
Fast Facts
Status Alive
Draconic Title The Forge of Rebirth
Location Heart of the World
Effigy Effigy of Vindecaldra
Dragonling Flight Scaripteil
Dragonet Flight Fierscant
Allies Currently Undetermined
Enemies Faldrun (Deceased)


"Fire burns all so that new life may grow from the ashes."

In the aftermath of the Originals War, Ethelynda and Luesco made a deal with the World Spirit to keep the surviving Dragons alive and give them a home. As part of the deal, Ethelynda was given the care of the souls of the fallen Dragons, so that when the time was right, they could be reborn into Idalos. For centuries beyond the reckoning of mortal minds, The Noble Serpent kept the Draconic Souls she safeguarded a secret from the other Immortals and Originals, save Famula and Luesco. Only Luesco, Famula, and Ethelynda knew she carried them, and when Luesco fell to the Shattering, she carried the burden alone, for Famula chose not to interfere, for good or ill.

After the Shattering, the Immortals were too volatile, too angry. Ethelynda knew that if she brought the Dragons back into Idalos now, they would be blamed for the Shattering, and the war would start all over again. So she kept them secret still, waiting for the chance to uphold her end of the deal she had made with the World Spirit. Then the Immortal War happened, and Idalos itself almost perished in the fighting. When the fighting stopped and the Immortals revived the world and its people, Ethelynda made a decision. Whether or not it was wholly safe to bring the Dragons back, Idalos needed its original defenders to return.

Taking the Draconic Souls to an open plain on the eastern continent, Ethelynda loosed the Souls she had kept safeguarded, using her powers to give them a slight boost to jumpstart their rebirth. However, instead of the Dragons she had hoped to revive, the Souls instead gave birth to the Ithecal. Ethelynda thought at first that she had failed to bring back the Dragons, but then realized that instead they had given rise to a new generation of defenders, and she set out to lead the Ithecal in the defense of Idalos.

However, Ethelynda was only partially correct, for the Ithecal were a result of her use of her own powers on the Draconic Souls. After the Ithecal were born, the Draconic Souls sank into Idalos itself, taking sustenance from the world itself as they began the long, slow process of their rebirth. As they took sustenance from the world, they gave back in the form a new infusion of the old Powers of Idalos, strengthening the presence of the Spirits and other remnants of the old order.

One such Soul took nourishment from the magma rivers and ore deposits that lay beneath the surface of Idalos, travelling along the flows of magma to The Heart of the World, the greatest volcano in Idalos. There, the Soul took root and began to form into a new Dragon, hidden safely away beneath the lava that filled the magma chamber. However, another being of flame resided near the Souls resting place, for Sirothelle and it's mad ruler were close to The Heart of the World.

Faldrun's powers and proximity made the nascent Vindecaldra aware of the Immortal of Flame and his actions, and the protective nature of the Dragon was repulsed by the cruelty and malice of the self-proclaimed Eternal Flame. In defiance of Faldrun's evil, Vindecaldra's Soul shaped her mind and personality to oppose the Flame of Turmoil.

Soon, Vindecaldra's body, made of flame and metal, was finished and the newly reborn Forge of Rebirth emerged during the events of Ruin's Dawn


Contrary to many beings of flame, Vindecaldra is no force of pure destruction. Her flames are a purifying and cleansing force, burning away old rot and sickly growth so that new, vibrant life may be born from the ashes. Like most of her kind, she is extremely protective, and dislikes those who prey upon the weak. She views destruction, for she has a great deal of destructive ability if she chooses to use it, to be a last resort. A necessary act that, when all else has failed, clears space for new life to come into its own.

On a day to day level, Vindecaldra is a very cheerful, energetic Dragon. She enjoys receiving visitors, especially those who Bear her Effigy, and has used her powers and her Dragonling flight to ensure that visitors can arrive safely and are not scorched by her volcanic home. Being fairly new reborn into the world, Vindecaldra is a curious creature, and has a habit of questioning visitors about the world, wanting to learn from their perspective as well as her own.

Vindecaldra had a great deal of emnity for Faldrun. Their proximity during the time she was being reborn gave her a great deal of awareness of his actions, and she held the Immortal of Fire in great contempt, both for his malice towards the world at large, and for his cruelty to his own creations, the Aukari. Now, with Faldrun's death, Vindecaldra seeks to free the Aukari from the cruelty of his legacy and the society he created.


Vindecaldra is, simply put, utterly huge. Unlike most Dragons, Vindecaldra is semi-bi-pedal, able to stand on her back feet for long periods of time and can even use her front feet as hands. Even on all four feet, Vindecaldra stands 30 feet at the shoulder and 20 feet in length. When standing on her back feet, Vindecaldra stands at 45 feet tall. Her wingspan is comparatively small, only been 20 foot physical wingspan, and appearing to lack any webbing or feathers, causing Vindecaldra to initially appear to be flightless. Normally, Vindecaldra appears to be made entirely of steel plates that have been welded together, with only a red glow around the center piece of her chest and her glowing red eyes indicating otherwise.

However, Vindecaldra can, at will, activate the flames that make up the other part of her body, causing the connecting lines of her body to glow bright red as flames burst from her neck, back, wings, and tail. The flames on her neck, back, and tail give her the appearance of a long, flaming mane, while the flames make up the bulk of her wingspan, adding another 20 feet to her wingspan and showing her flight capabilities.

Because of her sheer size, Vindecaldra rarely visits cities, since they are too cramped and crowded for her to move around in.

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