Magic Mutations Obriviyanah


Spark Theme & Persona

Theme: Realization - The Spark seeks to shed Obriviyanah's facades and reveal his true identity and his true power. With every mutation, his illusions crumble a little more.

The Master: Despite the injustice faced by the Yludih, Obriviyanah has always believed that retribution was overrated. He believed that no matter what anyone tries, the Yludih will always be few in number. They will always be subjugated. They will always be powerless. Obriviyanah has accepted his fate and has spent his life eschewing conflict in order to survive.

The Spark in Obriviyanah, however, is not satisfied with mere survival. It has dubbed itself the Master, and believes the world belongs under its ironshod heel.

It was the murder of Obriviyanah's mother, which remains unanswered for, that set him on his path to seek out and learn magic. In the years since, he has tried to live a relatively modest life, asking for little. But the spark will not allow him to truly accept his station in society as a pariah in hiding. It was his youthful rage, his thirst for vengeance, and his desperate need for power that his spark bonded with when it joined with him. It remembered how helpless his mother was in her last moments, and should the mob ever come for Obriviyanah, it swears they will not be so powerless.

The Yludih, given their abilities, should not live so pathetically in hiding, so the Master believes. They should reign supreme over all other beings, able to operate in every level of society. The Master fuels Obriviyanah's latent indignance, leaving him unsatisfied with mediocrity. Controlling the dead is only symbolic: all fleshy beings are his enemy, and in death he raises them as allies. Were Obriviyanah to give in to the Master's ambitions, he might seek power over all the races, and so elevate the Yludih above all mortal, and perhaps immortal, life. [Approval]


Obriviyanah's witchmark manifests as his buried desire to reveal himself to the world, unashamedly, as Yludih. To be who he truly is.

When using magic, his illusions are acutely affected his true self begins to show through. The white light of his asterism spills out through his eyes, making them glow prominently. His illusion seems to "decay" as cracks begin to spider out from his eyes, resembling crumbling stone, and the same light begins to show through as the cracks widen. When he is through casting, the cracks slowly "heal", although they may remain longer if he has overstepped..

A similar effect appears in his thralls, but without an asterism, no light shines through. The flesh around the eyes cracks like stone, whether it's skin, muscle, or bone. These cracks however are darker, and once the thralls are dead, they remain permanently on the corpse's face. During prolonged casting, especially when using a well, the bones of his thralls will begin to grow crystalline like structures. These are more prominent in Marrows, but in Husks and other types of thralls, these structures may begin to protrude through the skin. [Approval]




The cracks that appear around his eyes now begin to manifest on his hands and arms. The cracks, with light showing through them, form at first around his fingertips. As he continues casting, the cracks grow over his hands and gradually travel up his arms. The longer he casts magic, the wider these cracks become until his illusion begins to slough away in pieces and his true crystalline surface begins to show.

Once he has finished casting, these cracks take some time to fade, anyway from a few bits to a few trills, depending on how long he has been casting or much he has expended himself. He cannot cover this up with his illusions, as they appear no matter which shape he takes. If he wants to hide them, he must wear gloves or long sleeves. [Approval]