Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your Marbles

44th of Ymiden 722

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your Marbles

44th of Ymiden 722

Woe and Sage rode in on the back of his Kutzeldaur, Soz. Woe rode in front. While Sage was the more experienced and skilled rider and trainer, it was important that the beast grow accustomed to him being its primary rider. Not that there was any question. Woe alone bore Kuvarakh’s effigy, and had a bond to the dark-winged dragonling. It was merely a way of enforcing best practices, when it came to training beasts, and Sage was always about the best way to do what she was good at.

And she was good with animals, no mistake about it.

As they landed, Woe got off first, and then offered a hand to Sage to get off. She graciously accepted, although she was perfectly capable of dismounting the dragonling. Again, another gesture to enforce Woe’s dominance over the beast. It was a strange concept to Woe, but Sage insisted upon it.

Then, it was time to greet the guards at the gate. Woe would inform them that he was there to meet Princess Alyssia. Was it Princess? Or Baronette? Or perhaps Baroness? Woe wasn’t keen on the nomenclature and titles of Scalvoris landholders. He nervously reached down to his belt, to feel the pouch of marbles he’d planned on gifting to Alyssia. The marbles were of green glass, tempered for hardness, and would not shatter easily. But more importantly, they were cool to the touch.

Woe had thought to give her the green glass as a reciprocal gesture for her gift to him on Saoire’s holiday. She’d given him river rocks and green sand. So he would give her a set of green glass marbles. They weren’t merely a plaything though, as Alyssia was already growing a little old for toys. They were a meditative focus. Woe would teach Alyssia his best to control her emotions.

Sage was there, as promised, to help teach Alyssia how to tame her pets. Woe turned to Sage, who smiled back at him, and then they were let into the gates, where he expected to find Alyssia in the courtyard.

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Re: Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your Marbles


Alyssia pulled her hair up into a ponytail as her heart pounded. Woe would be arriving shortly with a good friend of his to help the girl learn to train her dragons. Myrixa wasn't too hard to handle being so small, but Rymid was another story. When he did not want to move there was no getting him up. Her hand slipped into her pocket feeling the coin that resided within it. So much had happened since she arrived in Scalvoris. First she had helped with the Scalvbeast or rather tried, then she became a fire forged when the late baron had called for help, she had met Saoire herself during the goddess' gift giving event, she had been named baroness, and had saved dragons from being attacked by her own kind which earned her a position as curator of a dragon's hoard when she came of age to explore.

"So much has changed Novus," Alyssia looked down at the still sleeping nightpup. A small smile graced her face as she looked at all the amazing pets she had acquired. First Novus, a pure white nightpup with purple eyes, then Rymid(Dragonling), Myrixa(Dragonet), and Fowler Goosestep that chose to stay with her. The girl actually got Rymid to sleep in the barn for the night so that he would be ready to go when Sage and Woe arrived. The girl put on her pants and a top with no sleeves so that it would be easier to move depending on what she would be doing. The young Aukari did not know what she would be doing so she did not want to be without something covering her legs, but not have something on that would restrict her arm movements.

Woe had also told her that he would help her learn to meditate as well. It would be great to have someone who could teach her what to do. Every time she tried to do it herself, the teen ended up falling asleep. Was there something that she was missing? Did she just not have self control? After lacing up her boots, the girl got up and headed outside to wait for word from the guards that Woe had arrived. Once she made it outside, Alyssia was glad for the warmer weather. Though she was not as bothered by the cold as some of the others that lived on Faldrass. It did not take long after she had stepped outside for the guards to let her know that Woe had arrived. The teen hurried down the stairs to the manor and stood in the courtyard with a smile as the visitors arrived.

“Welcome to Smooglenuff Manor! Woe, it is great to see you again! This must be your friend you mentioned. Hello, my name is Alyssia Smooglenuff,” Alyssia stated and bowed slightly at the waist when she saw his companion.

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They bid farewell to Soz, who flew off into a darkened cove on the coast of the island of Faldrass. The dragonling was anti-social in the extreme, a characteristic that Sage insisted to Woe that was a natural aspect of the Kutzeldaur.

Sage was wearing dark brown hunting leathers over riding boots, with a long-hemmed green overcoat. Her golden hair was tied back in a tail as well, as her brilliant green eyes regarded the aukari child with curiosity. It was no secret that Woe had an odd sort of soft spot for children, although the girl in front of them was well on the cusp of full adulthood by Scalvoris standards. Still, a child she was to the likes of Sage and Woe, who were both quite a lot older.

