Scalvoris State of Play (Hot 723)

What can you expect to know about people, places, etc on Scalv? Look here to find out!

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Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Pegasus Pug!!!
City Moderator
City Moderator
Posts: 10503
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
Race: Prophet
Renown: 666
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Scalvoris State of Play (Hot 723)

~~ State of Play~~

Please note: These are informed by the repercussions of previous actions and represent the situation at the start of the Cycle. PC actions (or inaction) will impact this throughout the season.
  • People ~ these are people who are known on Scalvoris. This tells you who is the talk of the town, what they are known for - and who they are known by!
  • Settlements & Locations ~ these are Settlements, Baronies, Locations, Shops, etc - anything which is PC owned.
  • Groups & Factions ~ reputation will / should impact your play in terms of Reputation and how well known they are. Also - the longer a Faction is unexplored / unknown, the harder it will be to find / build up IC.
  • Places ~ this will tell you what's generally happened in that place up to this point, and will inform what the "state" of the place is at the beginning of the Cycle.
  • Immortals ~ how each Immortal is considered on Scalvoris.
  • Induks ~ how each Induk is considered on Scalvoris.
  • Magic ~ how each magic type is viewed on Scalvoris.



  • Is being tutored in politics by Kura
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722Attending a Council Meeting10
Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your MarblesFor being taught by Woe.5
The Value of Dusty Words (Alyssia)Helping in the Library5

Alyssia's Reputation Neutral
~~ Those that know her, consider Alyssia a kind young woman. Mostly, she's known for being something of a surprise when she turned up at a Council meeting.~~
Rumour has it.......
She's Kura's secret love-child born of a tryst between the Alberach and Faldrun after a particularly rowdy party. The fact that Kura is so fond of her proves this!!


  • Is an angry Mer!
  • Is a fluffy teddy!
    Name of Thread Famous For Amount
    [Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!For mixed results in the Flapdoodle, Flopsy & Pinch15

Areia's Reputation Slightly Negativel
~~ The fairies of Sweetwine truly dislike Areia, and they don't attempt to hide it. They are clear that she's a big meanie and not welcome there! Most everywhere else, she's unknown.~~
Rumour has it.......
That Areia is actually Chrien, who came to Sweetwine to spite the Induk!!



  • A man of action, rather than words.
  • A fighter
  • A leading member of the Merchants' Guild.
  • Worked with the Elements on a case.
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
The Promise FulfilledGoing to multiple shrines on the holiday5
Three Strikes To WinFor winning the sword portion.10
Beaten To The GroundFor a public display of skill.5
Nothing to ProveFor attracting attention.5
A Promise to Vrifor providing security for Almund during the darkness of Vhalar 1st 7225
The Ghost of AlmundStopping a major crime.10
The PrizeTreating a mangled up sailor with magic , mark and medicine5
The Guild Has EyesFor moving on up in the Merchants' Guild10
[Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!For mixed results in the Flapdoodle, Flopsy & Pinch15
[Haven] The Not-SleepoverFor taking part in a time-honored scalvoris tradition successfully!5
[Seasonal] Twilight MasqueradeInvitation only event - Element crime scene!15
[Haven] Bringing Together the Past and Future...For attending a celebration and making a public speech in front of scores of settlers.10
Balthazar's Reputation Good!
~ Balthazar's many good deeds have finally allowed the reputation of his trial to fade, and he is viewed in a positive light in many areas of Scalvoris. He's an individual who does his own thing, and he's seen a bit of a wild card - but a good one! ~
Rumour has it.......
Balthazar has a brother who is a fearsome pirate - and they are the sons of one of the Pirate Lords!
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
The Black Cats mercenaries have gained some status due to Balthazar's position in the Merchants' Guild. Balthazar is approached by two merchants - one of whom is known to be rather "shady" and the other of whom is an upstanding citizen. They just so happen to hate each other - and the job they offer is exactly the same. They both want Balth to enter a fighting contest for them to win a prize. It's a matter of pride between the two of them. Which one (if either) will Balth accept the job from?
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!

Bao Bao

  • Council Member for Welfare
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722Attenting a Council Meeting10
Bao's Reputation Neutral
~ His bravery and kindness are known throughout Scalvoris. He withdrew after the Forging, leading a quiet life currently as a member of the Council. He hasn't been heard of much, other than in council meetings and people are starting to question whether the little cadouri is just overwhelmed and hibernating. ~
Rumour has it.......
Bao is actually Saoire in disguise. No one has ever seen them together!


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  • Leading Hopetoun to excellent growth.
  • Being a strong community leader and moral man.
  • Starting to get into politics?
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Hopetoun] Memento Of MisfortuneFor winning a battle against larger numbers, albeit mostly unskilled warriors.10
Bird and Egg, Wolf and Bear.For a political meeting.10
[Haven] The Not-SleepoverFor taking part in a time-honored scalvoris tradition successfully!5
[Seasonal] Twilight MasqueradeInvitation only event - Element crime scene!15
[Haven] Bringing Together the Past and Future...For attending a celebration and making a public speech in front of scores of settlers.10
Birthtrial TribulationDarius Dad has another reason to brag about his son.5
Darius' Reputation Very Positive
~ A proud Scalvorian, Darius' reputation continues to rise, now throughout the island. The people of Hopetoun are proud of his accomplishments and of the growth of their settlement. He has a reputation for being a no-nonsense man who is very reliable. ~
Rumour has it.......
Darius is actually the head of Scalvoris Council, working in the shadows he rules over all!
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Darius is approached by two individuals - they come to see him on different days, but the days should be close together. The first one offers him membership of "The Crafters" (see the Lore Thread) and the other offers him membership of the "Phoenix Faction". They both want him to join, and suggest that doing so will be very beneficial to him both personally and in his settlement / business affairs. For both of them, there's a sense of urgency, and of this being a time-limited offer.
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!



