Ralgar Warborn



  • PC full name: Ralgar Warborn
  • CS link: here
  • Notable Events: here
  • Race: Mortalborn
  • Date of Birth: 8th Zi'da, 689

CS Approval Rewards

CS Approved by: (Pig Boy)

  • Skill Points
    • Strength - 5 points
    • Intimidation - 5 points
    • Running - 5 points
  • Knowledge
    • Running: Steady breathing can maintain a pace over a long distance run.
    • Intimidation: Showing no fear produces a fearful aspect in the warrior.
    • Strength: Raw strength can carry the day where weapon skill lags.
  • Starting Renown: 15
  • Other: Thing

Starter Quest

During his dreams, Ralgar is provided a vision of a terrible beast, lurking within a cave in the outskirts of the Scaltoth Jungle, just shy of the fertile green prairies and lands to the east. In his vision, he is holding the creature's skull, while the creature's own claws hold Ralgar's in its own hands.

The meaning of the vision if clear, when presented to the tribe' shaman. Ralgar's fate is bound up in that of this beast, and he has been chosen by the maiden of death to claim it's deathshead. Greater renown and prowess will be his, if he prepares and improves his prowess at hunting and fighting, to the point where he can claim this prize.

Son of Raskalarn

Ralgar Warborn is Raskalarn's Mortalborn.

PSF Approval here

Mortalborn Parent Story

A soldier in Melrath, Holgar was constantly at war with those that sought entry into Melrath illegally or to force their way in. Moving from Vorkund to Raellia regularly, the soldier was tasked with a small group to take out a camp of potential threats and send them home. Once on their way out, however, they quickly realized all was not as it seemed. Climbing steep mountains and harsh terrain drained the troops fast - making it perfect for an ambush.

As a volley of arrows rained down and wiped half the small group, the other half panicked. Holgar shouted for the others to come with him as he ducked into a small crevice in the mountains, ducking into cover and quickly finding a spot they would be safe. All the troops demanded they go back and report the dead, to come back with a bigger force. But Holgar knew better. Now that the ambush had succeeded they would either be hunted down or the enemy would take the time to run. They had to fight now.

With the small force of men at his back, after persuading them to join him, Holgar followed them back to their camp and saw the small group. They were outnumbered slightly but the odds were winnable, so long as they played smart. They waited, patiently, watching and preparing for the right moment to strike. Then, when a small force of troops left the camp with supplies in their hand, Holgar made his play.

After a short battle, of which Holgar killed three men by himself, they had succeeded. Tents were burned down, prisoners brought home and the few that had left with supplies hunted down and killed for resisting. This battle, along with the others he had prior, was what drew Raskalarn to Holgar.

Revealing herself to him, knowing he was secretly supportive of the Immortals despite his love of Melrath, she offered her blessing. Once he had it, he continued his work for a couple of Arcs, before the two finally shared a night - a child born from their time. Raskalarn carried him and eventually birthed him, but would not stay with him after all that had happened with Valtharn, so trusted the raising of her son with Holgar.


Wild Spirit

Holding ancient traditions above all others, Ralgar is capable of channeling his energy into a ritual to benefit him before battle. Unleashing the Wild Spirit inside of him through any form of ritual that lasts half a trial or longer, Ralgar can boost a skill of his choice directly related to the Ritual in question. Should he wish to boost a combat skill it must be a combat ceremony where he fights. Should he wish to boost his intimidation the ceremony will include loud, banging war drums and loud war cries. Any skill can be boosted with this so long as the ritual is fitting to the skill.

Once boosted, the skill will go up one tier from his usual and will stay boosted for a day before returning to normal. This can only be done once every five trials and can be an intensive power to use, leaving Ralgar tired once the skill boost is removed. After the trial of boosted skills he will be exhausted, bedridden for the next trial to follow, meaning he must pick his ritual boosts carefully.


Spiritborn Soul

Believing that he is blessed by the Maiden of Death, as a member of the Bro'ky'na tribe, Ralgar possesses a small, red symbol along his shoulderblade - earning him the nickname of "Deathkissed". Alongside this marking comes a unique ability that enhances him in combat, activating which causes deep red twirls and symbols to climb the sides of his body and going all the way up to his left cheek and changes one eye to be a deep red, curving and twisting in makeshift symbols that mean nothing. This change is painful initially, the symbols almost burning across his skin for the first few trills of the power, but once they are set in place the power begins.

