[Sweetsong] Join the Chorus, If You Can.....

61st of Ymiden 722

The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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Vega Dweeb
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[Sweetsong] Join the Chorus, If You Can.....

61st Trial of Ymiden, 722
The evening after this

They had lists of people and what they could offer - this was good as far as Vega was concerned, but this was only the beginning. She had spent time that afternoon working on setting up a tent where they could oversee all this sort of stuff. Vega had learned the hard way the importance of getting organised , and so she knew that she had to not only get together all the information on the people who were here and what they could do , but she also had to give that organisation a space.

Vega had been part of something similar in Hopetoun, and she had learned a lot there. She hoped to pat that to use here and improve on it, if she could. So, she wanted the administration tent to be comfortable and somewhere that people wanted to be. They wouldn't want to linger somewhere uncomfortable, cold or wet after all , and so Vega considered the best placement for the tent. There was a logical place where people would leave the settlement, there was a sort of trail in the woods, and so she decided to put it there. Vega had taken her time and made sure that the tent was in the optimal place for set up. This way, it would be comfortable no matter what the weather and so she made sure of that. The admin tent inside was large and comfortable.

But what she needed now was someone who had a head for such things. For now, she'd do it and get others helping she thought, but then it occurred to her. They should all take turns in doing this. A shared sense of community, of responsibility, that would help. Once she'd got it as set up as she could, and as comfortable as she could, Vega went and sat with Wren and the settlers who were with him. They were working on the lists and Vega looked at Wren with a slight smile. "What are you doin' little bird?"

Wren's serious eyes gazed on her and Vega felt a swell of love for the boy. He answered carefully, thoughtfully. "We have all the lists here. We went through them and counted, and everyone put their name in. So, now, we're trying to make lists with the heading as the..." he paused, searching for the word. Vega waited, not interrupting him. "With the skill or talent they can bring at the top of the page, and all the people who can do it in a list. So we'll have a page of hunters and a page of cooks."

Vega nodded. "That's a very good way of doin' it," she said, her voice showing that she was pleased. "Thank you, Wren. Thank you everyone." It was easy enough to join in with this and, while Vega wasn't a quick reader - nor would she ever be - this was straightforward enough. Joy spoke up then, and Vega watched her daughter with pride in her eyes. "I thought that we could ask people if they'd like to learn these things," she said, gesturing to the skills or talents at the top of the pages. "An' make a 'have got' an' a 'would like' list." Vega nodded her head. "I think that's a fine idea, Ipi, but we'll get the 'have gots' first, a'right? An' then folks can sign up to the 'would likes' if they want to?" Joy nodded, pleased to have contributed.

It was relatively quick work because they all worked together. Vega was pleased that the sense of community was already building and, once done, they had pieces of parchments with lists underneath. "I'm thinkin' that the next step," she said, "is to work out what jobs we need to do as a community, an' then divvy them up. Maybe we can have a meetin' this evenin' round the central campfire, an' discuss it an' eat stew an' bread, an' sing songs an' tell stories?"

There were general noises of acceptance and nods of heads. Vega grinned. "Right. I'm goin' to go fuss my children till they give in an' shower me with love," she said with a grin at Wren and Joy. The three of them went back to their camp and she spent some time with the children, making sure that they were happy and had plenty of attention.
word count: 746

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Vega Dweeb
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Re: [Sweetsong] Join the Chorus, If You Can.....

61st Trial of Ymiden, 722
The evening after this


"What is it, little bird?" Wren had a pensive look on his face so Vega knew that whatever he was asking her about was something he'd thought about. Possibly quite a lot. "Will you teach Joy and me to hunt?"

Vega raised an eyebrow and put down the sewing she was doing to look at him. He was quite serious, she knew, and they'd obviously talked about it. So, she figured, they'd strategised things, considered what her arguments against it would be. Looking at the two of them - Joy was there with Wren, she just hadn't said anything yet - Vega paused a moment and then answered. "What arguments have you pair come up with to make me say yes?"