  • Being a dedicated high priest of Delroth, who always has interesting visitors!
  • He's a bit odd!
  • Being very active and hands-on in his role as Baron von Smooglethorne!
  • Respected by the University
  • Is engaged to Zana Delroth
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Smooglenuff Wine: Harvest DuskFor playing host at your celebration of Harvests Dusk5
Smooglenuff Wine: Harvest TrialDonating non-winery grapes to the people of Faldrass.5
Smooglenuff Wine: Harvest DawnFor leading a ceremony celebrating Harvest Dawn10
[Barony] Dedication and commitmentFor being in an arranged marriage with a high Priest of Delroth15
Devin's Reputation Very Positive
~ Devin is known as a hard-working Baron who had really come into his own with the work on Faldrass. A devout Priest of Delroth, he's rumored to be a great cook, has a kind heart and is very hands-on with his work. He is considered the face of the Barony and has been the driving force in the discovery of some very interesting and weird produce!!~
Rumour has it.......
Devin did Delroth an enormous favour, and Delroth is in his debt. It has something to do with Cassion!
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Devin is approached by two individuals; one of whom wants him to give a speech at a charity fundraiser, the other of whom wants Devin to attend a business dinner with rich merchants. The problem is twofold - first, they are both on at the same time, so Devin can only attend one and second - the individual inviting Devin to a charity event is not a very nice person and has a reputation for being a bit of a con artist / thief - but the cause is really good. The individual who has invited Devin to the business dinner is known for giving a lot to charity, but the business dinner itself is likelyto be very cut-throat business event. Which one, if either, does he attend?
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


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  • Being a council member
  • An alchemist
  • Being a Videnese professor with strong links to Scalvoris.
  • Patron to the Order of the Adunih
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
FuelInviting none exploding fuel.5
The Four Wives of Doran T.Teaching a class and addressing a widespread rumor5
Kaldvind and SnokovindYou didn't request any, but I think Professor Fridson will tell people about his meeting with a dragonet and dragonling!5
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722Attenting a Council Meeting10
Safety DanceFor reuniting one of the cubs of Daia with his mother, and ascending in Daia's favor by removing a curse.20
Doran's Reputation Very Positive
~ Well-respected throughout Scalvoris, Doran's work as Devout has strengthened the general feeling that he is someone to be trusted with the big issues facing Scalvoris. Has helped strengthen ties between Viden and Scalvoris. ~
Rumour has it.......
He's a mastermind with a massive intelligence network of contacts at his fingertips! He knows everything!
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Doran is approached by a group who would like to have their polygamous lifestyle more well known. Following his lecture and the rumour about him last cycle, they've decided that he's the perfect person to help them. Plural marriages are not illegal on Scalv, but they're rare and this group would like Doran to help them become more well known! Will he!?
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


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  • Leader of Haven
  • Linked with the Immortals, somehow
  • Works in the community she's leading
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!For mixed results in the Flapdoodle, Flopsy & Pinch15
[Haven] The Not-SleepoverFor taking part in a time-honored scalvoris tradition successfully!5
[Haven] Bringing Together the Past and Future...For hosting a celebration and making a public speech in front of scores of settlers.10
Elisabeth's Reputation Very Positive
~ Elisabeth has a strong focus and is well-liked and well-respected..~
Rumour has it.......
Elisabeth has a twin sister, and they come from an ancient Rynmere noble family.
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Elisabeth is approached by two families, both of whom are seeking to join Haven. The first family is larger (10 of them), and has better skills, but they are known to be quite aggressive as neighbours and have been labelled as trouble-makers. The other family is smaller (3 of them) and will need more help as they are unskilled - however, they're much more community focused. The problem is, if the second family is there, the first family won't be as there's an ages-old rivalry between the two of them.
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!



Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Chat over a HaircutFor doing a good job giving a friendly neighbor a decent haircut.5
Nervous SweatsPerforming at a no-name tavern.5
Getting ReadyYou invited the attention seeking boy. Everyone heard.5
Night on the town (part 3)Successfully negotiating with Ithecal drug dealers5
Night on the town (part 1)Pestering the Ithecal drug dealers again!5
First DayFor embarking upon an education5
Embarrassing Day OffFor being a bad singer.5
Deal Gone BadFor stealing from the drug dealers.5
Singing lifts the spiritFor singing your heart out at a tavern.5
The Jerk MercFor starting a scene and very nearly a fight.5
Spying on the Herb StoreFor attracting the shopkeeper's attention.5
Trying Some ReeviWander around high draws peoples attention.5
Sweaty WorkoutA little bit of respect for being seen to work on your physical fitness.5
Eternity's Reputation Slightly Negative
~ Eternity is starting to develop a reputation as someone who is trouble. From association with - and stealing from - drug dealers to making a scene and nearly starting a fight, some people start to avoid her company~
Rumour has it.......
Eternity is a marked of Chrien, tasked with making mischief wherever she goes.
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Eternity is developing quite the reputation as a bad girl about town - and it's not for anything big, but lots of little things. One of her dealers hears that she's taking a class in Ensorcelling, and wants her to steal a real well (Ezymite) so they can bring it back to their lab guy to make a new and very addictive drug. But is the dealer really doing that, or is it a set up?
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


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Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Portals and Promises.A brief meeting with an Immortal, and receiving a private task from them.10
Faith's Reputation Very Positive
~ Faith is well-known across Scalvoris, specifically for being the driving force in abolishing slavery in Scalvoris. Although she no longer lives here, she works in Saoire's school. ~
Rumour has it.......
Faith is controlling Kura who, fundamentally, never argues with her.


Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Mature] Dancing with the Wind and Fairiesfor meeting fairies and extending goodwill to the spirits of Sweetwine Woods5
Don’t Mess With The Country BoysFor apprehending a petty band of robbers5
Jasper's Reputation Neutral
~ Jasper isn't well-known on Scalv yet, but those who know him say that he's a very nice man! ~
Rumour has it.......
Jasper is an Induk, observing the life of mortals.



  • Is Saoire's Storyteller
  • The Naficula-Àdánù in Saoire's School was his gift to her
  • A tunawa Knight
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Winston Miller and the Saucerer's SconeFor creating something useful and sharing it.10
[Scholar's Nook] A Story Come to LifeFor causing chaos and fighting Faelig.10
[Scholar's Nook] A Story Come to LifeWealth Claim Vhalar 722 Conversion To Renown See MB Ability 35
[Sweetsong] Nïtọsï ẸrẹkẹThis would probably be even bigger if more people were conversant in tunawa affairs.15
[Sweetsong] Nïtọsï ẸrẹkẹWealth Claim Conversion To Renown See MB Ability20
[Sweetsong]A Dream of a Tree, or a Tream.10
[Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!For mixed results in the Flapdoodle, Flopsy & Pinch15
[Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!Wealth Claim Saun 722 Conversion To Renown See MB Ability25
Kisaik's Reputation Very Positive[/glow]
~ Kisaik continues to be known as a brave knight who is beloved of Saoire and will help anyone in need. A small tunawa with a big heart and a love of both stories and adventure! ~
Rumour has it.......
He defeated a giant with a single blow!
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Kisaik is approached by a small group street kids all of whom are wannabe knights (none of whom are older than 13 arcs). They're all human / biqaj / sev'ryn etc tall-folks, and they have wooden swords and big imaginations. They want a life of adventure and they see themselves as being a crew of swashbuckling do-gooders. But, essentially, they're children. What will he do?
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


  • The Alberach
  • Hands on with her leadership style
  • Taking no nonsense
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
How To Present One's ConcernsFor dealing with a hostage taking and holding court.15
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722Attending a Council Meeting10
Bird and Egg, Wolf and Bear.For a political meeting.10
Kura's Reputation Positive
~ Seen as a tough leader for tough times, Kura's dealing with the hostage situation and the fact that she's working with other council members is standing her in good stead. ~
Rumour has it.......
Some folks start to whisper that Kura is, in fact, the Immortal Raskalarn, who is observing Scalvoris before taking over.
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Kura is an intensely private woman and very few people know much about her, outside of her work. She is approached by an aspiring young journalist who wants to write a biography of her, a real chance for "the people" to get to know her. What will Kura say?
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


  • Council Member for Natural Affairs
  • Rumors swirling that he was removed as a Baron by Saoire
  • Being a council member
  • Says what he thinks - no matter who he offends!
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!For mixed results in the Flapdoodle, Flopsy & Pinch15
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722Attending a Council Meeting10
Nir'wei's Reputation Positive
~ Viewed positively for his part in the Forging, Nir'wei's no-nonsense approach to situations is widely known. However, there are still concerns that he is not actively looking after day-to-day stuff in Scalv and that leaves Scalvoris vulnerable ~
Rumour has it.......
He was born as a wolf but Karem gave him the ability to change form.
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Nir'wei is approached by a very wealthy merchant who wants to get his daughter the most exotic pet possible for her 16th birthday. He asks Nir if Nir would hunt, capture and train the animal - he will pay handsomely and would owe Nir'wei a favour!
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


  • Being a council member
  • Chief Ranger
  • Well-respected by the Elements
  • Scowls a lot
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!For mixed results in the Flapdoodle, Flopsy & Pinch15
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722Attening a Council Meeting10
Consider PhlebasA successful hunt to solve an important problem. Not many witnesses but Nadine will probably talk.5
[Seasonal] Twilight MasqueradeInvitation only event - Element crime scene!15
Oram's Reputation Very Positive[/glow]
~ Honest and straightforward, Oram has quickly developed a very positive reputation for his hard working nature! He's been quieter lately, though, and some people are concerned that being Chief Ranger is too much for him.
Rumour has it.......
There are whispers that Oram is cursed by Delroth and that birds will randomly attack him wherever he goes.....
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
A small group of criminals are pretending to be Rangers and using this disguise to scope out homes which they later rob. Oram finds out about this (it can be in any area of Scalv of your choosing). Before he can act, though, he is approached by a runner who says that the group in question will cut Oram in if he turns a blind eye. It looks very lucrative.
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Seasonal] Twilight MasqueradeInvitation only event - Element crime scene!15
Rakvald's Reputation Neutral
~ Mostly unknown, Rakvald has not been seen much this Cycle~
Rumour has it.......
He can bring people back from the dead, even after arcs!


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  • Champion of Xiur
  • Has a Lion!
  • Started a settlement in Sweetwine Woods
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Sweetsong] Join the Chorus, If You Can.....Shoring up people's confidence by finding what they're good at.5
[Sweetsong] Like MindsFor organizing the people of Sweetsong, planning a majuor task.5
[Sweetsong] Nïtọsï ẸrẹkẹFor taking part in this momentous ceremony.15
[Sweetsong]A Dream of a Tree, or a Tream.10
Safety DanceFor reuniting one of the cubs of Daia with his mother, and ascending in Daia's favor by removing a curse.20
[Hopetoun] The Crowd.Helping other help themselves.5
[Hopetoun] The Ballad of Barry & Fredaeveryone loves cake, though they remember the advice longer.5
[Hopetoun] Cooking for the Masses II: The RevengeFeeding people is always popular5
[Hopetoun] A feast for the eyes.Inventing a unqiue portable table5
Vega's Reputation Very Positive
~ Vega gets things done - no doubt about it! Known for her problem-solving and helping those that need it. She's a tireless, hard worker and highly respected. Her settlement in Sweetwine is a quirky place of free spirits ~
Rumour has it.......
She's terrified of spiders!
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Leona approaches Vega one night, telling her that she's very grateful for finding her lion cub, but not to forget the pride that still is separated at this point. However, she insists that it's probably possible to get their attention, if not gather them where they are. If she can get the word out to the Island of Scalvoris, and host a dancing or sewing competition, surely one or more that are about the Island may turn up.

