

Current Cycle

Please see the "Season" button on the top menu bar on all pages of the site for the current cycle and remaining RL days. Please be aware that all threads must be written in the current cycle, unless they are a memory thread. See the different types of thread on the Moderation page if you are unsure of the rules regarding this.


It is important to note that the information contained here is a general overview of the seasons on Idalos. If you wish to have specific information on the weather where your PC is, then check out their seasonal calendar or lore thread or, if they are on the Wiki, check out their The City Wiki Section.

Dates of Cycle Changes

February 1st: First day of the Rebirth Cycle. The first day of the Rebirth Cycle also marks the arc change.
June 1st: First day of the Hot Cycle.
October 1st: First day of the Cold Cycle.

Rebirth Cycle



Long cold days leave the world in a constant state of twilight. Living outdoors becomes extremely difficult due to the icy temperatures and flora and fauna suffer during this time. Grass dies making livestock, who need to eat more to survive the harsh conditions, difficult to feed, and a lot of trees fall into dormancy, slowing down their metabolism and energy consumption in order to survive the season until the sun comes up again.

While the days slowly tick on, the sun begins to sink to the horizon before finally being blocked by one of Idalos' slow orbiting moons. The stationary effect of this moon, however, is partly due to the Ellune and their dormant ruler, Treid. His influence over the moons, and his less than favorable views of Faldrun, prevent the moon from showing any light for 30 trials. A curse he enacted to punish Faldrun for his backhanded and wicked ways, Treid was incapacitated by Audrae before he could remove it. Now the world suffers sunless for 30 trials an Arc, until the light of Ashan touches it once more.



The first few weeks of Ashan are rigidly cold. Though the sun finally makes its appearance from Cylus, it takes many trials before the ice melts away into puddles, blooming flowers and grass. Ashan experiences a cold period, lasting for a quarter of the season before the temperature finally heats up enough to begin sowing crops for the Arc. Ashan is mainly known for it's spring weather, gentle breezes, and the rebirth of plant life. Barren trees slowly sprout buds of leaves and flowers, releasing a green haze of pollen while green grass grows slowly from the wet soil. Dead leaves from the previous season are swallowed up during this cycle, providing nutrients for new life growing from the ground.

Ashan lasts a total of 123 trials (days) while experiencing pretty moderate weather. Later in the season, rain clouds become a common thing, depending on the environment. The temperature begins to heat up while the green haze of pollen dies away and the budding plant life fully sprouts into bushy trees, thick grass, and lively, colorful flowers. As the season closes, the temperature rises, ushering in stronger storms and much hotter weather.

Hot Cycle



Ymiden is known for its hot, summer weather and strong hurricanes. Though this season isn't as unbearable as Saun, Ymiden provides more cloudless days than cloudy. Astronomers cherish this season for its clear skies, giving way to cool nights full of stars and moonlight. Ymiden is also the season where most festivals take place. Crops planted during Ashan will be harvested before the middle of Ymiden, allowing for enormous feasts, plenty of drink, and an unlimited supply of entertainment.

Ymiden lasts for a total of 83 trials (days). During this time, temperatures remain moderate while oceans and any other body of water become warm enough to swim in. The storms that occur throughout this season can be severe, ranging from hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, and monsoons. However, each region will experience the effects of this seasons differently.



As Ymiden closes out, Saun begins, bringing with it another sun. Saun is known as the hottest season in Idalos with high temperatures that can become unbearable to work in. During this season, night time provides a small relief to the heat and though the temperatures aren't so excruciatingly hot, exposure to the sun without proper water and shade as well as rest can be fatal.

Saun lasts a total of 40 trials (days) at the end of which the second sun disappears. It is recommended during this time to keep a close eye on all children, livestock, and crops. Because of the heat, water will need to be readily available and distributed frequently, as to avoid potential stroke or loss of life from overheating. Any storms experienced during this season are much more powerful than those produced during Ymiden.

Cold Cycle



Vhalar is described as the season of harvest, where vegetables, herbs, and other produce are ripe for reaping one last time. During the beginning of this season, the temperature is still fairly hot, even though the second sun has moved away. As the trials progress, the weather cools while the leaves slowly change from thriving green to lively red, yellow, auburn, and purple. The grass wilts and hardly any color is saved by the end of the season except for the pines and other shrubs and trees. Vhalar takes on a chill during its final days before sinking into the cold season of Zi'da.

Vhalar lasts a total of 123 trials (days). It is a festive time for most cities as the temperature mid-season is quite enjoyable.



Zi'da rolls in, bringing with it the cold winds of death. This season was named in honor of the Immortal Daia, after she was struck down at the hands of a human, thus manifesting the war between deities presently. Zi'da is a cool season that only progressively gets colder. Very few flora survive during this time and the trees, barren and lifeless. Animals have settled down to hibernate while the only real noise that disturbs the peaceful silence of Zi'da are the humans that walk about and the Immortals that fight for control. Snow is common during this season, along with freezing rain and blizzards.

Zi'da lasts for a total of 93 trials (days). Though it is considered a cold season, the weather and chill of Zi'da pales in comparison to Cylus.