

Fast Facts
Height........................ range anywhere between 5’8” and 8’0”.
Weight varies wildly depending on frame/height. Most Raionan tend to be muscular and strong, and well-built.
Life Span 400 Arcs
Creator Daia
Notable Features Lionoid Humanoids.
Religion Varies but most revere Daia as their creator.
Racial Bonus One non-arcana skill +25
Fast Track Skills Player choice of one non-arcana skill
Notable NPCs Raionan NPCs
Player Characters Raionan PCs


Created by Daia, the Raionan people were made far before her death. A hybrid of the lions she loved and the sentience of the Mortals she grew so close to, Raiona were part of her contribution to mortals and their world, a race of people that could both protect and be companions to the other mortals. Upon creation, Daia passed on her ideals and beliefs to the new race, giving them clear instructions - to protect and nurture all those that deserve it. To be the unbreakable hope that the world may someday need.

These people merged perfectly with the other mortals. Friendships were formed, relationships made and the world improved by their addition. Many of them had no ego yet all of them were proud of what they were. The original Raionan people branched out across Idalos and learned the many trades of mortalkind while simultaneously teaching the wonders of dance and companionship to those they met. Daia watched on in delight at what she had created. Prosperity never seemed closer.

But as time went by the world changed. Raionan’s watched as the world changed. Governments formed, crimes were committed, plague and famine toppled empires and all they could do was watch. Many tried to combat it and plenty of them succeeded in preventing crime and banding communities together. But their efforts could only go so far, the world still discovering corruption and greed. But the Raionan people would not abandon hope. Nor would they leave the other mortals to suffer.

Until Daia was killed.

As a last act on her deathbed, Daia knew that the plot to kill her would spiral and her Raionan’s were at risk of harm. If this attack on her life was coordinated it could mean that she was not the last life to go. As such, Daia called upon Ralaith and begged for his help, and the two used what Ether they could to banish the Raionan’s to Emea. As their bodies disappeared from Idalos they awoke in a strange place, Ralaith stood there to explain to them what had happened. Daia was dead. Until the time was right and the Raionan’s would be safe, he had vowed to keep them here, preserving their lives. Then they all fell into a dreamlike state.

To the rest of Idalos time went by, the Raionan’s faded away and after hundreds of Arcs they were seemingly forgotten. Until now. Several Cycles on from Daia’s resurrection, the Raionan’s were freed from Emea and allowed back into Idalos, many still following the same goals they had before they were put away - to bring safety and companionship to Idalos.


Lion King.jpg

Appearing as large lion-like humanoids, the Raionan’s are visually similar to the lions that inspired their creation. Identical to the lions of the wild, the males often have large manes of fur while the females do not, appearing more slender and sleek. All Raionan’s possess a powerful build, however, as they stem from apex predators in the wild. Their arm and leg muscles are strong and defined, their body broad and strong and often they are fairly flexible. Their hands are clawed and they have sharp fangs that allow them to tear through meat easily. Despite the clawed hands, they are able to wield weapons just as easily as a human, but those that learn unarmed will find they can cut flesh with relative ease or use the claws to assist them in climbing. Similar to a lion, a tail is present on all Raionan’s, helping them keep balance while running or climbing, as their legs function more similarly to a lion than a human - helping them run on all fours with great speed while still allowing them to stand up on two legs when needed. Should they wish to run fast, however, the way most learn to do so is with all four limbs rather than just the two.

Another unique part of the Raionan's is their ability to distinguish blood from smell. By finding the blood and smelling it they can identify what creature the blood is from, so long as they have encountered the creature before. To the Raionan's each blood smells unique, individual to each of them. This smell can be described individually by each PC, but any creature that is bleeding has a "smell" to them. Any creature without blood, such as the Yludih, can not be identified this way. In order for the PC to recognize this blood they must have encountered the creature and it's blood prior in thread.

Most Raionan people range anywhere between 5’8” and 8’0”, though some have been known to be marginally shorter or taller than that.


Created with a sole purpose, the vast majority of Raionan people maintain the goal of blending in with society and making it a better place. That isn’t to say that some haven’t strayed from their path, many straying far and giving into evil themselves, but the average Raionan still possesses that good intent that Daia left within them.

Many Raionan’s struggle, however, with the fate that befell them. Trapped in Emea, they were essentially comatose, in a dream-like state where time went by yet they never knew how long exactly - nor did they know how much longer they would be stuck. Very few hold a grudge against either Ralaith or Daia, yet there was an undeniable trauma to being stuck away for so long, helpless and unaware of what was happening in the world they left behind. Many had lovers that are now since dead, others had human friends who aged without them. The return to Idalos was a difficult adjustment, seeing how the world has changed, and many Raionan’s feel as if it has gotten worse. Nations like Ivorian, the Eternal Empire and Scalvoris have grown and changed so much that it will take time for many Raionan people to grow used to the world as it is now.

