
Fast Facts
Status Alive
Domains Birds, Wind, Vanity, Greed
Holy Names The Winged Calamity, The Vain
Holy Symbol -
Religion -
Location Central Region
Faction Supports Immortals
Mark Tarouz
Notable Creations The Avriel
Creator Pieren
Siblings Ashan, Aelig, Edasha, Ralaith
Children Zana, Liam
Allies Mastes, Ilaren
Enemies None
Attitude to Magic Neutral



General Traits

Arrogant and Haughty: Delroth thinks incredibly highly of himself, to the point where if he were half as amazing as he thinks he is, he’d be the greatest being in all Idalos. He’s also far from above making sure everyone around him knows how great he thinks he is.

Greedy: Delroth is a very greedy person, fittingly for his Domains, and tends to think very little of making outrageous demands, something he frequently does without regard to what it could cost the people he’s making demands of.

Impenetrable Ego: Despite the above points, it’s very hard to genuinely offend Delroth in a way that actually sticks for more than a few seconds. Fact is, he simply expects most people to not grasp his magnificence and feels it's beneath him to hold a grudge against people who are simply incapable of recognizing his greatness.

Not A Bully: Despite his vanity and greed, Delroth believes it to be unnecessarily rude and uncouth to actively force or deliberately coerce the people around him into doing as he pleases. While he won’t hesitate to voice his disappointment in what he sees as their foolishness for failing to do what he wants, he rarely goes beyond that unless someone manages to genuinely offend him.


Wind Manipulation: Delroth’s Wind Domain gives him a versatile and powerful power to defend himself with, should someone be so gauche as to attack him.

Information Gatherer: Birds are everywhere, in many different shapes and sizes, and people don’t usually notice them. Because of this, Delroth can gain an impressive amount of information just from listening to the birds of the world. While he rarely does anything with it, it does mean it’s rare to find something Delroth doesn’t know.

Aggravating: Delroth’s sheer arrogance and greed tends to aggravate people, throwing them off balance and making it difficult for people to think clearly and stay focused when dealing with Delroth.


Self-Absorbed: Delroth’s sheer self-absorbed nature makes it difficult for him to maintain an active presence on the world stage. He has trouble maintaining his interest in grand plans and the like, especially if they aren’t clearly and regularly benefiting him.

Self-Sabotaging: Delroth’s vanity and greed mean he doesn’t think things through very well, leading to him having a tendency to do foolish things for an immediate gain that could very well come back to bite him hard in the long run.

Aggravating: Very few people actually like Delroth due to his egotistical and self-centered nature. Consequently, he has very few genuine friends or allies outside of his Blessed and his children, as people simply don’t like dealing with him.

Personality and Verbal Tics

Spotlight Hog: Delroth tends to demand that people pay attention to him above all others. He has a tendency to even get downright petulant if he’s denied the attention he thinks he deserves.

Overdressed: While his clothes are never tacky, Delroth tends to be very overdressed for whatever event he’s attending. Whether it’s because he thinks regular clothes are insufficient for his greatness or just to grab attention is more unclear, as he’ll never admit to either.

Likes The Sound Of His Own Voice: Delroth has a tendency to talk at length, less because he really has all that much to say and more because his narcissism means there’s no one else he’d rather hear talk.

Small Kindnesses: Despite his vanity and greed, Delroth is not cruel and is given to small kindnesses when no one’s looking. He is also genuinely supportive of his children and Blessed, both out of genuine fondness for them and because their glory and greatness adds to his own.


Arguably the most forward out of his siblings, Delroth has never been one to shy away from crowds, particularly when his covetous nature rears its ugly head. There is a unique and strange charisma about him that helps him when he sets his sights on something that he must have. Arguably one of the most selfish of Immortals, he was infamous for his greedy nature... and relatively mistrusted for it. But he had a way with words, as well as an irresistible smile - which cause nigh on all of his brethren to grudgingly like him, at the very least.

However, there were some, such as Xiur and the twins of Equality, who would never accept him. They held the unwavering believe that there was a darker, malignant side to him which he kept hidden. Some did not approve of what they thought of as poorly concealed deceit. Edasha, too, held issue with her older brother. Though more beautiful than her older brother, each day she woke up frightened that her looks would fail her... for that she never stood beside him with ease. The Great Shattering brought on very mixed emotions in Delroth. Having always sought material items, he did not have much time - or inclination - to form any truly significant, lasting emotional attachments to the other Immortals, including the Original eight. He did, however, covet what he could not have, and he couldn't have the eight, so he craved them, an almost obsessional desire which took him decades to be rid of. The humans, for a long time, were of very little consequence for Delroth. He was vaguely aware of their presence, but thought nothing else of it for a period. Only when the late news of the growing war reached his ears, did Delroth finally turn to critically evaluating the humans. In the end, he found very little that he liked. Most of all, however, he despised the idea of having to share his land with the ignoramus beasts. But he did not join Faldrun, instead using his own affiliation to the sins to turn enough individual mortals against one another until he caused enough strife. The creation of the Avriel was, in the grand scheme of things, of little consequence to Delroth; he considered the carcasses of a number of humans found across Aeva's Peak and, much like Immortals before him, he experimented. The result was the winged, majestic creatures. Initially, he was fond of the beautiful creatures. His support of the Avriel was limited, however, and only a few were created before he realised how savage and depraved the result was. He fled the region, hoping they would die off without guidance.


Very much the male incarnation of Edasha, Delroth is much like his younger sister. The image of beauty, he covets that which will make him stand out more against his sister's own infallible looks. A young appearing man with slicked back blond hair and piercing, ice-blue eyes, many cannot deny an instant physical attraction to him upon first seeing him. It is his young, almost babyish, features that make him seem most beautiful, though. He appears innocent, which is an alluring sight in itself.

Memories of the Past

In terms of companionship, it is with rose tinted glasses that Delroth looks back on the time before the Great Shattering. With the world seeming so much larger now, and filled with thousand of inhabitants to corrupt, Delroth is blind and arrogant enough to forget who his enemies were, and still are. However he also despised his life before, for the minimalist life he - and all the Immortals - lived. Barbaric, is how he choses to remember it, and some part of him is glad for the Shattering, if only for the changes it wrought upon the land.


Delroth occasionally glances back to see what has become of the creatures he brought into the world, yet it brings him little more than sadness each time he does. On many occasions has considered tricking another Immortal into helping him rid Idalos of the filth of Avriel, hoping that, if he were to wipe them off the land, he might more easily forget the monstrosity they have become. Ever vain, he cannot help but appreciate their beauty, yet he is disgusted by just how wrong he went in molding their minds, not fully understanding the influence of Lisirra and Syroa. Occasionally found in the company of Mastes, Delroth can be considered to be mainly a nomad, in search of fulfilling his own selfish desires.

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