General Traits
Life of the Party: Ilaren is one of the most outgoing and energetic of the Immortals, and thus tends to be one of the most attention-grabbing of the lot when in a public space. While she is capable of hiding herself, it is very rare that she does so.
Quiet Leader: While Ilaren is undoubtedly the ruler of Rharne, Ilaren prefers to let the culture of the city and its relationship with others develop naturally in line with its Mortal or Mortalborn inhabitants. Thus, while she is an active part of the city government, it’s not that common for her to take the center spotlight of government, instead delegating to the Council or her Champions.
Open-Minded: Even before the events of the Forging, Ilaren was noted to be more open to change than most Immortals, owing to how wide and almost universal her Domains are.
Passionate and Devoted: Once Ilaren commits herself to an action or ideal, she is all-in on it, and wastes no time or spares any effort when it comes to seeing things through.
Lightning Master: Ilaren’s lightning Domain allows for a lot of varied use, both in and out of combat. The sheer versatility allowed by makes her one of the more unpredictable Immortals to deal with.
Brawler: Ilaren is the best unarmed fighter amongst the Immortals, meaning that she’s as dangerous in person as she is with her lightning.
Quick Thinker: Ilaren is able to think very quick on her feet, and can adjust her plans, ideas, or strategies on the fly as she is made aware of new information.
Impulsive: Ilaren’s open mind, passion, and quick thought can also work against her. She doesn’t always take the time to think things all the way through before she acts, especially if someone is riling her temper.
Hot Tempered: While Ilaren isn’t the quickest Immortal to anger, it’s difficult to calm her down once she gets sufficiently riled. This gets so bad that she almost broke the Immortal Oath during the Battle for Tried’s Tomb, nearly getting into a direct fight with Faldrun.
Collateral Damage: Not a fault of personality, so much as it is just a natural outcome of her fighting style, but Ilaren tends to cause a lot of collateral damage when she fights, owing to the destructive power of her lightning and brawling not being the best at quickly finishing opponents.
Personality and Verbal Tics
Easy Laughter: Ilaren is a very joyous person by nature and isn’t shy about showing it, giving her a frequently heard, and just as frequently infectious, laugh that tends to draw others into her good moods.
Dog Lover: Ilaren has shown a long standing fondness for dogs, being one of the few Immortals to routinely keep pets. Rumor has it that she actually maintains long family lines for her pets, but some say the generous Immortal prefers to adopt her pets instead.
Eager Brawler: Fighting for the Immortal of Brawling, Ilaren loves a good fight, encouraging and fostering the creation of Rharne’s brawling circuit. Unfortunately, not many can match her in a fight, so she doesn’t get as many good fights as she would like.
Motor Mouth: Ilaren has a marked tendency to be rather wordy, often saying a lot of things in a relatively short time. While she talks slow enough that people rarely have trouble understanding her, she’s still a fast talker compared to most. She’s said a couple of times that it’s an effect of her Domains and that most people with lightning powers tend to talk a lot.
Despite her loud, boisterous, and even sometimes childish attitude, Ilaren is one of the elder Immortals, a fact that is easily forgotten when observing her usual behavior. She was created during the early days of Idalos to control the worlds lightning and sound, as well as brawling and alcohol, and between the mix she quickly developed into one of the most brash and hearty Immortals. During the early days before the Great Shattering, Ilaren spent her time pestering her siblings and even her parents, a few times getting into drunken, if friendly fights with some of them. When the original Seven died, Ilaren was as shocked as the rest of her siblings and retreated from the eyes of her kin for a time.
No one is quite sure why Ilaren returned or what she did during her absence, but when she returned, she was as enthusiastic as ever and seemed absolutely enthralled by the humans of Idalos. While she didn't wind up creating a new race like her siblings, there were those who followed her and her ways and she gathered them together in the mountains of Central Idalos. When war finally broke out among her siblings about whether or not the mortals should be destroyed, Ilaren was among the first to jump to the mortals defense.
Now the skies above Idalos crackle and spark with Ilaren's wrath as she prepares to join the fight for the survival of the people of Idalos, her power and the rage that her siblings would destroy the mortals fueling the Immortal to ever more active action in the war for the lives of her followers. And behind her eyes lie a tragic secret that fuels her love for the mortals of Idalos and the reason for her long absence. Only time will tell what secrets will be revealed in the flashes of the coming lightning, but one thing is certain: Ilaren will never allow the people of Idalos to be destroyed while she still has a breath in her body.
Ilaren is on the side of the Mortals, without a doubt or moment's hesitation. She'll fight tooth and nail to her last breath to defend the people Idalos, no matter the odds.
Ilaren appears as a tall redheaded woman with dark brown eyes that seem to spark with a certain energy and constantly dance with joy. However, if one looks deep into her eyes, they will see a deep, abiding sorrow that cannot pass. She traditionally wears leather armor and carries a heavy knife on her belt. She tends to be hyperactive, loud, brash, and boisterous when she's sober and even more so when she's drunk, which happens with a certain frequency. She can be very friendly, to the point of being a tease, but despite her attitude, she's not particularly promiscuous, and is actually remarkably choosy about her partners. In battle, she's a fierce but intelligent fighter, using both her power over lightning and sound with alarming effectiveness, as well as just sheer skill in fighting with her bare hands.
Memories of the Past
To say that Ilaren disliked her creator would be an understatement. Ilaren saw Ati'el as a spiteful, shallow-minded, manipulative witch who was so concerned with herself that it undermined any attempts amongst the Original Beings or the Immortals to work together, partly believing that this division is a massive part of what led to the current war between the Immortals.
Ilaren currently resides in Rharne where she plans to destroy Sirothelle and Faldrun's followers once and for all.
Opinions on Mortals
Racial Opinions
- Yludih ~ Neutral
Useful Links
Useful links and information for the Immortal Ilaren.
- The Mark of Ilaren
- Mortalborn of Ilaren PCs past and present who were sired by this Immortal
- Blessed PCs who have been blessed by Ilaren
- Cursed PCs who have been cursed by Ilaren
- Threads Stories which have particularly involved Ilaren.
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