Category:07 The Great Restoration

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Arcs 0-700

Chamadarst was recruited to facilitate a ceasefire between the Immortal sides. Faldrun stood to represent himself and those who followed, while a small collection of other Immortals came to represent those opposed; Moseke, U’Frek, Pier & Pre, Ralaith, Vhalar, and Ziell. Faldrun allowed himself to be talked into a truce, as even he had no wish to watch the world Fei, an Original, so loved turned into an inhospitable wasteland. The Immortals Oathed, with the help of Vhalar, to never again come to open arms against each other in the force they had. Surely, the next time such a war would occur would tear Idalos in two. Instead, they would react through proxies, careful to mitigate possible confrontations with each other in the mutual goal of keeping the world intact. Cassion and Aelig were not present when the accord was struck with the rest of the Immortals and it is not clear whether they chose to enter that vow when they arrived back on the scene. Even the more wild Kata and Syroa agreed that the complete destruction of their only home would lead only to a ruin neither would enjoy long.


Faldrun suggested that humanity be dominated by Immortal rule, subjugated and monitored so that they might never rise up to destroy one of the Immortals again. The fiery king had only adjusted his goals slightly and made it clear no amount of diplomacy would change that. He was granted an area in Northern Idalos to call his own, to build his palace. No Immortal would visit there without making their presence known or risk his breaking of the treaty. While a few Immortals remained loyal to the cause of the Immortal, many others saw the long term control of humanity’s remainder distasteful and ultimately pointless. With free will and intent, humanity would evolve and change beyond what even the Immortals could imagine. The Immortals could not possibly be predicted, not completely, and their freedom would shape Idalos in ways the Originals would have wanted, in ways they allowed the Shay to grow. No Immortal wanted to repeat the same mistakes of the past.

The first term of the Oath was to turn each Immortal to the task of rebuilding Idalos, reviving the world they had nearly destroyed with their infighting. Once the world was restored, they could turn to their own schemes and plans...and many did. During the restoration of the world, some Immortals came upon the places where humans had died in great number and gave them life, learning with the glowing scars that crossed their bodies the measures of their limitations. Accepting it as a risk worth taking, the Immortals who chose to revive the fallen humans found that they came back different, touched uniquely by the power they wielded. So the races of Idalos came to be, grew, and thrived.

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