~~ State of Play~~
~~ State of Play~~
Please note: These are informed by the repercussions of previous actions and represent the situation at the start of the Cycle. PC actions (or inaction) will impact this throughout the season.
- People ~ these are people who are known on Scalvoris. This tells you who is the talk of the town, what they are known for - and who they are known by!
- Settlements & Locations ~ these are Settlements, Baronies, Locations, Shops, etc - anything which is PC owned.
- Groups & Factions ~ reputation will / should impact your play in terms of Reputation and how well known they are. Also - the longer a Faction is unexplored / unknown, the harder it will be to find / build up IC.
- Places ~ this will tell you what's generally happened in that place up to this point, and will inform what the "state" of the place is at the beginning of the Cycle.
- Immortals ~ how each Immortal is considered on Scalvoris.
- Induks ~ how each Induk is considered on Scalvoris.
- Magic ~ how each magic type is viewed on Scalvoris.
Settlements & Locations
| Barony of von Smooglenuff |
| Haven |
| Hopetoun |
| Sweetsong |
Groups & Factions
Image[/glow] | Name | Description |
The Elements | The Scalvoris military start the Cycle with a good reputation - they were seen and helpful in the Faldrass Relief Effort and their part in the sudden freeze was very efficient! Many members were honored for their parts in The Forging. Have worked with others and have been very efficient! Reputation Good+ | |
| Rangers | Oram Mednix was named Chief Ranger, and Rangers reputation has improved steadily due to the many positive deeds it, and Oram, are seen doing. Oram's killing of a pantheon in Ymiden has created some grumbling at the Menagerie. They've been more quiet in the last cycle - it's been noticed! Reputation Good+ |
Scalvoris Council | The Council is fighting rumors of seat fixing and inactivity of current Council Members and infighting. There are increasing calls for inactive council members to be kicked off the council, and for empty seats to be filled. Reputation Neutral + | |
| Fire Forged | Members of this faction helped save Scalvoris from the Warden of Slags Deep and his daughter. The following PC actions have reflected on the Fire Forged in a positive manner in the last Cycle, leading to an increase (10+ points) in reputation:
| Ice Forged | Members of this faction helped save Scalvoris from the Warden of Slags Deep and his daughter. The following PC actions have reflected positively on the Ice Forged, however with less than 10 points awarded across the Cycle, there is no change in reputation:
| Song Forged | Members of this faction helped save Scalvoris from the Warden of Slags Deep and his daughter. The following PC actions have reflected on the Song Forged in a positive manner in the last Cycle, leading to an large increase (50+ points) in reputation:
| Soul Forged | Members of this faction helped save Scalvoris from the Warden of Slags Deep and his daughter. There have been no PC actions which impacted on the reputation of the Soulforged this Cycle, so their reputation has no change, but will drop next Cycle if this is repeated.
| Order of the Adunih | Healers and medics are well respected throughout Scalvoris - Woe Morandi and Doran Thetys are known for their generous patronage of the Order. There are whispers, however, of internal corruption that somehow was involved in the attacks on healers and supplies that Oram Mednix and Woe Morandi investigated. It's said that the Order is looking for outside help to pin down the motives and individuals involved. This continues to be an issue, and will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar Reputation Excellent. |
| Church of Eternal Mercies | Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information ) |
| The Crafters | Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. In current calendar - this will have impacts next Cycle Reputation Unknown. ( information ) |
| The Guild | Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information ) |
| The Intelligensia | Meets each season Reputation Good . ( information ) |
| The Mer | The Mer Tribe have been quiet for a few seasons. What's happening? Reputation Unknown. ( information ) |
| The Merchants' Guild | Balthazar and Woe have taken leadership roles in the Merchants Guild and this has increased its reputation Reputation Good! . ( information ) |
| The Phoenix | Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information ) |
| Pilgrims Promise | Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. In current calendar - this will have impacts next Cycle Reputation Unknown. ( information ) |
Image | Name | Description |
| Scalvoris Town | Situation: Positive. Scalvoris Town is doing well, economically and is busy. The University is thriving and economically, things are good! There's a new temple to Delroth! Due to events of last cycle, the part of the town adjacent to the Element Hall is still rebuilding. The Glass Temple reports increased visitors due to the interest in learning about the events of Slag's Deep and the Forging. |
| Scalvoris University | Situation: Scalvoris University continues to be busy and on the cutting edge of research. Reputation is good and relationships with both Viden and Rharne are excellent. Professor Doran Thetis from Viden has been giving guest lectures, strengthening the ties between the two institutions. The University is also building relationships with Desnind. Established a research station in the Haven settlement on Faldrass. Actively investigating the situation with the 'time ship' and the people that arrived on it in Zi'da. The poor response to the "University Challenge" event here means that the University is unlikely to run such an event again. They also wrote a letter to the Council, showing their displeasure. This continues to be an issue, and will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar [/b |
