The Blessing of Telka

Saoire's Blessing is one of the rarest on Idalos, due to the high, if somewhat unique, standards Saoire expects of those who may earn it. Saoire does not bless those who do great deeds, or who advance some overarching cause, or who create great works of art. Saoire is, first and foremost, a teacher, and it is only teachers who can earn her Blessing. Specifically, she will only Bless those who not only serve a term as a teacher at her school, but who show a particular aptitude for teaching. This is also the only way she will grant higher ranks of her Blessing, though individual powers within each rank may be earned by teaching elsewhere.
As for the Blessing itself, it manifests as an image of a turtle shell on the back of the Blessed. As the Blessed advances through Saoire's Blessing, the pattern on the shell will become more colorful and varied. No two of Saoire's Blessed have the same pattern to their shell.
Saoire, as befitting her nature, has no Curse.
Ability Name | Ability Description |
Mentors Boon | Saoire's Blessed are those who have served a term as a teacher at her school. As such, Saoire's Blessing reflects their skill as mentors to those around them. For any skill the Blessed has at least a Captsone in, those around the Blessed will find that they are better at those skills while in the presence of the Blessed, operating at one level above what it would normally be. |
Turtle Shell | One of Saoire's most famous traits is her legendary defense, and her Blessed begin to share in that defense very early on. Saoire's Blessed can call upon this ability to create a barrier around themselves that repels all physical attacks, making the Blessed immune to mundane harm as long as the barrier stays up. This power can be used once every Break and lasts for a single Bit. |
School Gateway | Any who have served a term as a teacher in Saoire's school are welcome back in her Dream at any time. While the normal gateways in and out of Saoire's Dream are only open at certain times, this power allows the Blessed to open a private gateway to Saoire's Dream at any time, from any location. When they wish to leave, this same gateway will return them to their starting point, though they may use the standard gateways to go elsewhere if they wish. |
Mentor's Assistant | Even the best teachers will find themselves in need of an assistant from time to time, and there isn't always one available through normal means. This ability allows the Blessed to call on a Spirit of Mentorship that will be as skilled as the Blessed in the skills they are trying to teach, guaranteeing the Blessed will never be without help if they need it. This ability only works when the Blessed is genuinely trying to teach a skill to another person. |
Gift of Cheer | Saoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and recieving a well meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear. |
Catch and Return | Sometimes, merely stopping an offensive strike is not enough render it harmless. In such cases, all that can be done is to make sure it doesn't harm anyone besides the one who attacked. Catch and Return creates a temporary Gateway that takes in any attacked and rebounds it towards the attacker. This is most effective against ranged or supernatural attacks, but it does bounce back physical melee attacks as well. This ability can be used once a break. |
Turtle's Home | Saoire was, in her youth, a wandering teacher, and she knows that some of her Blessed follow in her footsteps and prefer to go find students, rather than waiting for students to find them. This ability ensures that her Blessed are never without a home while they travel. Using this ability, the Blessed creates a small, cozy cottage wherever they are. It is a one room building, but contains a comfortable bed, a small kitchen, a warm fireplace, a couch big enough to sleep on, a small table, and all the tools needed to make proper use of the cottage, barring things like food. The cottage itself lasts until the Blessed turns off the ability, wanders more than 10 miles from the cottage, or an outside force destroys it. The Blessed can have no more than one cottage at a time. |
Mentor's Knowledge | The greatest effect of mentorship is that the student learns quicker than they would on their own. This ability enhances this effect. For any skill that the Blessed has a Capstone in, when they teach that skill to another PC, the other PC's can claim an additional 5 knowledges in that skill. When the thread is reviewed, include the skill being taught and this ability in the review request. |
Turtle's Skin (Minor) | A passive ability that aids in the Blessed's ability to endure attacks, this ability makes the skin of the Blessed immune to commonplace injuries like moderate bites and scratches. Weapons and severe bites will still harm the Blessed, however, so they cannot go blithely into a fight without a care in the world. |
Ability Name | Ability Description |
Tireless Teacher | Teaching can be a tiring thing to do, but those who have reached this level of Saoire's Blessing will find that this no longer applies to them. So long as the Blessed is giving a lesson, they will find that they do not tire, letting them give lessons that might last for long periods of time or that might otherwise strain the body without worry of fatigue. This only applies when the Blessed is engaged in an activity purely for the purposes of teaching. |
Turtle Barrier | A supernatural counterpart to the Turtle Shell ability, Turtle Barrier allows the Blessed to create a spherical barrier around them, rendering them completely immune to all supernatural or ghostly attacks so long as the barrier stays up. This power can be used once every Break and lasts for a single Bit. |
City Gateway | A personal version of the gateways that connect Saoire's Dream to the rest of Idalos, City Gateway allows the Blessed to, once a season, create a gateway to any city on Idalos. This gateway always opens to the entrance of the city the Blessed is going too, and can't be targeted to specific locations within the city. It also, specifically, only opens gateways to major cities. Smaller villages or out of the way locations will still need to be physically travelled to. |
Turtle's Classroom | A home is not the only thing the Blessed of Saoire can carry with them. This ability allows the Blessed to create a classroom, whether that be a single room building or a training area, so that they can teach any student they find, no matter where that student is. These classrooms are uniquely suited to whatever the Blessed is trying to teach and carries everything the Blessed will need for the lesson at hand. When the lesson is ended, however long that takes, the classroom vanishes. The classroom can also be destroyed by outside forces. |
