


  • PC full name: Zunylanih
  • CS link: here
  • Notable Events: here
  • Race: Yludih
  • Date of Birth: Cylus 13th 687

CS Approval Rewards

CS Approved by: (Strange)

  • Skill Points
    • Acting +6 (SG)
    • Combat: Thrown +6 (SG)
    • Deception +6 (SG)
  • Knowledge
    • Acting: Make them laugh, Make them cry! (SG)
    • Combat (Thrown): Wrist movement. (SG)
    • Deception: Fool me, Fool you, Fool Everybody. (SG)
  • Starting Renown: 20 under Keque alias for growing up at Lust's Fallacy. (SG)

Starter Quest

A Rose by Any Other Name... Ever evanescent, ever coquettish, Geneva simply won't leave Zunylanih alone - in his dreams. Though he has tried to forget the woman, every time he tries to slumber, she visits him. The visions vary, but thoughts of Geneva stalk so many of his moments. What might finally win her over? Could it be these fever dreams of his are prophecies of what should be done?

Of course! It seems so clear now! To win Geneva's favor, she requires a grandiose display of romance so that she might understand. For Zunylanih grew up with Lair's concepts of courtship, and he knows how suitors are meant to act. It is the bold and the brilliant actions that win the hearts of such women. Zunylanih must finally confess his infatuation, and he has his dreams to guide him.

Child of Mastes

Zunylanih is Mastes 's Mortalborn.

PSF Approval here

Mortalborn Parent Story

(Warning for Mature Themes)

Helena was finishing off cleaning up after her last client, who'd been entirely too forthcoming with certain perversions. Obviously a frequent flier by the Lust's Fallacy's standards even, he'd apparently heard of Helena's talent for changing her looks on a dime. As for his particular hang-ups, she'd prefer to put those thoughts out of her mind for the time being. Suffice to say... but no she had no interest in revisiting the matter, even in idle thoughts.

So she turned her attention to the next arrival. A swarthy man, who had the look of a mariner or sorts, or perhaps a bandit. Perhaps both. He wore a short hanger sword on his belt, a longcoat, and had dark hair with a well-trimmed goatee. His seafoam eyes seemed to draw her into his gaze. Almost possessing asterisms of their own, she wondered, but dismissed the possibility that he was another Yludih.

They shared no words for a few moments as she led him to her chambers in Genevieve's House. While the indulgence of their particular vice was not mutually exclusive to the art of conversation, indeed ofttimes it was enhanced by it, to establish certain parameters and preferences. He said nothing still as she led him to the bed, and helped him through his clothes, and then helped him undress further. She laid him down, and while he rested there began her own show for him.

As it happened, when he took to the bed, he did have a few things to say. "Let's play a game. A swapping of roles, of sorts?"

Helena quirked a brow but then dipped her chin to signal acqueisance. "You are Kata, and I am Mastes. I want a violent, rough encounter where Mastes is fed up with Kata's teasing."

"Oh the Immortals." Helena said. Of course, it would be a foreigner's request that they blaspheme. Although in Lair, sin was allowed under regulation, she still found the indulgence in that particular form of heresy particularly exciting. It almost reinvigorated her sense of adventure, that she'd experienced earlier in her career, but now everything was dull and old-hat.

She smiled at him despite herself, and nodded. She had a form, afterall, of her friend Agatha, who had red hair like Kata, and a youthful appearance. She took it on now, and joined him in the bed, acting out his violent scenario with relish.

It was a rough session, all told, but thought he had the appearance of being overly physical with her, none of his 'attacks' seemed to hurt as much as they might've seemed to any observer. By the end of their coupling, she felt more satisfied than she had in an age, and felt a subtle afterglow within her core, even in her asterism. "You're good, I'll give you that." She said to him, calling after as he lifted himself up to get dressed. He seemed to be in a hurry to get going, which was disappointing to Helena. "Are you in such a terrible rush, Darling?" She called after him as he went to the door.

He turned around, and his sea-foam eyes shone in the candlelight. "Best of luck, Helena. Yes I must be going, but you have done me a service, and so I've bestowed a special honor on you. One I daresay few of your kind have ever experienced..."

He winked at her, and then he was gone.

She found later, much to her chagrin and contrary to her hubris in her Yludih nature, of not being capable of carrying any non-Yludih client's child, that she'd been impregnated. She didn't immediately draw the line between that pregnancy and the strange man impersonating Mastes. But in the back of her mind, she would've preferred to think it had been him who'd gotten her with child. Nevertheless, she carried the child in spite of her misgivings, given the promise by Genevieve that she would help in everyway she could with the upbringing of the child.

Some seaons later, she gave birth to Zunylanih, who was named thus as she was 'Our Joy' and he was a bright star for a time, bringing happiness and mirth to the brothel until he grew of age. His mortal name, Keque.


Consume the Fallen

When another mortal has been defeated, stricken down, and near death, Zunylanih can invoke this ability, to consume their body. He can do this three timesi a cycle, and he ends up consuming the body of the mortal whole, either like a snake or piecemeal, one bit at a time. This in itself, apart from being a convenient way to dispose of murdered bodies, has the added effect of granting him a heal of major injuries, anything short of fatal or lethal wounds. However he must rest in order for this healing to become permanent, within the break for a regular sleep period.



Once a cycle, Zunylanih can conjure a doppleganger of someone else that he has been intimate with, via his Sex Domain power. This doppleganger has the exact appearance of that person, but often has made-up thoughts, memories, or backstory depending on what Zunylanih devises for them. They are a perfect clone of that person physically, but their ability to impersonate them is bounded by Zunylanih's knowleldge of their personalities and backstories. This doppleganger persists as an npc, and is for all intents and purposes autonomous, not bound to serve Zuny at all, or even to like him. Although he can certainly design them for that purpose, as best he's able. Otherwise, apart from their mental and emotional deviations, the doppleganger is a perfect physical clone down to the race of the person, with the exception of any marks/magics or bonds they may possess. Those are not replicable.


Sexual Gnosis

Twice a Cycle, when having sex with another character, Zunylanih can know everything there is to know about their physical body. His ability to interpret the information is bound still by his skill level. He wouldn't be able to identify a specific disease, defect, or otherwise without knowledge of it, for instance. In addition to this revelation of knowledge, Zuny can claim a new illusionary identity that is an amalgam of his current illusion and that of the intimate partner.


  • 50 Renown: 50 Point Bank Points
  • 100 Renown: +1 to seasonal wage approved




  1. Favored - Transformer's Toolbox [Minor] - https://www.standingtrials.com/viewtopic.php?f=362&t=20135 - Strange
  2. Favored - Ever Alluring I - https://www.standingtrials.com/viewtopic.php?f=362&t=20135 - Strange
  3. Favored - Grifter's skills I - https://www.standingtrials.com/viewtopic.php?f=362&t=20135 - Strange
  4. Favored - Thespian - Link - Pegasus
  5. Favored - Wrathling Forge - Link - Pegasus
  6. Favored - Demon's Kiss - Link - Pegasus
  7. Favored - Scapegoat - Link - Bumblebee
  8. Favored - Ire's Talons - Link - Vulpes
  9. Favored - Origin's Mark - Link - Vulpes

Magic & Mutations



All mutations listed at Magic Mutations Zunylanih

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