


  • PC full name: Rey'na
  • CS link: here
  • Notable Events: here
  • Race: Mortalborn (Lisirra x Biqaj)
  • Date of Birth: 12th Vhalar, 694th

CS Approval Rewards

CS Approved by: (Pig Boy)

  • Skill Points
    • Deception: 3
    • Appraisal: 1
    • Stealth: 2
  • Knowledge
    • Deception: A false smile
    • Appraisal: Recognising beauty
    • Endurance: Surviving trauma
    • Stealth: getting away with murder
  • Starting Renown: #
  • Other: One dose of Scarf Rot

Magic & Mutations


Initiation: Welcome Hone




Link to mark approval: here

  1. Bond (Minor) - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  2. Illustrious Skills I - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  3. Bound in Battle - gained with mark approval - Pegasus



Link to mark approval: here

  1. Final Moment - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  2. Death's Pallor - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  3. Deathkeeper's Skills I - gained with mark approval - Pegasus

Daughter of Lisirra

Rey'na is Lisirra 's Mortalborn.

PSF Approval here

Mortalborn Parent Story

With a knack for crime and constant abuse of the law, especially involving poison for quieter crimes, it was no surprise that he caught the attention of the Immortal of Poison. Yet as she looked on with curiosity she noticed the knack for romance, and the partners he tended to please. It was curious that such a man, a criminal with a high body count, could be so charismatic and charming. But what really appealed to her was the mark of Moseke he bore on his chest, a devout worshipper by day and yet a criminal by night. He did enough good that, somehow, he kept up the mark of Lisirra's sister. Then again, cruelty wasn't something alien to Moseke, as Lisirra knew well. Stealing away one of Moseke's marked would fill her with joy, and his charisma was the perfect weapon to use against him. So the Immortal of Poison took the shape of a beautiful Biqaj woman, with a stunning figure and tanned skin. As Gregory walked down the harbour he saw the beauty sitting on the edge, looking out to the sea. Unable to resist, he sat beside her and started the conversation, complimenting her and causing Lisirra's interests to peak. After a few Bits of it, she left him, walking away with the promise she would see him again soon, leaving the man curious.

That night Gregory had planned a theft from a man's house, an old friend of his who was out of town and owed him money. As he looked through the draws he was startled at the sound of footsteps coming downstairs, seeing the Biqaj woman walk down them. As she approached he made a threat, but Lisirra pushed him back to the couch and straddled him. She told him that she knew what he wanted and that she wanted to share the loot. Entranced, the man and her had the first of a fair few romantic and sexual encounters, before Lisirra found herself pregnant. Though he stuck around for a while until their daughter was born, he left soon after - her secret never discovered. But when Moseke found out what had happened, and told Gregory, she removed his mark because of the greed he'd given in to and the blood of her sworn enemy now a child in his arms. Yet she spared the child, despite this hatred, in the hope it would grow up to spite Lisirra and go against what she wanted.



Altering her body in strange and weird ways, Rey has the initial power to grow four legs out of her like those of a centipede. Each of these are coated in a chitin but thin with sharp ends. These sharp ends assist her climbing, as well as functioning as weapons. However, each of these are thin and vulnerable to blunt weapons and the process to unsummon them is incredibly painful, leaving a painful burning on her back where the legs had grown for two breaks. This power will last half a trial. Losing these limbs in any way will hurt like any other injury would, but will do no lasting damage. The strength skill will increase the damage these can do, and while Endurance can make it less painful it will not make the legs any more durable than they already are.


Mask of Fear

Needing to mask her face for certain missions or objectives, Rey'na's domain of masks allows her to summon a mask of shadow. It does not hinder her vision in any way, despite covering her entire face. While active, this mask appears like a dark void, entirely empty and unsettling. Those that look at the mask for even a moment will feel a sudden fear take hold. This effect has no target, it will impact any that look into it, friend or foe - making it a risky ability to use in a group of allies. If Rey'na's intimidation is higher than the discipline of whoever she is looking at the fear will be an intense and supernatural fear. How this impacts another PC will vary from player to player and comes down to the writer in question. If her intimidation is lower than their discipline they may still feel unsettled, but the fear will have no real effect beyond that.


Venom's Kiss

As the daughter of Poison, Rey'na has a natural venom in her blood, able to be called upon once per Trial. Rey'na can either inject venom from her Born of Insects legs or secrete it over an item from under her fingernails. Should the venom enter the bloodstream of another it will cause their senses to overstimulate, an effect that can terrify the undisciplined as their vision goes blurry, their hearing is echoey and their nerves feel as if they are on fire - a burning pain flowing through their body. The higher the resistance skill of her opponent the longer it will take for the effect to kick in, needing more cuts and venom to take hold. Those with discipline may also fight through the venom's effects, albeit still impaired. The venom on the blade lasts for one break before fully wearing off. Once someone has been poisoned by the venom it will also take a break for the effect to fade away. There is no known antidote (though that is not to say one could not be made IC)


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