Quacia - The Bloodlit City of Stone



Once the epitome of advancement and wonderment, hidden away to the far South of Idalos, this ancient city of stone suffered catastrophe in Arc 413. With a long and contentious history, Quacia has struggled to maintain a presence in the greater world.

Mainly serving as the center for the powerful Theocratum church, Quacian society adapted to survive as a city. Trade and commerce is incredibly limited, and highly controlled by the Guilds of Quacia. The way of life for many citizens is arduous, strict, and unforgiving, though there are places within the city to help relieve the pressures.

All magic is accepted. Most of those who come to Quacia are magical refugees or pioneers, as Quacia can boast to be one of the most advanced magical hubs in the world - given that they accept any and all magic, and rarely regulate these disciplines and practices.

However, this goes for only domain magic. Immortal worship is punished as heresy. Those who are Blessed by Immortals may visit, but they must be incredibly careful when interacting with the elites and the Theocratum. Speaking about their marks must be closely watched, for it is likely to come across as preaching or attempt of conversion for the dominant religion. Thus, flagrant and open Immortal worship, or public speeches in favor of them, are treated as a crime and punishment is enforced by the Theocratum.

Section Contents
New Player Guide A guide for new players in our city and surrounds. This includes information for new players starting in Quacia and also for established players who are visiting.
Calendars & Past Events What's happening in Quacia this cycle? A list of city events here!
Locations All locations both in Quacia and outside the city will be stored here.
Detailed Lore History, Geography, Climate, Holidays and more. Everything you need to know about Quacia is here!
Resources Guide Quacia is home to unique flora, fauna, materials, medicines and much more. All resources are kept here.

City Appearance

The city of Quacia is a symbol of ancient opulence.

Those rare structures which have managed to survive the Cataclysm are typically gorgeous, their stonework vivid and captivating. The remainder of the city takes on a far more Gothic appearance where possible, and the appearance of shambling piles of trash where it is not. Structures are defined by their sharp lines, and by the presence of ornate stonework statues plastered throughout the city, especially present upon the occupancies of the Theocratum.

The roads are kept to at least a passable level of cleanliness by roving gangs of those who care enough to see it so, though it is not uncommon to find layers of trash cast around the area, detritus blending into that which was already present. Shanty in particular is covered in filth and garbage, even the roads themselves beginning to crack and break away into loose chunks of stone.

To the credit of the treeless city, there is a constant reddish-orange glow about the entirety of the state. The reason for this lies in the cultivation of Bloodlight plants, whose fruits are naturally luminescent, and whose primary nutrition is easily acquired via religious worship. The fruits of these plants are spread across the city, and replaced whenever they begin to dim, more than making up for the extreme darkness that would otherwise overtake a city incapable of producing enough lumber to warrant the creation of torches.


The local language of Quacia is Vahanic. It is spoken by all of the social classes. It is a surprisingly gentle language with light accenting allowing for the differentiation between similar words.

Tribunals of the Theocratum are indoctrinated in understanding the secret language of whispered words, gibberish sentences, and gestures that are often used by members in their search for heretics and traitors. This language has no name, nor any official teaching outside of the indoctrination chambers of the Theocratum, but the strange manner in which Tribunals share knowledge has raised awareness of its existence.

Whilst a majority of the Heaps are unaware of how to speak the Common language, this is not a universal ignorance. The nobility are often fully capable of speaking in the Common language for the sake of interacting with more effectiveness when discussing political matters with the rest of the world.

The Heralds and Voice of the Theocratum are typically capable of speaking Common so that heretical prisoners can be better interrogated. The heads of the Guilds are capable of speaking Common and of basic arithmetic so that they may keep track of their assorted global trade-deals.

A good comparison between Vahanic and a real-world language would be Portuguese.