Gifting Gateway | Saoire travels the world once an arc to bring gifts to the people of Idalos, and it is this ability that allows her the ability to do so. Should the Blessed wish to give someone a gift out of no other reason than the kindness of their heart, this ability will open a gateway to the person the Blessed wishes to give the gift too. This gateway, however, is temporary. After five bits, the Blessed will be pulled back to their starting location. |
Turtle's Skin (Moderate) | As the Blessed grows in Saoire's Blessing, they take on more of their patrons inherent resistance to attacks. At this level, the Blessed's skin becomes immune to physical attacks from all but the most well forged of weapons or the most powerful of beasts. In addition, they are now immune to weaker supernatural attacks, such as most Favored Blessing powers or magic spells. |
Remedial Lessons | It is important for a teacher to know where a student is struggling, and Saoire's Blessed will find that this is something they no longer have any issues doing. This ability gives the Blessed an innate sense of where their students are struggling with the lesson, and how to help them overcome the block. This doesn't do everything for the Blessed though, as they still have to take the initiative to help the student, and the student has to accept the aid. |
Emean Gateway | The ability that allowed Saoire to pull her Realm from Emea and bring it to Idalos, Emean Gateway allows the Blessed to open a gateway to the World of Dreams, allowing them to physically enter the place, or to allow things from Emea to come to Idalos. This is a dangerous ability, as many of the things in Emea are held in check only by their separation from Emea. |
Mentor's Experience | A mentor does not only pass knowledge on to their pupils, but also helps them master the skill more quickly. This ability enhances that trait, making it so that, for any skill the Blessed has a Capstone in, when they teach that skill to another PC, the other PC's can claim an additional 10 EXP in that skill. When the thread is reviewed, include the skill being taught and this ability in the review request. |
Ability Name | Ability Description |
Favored Student | No matter how much they may try to avoid it, every teacher always has their favorite students. This ability allows the Blessed to choose a single favored student, and so long as that student is learning from the Blessed, they will find that the skills they are learning will operate a level higher than it normally does, even when not in their mentors presence. This ability stacks with Mentor's Boon. |
Turtle's Skin (Major) | At this level, the Blessed has become incredibly resilient to attacks. Only enchanted weapons and creatures with magic claws or teeth, or other body parts, may pierce the skin of the Blessed. They will also find they are resistant to moderate attacks from Blessings, magic, and ghosts, making them all the more resilient to those that would do them harm. |
Memory Gateway | The most versatile of the gateway powers, this ability allows the Blessed to, once a season, open a gateway to anywhere they have previously visited, no matter where it is. This can be specific buildings, places in the wild, or even parts of Emea should the Blessed so wishes. |
Turtles Sanctuary | Turtles withdraw into their shells in order to be safe. While Saoire and her Blessed are not required to do the same, this ability allows them to do something similar. When triggered this ability takes the Blessed to a private, undersea sanctuary where none can follow. These sanctuaries are part of Saoire's Realm, and thus are close to Saoire's Dream, though those taking refuge in their sanctuary cannot reach the city from them. However, they will find that they are in no danger while in their sanctuary, and can stay as long as they wish. However, when they leave the sanctuary, they will return to where they were when they entered it. |
Hearts True Desire | The greatest gift to give someone is that which would truly make them the happiest to receive. This ability allows the Blessed to tell what it is the people around them truly want, the thing would bring them the most joy and peace. While it is then up to the Blessed whether or not they will attempt to fulfill this desire, they can always tell what the desire is. |
Serenity Under Fire | While Saoire's Blessing has many ways for the Blessed to avoid taking damage, being attacked, especially if the attacker persists, can wear on the mind and cause lasting mental harm to the victim, even if no physical harm is done. This power prevents that, making it so that the Blessed feels no mental strain or concern from being attacked, allowing them to remain serene, calm, and unbothered even as a foe expends all their efforts in an attempt to end the Blessed's life. |
Slow Down | Turtles are famously slow creatures, to the point where their speed is one of the most well known things about them. While Saoire and her Blessed aren't limited to going slow, this power allows the Blessed to make this misconception a reality for those around them. The only ability in Saoire's Blessing that can be used on others at will, the Blessed can use this to slow every other person around them to a crawl. This ability lasts for up to five bits and can only be used once a trial. |
Ability Name | Ability Description |
The Ultimate Mentor | A passive ability only granted to Saoire's Champions, the greatest of her teachers. This ability works along the same lines as Mentors Knowledge and Mentors Experience, but allows the mentor to pass on their experience not just in the skills they're teaching, but in all facets of life. Any player who is threading with a Champion of Saoire gain an additional 10 EXP that can be applied to _any_ skill, though traditional rules for magic EXP still apply. This is in addition to the specified 10 EXP that players can gain by learning from a Mentor. |
Impregnable Shell | The greatest of all of Saoire's defensive abilities is granted to her Champions, though this one requires use of the Ancient Language to activate. Once this ability is activated, the Champion becomes immune to all forms of damage for a single break, though this defense comes at the cost of their mobility, as the Champion cannot move while this ability is active. This ability can be used once a trial. |
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