Even so, Alyssia seemed well mannered enough as she greeted Woe and Sage. “This is Sage, Alyssia. The animal tamer friend I told you about.”

The naer extended a slender hand to Alyssia, by way of greeting. There were nuances in her body language that still eluded Woe, and he supposed were part of her upbringing in Augiery. The way she twisted her hand as she extended probably had some hidden meaning, one that those not versed in Euthic sign couldn’t be privy to. Even so, he trusted Sage, and knew her to be a good enough person, if a little peculiar.

“These must be your beasts.” Sage said, turning to look at the animals after introductions had been given. “May I take a closer look?” Sage asked Alyssia, and wouldn’t take another step toward them, unless she gave her express permission.

Woe, in the meantime, was more focused on Alyssia than the remarkable menagerie the young girl had gathered around herself. “I brought you a little present.” Woe produced a small woolen pouch from his domain bag, and handed it to her. The contents of the pouch were cool to the touch. “They’re egilrun green glass marbles. Cool to the touch and well tempered, so they won’t break merely from dropping.”

“Not a toy, however, but a meditative focus.” Woe nodded at her to take a look inside the pouch. The green marbles had pretty patterns in other colors swirling within the green clarity of the glass, in varying degrees of opacity. There were red streaks of color slashing through the green marbles in some, and purple in others.

“It’s helpful, when meditating and slowing down your mind, to focus on a small object, seemingly insignificant. And I thought the cool glass might help you when you feel your blood beginning to heat up.”

Woe took a look around the courtyard of the manor of Smooglenuff. It was really an impressive edifice, and Woe would have to ask the constructors sometime where they’d gotten their design ideas. He could use such insights for when it came time to build his own places of business and the Glass Harbor itself.

He waited to see if Alyssia would allow Sage closer to the dragonling, and her other animals. Sage explained to Alyssia, “It’s important that they see you’re in charge.” She made clear to the aukari girl. “And it’s a fair practice not to approach a strange animal unless it’s alpha -that’s you- has given permission to enter their midst.”

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Re: Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your Marbles


The girl smiled and took her hand giving it a shake looking back at the group of animals that seemed to follow her everywhere. WIth a smile the girl nodded whistling for them to come closer though none would be as close as Myrixa. The little female dragonet climbed down Alyssia’s arm when the pair shook hands and sniffed the woman. The young teen could not help but giggle some as the young dragonet never seemed to meet a stranger.

“Sorry about her, Myrixa likes to hide under my hair and explore the world with me. She has never bit anyone though she did lick that one man and scared the life out of him. Of course I would be honored. Let me introduce everyone, this little one is Myrixa my dragonet, Rymid is my dragonling he tends to be more relaxed and unbothered. Novus was my first pet. He was given to me by Baron Devin during an event for Lady Saoire. This is Fowler Goosestep he came home with me the same day I was allowed to bring Myrixa and Rymid home,” Alyssia stated introducing everyone.

She reached her hand down and Myrixa climbed on top of Rymid’s head, chirping at him. Alyssia stepped back allowing the woman to do as she saw fit with the animals. Turning her attention back to Woe, the girl was amazed at how beautiful the marbles were. She gently took them in her hands, loving the cool feeling in her normally warm hands. The teen looked up and listened closely amazed that something so small could be used to meditate with.

“Thank you very much. I will definitely use them. Maybe having these to focus on will help keep me from falling asleep,” Alyssia said with a smile, “please come this way. There is plenty of room off towards the stables for us to visit.”

Alyssia stated and listened closely as Sage explained how the animal world worked. She nodded, making sure to remember what was being told to her. The young girl had never really seen herself as an alpha of a pack before. It would be an interesting challenge for the young girl to learn how to be what her pets needed of her. For the most part they had not caused very many problems at the manor so she was lucky. Compared to how she heard about other pets acting with their owners.

Once Sage had a chance to meet all the animals, Alyssia would lead everyone to a more private area than the main walkway. That would also help keep the way clear for any visitors or workers that may be coming up to the manor that the girl did not know about. She turned to look at the two adults with a soft smile.

“I am ready when you guys are,” Alyssia explained.

Last edited by Alyssia on Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:27 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 478
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Re: Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your Marbles


Sage quirked a brow when she saw a creature, what could only be described as a dragonet, crawl down Alyssia’s arm and give her hand a sniff. Sage didn’t flinch, or make any sudden movements, but was in a wonder. “You have a dragon gift? Who did you meet?”