Once this personal battle is overcome, however, the Raionan’s remain much the same as they were long ago.

Perception of the World

Though they still see good in the world, Idalos has undeniably changed in the time the Raionan’s were locked away. Cities have formed into massive empires, wars have been declared, Immortals killed. Many still love Idalos, but there is also a pain in seeing the material greed and violence that has plagued Idalos. Now that they have returned, many will adapt and adjust. But some Raionan’s will push for peace, push for old ways to be restored and for the death of Immortals to not be viewed so lightly.

Opinions on Outsiders

There is not a single race the Raionan people did not formerly love, and every person will be viewed individually, never judged by their race. Each race had something that made them special and while there were always bad eggs, there were also wonderful people from every part of Idalos. However, as some races have shifted, their morals often do not align with the Raionan’s. Athart and the Avriel are a place that many would consider disgusting and sick, considering it barbaric. Strangely, the newer addition to Idalos of the Cadouri would be the most welcome race for a Raionan to meet, as the views Daia instilled in them are similar to that of Saoire and her people.

Opinions on Magic

Raionan’s often understand magic, knowing fully well what the Spark is. Despite this awareness of the potential corruption, however, they believe that corruption and temptation is everywhere and that only a strong mind can resist them. Should somebody wish to learn magic they will be supported and looked at no differently, provided they have the discipline and self-control to use it for good and to build rather than destroy. So long as a magic can be used to provide for others it is a positive thing.

As such, certain magics like Necromancy are viewed with far more scepticism, as there are less practical uses for such dark magic.


Society and Culture

Rather than developing their own societies most Raionan’s joined others, often found sailing alongside Biqaj, crafting with the most talented Qi’ora and assisting the Eidisi in their studies. Where there is a mission that might make the world better, a band of people travelling as friends or simply a small community in need of help - there is often a Raionan alongside them.


Despite being predators, capable of eating any raw meats a Lion could, the Raionan people have learned to love the tastes and flavours of different cultures in the world. When a nation has new food to offer they are almost always willing to try and learn, seeing what this beautiful world has to offer. Because of their large size they are able to eat far more than the average person can, needing more fuel to sustain them.

Technology, Religion and Worship

As the Raionan’s don’t form their own societies, their ‘technology’ is the same as wherever it is they choose to live, some staying among primal tribes while others live in major advanced cities. One of the only things unique to the Raionin is the jewellery they wear on their manes and furs, beautiful chains and gemstones used to adorn them. Many will wear these casually, but for some formal events, a Raionan will be glimmering with beautiful gems and metals.

When it comes to Religion the Raionan differ vastly. Most of them worship Daia, celebrating her return to life and the fact that she created them. Alongside Daia it is not uncommon for Ralaith to be worshipped thanks to the help he gave in protecting the Raionan’s when Daia was killed. However, some believe that it was a betrayal of trust and autonomy, spiting Daia and Ralaith for what they did and hating the time they spent trapped away and the loss of potential loved ones as a result.

Other Immortals are a complex issue for some Raionan. Evil Immortals are often frowned upon, though of course this is not a universal rule, and most other Immortals are viewed with scepticism. Little is known about how Daia died and many could be responsible. Alongside that, many Immortals seemed to treat Mortals with their own caution back when Raionan were created, perhaps because they were afraid of Mortals overthrowing them. So Raionan’s often view the Immortals with that same caution. Only when the two have built a relationship of trust do most Raionan’s begin to worship.

Reproduction, Aging and Death

Raionan’s can live up to four hundred arcs, designed to be long-lasting people that can walk among other mortals and spread companionship for a long time. They mature similarly to humans do and are physically adults by the time they turn eighteen, yet even from a young age they have a wisdom and empathy rarely seen in children of other races.

Upon dying, the Raionan’s function identically to humans, facing their judgement and deciding if they wish to pass on or not. Their bodies age and wither like others and they do not reincarnate. They simply pass, their time on Idalos and their adventures faded to memory.

Reproducing is identical to other mammalian species, however they are only pregnant for a period of 120 days, similar to Lionesses. When born the young Raionan will take weeks to learn to crawl, months to learn to walk and will need years to grow into their own person.

Language, Script, and Names


Raionan’s do not have their own language or script due to their purpose in Idalos, Daia believing it to be counterproductive for them to speak their own tongue. They instead adopt the Common tongue most frequently, though some became fluent in the language of their comrades or the towns they live in. Writing can be difficult with their claws but is still doable with practice.

When it comes to names, the Raionan’s have surprisingly varied names, Daia leaving the names to the original Raionan’s. Some families opted for prettier names, naming their young after flowers, animals and other aspects of the world they loved so dearly. Others adopted the names of other races they surrounded themselves with. A family of Raionan’s that live among Biqaj may have names like Ki’Dajal while a group born around Ithecal may have regal names like Marcia.

Player Notes

There are no restrictions on magic.

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