44th of Ymiden 722
Woe and Sage rode in on the back of his Kutzeldaur, Soz. Woe rode in front. While Sage was the more experienced and skilled rider and trainer, it was important that the beast grow accustomed to him being its primary rider. Not that there was any question. Woe alone bore Kuvarakh’s effigy, and had a bond to the dark-winged dragonling. It was merely a way of enforcing best practices, when it came to training beasts, and Sage was always about the best way to do what she was good at.
And she was good with animals, no mistake about it.
As they landed, Woe got off first, and then offered a hand to Sage to get off. She graciously accepted, although she was perfectly capable of dismounting the dragonling. Again, another gesture to enforce Woe’s dominance over the beast. It was a strange concept to Woe, but Sage insisted upon it.
Then, it was time to greet the guards at the gate. Woe would inform them that he was there to meet Princess Alyssia. Was it Princess? Or Baronette? Or perhaps Baroness? Woe wasn’t keen on the nomenclature and titles of Scalvoris landholders. He nervously reached down to his belt, to feel the pouch of marbles he’d planned on gifting to Alyssia. The marbles were of green glass, tempered for hardness, and would not shatter easily. But more importantly, they were cool to the touch.
Woe had thought to give her the green glass as a reciprocal gesture for her gift to him on Saoire’s holiday. She’d given him river rocks and green sand. So he would give her a set of green glass marbles. They weren’t merely a plaything though, as Alyssia was already growing a little old for toys. They were a meditative focus. Woe would teach Alyssia his best to control her emotions.
Sage was there, as promised, to help teach Alyssia how to tame her pets. Woe turned to Sage, who smiled back at him, and then they were let into the gates, where he expected to find Alyssia in the courtyard.