Woe for his part was also somewhat taken aback by the appearance of the dragonling and dragonet. Although he knew from their earlier correspondence that Alyssia had been involved in the Ruin’s Dawn affair in some manner, he didn’t realize she’d earned the appreciation of a dragon. Could it be possible she was marked by effigy? No that was unlikely. She was only a child yet, but still. “Your pets are very impressive, Alyssia. The dragon it came from must be beautiful indeed.”

Just as Myrixa climbed through Alyssia’s arm, Bean, the dragonet of Kuvarakh, flew over from Woe’s shoulder, onto Sage’s arm to meet Myrixa, and boop noses. If she showed any apprehension before the small black dragonet, he’d quark lightly, blowing his courage-inducing breath upon the small dragonet.

“It looks like Beans wants to make friends…” Sage said, her eyes lingering on this unusual meeting to face Woe for a second.

Woe explained to Alyssia, “I don’t remember if I told you, but I’m also the recipient of dragon gifts. This was how I met Sage, she was a ward of a dragon, and knows much about their ways, and the ways of beasts and animals in general.” Woe smiled from Sage to Alyssia.

It seemed to Woe that going to the stables with her animals was a good first move.

As Fowler Goosestep made himself known, along with Novus, Sage allowed them to take in her scent, withouto reaching down or doing anything that would unduly excite them. She wasn’t standoffish, just casual with the animals.

Woe and Sage walked behind the procession of Alyssia and her menagerie. Allowing that she would show the way to the stables.

“So…” Sage began, “Alyssia, what are the main challenges with your animals? Have they been well behaved? Are they too forward with strangers, or too loose in the leash, so to speak? What form of training do they need most of all now? Have any of them shown signs of aggression or upset?”

These were important questions to establish, in order that they’d know how to train the person on how to train their animals. Often, when the beast’s behavior wasn’t ideal, it was queued off by behavior of the human. And sometimes when the feelings of stress or anger or upset were held inside, animals could even respond to hidden stresses that weren’t evident to even most humans, given the close contact they tend to experience with their handlers.

Woe nodded to Alyssia, “This will tell us where to begin, and we can start to teach you to tame your animal friends. Training the person is as much a part of it as training the animals… As far as Sage tells me.”

Last edited by Woe on Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 520
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Re: Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your Marbles


Alyssia stayed still with a smile. She knew that the little dragonet would just playfully nip at the older woman’s hand, but it would be better if the girl could prevent it. Gray eyes looked up at Sage who seemed surprised to see her with a little dragonet. A soft smile appeared on the girl’s face as she remembered what Drathaidir had told her after the adventure.

I met Lady Drathaidir. At least I think that is how you refer to a dragon?” Alyssia stated then put her hand on her chin curiously after Myrixa had flown off to bother her brother? Or would the pair be cousins?

A bright smile appeared when a solid black dragonet flew over and tried to meet Myrixa. The girl giggled when the little female jumped back and made a curious noise at the male. A soft smile stayed on her face nodding for her to go say hello. Making a sort of grumbling noise, the little female climbed forward and booped noses with him with big eyes. When the male dragon used his courage-breath, the little female made a happy noise and tried to jump on him playfully before flying up into the air waiting for him to follow.

“I don’t recall if you did or not. That is incredible, Sage! What was it like living with a dragon if I may ask,” Alyssia said with a look of surprise on her face.

As the group made their way to the stables, the girl’s animals quickly dispersed across the grounds to find something to do. Rymid found a tree to lay under and watch the rest lazily yawning. Novus started chasing after Fowler Goosestep causing the girl to groan.

“There he goes again. I swear he will run Fowler to an early grave,” Alyssia whispered and looked back at the two adults, “I don’t have too many problems with novus since he was already fully trained when I received him. Though since the dragons and Fowler came home with me he has a bad habit of chasing Fowler. I worry he will worry, the poor thing to death. Rymid doesn’t really do a lot besides sleep unless I call for him. The only time I have seen him upset is when I have to use the coin that I received. I don’t know if that is just a thing with the kind of dragon he is or not. Myrixa just needs to have her excitement curved when it comes to going places and meeting people. She likes to play bite nothing to draw blood. But I worry she will bite too hard and hurt someone on accident.”