This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


  • Is a handy-ferret
  • Is a chef in the Scalv-Chef competition
  • Gives lots to charity
  • Is friends with Horatio Thunderbussel.
  • Lives in a chest that walks about. Or ... something.
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Sweetsong] I give him one cycle till he's a 'MAD' AlchemistFor showing your apprentice a thing or two, and making a bit of a stir.5
[Sweetsong] Do you want to smelt a RAINNNNBOOOOOW?!For teaching for free, sharing a potentially rare bit of know how and taking on a settler as an apprentice.10
[Sweetsong] Here's hoping all horseshoes are lucky ~ Part 5: A shoe-for-youFor fulfilling a contract for the fairies, and it will get around to the rest of their kind that Winston is a great craftsman of fairy things.10
[Sweetsong] Here's hoping all horseshoes are lucky ~ Part 4: It's chime to mix it upFor providing special fairy wind chimes to Sweetsong's people.5
Winston Miller and the Saucerer's SconeFor creating something useful and sharing it.10
[Sweetsong] Here's hoping all horseshoes are lucky ~ Part 3: Working Blue GlassFOr whipping up a campfire meal and telling a story about failed experiments in glass horseshoes5
The Competition's Market Day ~ Part 3 ~ Embracing YOUR sstoryWinston in the cookery competition, and helping Angela so much.15
The Competition's Market Dayfor being in the competition and the theft.10
[Sweetsong] You ARE a blacksmith, right?For giving out free food samples. Word will spread.5
A 3 (Golf) course mealSpectacular and creative dishes.10
[Sweetsong] Sweets for sweethearts, Honey for honeybunsFor running a stall giving out free candies and baked goods. Also for pleasing the food cricket10
[Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!For mixed results in the Flapdoodle, Flopsy & Pinch15
Chest Pains!For finding Chest and cooking cake!10
Winston's Reputation Very Positive
~ This little cadouri has made a big splash in Scalvoris! He's become well known and is adored by the people he's helped - Luna's Dream all think he's great! ~
Rumour has it.......
He's Horatio Thunderbussel in disguise!
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Winston's level of renown has rocketed and he has really become popular on Scalvoris. People start visiting him and asking him for help. Sometimes, this is something that he can be really genuinely helpful to - other times folks are looking for him to solve things they could solve themselves. The problem is that there are a lot of them, and they approach in a steady stream. How will the poor little fella manage!?
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


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  • Is a member of the Council!
  • Philanthropist!
  • Protector of Egilrun
  • High Up in the Merchant's Guild.
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Mudge's Day OffHosting a guild event5
The Guild Has EyesFor moving on up in the Merchants Guild10
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722Attending a Council Meeting10
Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your MarblesFor giving lessons to a Baroness.5
Bird and Egg, Wolf and Bear.For a political meeting.10
Woe's Reputation Very positive
~ Known as a man with his hands in a lot of different projects, he's widely known for his business and philanthropy work. His interests are wide and varied, often hopping from one thing to the next, but always has Scalvoris' best interests in mind. ~
Rumour has it.......
Woe and Edasha are finally together!
 ! Message from: Peg

For gaining over 20 renown in Scalv last Cycle, you have earned the following quest line.
Woe is offered a business opportunity which could, potentially, be very lucrative. However, it's a glass-blowing business in direct competition with the glassblowers guild. This up and coming individual wants to break what they see as the strangle-hold of the Glassblowers Guild - but if Woe gives them back, it's going to irritate people!
This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


  • Is a Council Member!
  • Delroth's daughter!
  • Engaged to Devin
Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Barony] Dedication and commitmentFor proposing marriage to another mortalborn, Delroth's Daughter!15
Protocols and Dignitaries.Doing a Public job5
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722Attending a Council Meeting10
Bird and Egg, Wolf and Bear.For a political meeting.10
[Smooglenuff Manor/ Faldrass] Settling In.Between touring on a Dragonling and surprise visit word gets around5
[Seasonal] Twilight MasqueradeInvitation only event - Element crime scene!15
Zana's Reputation Positive
She's been active as a Council member but, other than that, little is known about Delroth's Daughter.
Rumour has it.......
She is Rand Brosun's mistress
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Zana is approached by a beautiful little bird that claims to have a message from Edasha herself. She dares Zana to try and make Devin jealous of Zana. By either flirting with another person in his company, or else testing his loyalty. With a cheerful tweet, the bird absconds after leaving this message. It's unclear whether Edasha, or the bird, are serious.

This is an optional questline for you - you are free to dev the NPCs (or keep them as flavour) and to run with the story. If you want modnotes etc through it - please do nudge!


  • Being helpful
  • Being brave
  • Involved in global-level events.

