Pier & Pre

Status | Alive |
Domains | Judgement, Equality, Justice, Truth, Lies |
Holy Names | The Twin Scales, The Final Judgment, Maiden of Mercy, Merciless Maiden |
Holy Symbol | - |
Religion | - |
Location | Traveling |
Faction | Neutral |
Mark | Gwelliph |
Notable Creations | TBD |
Creator | Brelt'ek |
Immediate Family | None |
Allies | Vri, Vhalar, U'frek |
Enemies | Delroth, Raskalarn, Faldrun, Mastes |
General Traits
Duality: Pier and Pre are not a single individual split in two, but rather two individuals that combined make one Immortal. Consequently, the two have different personalities that are aligned, but somewhat opposing.
Law and Order: Befitting the pair’s role as the Immortal of Judgement and Justice, Pier and Pre are both very concerned with law and order, and neither of them suffer unrepentant criminals or rebels with much patience.
Severity and Mercy: One of the biggest differences between Pier and Pre is how severely they believe someone should be punished. Pier tends towards harsher punishments and believes that every transgression should be punished. Pre is much more lenient and is more inclined to let minor transgressions pass without more than a mild reprimand.
Constant Debate: While Pier and Pre work towards the same goal of dispensing fair justice, the two often disagree over how to reach those goals, and thus are almost constantly debating either general punishments and rewards or specific cases. It’s very rare for the two to be in instant agreement.
Twin Soul: If one sets out to slay Pier and Pre, they will have to slay both of them. As the two are each a half of a whole, killing one but leaving the other alive will accomplish nothing, as the slain twin will revive a season later.
Separate Bodies: Despite the above mentioned twinned souls, their bodies are entirely different and damage done to one twin will not affect the other.
Non-Extremist: As a result of having two voices arguing the merits of every decision, Pier and Pre almost never arrive at an undeservingly harsh or forgiving decision, nor are they ever pulled to the extremes of mercy or severity.
Flight Over Fight: Neither twin is great in a fight, at least by Immortal standards, so when it comes to a fight, one of the few things the twins agree on is that discretion is very much the better part of valor. Their preference for an expedient retreat has meant that they rarely practice their martial skills.
Long Decision Time: Owing to the constant debates between the two, it can take Pier and Pre a very long time to actually reach a decision. There are even things the two have been debating about almost since the moment of their creation that they have not reached a decision on.
Easily Distracted: The two’s fondness for debating with each other, for they do enjoy it, means that they can be easily distracted by giving them a new point to debate, making their judgements take even longer to finalize.
Personality and Verbal Tics
Notebook Carrier: Each of the twins carries a notebook that they use to keep track of what they’re actually supposed to be doing at any given point, in order to help them overcome how easily distracted they are.
Dividual: One twin is never seen without the other. Indeed, not even their creator has ever seen Pier without Pre or vice versa. While both twins maintain that they could be apart from each other if they wanted, neither seem to see much purpose in doing so.
Sisterly Bond: Despite all the arguments they have, despite Pier’s harshness and Pre’s gentle nature, despite their very natures meaning they’re often butting heads, Pier and Pre genuinely love each other as sisters and care a great deal for each other.
Can’t Be Lied To: Pier and Pre are the Immortal of Truth and Lies and thus can always tell one from the other. Whether they’ll do anything about it varies from case to case, but one should never assume they managed to successfully deceive The Final Judgment.
Pier & Pre were created from Brel'tek, the original being who took it upon himself to govern the realms of life, death, and judgement. The twins are a constant contradiction to each other, questioning the ruling, ideals, and judgments of things that happen within Idalos. They are the balance of right and wrong, what is good and what is evil, and the deciding factors for when Vri must bestow death upon an individual. Before the great shattering, their existence didn't own up to much. The part they played was that of a mediator between their brothers and sisters when conversations and opinions would escalate beyond peaceful conversation. Though after the great shattering and the spawn of humans, Pier & Pre were actively involved in the humans' day to day life, along with their brother Vri. They found the purpose with the humans, laying judgement down where it needed to be and relaying that information to Vri when the time came to take a life.
The twins are every bit as different from the other as black and white. While one argues the pros, the other will argue the cons. Pier is the pessimist of the two, while Pre is the optimist. Pier will look for logical reasons why someone should be punished for their actions, while Pre will find why they should not be punished. If one twin cannot counter the other with a logical reason as to do or not do something, then that twin wins. If they win, then they are able to pass judgment how they see fit.
Pier & Pre are both neutral in the war among the Immortals. It is something the two of them argue about constantly. While one states that ending human life will end their life, the other retorts with the dangers of human beings and the fact that they can kill the Immortals. It is an endless cycle of argument between the two, one that may never end.
Pier & Pre appear as two young maidens, one dressed in fine silks while the other dons simple clothing, both sporting cloaks of some kind. Their hands and faces are usually the only flesh you will ever see them show, and their eyes are a distracting, brilliant blue.
Memories of the Past
Brel'tek was more of a father to the girls than any other Original Being could be. With every bit of patience and ease, he dealt with the twins and their conflicting nature as if they had been with him from the beginning of time. Pier and Pre were Brel'tek's voices of reason, manifested into flesh and energy, so it was no wonder the three got along so well. Even Pier and Pre had human moments where they could not find the answer from the other and sought out the aid of their father, who was always ready with answers. After the Great Shattering, the pair were lost to the bitterness and pain of death, never having experienced it, and they fell into the darkness willingly.
It wasn't until Vri pulled them from their rut did the pair begin to return to the world of Idalos. A very slow process for them, the girls decided to bury that part back behind their responsibility and duties. Often do they think about Brelt'ek, and sometimes the thoughts are crippling...
Pier and Pre travel where ever they are needed most. They are always moving around from city to city with their companion, Vri. It is very rare that you'll ever see the three apart, but if you see them, be very wary.
Opinions on Mortals
Racial Opinions
- Yludih ~ Neutral
Useful Links
Useful links and information for the Immortal Pier & Pre.
- The Mark of Pier & Pre
- Mortalborn of Pier & Pre PCs past and present who were sired by this Immortal
- Blessed PCs who have been blessed by Pier & Pre
- Cursed PCs who have been cursed by Pier & Pre
- Threads Stories which have particularly involved Pier & Pre.