In his Spiritborn Soul form, Ralgar is immune to non-magic damage for thirty minutes, making all weapons that are not enchanted ineffective against him for this time. The drawback of this, however, is the Rampage he is sent on during this time. While he may still differentiate friend from foe, Ralgar is unable to remain calm or peaceful during this duration - and can not end the power early. This will take the form of violence against enemies, destruction of nearby objects, and otherwise violent behavior. Any attempts to resist this violence are painful mentally and will not work, meaning Ralgar must continue to go berserk for the entire length, making this ability dangerous to use in areas with civilians and innocents that may watch him. Only after thirty minutes does this Rampage end.

Once this power ends, the symbols fade, leaving behind a slight burning pain for ten minutes or so. This ability can be used once per trial. Any magic attempts to calm this rage will not work, but will instead confuse him, potentially making him attack friend as well as foe, or causing him to feel dizzy at the confusing emotions that overwhelm him..

Rampage - Warrior Ancestry

A power that is only activated when Ralgar uses his other Rampage power, Spiritborn Soul, this ability enhances his Rampage further by allowing him to call on the specialty of one of two ancestors in battle, enhancing his own ability as if the spirit of ferocious warriors flows through him. Which ancestor he calls upon has to be chosen the moment he enters his Frenzy and can't change until his next frenzy.

Huntress's Speed: When embodying the persona of the Huntress, Ralgar can make two attacks in the time it would normally take him to deliver one attack. This doesn't affect the accuracy of the attacks, it merely allows him to attack more frequently within a space of time. Alternatively, when chasing prey or running from danger, he can double his footspeed.

Berserker's Strength: When embodying the persona of the Berserker, Ralgar can hit with such force, that his blows radiate past shields, armor, causing damage in spite of whatever physical defenses an opponent may have, whether toughened hide, or fully armored. A blow will hit with the same force as if that person was wearing no armor or shield at all.

It is unknown if it is possible for Ralgar to discover new ancestors further down the line (entirely to mod discretion)

Once this power ends Ralgar will find a new drawback to his Frenzy, suddenly tired at the moment the ability ends. He will need a full amount of sleep to recover and will be exhausted until he rests.

approved here


Aura of the Wild

A passive ability, Aura of the Wild is permanently impacting Ralgar and affecting his everyday life. Viewed as a creature of nature by the creatures that inhabit it, the man walks safer through natural areas than most other humans would, smaller predators and most if not all prey wanting to turn and avoid him where possible or stay near to him if that seems smarter, some even going far as to join his pack should he have enough skill to tame them. While this air of control can be felt to a lesser degree by humans, animals both wild and tamed will respond to it with far more of an extreme reaction, seeing Ralgar as their superior and as a Predator to be respected. Wild animals will, more than likely, avoid or run from Ralgar entirely. Tamed animals may show some fear but are more likely to respect the man, staying by his side as it proves safer for them.

The drawback of this, however, is the response from larger predators. While some will decide the challenge is not worth taking, others will view Ralgar as a threat and attack. This causes an interesting dynamic, meaning some areas of the wild are safe for the Mortalborn while others prove far more dangerous. Which areas are dangerous, however, are unknown to Ralgar until it might be too late.


Through Wild Eyes

Growing closer to the world around him, Ralgar developed the new domain of Omens. With this domain came the power to see visions spontaneously that can show him a position, item or person that can be of great importance to him. This vision will show him a weapon that can help him win a battle easier, a person that holds information he needs, a location that will give him a tactical advantage. These visions, however, are not through his own eyes. As his own eyes shut and the vision takes over he starts to see and feel the control of a creature or animal, watching from the viewpoint of the creature as it looks at and shows him what he needs to see. Ralgar does not control when this ability will happen, but it will appear in moments of great need (Events included). Should this happen during an event, a Prophet has total control of the vision.

The drawbacks of this power are the lack of control he has over it, as well as the fact that he is not told what to do with the item or how it can be useful to him, only that it is something that will help him succeed. If there are no creatures around to show him this, however, he is unable to see visions. Nature must be present in the place he is in for his vision to happen, as well as in the place of the location/item he must work his way towards.

As well as this, Ralgar has an identical fracture scar on his arm to Kura and Nir'wei as a result of the Forging that took place in the Heart of Scalvoris.

approved here

Faction Abilities

Soul Forged

Ralgar is a member of the Soul Forged

Custom Abilities

Gained Fracture Sense from here

Gained Velduris's Pack Bond from here

Gained Pheromones from Conquering Hive


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