Zoro Astrian

Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!For mixed results in the Flapdoodle, Flopsy & Pinch15
[Seasonal] Twilight MasqueradeInvitation only event - Element crime scene!15
Zoro's Reputation Positive
~ Zoro is known for being an adventure-seeking biqaj who will help others, although he's been fairly quiet in recent times. ~
Rumour has it.......
Zoro used to be a pirate and was the scourge of the seas!
Settlements & Locations
Image Barony of von Smooglenuff
  • Situated on Faldrass, the two Barons have had the Manor rebuilt and are beginning form connections with Saoire's Dreams and Hopetoun.
  • Roads have been built between the Manor, Hopetoun and the southern dock of Faldrass
  • Baron Devin offered to treat the students of Saoire's school and the residents of Hopetoun
  • Baron Devin helped finish the roads
  • Baron Devin has improved relations between the Barony and Spirit's Rest Oasis.
  • Baron Devin planned and hosted the "Winter Wonderland" event at Smooglenuff Manor, benifitting Spirit's Rest!
  • Baron Devin was instrumental in the vineyard collaboration between the Barony and Cally's.
  • Baron Darius, with the crew of the Libertalia, defended Faldrass' coast from pirates!
  • Baron Devin moved his parents into the Manor
  • The Barony has retained the services of a highly skilled engineer to assist with projects.
  • Rumors say that Saorie relieved Nir'wei of his Baron title.
  • Has a thriving winery
  • Baron Darius has been working with politicians to improve security around Faldrass. Reputation Good.
Image Haven
  • A settlement on Faldrass which was set up by Balthazar Black. Now led by Elisabeth Angelus.
  • Saoire moved Haven at Elisabeth's request!
  • The Albarech appointed Elisabeth Angelus as Haven's settlement leader
  • Sent barrels of seeds and vegetables to Haven Farm during crop crisis
  • Settlers are being involved in important decisions
  • Home to Munny Farm
  • Has a clam farm
  • Is home to "Immortals Embrace - a small flower-covered gazebo which is holy ground
  • Has a reputation as a very well-organised settlement that's very efficient
  • Reputation Good
Image Hopetoun
  • A settlement on Faldrass which was set up by Darius Baer.
  • Has a good sized boat fleet for fishing
  • Has roads connecting it to Smooglenuff Manor and the southern docks of Faldrass
  • Has the Beacon of Xiur Lighthouse*
  • Has been declared a Holy Land of Xiur
  • Has an Inn
  • Has a dock!
  • Daia was spotted here!
  • Known for its tight-knit community
  • Settlement leader, with the crew of the Libertalia, defended Faldrass' coast from pirates!
  • Also, Darius defeated Captain Demba
  • Has grown in size so much that it's become an "Advanced Settlement".
  • Reputation Good
Image Sweetsong
  • Situated in Sweetwine Woods
  • Lead by Vega
  • Has no buildings of any kind, only tents
  • Focuses on music and living with the land
  • Reputation New
Groups & Factions
Image[/glow] Name Description
ImageThe ElementsThe Scalvoris military start the Cycle with a good reputation - they were seen and helpful in the Faldrass Relief Effort and their part in the sudden freeze was very efficient! Many members were honored for their parts in The Forging. Have worked with others and have been very efficient! Reputation Good+
Image Rangers Oram Mednix was named Chief Ranger, and Rangers reputation has improved steadily due to the many positive deeds it, and Oram, are seen doing. Oram's killing of a pantheon in Ymiden has created some grumbling at the Menagerie. They've been more quiet in the last cycle - it's been noticed! Reputation Good+
ImageScalvoris Council The Council is fighting rumors of seat fixing and inactivity of current Council Members and infighting. There are increasing calls for inactive council members to be kicked off the council, and for empty seats to be filled. Reputation Neutral +
ImageFire Forged Members of this faction helped save Scalvoris from the Warden of Slags Deep and his daughter. The following PC actions have reflected on the Fire Forged in a positive manner in the last Cycle, leading to an increase (10+ points) in reputation:
  • Darius
  • Reputation Good +

Image Ice Forged Members of this faction helped save Scalvoris from the Warden of Slags Deep and his daughter. The following PC actions have reflected positively on the Ice Forged, however with less than 10 points awarded across the Cycle, there is no change in reputation:
  • Elisabeth
  • Reputation Good

Image Song Forged Members of this faction helped save Scalvoris from the Warden of Slags Deep and his daughter. The following PC actions have reflected on the Song Forged in a positive manner in the last Cycle, leading to an large increase (50+ points) in reputation:
  • Vega
  • Kisaik
  • Winston
  • Reputation Very Good

Image Soul Forged Members of this faction helped save Scalvoris from the Warden of Slags Deep and his daughter. There have been no PC actions which impacted on the reputation of the Soulforged this Cycle, so their reputation has no change, but will drop next Cycle if this is repeated.
  • Reputation Good

ImageOrder of the Adunih Healers and medics are well respected throughout Scalvoris - Woe Morandi and Doran Thetys are known for their generous patronage of the Order. There are whispers, however, of internal corruption that somehow was involved in the attacks on healers and supplies that Oram Mednix and Woe Morandi investigated. It's said that the Order is looking for outside help to pin down the motives and individuals involved. This continues to be an issue, and will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar Reputation Excellent.
ImageChurch of Eternal Mercies Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImageThe Crafters Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. In current calendar - this will have impacts next Cycle Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImageThe Guild Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImageThe Intelligensia Meets each season Reputation Good . ( information )
ImageThe Mer The Mer Tribe have been quiet for a few seasons. What's happening? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImageThe Merchants' Guild Balthazar and Woe have taken leadership roles in the Merchants Guild and this has increased its reputation Reputation Good! . ( information )
ImageThe Phoenix Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImagePilgrims Promise Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. In current calendar - this will have impacts next Cycle Reputation Unknown. ( information )

