Magic Mutations Zunylanih


Spark Theme & Persona

Theme: Light and Amusement

Persona: Illuminated Carnival: The Carnival is a festive, ebullient spark that loves to shower amusement on both its host as well as anyone in the vicinity of him. It will often engage in mischief and physical comedy, which often enough results in strange and unwanted mishaps with rupturing magic. Such as going through a portal sideways to the ground, and flipping through the air awkwardly, like a clown.

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Dancing Madness

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If Zunylanih stands still for too long, he will eventually feel compelled to begin to dance. The longer he goes while standing or sitting still, the more meditative focus or discipline is needed to resist the urge. The quality of the dance varies with his dancing skill, but the spark will be more satisfied - and thus allow longer periods between dancing fits - with a quality dance than a poor one. The reason the Carnival forces him to engage in this dance is that the spark craves for him to occupy as many positions and spaces as possible, to familiarize himself with a given place for future transportation via portals.