The children gazed at each other and then Joy spoke. "We think you'll be worried about danger an' so we promise that we'll do exactly what you say, an' that we'll listen an' concentrate real hard." They both nodded, then Wren took up the baton. "And we know that when hunting we have to be quiet and stay close. We'll do that. And there'll be no arguments from us even if you tell us to do something gross." They fell quiet for a moment and then Wren spoke again. "And we want to help, and spend time with you."

There was no feeling, Vega figured, like the one she was having right now. That feeling of loving unconditionally and being loved back was something which she had never imagined and now, could not comprehend being without. So, first, she planted a kiss on Joy's, then Wren's foreheads. Then she spoke. "I was goin' to say yes anyhow," she said with a smile. "But I wanted to be sure. A'right. Lets go. We'll start now." The two children looked at each other and nodded.

"Firs' things first. Sturdy shoes, an' we need to take supplies."

"We've put together bags for ourselves," Wren said and Vega looked genuinely amazed. "What'd you put in them?"

"We looked at yours, Mama, an' put the things you have. Water an' bandages an' socks."

Vega beamed "You two make me so proud, I migh' jus' burst." That said, she got the children into their warmest coats and, when they were all ready, they made their way. "We need to move quietly, so follow my steps, a'right," Vega said as they made their way out of the settlement. They tried their best to be quiet, but Vega knew that the noises they were making would be more than enough to ensure that any animals were no where to be seen. She was going to need to do this differently, Vega decided .

"A'right, so we're goin' to put some traps down. I'm goin' to teach you how to find a good place for puttin' traps." She looked at the two of them and then, she gestured to them to come over. "Look here, you see all these tracks?" They both came over to look and examined the tracks on the ground. Watching them, Vega waited until they seemed less focused on the tracks, and then she explained. "There's a lot of rabbits round this way. So, I reckon we should put some traps down here, an' catch ourselves some rabbits." They seemed happy with that, and Vega thought a moment. She knew that a pit trap would be much more effective, but she had to think about who she was with and what she was trying to do here. She had to think about what they'd be able to do, and feel good about , so she reached into her Domain bag.

"This is a simple trap, look. We leave this open an' then, when a rabbit goes in there, they'll get trapped cos it'll fall when there's any weight put on this bit." She handed the weighted trap to Joy and Wren who examined it carefully. She looked around with a critical eye and looked to see where it would be best put. She wanted somewhere where a rabbit was likely to explore it, and also where it wouldn't be knocked over or triggered by some other mechanism. She determined the best place and then motioned to Wren and Joy to watch. They did so with intense expressions and Vega showed them how to set it down, carefully. They watched and she knew that they both had questions, but neither of them spoke. That was good, they'd have to get used to holding questions, so she didn't say anything else.

As she led them back to the settlement - they really hadn't gone very far - Vega thought about things. When they got back, she got to her lists and she handed them to Wren and Joy. "Best put your names down as hunters, I reckon, don't you?"

Two pairs of wide eyes looked at her and first one hand, then another, signed their names. Vega smiled at them both and nodded. "We'll go out tomorrow an' see what you caught."

"Mama?" Joy said and Vega turned to her. "Yes Ipi?"

"If we catch a kitten, we won't kill it will we?"

It was a serious question, so Vega dropped down on her haunches in front of Joy and spoke very seriously. "No, Ipi. If we catch a kitten we'll feed it milk an' look after it, an' you can name it, ok?"

Satisfied, Joy nodded.

word count: 937

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Join the Chorus, If You Can.....


RPG Rewards:


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Logistics: Gather information on what resources you have
    • Logistics: Making maximum use of people's skills involves making the people comfortable and aware
    • Field Craft: Even when very skilled, it's worth to take time and think about where to put a camp
    • Hunting: Amend your hunting technique when with less skilled companions
    • Teaching: Tailor your actions to your students when giving a practical demonstration
    • Hunting: Determining placement of weighted traps
Link to Review Request on the Forum: viewtopic.php?p=193763#p193763

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: The part where Joy asked if they would have to kill a kitten destroyed me, honestly. But Vega's response all along the way to these children was damn near perfect parenting. In my opinion.

I enjoy the scenes of Vega caring for her kids, teaching them, showing them how to do stuff and just watching as they develop into little people. This was full of those scenes for me, so I just adored it.

Good job! Enjoy the rewards!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM.
word count: 197
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