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Having heard that Alyssia was among those who received dragon-gifts was intriguing enough, but that she was a child to have had such an experience already was remarkable. Woe wondered how he’d react to being exposed to such wonders at a young age. Probably not as well as Alyssia appeared to be.

Lady Drathaidir, Woe would try to remember that name for future reference. Dragons seemed like good entities to keep tabs on, if for no other reason than they were extraordinarily powerful.

Beans began playing with the girl’s shiny dragonet, Myrixa. They even touched snoots, which seemed to delight Myrixa to no end. Beans leapt off of his perch to follow after Myrixa, and see what mischief they could get up to with the larger dragonling.

“I don’t think I did…” Woe began.

“Living with a dragon… I wouldn’t say I lived with Kuvarakh, but he had some snake servants that I was in charge of keeping healthy and well-trained, so they could guard his resting place. He was asleep for most of the time I was ‘with’ him, so not much getting to know each other I’m afraid.”

Sage didn’t go into how Woe and a few others had helped release the seal of Kuvarakh, and freed her into the bargain. For which Woe was grateful. He didn’t particularly want to get into that episode very much. Especially the part where Aukari were involved, as Alyssia seemed very sensitive about what she was.

When Novus began chasing after Fowler Goosestep, Sage shook her head, though not in disapproval of Alyssia, but more in the realization that she had their work cut out for them. “Impulse control seems to be an issue for Novus. How often do you take him for walks, give him regular exercise and play? He seems very energetic, and you have to make yourself more entertaining than chasing another animal. That can be very challenging, however, as chasing an animal and being chased are among the most rewarding and favored activities of a dog. It’s hard to compete, making yourself more fun and interesting than the pull of the chase for a dog. I’d recommend giving him lots of play, exercise, and reward the same when he engages in it with you.”

“As for your dragonet biting too hard, the only suggestion I’d make is to craft a small toy for her, perhaps even a long feather tassle, and not use your hands as playthings for her.” Sage sighed, “The sooner she gets the idea that hands are not playthings, the less likely she will be to play with them and risk hurting someone. Fortunately, dragonets are rather intelligent, so she will probably get the idea rather quickly that hands are not playthings, so long as you don’t engage in that sort of play.”

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Re: Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your Marbles

Alyssia looked at the woman as she spoke about the dragon that she had lived with. Well sort of lived with, it seemed more like she had worked for him before leaving. She looked over at the woman, surprised that the dragon had been asleep for so long. But it made sense based on what Drathaidir had said about the dragons only watching the world from their hidden homes. The teen wondered what it would be like to be hidden from the world. To not know the strife and strain that those who lived in the outside world endured, it had to be amazing. And yet, so lonely at the same time.

“I see, it is sad you did not get to see much of the dragon. But, I can understand what it means to have a task from them though I am sure it was not nearly as long as yours. I am very glad you are here to meet everyone. I have wondered what it would be like to live without the trials of the world, but such thoughts are not productive,” Alyssia stated looking up at the sky at the last part while they walked.

Alyssia had to stop and think about when the last time she had taken Novus out since she had returned with the dragons had come, and she began her training with Lady Kura. A blush crossed her face, embarrassed to say she couldn't remember. The pair had always been going out and doing things such as exploring. But that had changed when she started her studies and had to learn how to take care of dragons.

"I am ashamed to say that I have not been out to explore and go for walks with Novus as I have been in the past. My time between school and learning what Lady Kura has for me to focus on is not much,” Alyssia explained when she was asked about how often she took Novus out.

The gray eyes of the young Aukari looked at Sage as she spoke with a wisdom the young girl did not possess. It amazed her how much one could learn simply by listening to the people around her. Yet, there were many that simply chose not to acknowledge the opinion of others. As the group came to a stop where the big clearing was, Alyssia absentmindedly rolled the marbles around in her fingers as a way to relieve some of the guilt and stress she felt.

“Craft a toy. Do you think using one of Fowler’s feathers would work? Once it fell off on its own of course. I would never pluck one and cause him pain,” Alyssia asked with a smile eager to learn and help come up with solutions to some of the problems.
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Sage nodded to Alyssia, as she said what she did about the dragons. "Well... I didn't see much of him, but I was assured that Kuvarakh saw much of the caverns around his resting place. For ages he witnessed the horrors perpetrated by my people. He found few among us worthy of exception, those who dared to rebel against the tyranny of fear and shadow. It was how I had a dream, that showed me where to find him. It's comforting feeling, sometimes, to know there's a big dragon watching over you." Sage said it, smiling up at the large golden that called Alyssia its mistress.