Image Name Description
Image Scalvoris Town Situation: Positive. Scalvoris Town is doing well, economically and is busy. The University is thriving and economically, things are good! There's a new temple to Delroth! Due to events of last cycle, the part of the town adjacent to the Element Hall is still rebuilding. The Glass Temple reports increased visitors due to the interest in learning about the events of Slag's Deep and the Forging.
Image Scalvoris University Situation: Scalvoris University continues to be busy and on the cutting edge of research. Reputation is good and relationships with both Viden and Rharne are excellent. Professor Doran Thetis from Viden has been giving guest lectures, strengthening the ties between the two institutions. The University is also building relationships with Desnind. Established a research station in the Haven settlement on Faldrass. Actively investigating the situation with the 'time ship' and the people that arrived on it in Zi'da. The poor response to the "University Challenge" event here means that the University is unlikely to run such an event again. They also wrote a letter to the Council, showing their displeasure. This continues to be an issue, and will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar [/b
Image Almund Situation: Economic down-turn following the Faldrass situation - and the arrival of Saoire has made the darker side of Scalvoris rather cautious. As well, increasing resentment towards the city as reports of pirate sightings rises. Current calendar will impact this
Image Beacon Situation: Many of the refugees from Faldrass are here. The place is thriving. Subtle unrest in the area from the previous cycle has significantly improved. Refugees from the 'time ship' arrived and are now integrated into Beacon. Links with Woe Morandi are giving voice to the growing demand for Council Representation. This continues to be an issue, and will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar [/b
Image Darbyton Situation: Darbyton helped a lot with the Faldrass relief effort, and many of the people who left Faldrass early on moved into Darbyton. Population has increased significantly and the removal of the strangle-hold of the Logging Consortium is a very positive thing.
Image Egilrun Situation: Prospering - a lot of the crafters are looking at Faldrass and the new opportunities there. Home to the newest chapter of the Order of the Adunih. Rumors of a growing rift in Egilrun between the Rangers and EWWW. The events of Slag's Deep, the Forging and Liza's disapearance frayed the nerves of many prominent members of the community and is having lasting effects. Slag's Deep is now empty. Woe Morandi opened a new business and has been appointed Egg on the Scalvoris Council - he also is responsible for the capture of the "Crystal Blade". Woe is considered VERY positively in Egilrun.
Image Gunvorton Gunvorton has taken in a lot of refugees. Shania is a leading force in this.
Image Harvardr Situation: Linca has stepped down from the Council, citing infighting and wishing to devote all his energy to Harvardr.
Image Faldrass
Situation: Saoire's School is still flourishing. The Badlands are reported to be shrinking by the trial! Roads have been built between the Manor, Hopetoun, and the southern dock. A new vineyard at the Manor! Hopetoun is thriving and Haven is progressing well. Whispers abound that pirates have Faldrass in their sights. The Shellknight Lodge was built by Kisaik! There's a new pine forest starting to grow where the badlands were, thanks to Kisaik - this area is a holy ground to Ashan and, over the course of the Rebirth Cycle 723, Faldrass Badlands will transform into a green and verdant area! Exploration of this area will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar [/b
Image Immortals TongueSituation: The old Devout, Rez'na, remains on Immortals' Tongue, there are increased visitors there following the situation in Faldrass for the last few cycles. The most popular shrines are Saoire's, Xiur's, and Cassion's. Cassion's shrine is also reported to be tended by Champions of his.
Image Ishallr Situation: There is increased interest in Ishallr due to the existence of the Induk within the Island.
Image Scaltoth Jungles Situation: There is increased interest in Scaltoth due to the existence of the Induk.
Image Scalvoris Mountains Situation: There is increased interest in the Mountains due to the Heart of Scalvoris and are looking for it, but no one seems to know where it is! The Vault has opened, but is under guard. Only vetted and accompanied people are being allowed inside.
Image Sweetwine Woods Situation: Rumors of a tunawa working with turtles have been heard. There is increased interest in Sweetwine due to the existence of the Induk.
Image The TowerNo one has visited the tower for some time. Is there anything strange going on? No one knows......
Image Treid's Mouth The eruption of Faldrass has caused some of the icebergs here to melt a little. What will that mean? .
Image Watch It was discovered that Watchman Philip Carey was murdered and flayed by a mage. What's up with that? What was the motive behind the attack? The Elements and Balthazar investigated but nothing conclusive came of it. This continues to be an issue, and will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar [/b
Image Name Description
Image Aelig The Immortal of Illusion, Mimicry, Chaos is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension
ImageAeva The Immortal of Technology, Metal Working, Ambition, Pride is generally respected on Scalvoris, especially in Egilrun. Reputation: Positive
ImageAshan The Immortal of Spring, Spirituality, Freedom is generally liked on Scalvoris and his rejuvenation of the Badlands (as it is seen) has increased this. Reputation: Positive
ImageAudrae The Immortal of Deception, Secrecy, Shadows, Fear is known for her part in the War and is distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension
ImageBelaera The Immortal of Duality, Imprisonment, Sacrifice is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension
ImageCassion The Immortal of Travel, Adventure, Stories, Hunger is very well-liked on Scalvoris and his part in the Forging is well-known. Reputation: Very positive
ImageChamadarst The Immortal of Neutrality, Commerce, Isolation, Glass is well-liked on Scalvoris, with particular ties to the Merchant's Guild, Egilrun and the new Egg, Woe Morandi, who is one of his marked. He is known for his part in the Forging. Reputation: Very positive
Image Chrien The Immortal of Storms, Luck, Spite is generally feared on Scalvoris, although sailors have a deep respect for her. It is believed that she attacked the Alberach. Reputation: Negative
Image Daia The Immortal of Companionship, Prosperity, Tailoring and Dance is liked on Scalvoris, with her part in the Forging well known.. Reputation: Very positive
ImageDelroth The Immortal of Birds, Wind, Vanity, Greed has a good reputation on Scalvoris. The new temple in Scalvoris Town, Devin;s work and that of his daughter, Zana, who is the new Foriegn Affairs councilor, has made a big difference, but this is dimmed by his and Kalortah’s actions during the Forging. Reputation: Positive
Image Edasha The Immortal of Beauty, Jealousy, Sight, Adultery is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
ImageEthelynda The Immortal of Nobility, Honor, Protection, Serpents is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
ImageFaldrun The Immortal of Fire, Sun, Turmoil is actively disliked on Scalvoris. Reputation: : Very negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension
Image Famula The Immortal of Souls, Servitude, Resurrection, Blood is seen in a more positive light on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly positive
Image Ilaren The Immortal of Lightning, Sound, Brawling, Alcohol is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Karem The Immortal of The Hunt, Survival, Wolvesis well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Kata The Immortal of Insanity, Injustice, Ruin is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: : Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension
Image Lisirra The Immortal of Pestilence, Toxin, Decay, Insects is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
ImageMastes The Immortal of Compulsion, Trickery, Vices is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: : Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension
Image Moseke The Immortal of Earth, Stone, Nature, Lifeis well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Pier & Pre The Immortals of Judgement, Equality, Justice, Truth, Lies are generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
ImageQylios The Immortal of Bonds, Leadership, Light, Courage is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Raskalarn The Immortal of Conquest, Dominion, Discipline, Devastation is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Ralaith The Immortal of Wisdom, Bitterness, Time, Bears is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
ImageSaoire The Immortal of Gifts, Gateways, Mentorship, Turtles has quickly become positively adored on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive.
Image Sintra The Immortal of Manipulation, Entrapment, Arachnids is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
Image Syroa The Immortal of Transformation, Lust, Acting, Fury is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. There are rumours that Syroa is at her shrine and kills people who disturb her. Reputation: Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension
Image Tio The Immortal of Curses is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Treid The Immortal of Ice, Moon, Knowledge, Longing is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image U'frek The Immortal of Navigation, Water, Auroras is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Unity The Immortal of Dreams, Nightmares, Oblivion, Imagination is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
ImageValtharn The Immortal of Torture, Murder, Ruin, Injustice, Illusion, Vice is distrusted on Scalvrois due to the events of Ascension. Reputation: Very negative
Image Vhalar The Immortal of Fall, Festivals, Guardian of Oaths, Art is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Positive
Image Vri The Immortal of Death, Sadness, Remembrance, Love is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Xiur The Immortal of Clouds, Dusk, Stars, Hope is well-liked on Scalvoris and is linked with Hopetoun Settlement. Reputation: Very positive
Image Ymiden The Immortal of Summer, Dawn, Rebirth, Forgiveness is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Positive
Image Yvithia The Immortal of Communication, Language, Intelligenceis generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image ZanikThe Immortal of Strength, Seduction, Music is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Ziell The Immortal of Winter, Peace, Prophecies is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Faldrass The Induk of Fire, and focus of dedication of the Fire Forged. Reputation: Very Positive.
Image Ishallr The Induk of Ice, and focus of dedication of the Ice Forged. Reputation: Positive
Image Scaltoth The Induk of Earth, and focus of dedication of the Soul Forged. Reputation: Positive
Image Sweetwine The Induk of Air, and focus of dedication of the Song Forged.. Reputation: Very Positive
ImageAbrogation Generally positive attitude.
ImageAttunement Generally positive attitude
ImageBecoming Improved reputation - generally more positive. If you're not sure why it's ok, though, ask Professor Baron Devin!
ImageDefiance Largely positive - helped by the use of Defiance to protect in Faldrass
ImageEmpathy Large amount of suspicion
ImageGraft Neutral attitude
ImageHone Neutral attitude
ImageNecromancy Very negative attitude following the War of Death & Souls especially.
ImageRupturing Largely positive
ImageTransmutation Largely positive
word count: 7718
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Re: Scalvoris State of Play