Racial Views

Race Quacian Views
Humans Viewed in a typically positive light and incredibly easy to fit in. The majority of the population are Humans and they make up the bulk of the Heaps.
Biqaj Biqajs are often considered in either a very positive light or with begrudging respect, due to the Royal Family being of Biqaj Blood as well as many Guild members.
Sev'ryn Viewed in a typically positive light. Required to renounce any previous ties they held to the Immortals.
Avriel, Aukari Noted for their quick tempers and potential to cause trouble, but otherwise treated as fellow citizens with no discernible issues. Racial tensions towards these two are quite low.
Tunawa Regarded with a fair level of hostility due to the relationship that the people of Quacia typically have with trees. The idea of a sentient piece of plantlife is simultaneously infuriating and terrifying to them.
Ithecal The sole slaves of the Quacian people, they are regarded as an inferior species of sub-human lizards, barely above being animals. They are treated harshly by many, and are condemned to lives of hard labor and potential sacrifice.
Eidisi Considered to be somewhat odd, but given their general humanoid appearance and their appreciation for knowledge, they're viewed on a fairly good basis by the Quacian people.
Yludih Those that are revealed are typically considered to be a fascination. Their abilities are treasured by nearly all factions of Quacia, and it is likely they would not be treated with the same distrust and hostility as other cities.
Ellune, Qi'ora Viewed in a similar light as being near-humanoid, but notably different. Their abilities are, on occasion, useful, but they're seen with more skepticism than many other races solely due to their strange physiology.
Mer Almost entirely unknown to the Quacian people.
Lotharro Appreciated for their monster-hunting abilities, but otherwise classed as little more than a race of strong humans.
Naerikk Viewed with some degree of inherent skepticism. The Quacian people tend to distrust the Naer in general, under the impression that all of them are working towards a global conspiracy.

Magic Views

One of the few cities of the world where Magic is quite openly found to be beneficial and is encouraged.

While it is true that there are always individuals in any population who find the rampant practice of such abilities to be somewhat potentially dangerous, for the most part, the people of Quacia don't mind it so long as it doesn't negatively impact their lives.

For the sake of ensuring that accidents are kept to a minimum, a majority of practitioners are asked to keep their abilities to a minimum throughout day-to-day life, but there are no punishments for more grandiose displays so long as nothing is damaged and no one is injured.

Those who practice necromancy are required to be given access to a desired corpse by the corpse's relatives or immediate family, and are asked to keep such hideous abominations confined where they will not irritate the eyes of passerby, nor assault their noses with the stench, or their bodies with the diseased remains of decomposition.

Magic Discipline or Practice Quacian Views
Abrogation This magic is often considered favorably by those who see it as a means to help manage mages who get "out of control" or with military efforts, or is completely rejected by those who see Abrogators as a traitor and enemy to other mages. For those Quacians interact with magic, neutrality is very rare as a perspective toward this magic.
Attunement As in most places, Attunement is seen as a positive magic that can help in a lot of regards. The fact that Attunement is gentle and often doesn't have mutations to be seen, while still providing a great deal of useful magic, gives it a beneficial relation to most Quacians. It is very common for Tribunals of the Theocratum to have high levels of Attunement.
Becoming Becoming is considered with a great degree of suspicion, but also fascination. This depends on the totems used in public as well, and how they are used. In the magical community of Quacia, Becoming is considered a lesser and unrefined magic due to its dependency on totems and that the magic doesn't directly contribute to societal issues in meaningful ways. Many Quacians consider it a selfish magic.
Defiance Defiance is lauded among Quacia as one of the most important magics there is. It was quickly realized in the Quacian magic community how important Defiance can be in both defense against the Creep and in maintaining Plenty. Defiers are always sought by the Guilds and Dragoon to be trained.
Empathy Empathy is considered similar to Becoming, with suspicion and also fascination to a lesser degree. Empaths often hide their nature, thus the suspicion. However, Empath mages are utilized in the slave markets, Lair, legal courts, and among the Guilds to quickly resolve conflicts and calm tempers.
Graft Graft is a highly revered magic, due to the Theocratum once declaring it a magic gifted to mortals by the Wounded God himself. Thus, it is considered a holy magic and Grafters tend to be treated with awe and respect by those who follow the Theocratic teachings. Many Heralds also tend to be Grafters, and the new Queen Arkenstone is a proudly open Graft mage.
Hone Hone is considered an academic magic in Quacia, due to the study of the runes involved. Whichever branch of Hone a mage takes, both are expected to be utilized in some fashion whether through the military or otherwise. A Hone mage who does not utilize their magic to help the city is considered with disdain as wasted potential.
Necromancy Perhaps the only place in all of Idalos, Necromancers can find a reasonable acceptance in Quacia, as long as they respect their neighbors and practice with a certain decency for the dead. The Theocratum, however, does not care for this magic and sometimes will speak against it as they do not want Quacians to be reminded of the Corpse King or that the Wounded God is some sort of necromantic figure.
Rupturing Like most magic in Quacia, Rupturing is considered positive when it is utilized to help the city in some capacity. It is considered wasted if spent doing anything else. Many Guild members are Rupturers for the ease it provides with trade logistics. Compared to the other magics, Rupturing is an ordinary layman type of magic.
Transmutation Transmutation is considered both a practical and an academic magic within Quacia. Its relation to ether brings it to the academic side, while its utilization on materials takes it to the practical. Some Guild members serve as Transmuters, but most usually, these mages can be found in the scholarly circles of Quacia instead.


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