| Almund | Situation: Economic down-turn following the Faldrass situation - and the arrival of Saoire has made the darker side of Scalvoris rather cautious. As well, increasing resentment towards the city as reports of pirate sightings rises. Current calendar will impact this |
| Beacon | Situation: Many of the refugees from Faldrass are here. The place is thriving. Subtle unrest in the area from the previous cycle has significantly improved. Refugees from the 'time ship' arrived and are now integrated into Beacon. Links with Woe Morandi are giving voice to the growing demand for Council Representation. This continues to be an issue, and will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar [/b |
| Darbyton | Situation: Darbyton helped a lot with the Faldrass relief effort, and many of the people who left Faldrass early on moved into Darbyton. Population has increased significantly and the removal of the strangle-hold of the Logging Consortium is a very positive thing. |
| Egilrun | Situation: Prospering - a lot of the crafters are looking at Faldrass and the new opportunities there. Home to the newest chapter of the Order of the Adunih. Rumors of a growing rift in Egilrun between the Rangers and EWWW. The events of Slag's Deep, the Forging and Liza's disapearance frayed the nerves of many prominent members of the community and is having lasting effects. Slag's Deep is now empty. Woe Morandi opened a new business and has been appointed Egg on the Scalvoris Council - he also is responsible for the capture of the "Crystal Blade". Woe is considered VERY positively in Egilrun. |
| Gunvorton | Gunvorton has taken in a lot of refugees. Shania is a leading force in this. |
| Harvardr | Situation: Linca has stepped down from the Council, citing infighting and wishing to devote all his energy to Harvardr. |
| Faldrass | Situation: Saoire's School is still flourishing. The Badlands are reported to be shrinking by the trial! Roads have been built between the Manor, Hopetoun, and the southern dock. A new vineyard at the Manor! Hopetoun is thriving and Haven is progressing well. Whispers abound that pirates have Faldrass in their sights. The Shellknight Lodge was built by Kisaik! There's a new pine forest starting to grow where the badlands were, thanks to Kisaik - this area is a holy ground to Ashan and, over the course of the Rebirth Cycle 723, Faldrass Badlands will transform into a green and verdant area! Exploration of this area will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar [/b |
| Immortals Tongue | Situation: The old Devout, Rez'na, remains on Immortals' Tongue, there are increased visitors there following the situation in Faldrass for the last few cycles. The most popular shrines are Saoire's, Xiur's, and Cassion's. Cassion's shrine is also reported to be tended by Champions of his. |
| Ishallr | Situation: There is increased interest in Ishallr due to the existence of the Induk within the Island. |
| Scaltoth Jungles | Situation: There is increased interest in Scaltoth due to the existence of the Induk. |
| Scalvoris Mountains | Situation: There is increased interest in the Mountains due to the Heart of Scalvoris and are looking for it, but no one seems to know where it is! The Vault has opened, but is under guard. Only vetted and accompanied people are being allowed inside. |
| Sweetwine Woods | Situation: Rumors of a tunawa working with turtles have been heard. There is increased interest in Sweetwine due to the existence of the Induk. |
| The Tower | No one has visited the tower for some time. Is there anything strange going on? No one knows...... |
| Treid's Mouth | The eruption of Faldrass has caused some of the icebergs here to melt a little. What will that mean? . |
| Watch | It was discovered that Watchman Philip Carey was murdered and flayed by a mage. What's up with that? What was the motive behind the attack? The Elements and Balthazar investigated but nothing conclusive came of it. This continues to be an issue, and will have an impact on next Cycle's calendar [/b |
Image | Name | Description |
Aelig | The Immortal of Illusion, Mimicry, Chaos is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension | |
Aeva | The Immortal of Technology, Metal Working, Ambition, Pride is generally respected on Scalvoris, especially in Egilrun. Reputation: Positive | |
Ashan | The Immortal of Spring, Spirituality, Freedom is generally liked on Scalvoris and his rejuvenation of the Badlands (as it is seen) has increased this. Reputation: Positive | |
Audrae | The Immortal of Deception, Secrecy, Shadows, Fear is known for her part in the War and is distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension | |
Belaera | The Immortal of Duality, Imprisonment, Sacrifice is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension | |
Cassion | The Immortal of Travel, Adventure, Stories, Hunger is very well-liked on Scalvoris and his part in the Forging is well-known. Reputation: Very positive | |
Chamadarst | The Immortal of Neutrality, Commerce, Isolation, Glass is well-liked on Scalvoris, with particular ties to the Merchant's Guild, Egilrun and the new Egg, Woe Morandi, who is one of his marked. He is known for his part in the Forging. Reputation: Very positive | |
