
Fast Facts
Size Can fit comfortably in the palm of a regular human hand.
Associated Dragon Frosvinndur


Snokovind are tiny Dragonets who look like handheld ice shards that move. No more than two inches tall, three inches long, and five inches from wingtip to wingtip, Snokovind have a ridge of spines on their backs that bend to the touch and little horns on their snouts.

Lifespan and Development

Snokovind are, like all Dragonets, not born physically but are born from the ambient power that surrounds their Dragon. In this case, Snokovind were born from the cold and wind that surround Frosvinndur, forming as little bundles of cold made manifest. They last for up to a century before the energy that gave them life begins to disipate, at which point they will begin to fade away as if they had never been.


Snokovinds are curious little creatures who love to get into things. Like all Dragonets, they seek to bond with someone, and once bonded, they want to know every thing their little heads can comprehend about the person they bonded with. It's worth noting that Snokovinds are nearly as intillegent as Kaldvinds, but don't have their fondness for puzzle solving, instead leaning more towards a tendency to poke about and explore.


Snokovinds have a weaker form of the Kaldvind's snow breath, barely strong enough to put a light coating of snow over the back of their bonded's hand. They are also, like the Kaldvind, cool to the touch.

PCs with a Snokovind


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