Ilaren Threads
Standing Trials is a Fantasy RP Forum where the players are able to drive the story. Therefore, our players are able to meet the Immortals of Idalos. This page is a record of in-character appearances of this Immortal
City Appearances
Click on Subcategories below to reveal all the Impact Threads for this Immortal. Those identified by "CITY-NAME" will belong to this type, so any story in Rharne has "Rharne" at the beginning, any in Etzos, "Etzos" and so on. If it says This category currently contains no pages or media. there are currently no threads on the wiki for this Immortal.
Global Events
Click on Subcategories below to reveal all the Impact Threads for this Immortal. Those identified by "Global" will belong to this type. If it says This category currently contains no pages or media. there are currently no threads on the wiki for this Immortal.
Useful Links
- A list of all the Immortals
- An overview of their Marks
- The Index of PC Impact Threads is the index for PC Threads which have had an impact locally or globally
- Have a look at The City Wikis for all our city-by-city information.
- Want to know what the notable threads are for a specific PC? Choose them from our Index or look for their Notable Threads in the Personal Impact Threads Index
- If you're looking for Inventions or Discoveries, then The Technologies & Discoveries Index is the place for you!
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.