Chrien | The Immortal of Storms, Luck, Spite is generally feared on Scalvoris, although sailors have a deep respect for her. It is believed that she attacked the Alberach. Reputation: Negative | |
Daia | The Immortal of Companionship, Prosperity, Tailoring and Dance is liked on Scalvoris, with her part in the Forging well known.. Reputation: Very positive | |
Delroth | The Immortal of Birds, Wind, Vanity, Greed has a good reputation on Scalvoris. The new temple in Scalvoris Town, Devin;s work and that of his daughter, Zana, who is the new Foriegn Affairs councilor, has made a big difference, but this is dimmed by his and Kalortah’s actions during the Forging. Reputation: Positive | |
Edasha | The Immortal of Beauty, Jealousy, Sight, Adultery is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative | |
Ethelynda | The Immortal of Nobility, Honor, Protection, Serpents is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral | |
Faldrun | The Immortal of Fire, Sun, Turmoil is actively disliked on Scalvoris. Reputation: : Very negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension | |
Famula | The Immortal of Souls, Servitude, Resurrection, Blood is seen in a more positive light on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly positive | |
Ilaren | The Immortal of Lightning, Sound, Brawling, Alcohol is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral | |
Karem | The Immortal of The Hunt, Survival, Wolvesis well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive | |
Kata | The Immortal of Insanity, Injustice, Ruin is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: : Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension | |
Lisirra | The Immortal of Pestilence, Toxin, Decay, Insects is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative | |
Mastes | The Immortal of Compulsion, Trickery, Vices is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: : Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension | |
Moseke | The Immortal of Earth, Stone, Nature, Lifeis well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive | |
Pier & Pre | The Immortals of Judgement, Equality, Justice, Truth, Lies are generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral | |
Qylios | The Immortal of Bonds, Leadership, Light, Courage is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral | |
Raskalarn | The Immortal of Conquest, Dominion, Discipline, Devastation is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral | |
Ralaith | The Immortal of Wisdom, Bitterness, Time, Bears is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral | |
Saoire | The Immortal of Gifts, Gateways, Mentorship, Turtles has quickly become positively adored on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive. | |
Sintra | The Immortal of Manipulation, Entrapment, Arachnids is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative | |
Syroa | The Immortal of Transformation, Lust, Acting, Fury is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. There are rumours that Syroa is at her shrine and kills people who disturb her. Reputation: Negative.Confirmed to have been killed in the events of the Ascension | |
Tio | The Immortal of Curses is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive | |
Treid | The Immortal of Ice, Moon, Knowledge, Longing is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive | |
U'frek | The Immortal of Navigation, Water, Auroras is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive | |
Unity | The Immortal of Dreams, Nightmares, Oblivion, Imagination is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative | |
Valtharn | The Immortal of Torture, Murder, Ruin, Injustice, Illusion, Vice is distrusted on Scalvrois due to the events of Ascension. Reputation: Very negative | |
Vhalar | The Immortal of Fall, Festivals, Guardian of Oaths, Art is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Positive | |
Vri | The Immortal of Death, Sadness, Remembrance, Love is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral | |
Xiur | The Immortal of Clouds, Dusk, Stars, Hope is well-liked on Scalvoris and is linked with Hopetoun Settlement. Reputation: Very positive | |
Ymiden | The Immortal of Summer, Dawn, Rebirth, Forgiveness is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Positive | |
Yvithia | The Immortal of Communication, Language, Intelligenceis generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral | |
Zanik | The Immortal of Strength, Seduction, Music is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral | |
Ziell | The Immortal of Winter, Peace, Prophecies is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive |
Faldrass | The Induk of Fire, and focus of dedication of the Fire Forged. Reputation: Very Positive. | |
Ishallr | The Induk of Ice, and focus of dedication of the Ice Forged. Reputation: Positive | |
Scaltoth | The Induk of Earth, and focus of dedication of the Soul Forged. Reputation: Positive | |
Sweetwine | The Induk of Air, and focus of dedication of the Song Forged.. Reputation: Very Positive |
Abrogation | Generally positive attitude. | |
Attunement | Generally positive attitude | |
Becoming | Improved reputation - generally more positive. If you're not sure why it's ok, though, ask Professor Baron Devin! | |
Defiance | Largely positive - helped by the use of Defiance to protect in Faldrass | |
Empathy | Large amount of suspicion | |
Graft | Neutral attitude | |
Hone | Neutral attitude | |
Necromancy | Very negative attitude following the War of Death & Souls especially. | |
Rupturing | Largely positive | |
| Transmutation | Largely positive |