Soul Forged
Dedicated to the Induk Scaltoth, the Soul Forged are a subfaction of The Forged, along with the Fire Forged, Ice Forged and Song Forged
0 Points - Principales
- Reforged: Forged are not named as they are for no reason. By accepting an Induk's deal their body is filled with their power and tempered by it, making it tougher than it was before. A Forged will find that their skin is like a leather armour and their bones like iron rods, making them more resistant to blunt physical damage.
- Kind Hearted: Soulforged have a special bond with nature. They see the plants and trees of the world not just as resources or decorations, but as living, breathing entities. With this ability the Soulforged is able to speak to plants and trees, allowing them to ask the flora to reveal information it might have overheard so long as they have sufficient social skills to persuade the plant to part with this information.
20 points - Primus Principales
- Identify: As someone who has developed a close bond with a spirit themselves, the forged in partially connected to the spiritual realm. Not only can the forged see spirits of all kinds, but when they look upon a spirit they will recieve a fairly close, if not entirely accurate, impression of what that spirit's concept is.
- Rock Spear: An old classic. The Soulforged can conjure a levitating spear of rock in their hand. This rock is suprisingly tough, and sharp enough to pierce through a grown man's body with ease provided it has enough momentum. The Soulforged can fire this spear in any direction to a speed of up to 6 meters per second. One rock spear can be created per trial for every five points they possess in the Order of the Forged.
40 Points - Centurion
- Lesser Incarnation: The diri that accompanies a forged in the conduit to their power. Usually this diri cannot be seen except by other forged or those with the ability to see spirits, however with this ability the diri can temporarily take on the physical form of an animal no heavier that 4kg. They can maintain this phsycial form for 1 minute per point the forged posesses in the forged faction, and during this time can be seen by other physical beings and interact fully with the physical world. They still maintain their intelligence and mental bond to the forged, but cannot use any other forged powers while in this state. If the physical form is killed the diri will experience pain, but instantly return toi being a spirit. This form can possess basic abilities such as flight or sharp claws, but cannot possess any unusual or deadly features such as venom or magical abilities.
- Gaia's Wrath: A Soulforged who has reached this level of power has developed such a bond with the nature of Scalvoris that the very trees and plants on the island will come to their aid. As long as the target is standing near a tree or other suitable tough plants, at the Soulforged's command the the roots anbd vines of those plants will shoot at high speeds towards the target and attempt to ensnare their limbs, resitricting movement. Some particularly vicious species of flora might even attempt to entangle the target's throat and strangle the target to death.
60 Points - Primus Centurion
- Limit Breaker: A tricky, but useful ability to have in a pinch. In agreeing to work together, the four Induk of the Forged have created a weak bond between themselves which is further shared between their servants. With this ability the forged is able to replicate an ability belonging to whichever subfactions of the forged that they themselves have not joined that they would have unlocked with their current level of forged points. However drawing the power of an induk they have not fully sworn themselves to carries its own consequences. After using the replicated ability, the forged will find their own bond with their diri temporarily severed for the same number of trials as the forged points needed to unlock the ability they replicated.
- Smelted in the Soul: The Diri of the Soulforged is the embodiment of their link to Scaltoth and the source of their power. With this power the Soulforged is able to temporarily fuse themselves with their Diri, becoming a hybrid between mortal and spirit. Their appearance will take on some of the features of their Diri, and the earth beneath them will begin to rumble with power. While in this form the Soulforged may act as if their strength, endurance and athletics skills are one tier higher than their skill levels (so a novices may act like a competent, a competent may act like an expert, and so on.) Additionally the Soulforged is able to physically touch and harm spirits and ghosts, though may be physically harmed by them in turn. They may maintain this form for one trill per day for every point they possess in the Order of the Forged.
80 Points - Legatus
- Greater Incarnation: Building on the Lesser Incarnation ability, the diri is now able to assume a physical form of much greater size. The diri can assume a physical form with a weight of up to 300kg. They still maintain their intelligence and mental bond to the forged, but cannot use any other forged powers while in this state. If the physical form is killed the diri will experience pain, but instantly return toi being a spirit. This form can possess basic abilities such as flight or sharp claws, but cannot possess any unusual or deadly features such as venom or magical abilities.
- Aura Forged: The bond between the Soulforged and their Diri has now become seamless. Their Diri can now physically shift into whatever weapon the Soulforged desires. This weapon will behave as if it is made of masterwork material, and is as hard and unyielding as the mighty trees of Scaltoth. Blades will seem as if made of adamantite as they will cut cleaner and sharper than steel. Bows, arrows, and the like will be equipped with an endless supply of ammunition made of rock. Bludgeoning weapons will also feel light as feathers but hit opponents like they are made of solid metal. One weapon may be summoned at any given time. If dropped the weapon will vanish into thin air and the Diri will reappear in their normal form. They can transform into a new weapon once ten trills have passed. The Soulforged must hold out their open hand in order to summon the weapon. You may use Smelted in the Soul and other Soulforged powers at the same time as this one.
100 Points - Arch Legatus
- Unto the Breach: An Arch Legatus is a mighty leader of the forged, and nowhere is this position reflected more keenly than in this power. Automatically taking effect whenever the forged is in a dangerous situation with other forged, the Arch Legatus establishes a psychic bond betwene themsleves and all other forged in the area no dissimilar from the bond between a forged an their diri. This bond will allow the Arch Legatus to communicate dfirectly with the forged and issue them commands, as well as see through their eyes and hear through their ears at will as long as the other forged allows it. Not only that, but the Arch Legatus will instictively know what instictive movements another forged they share a connection with will make and vice versa, allowing them to work as a perfectly synchronised team without any previous training or communication.
- Avatar of Scaltoth: When inducted as a Soulforged a special bond is formed between the Forged and the Heart of Scaltoth. This bond not only binds the mortal to a Diri but it also forms a silent but residual bond with the Induk. It is only the most powerful of Forged that can call upon this hidden bond and summon forth the power of the Scaltoth Induk. This ability can be used anywhere due to the power of Scaltoth, linking the Induk to all of its Forged. Capable of being used once a Cycle, the Arch Legatus may beseech Scaltoth to come to their aid. If this call is accepted, the Induk will reach out and infuse the Arch Legatus with it’s will and it’s power. The Forged for a time will find that their consciousness melds with the strange and wild mind of the Induk. For that one moment they will no longer be wholly mortal. The Arch Legatus' eyes will turn a deep, glowing green and their skin will be radiant with power. The Arch Legatus may then control and manipulate any source of stone or earth within a mile of their position. They will also be capable of quickly summoning any number of common, non-magical species of trees. This ability can last for twenty bits before the Induk will withdraw, otherwise the Arch Legatus' body will begin to fail due to the power flowing through it. The trees left behind can remain or be dismissed by the Arch Legatus before the ability ends. If dismissed, it disappears immediately. If it is not dismissed, it will cease to exist within the next hour.
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