~~ State of Play~~
This thread is used to keep a track of the general reputation of people, places, etc. We're doing things a little differently now than we used to previously.

Threads In Scalv Forums Which Gain Reputation
Our wonderful Tech Guy has created a system for us which creates a per-pc list of each person who has gained renown in any of the Scalvoris forums. It generates a link to the thread and what the renown was awarded for as well as the amount rewarded. So - you no longer need to post here if your thread:

a) Is in a Scalvoris Forum / Subforum.
b) Gets Renown
c) Impacts only your reputation.

^ If all three of those aren't met - please post here anyway.

But I've posted this elsewhere, too!?
Ok. So. Lets make this as clear as possible.

Outside of your personal renown (which is now dealt with by Tech Guy Magic)
1. If the thread will impact the reputation of the Forged and / or the Induk only - and you've posted in the Forged tracker? No need to post here.
2. If the thread will impact the reputation of the Settlement only - and you've posted in the apporpriate Settlement tracker? No need to post here.

If your thread will impact a place (like the example of Jaspers ever-glowing lantern on the Glass Tree) or the reputation of a place ("don't go to that Inn, there's bar fights) or a group ("Is that one of the Order of the Adunih behaving so badly?! Shameful!) then you should post here.

Thread Dates:

All threads can go here, regardless of their date. The moderation team will deal with them!

If in doubt - please ask. We would ALWAYS rather that you submitted a thread and we said "No Impact" than you didn't submit one you could have! Thanks!

