters.
Appearing as a very tall, physically dominating individual, Vri stands at 6'3" with pale skin, long, black hair, and entrancing yellow eyes. He dons simple clothes, wearing only a loose cotton tunic, cotton pants, and sandals-- an outfit that easily blends within the mortal world.
Memories of the Past
Vri's memories of Brelt'ek are very clear, fond memories, full of many lessons. Vri was not always as steady and level headed as he is today. When first created, he had a very difficult time understanding himself and the things around him. Death was nonexistent in the world of Immortals and Original Beings, outside the animals that roamed Idalos, therefore, he didn't understand his purpose nor how to do it. Looking back on it now, Vri has suspicions his creator knew what would become of the world, in some way, which is why Vri was tasked as Death Giver, though, he can only wonder. His suspicions will never be confirmed, but he does miss Brelt'ek. In secret, Vri honors his creator at least once an Arc.
In today's world, Vri travels with Pier and Pre, working along side the two to maintain the balance of life and death. Currently, he is traveling in the Western Region.
Opinions on Mortals
Racial Opinions
- Yludih ~ Neutral
Useful Links
Useful links and information for the Immortal Vri.
- The Mark of Vri
- Mortalborn of Vri PCs past and present who were sired by this Immortal
- Blessed PCs who have been blessed by Vri
- Cursed PCs who have been cursed by Vri
- Threads Stories which have particularly involved Vri.
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.