New Player Information


Welcome to the "New Player Information" guide on our Wiki. The point of this section is to give you all the information you need as a new player. If there's anything which you feel is missing from this section, or you have any feedback - we're always happy to hear it!

Categories in this Section

This section has the following information to help you as a new player!

Name Information
Creating Your PC It's why we're here, right? To create that character! The "Creating Your PC" category has all the information you're going to need to get you through creating the character. Once you've done that, you can submit your Character Sheet (CS) for approval and you're good to start writing!
Jargon Busting An Out-of-Character guide to the jargon we have which is specific to Standing Trials.
Moderation Whether you're a veteran RPer or new to the whole experience, you'll want to know what moderation "looks like" on Standing Trials - from self-moderation to global events!. Here is where to look!
Resources In this category you'll find information about types of resources we have on Standing Trials and how to acquire them!
The Rule Book Our rules for IC and OOC behaviour are here, making sure that ST continues to be a positive and productive place to be!
The Shoppe Where you can buy things! This category tells you what you can expect to have per wealth tier and how much things above your tier cost.
Timekeeping Are you wondering about our seasons and dates? No worries - information on these can be found here!

Useful Links

  • If you're not sure on how to use the wiki this page shows you how.
  • The left-hand menu is your easy navigation tool.
  • Or you can always go back to the Contents page.


This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.