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 600px; border: 10px double #e9e9e9; margin: auto; padding: 40px; padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; color: e9e9e9;]
[b]Thread Name & Link[/b]:
[b]PC(s) Involved[/b]:
[b]Overview / Details[/b]:
[b]What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?[/b]:

Settlements & Locations

Groups & Factions





[b]Anything else you want to tell us?[/b]:
word count: 391
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Re: Scalvoris State of Play

Thread Name & Link: The Ghost of Almund
PC(s) Involved: Balthazar Black
Overview / Details: Balthazar discovers one of his allies is in one of the shops being held up in Almund and goes to help. He arrives to find the Elements have surrounded the building and convinces the Elements working there to let him help. Then he goes in a single-handedly stops the hostage-takers and frees the hostages.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: It will probably impact Balthazar's reputation and the Element's view of him. (People / Groups & Factions). It might also irritate whoever was behind the string of hostage situations if there was a larger force behind it. Might also improve his reputation in Almund. (Places)
Anything else you want to tell us?: Not that I can think of.
 ! Message from: Peg
This is accepted and has impacted Balth's reputation. But it doesn't really impact the reputation of the Elements or the place of Almund .
word count: 173

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Scalvoris State of Play

Thread Name & Link: If you Do, Never Go alone
PC(s) Involved: Woe
Overview / Details: Woe finds the Crystal Blade has taken hostages at the Glassblowers Union, and has arrested him and even removed his spark at swordpoint.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?:
/viewtopic.php?p=178825#p178825 <-- The crystal blade will need updating as he has been arrested. His magic has also been removed.
Settlements & Locations
Egilrun <--- The crystal blade is not at large anymore, and won't be terrorizing the Glassblower's Union anymore.
Groups & Factions
The Glass Blower's Union will breathe a sigh of relief. The Watcher's Guild is on notice, as some of them are known accomplices of the Crystal Blade.

The Crystal Blade was a known transmuter mage.

Anything else you want to tell us?: I think that's it. Woe got Scaltoth points for it.
 ! Message from: Peg
Accepted. Crystal blade updated. Egilrun updated. Glassblowers Union noted - and Woe's reputation suitably improved!
word count: 175
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Re: Scalvoris State of Play

Thread Name & Link: Nellies Girls No Longer, 36 Zi'da 719
PC(s) Involved: Balthazar Black
Overview / Details: So a few arcs back Balthazar investigated the rumor that someone was beating up Nellie's girls from the brothel. He discovered that Helen was the one attacking her own girls in order to garner sympathy and improve her own business. He confronts her about it in her store after her second attempt to get him killed and the Elements come in to arrest her just as she attacks him.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: At the end of the thread Helen O'Hare is apprehended by the Elements for beating about a dozen of her own girls, conspiracy to commit murder, and the attempted murder of Balthazar Black (which was very public). Her business would need to be run by a new Madame Nellie in order to be operational after she was arrested because I don't think she'd have been released by now.
Anything else you want to tell us?: Sorry this is an old thread, there are more threads in the series but the one in the link should have links leading back to the others. I only noticed the other day that the business was still operating normally.
 ! Message from: Peg
Thankee! Nellie's has been updated int he laziest way possible!
word count: 237

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Scalvoris State of Play

Thread Name & Link: Don't Mess with the Country Boys
PC(s) Involved: Jasper and his NPC brothers Bryil and Rewan
Overview / Details: Jasper and his brother kind of wander around Almund on the first of Vhalar, stopp an attempted robbery on themselves, but end up at the Glass Tree. While there he praises the tree and hangs a magical ever burning lantern from a branch so that it would always illuminate the path to the tree.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?:
I think the only affect would be an alteration to the Glass Tree description to reflect the lantern's presences. It might have impressed some of the people who were gathered around the tree against the dark day.

Anything else you want to tell us?: Nope.
 ! Message from: Peg
This is great - thank you! Glass Tree write up edited here . This kind of thing really helps to keep Scalv up to date!
word count: 166
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Re: Scalvoris State of Play

Thread Name & Link: Farewell Badlands, I hardly Knew Ye
PC(s) Involved: Kisaik
Overview / Details: Kisaik finds the remnants of blasted earth in Faldrass, what is left of the Badlands, and grows a grove of free-growing life with his Loshova ability Heal the Land.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?:

People might enjoy the nature spot.

Settlements & Locations

This was closer to Haven and the Resort than Hopetoun, but not sure if it'll have any impact on any settlements.

Groups & Factions

The Forged: Kisaik is doing something for Faldrass here.


Faldrass has a new patch of pine forest.


Ashan: Heal the Land creates a spot of land where Loshova are protected and kept watch over by nature. This may very well become a holy site to Ashan.


Faldrass: Faldrass may appreciate Kisaik's efforts.

Magic: Nope

Anything else you want to tell us?: Nope
 ! Message from: Peg
Accepted! Faldrass description updated (including links to Ashan) and, yes, Faldrass Induk is very happy at Kis' actions.
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Re: Scalvoris State of Play

Thread Name & Link: Mudge's Day Off
PC(s) Involved: Woe
Overview / Details: Woe hosts the Tanner's Guild in a luncheon in his Inn and Tavern, Onyx Hall.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: This may impact his reputation in the Merchant's Guild and Tanner's Guild, and Egilrun in general. Also Mudge may dislike him a little less.
Mudge Tanner was given special treatment and attention.

Settlements & Locations
Egilrun: Tanner's Guild gets pampered at Woe's Inn.

Groups & Factions
Merchant's Guild and Tanner's Guild estimation of Woe should rise.
Anything else you want to tell us?: I think that's it.
 ! Message from: Peg
Accepted. This has impacted Woe's reputation, but not changed anything about the places. Noted, however!
word count: 138
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Re: Scalvoris State of Play

All claims have been modnoted to this point. The new cycle State of Play has been loaded into the first post. All posts from this point on will impact the next Cycle state of play.

Please remember -you only need to post here if your thread impacts the reputation of places / people / groups etc that are not you. On the 1st of next Cycle, I'll delete the claim posts above this one, so we'll always have last cycle's posts.

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~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: Scalvoris State of Play

Thread Name & Link:Let The Cycle Continue
PC(s) Involved: Jasper
Overview / Details:Jasper's wife Astra has triplets during the effects of the snow storm.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: The birth of triplets during the snow will be rumored about. Especially in regards to Sweetsong settlement.
Anything else you want to tell us?: Not really. thanks.
word count: 70
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