When Alyssia showed signs of morose abandon, Woe came forward, and laid a hand on her shoulder. He thought he knew Alyssia well at this point. There were some children who constantly got into trouble, and ignored the consequences. But Alyssia was careful, thoughtful, perhaps too much fear in her. Fear of not being good enough, of failing those around her. Woe used his Fearless touch granted by Kuvarakh now to banish those fears, at least for a few breaks. Alyssia would feel suddenly relieved of the burden of all fear in that moment, as if nothing could possibly scare or dissuade her from her intended will.

Woe noticed she was playing with the marbles, perhaps using them as a focus just as he said she should when she felt the flush of emotion coming on.

Woe looked at Sage from Alyssia's side. The naer was being a little harsh in her chastising the girl, telling her how she should be among her animals. "We're here to help you on your way Alyssia."

Sage continued that thought, kneeling in front of the baroness and looking up at her. "I'm sorry Alyssia, I didn't mean to speak so harshly then. We'll get your animals sorted now. But while I try and herd your dog and goose, why don't you have an aside with Woe to listen to what he has to say for a while?"

So saying, if Alyssia agreed to that, Sage would sort out the animals in her own way, which mostly meant grabbing Novus' attention and letting Fowler Goosestep alone for the time being. She led him along with a potent dog treat, which got his attention away from his feathere'd quarry.

Meanwhile, left beside Woe, he looked at her, "I think maybe using the feather of your goose might work for the little one. But for now, let's see about teaching you to meditate, as I said I would?"

If she'd follow him, he'd lead her to a quiet spot on the grounds. There, divided from any sight of her animals, he sat cross legged on the ground, and gestured for her to sit in front of him.

"There's a lot of ways to find calm and focus, Alyssia. The important thing is to find a centering emotion or feeling. For instance, for me I used to be afraid of not having control. Of myself, my surroundings. Or anyone around me." He looked at her with a frank stare, "Of course, it wasn't necessary for me to have control over any of those things in order to conquer my fear. Ultimately, what it took to defeat the fear was to accept that I only controlled my reaction. And from that, the fear went away."

Of course, Alyssia would still feel the effects of fearlessness, and so Woe felt little apprehension asking her the following, "Is there something out there that makes you afraid?"

Last edited by Woe on Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 607
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Re: Lesson 1: Don't Lose Your Marbles



Alyssia looked over at Woe when he walked over and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. She smiled a soft guilty smile as if she could fake him out. As he held her shoulder a different feeling began to fill the girl as she listened to what he was saying. When Sage spoke of feeling good knowing there was a dragon watching over them she was surprised. Though there was an odd comfort in the idea of something or someone watching over them.

"Thank you, I am very grateful for the chance to learn from you. I hope we can meet up often. Even if that means us all coming to you," Alyssia said as the feelings of fear and guilt left her making the smile a genuine one.

Alyssia agreed and followed the older man still twirling the marbles in her fingers humming. The teen glanced back over her shoulder smiling seeing how easily Sage took over with her pets. She took a deep breath and caught up to Woe watching as he sat down. Sitting the girl crossed her legs while listening to Woe. When he started to talk about how he struggled with the feeling of control.

The girl felt a twinge of shame when he asked if she was afraid of something. Looking down she started twirling the marbles faster, her mind drifting back to them. The people that took her from her home, dragged her to Yaralon, and sent a hunter after her when she got away. How could she possibly explain the fear she lived in? That all her dreams are filled with the ideas of being taken back.

"Yes, there is," Alyssia said, forcing some kind of strength into her voice even though it felt weak.

"I've never told anyone the truth. But I was kidnapped many years ago. They never stayed in one place, grabbing a few kids and moving to the next city. Sold off several of them and grabbed new ones before moving again. They taught us how to steal, put on makeup, even how to act like we were dying to get sympathy from random people. No matter where we went 'buyers' only wanted to buy the kids that looked normal. Every time I was ignored they would beat me saying I was nothing but Aukari scum. That no one could possibly love me," Alyssia explained her voice cracking at the end. The girl couldn't look up to meet Woe's eyes as she had a tight death grip on the marbles he had given her.

"They sent a hunter after me. He's in jail in scalvtown right now. He said they would never stop till they had me back. That I would be the example to the rest of what happens when you run away. I'm nothing but a burden and source of danger for those I care about," Alyssia whispered, tears falling hitting her hand.

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