Thaldan Dioya Carorithir
- PC full name: Thaldan Dioya Carorithir
- CS link: here
- Notable Events: here
- Race: Mortalborn
- Date of Birth: Saun 15th Arc 703
CS Approval Rewards
CS Approved by: (Pig Boy)
- Skill Points
- Gardening - 5 points (Pig Boy)
- Research - 5 points (Pig Boy)
- Storytelling - 5 points (Pig Boy)
- Knowledge
- Gardening: Growing up in a farming community, everyone is expected to pitch in with the minor tasks. (Pig Boy)
- Research: Looking up new tales requires travel to and interactions with more learned institutions. (Pig Boy)
- Storytelling: x 2 (Pig Boy)
- Starting Renown: 20 for a performer starting to get noticed around the Empire.
Starter Quest
In his travels across the Empire, Thaldan hears of a great veteran of the wars in the Hotlands. Someone who is said to have many stories of their time in service. Surely this is the way to get noticed as a budding storyteller and performer in the Empire, by disseminating stories of their heroism and bravery, or their stories of tragedy and loss. War brings out the best and worst of mortals, and so it seems ripe ground for Thaldan to gain inspiration for his own tales.
Son of Ralaith
Thaldan is Ralaith's Mortalborn.
PSF Approval here
Mortalborn Parent Story
Jeanalis was a marked of Edasha, and while she was young was beautiful, but when she was a young woman she became scarred, her beauty destroyed and earned Edasha's scorn. The scarred woman tried to earn her patrons affection, and became on of the leading cosmetologist and was even acknowledged for having an eye for fashion. Despite being able to produce beautiful things she was actively spurned for being plain by Edasha. Jeanalis’ bitterness at her situation grew to hug levels. It attracted Ralaith’s attention. He found in her a woman who understood the bitterness of complete rejection, but who also had the wisdom to turn that bitterness towards something productive and creative.
As he watched her, he actually though of granting her his mark, but he found someone who while in the public with her clothing, was shy, and didn’t let anyone into her personal side. He began to fall for her in that way that Immortals feel towards mortals. He approached her in disguise, and at first she held him off, but soon opened up to him, and he to her. Eventually Thaldan was conceived. Ralaith eventually had to depart. Before he left he instructed one of his marked to keep an eye on Jeanalis.
Shortly after the time when Thaldan was born, Edasha approached her Marked and for reasons she didn’t explain she demanded Thaldan be handed over to her. Jeanalis said no and in an act of foolishness released all of her bitterness at Edasha rejection of her. Edasha burned down her daughter studio. Zaklina, Ralaith’s marked who was to watch over the mother and child, couldn’t stop Edasha but was able to spirit away the child, and once Zaklina had fled alerting his patron as to their new location. No one is sure if Jeanalis died in the fire, or was cursed by her former patron.
Universal Library Card
Thaldan is able to check out any book he wants to from any Library. Even if he isn’t in the same town as the library. The way this works is that if Thaldon knows the title of a book and writes it and only the title on a sheet of paper the book will appear the next morning in the spot where the paper was left. While the book will appear to be a book it is actually a spiritual embodiment of it that has taken possession of the paper. The paper will appear as the book for one trial before the spirit fades returning it to a paper. The ability can be used once a trial, but the same book can not be requested two trials in a row.
The Cup of Youth
There are rumors of a source of Youth. This ability makes Thaldan one of these sources. Every trial Thalden if he cups his hands has water placed in his cupped hands, (either dipping them in a pool of water or if someone else pours the water into his cupped hands) and someone (including himself) drinks that water they won't age for one arc. If the drinker wishes to become younger any additional drinks will take them back one arc per cup. Thaldan may serve up to five cups to one person in one trial, and then are unable to give them more for one arc. From then on they may only drink on that specific trial each arc. If directly asked for the first cup Thaldan automatically will provide it, the other four he can offer freely or require payment. The first cup has no effect on Thalden, but each cup for the same person afterwards gives him a migraine for the same amount of trials afterwards.
Fairy Godfather to the Rescue
Thaldan can help people (including himself) with their appearance. This applies to either their clothing or body. He isn’t able to force this ability upon anyone who hasn’t asked, or specifically said no. Thaldan may use this ability once per trial, and it will last for 6 breaks before reverting to normal. He may extend the time beyond the 6 breaks under the following conditions. At the time of the change Thaldan has to decided how long the change will last. He can not extend it. He may not carry it longer than 50 trials per use. He can have only one long term use of this ability at a time. His short term uses also decreases to 4 breaks. When he activates the ability the person has to be present, and he has to use a mirror if its himself. Depending on the extent of the change it can go from one bit to ten bits. Once applied this ability can't be removed until the time has run out.
This ability allows his to change a persons cloths or them physical, but there are differences between the two. For clothing it is changed independently of the person wearing it. The amount of knowledge Thaldan has in needlecraft, and cosmetology will affect that change. If someone wants the latest fashion for there wedding dress, the ability knows what Thaldon knows. So Thaldon will have to know what the latest fashion is to fullfill that request. If she also wants her wedding dress to be silk to make the change convincing Thaldon needs to know about silk. The higher his skill in cosmetology and needlework the more convincing the change. At novice skill if he tried to turn a chain shirt into a wedding dress then its going to clink like a chain shirt, and won’t move like silk, at expert though it would sound and move like silk, though it someone sliced it would still protect, and produce the natural sound of weapon on armor. The appearance changes but the base stays the same. So the wear would still be encumbered with the weight of the armor. The wearer is able to remove the clothing if the long term time frame has been applied, but its appearance returns to its normal appearance once take off but will change back once placed upon the requester.
Physical changes don’t affect the cloths, just there body. The amount of knowledge Thaldan has in deceptions and cosmetology will affect the change. If someone wants a complicated hairstyle then Thaldan can only perform up to his cosmetology skill level. At novice he could do a complicated hairstyle but it will have loss piece of hair sticking out. At Expert it would look professional. Same can be said for application of make ups and such. This also carries over into things like changing hair color, hiding blemishes and such. If significant alterations are requested that would make it hard for people to recognize or totally disguise. The effect would be based on his skill levels in deception and cosmetology. Making muscular man appear fat at novice level they would appear fat, but the fat wouldn’t move they way it does. Things like stretch marks would be missing. But once at Expert Deception the fat would move, there would be the signs of weight gain, but it someone poked there belly they would still detect the muscles below. Changing a body doesn't change the cloths. If a person wants to be fat then they have to get bigger clothing or it will fit awkwardly. Thaldan can attempt to change someone to look like someone else, but short of master deception anyone who knows the person well won’t be deceived. It also will take a whole break, and the change can only be as good as the image Thaldan is working from.
Detection skills one level higher can upon studying (which includes looking at someone for awhile) the person can detect that there is a change and what to but not what it is. Detection skills two level higher can upon observing (more then just glancing at them) the same. Three levels higher and they upon viewing the person can detect there is something off, and start picking what is wrong. Abilities that would see through illusions will view the person in a fuzzy light.
Link to mark approval: here
- Compendium of Immortal Wisdom - gained with mark approval - Pig Boy
- The Bear of Ralaith - gained with mark approval - Pig Boy
- Scholarly Minds I - gained with mark approval - Pig Boy
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