


“Such a struggle! Such conflux...such conflict! Truly, Masters fought here. And one was surely an Abrogation Master. For without the skill to see the residuals, one would never know. For not so much as a crushed blade of grass betrays the power that was released here.” – Anonymous Attunement Master, The Seekers

Existing Domain Magic and Non-Spark

Where existing magics mention sparks, staff are working through to change each occurrence to "spark / non-spark method" Where existing magics have spark-specific stuff, players are invited to explore that and make a note in their review request. Reviewers will discuss in the staff team, and the magic page will be updated following the review.


Abrogation: The very term meaning "to abolish". It is an odd discipline of magic that touches on all others, yet fundamentally rejects, or reverses, every one. It is entirely defensive in nature. With only a few odd possibilities, at very high levels, to effect indirectly aggressive results. It is essentially the protection against damage and force, especially of magic. It is one that stands as protection against all other types. To Abolish or Repel is the focus of this magic, protecting others from its effects by denying its sovereignty.

Extended Information

There are 3 degrees of "Preparation" involved in the casting of an Abrogation spell: "Preemptive", "Reactive", and "Replicative". The discussion of these different tiers of preparation lay bare some of the primary drawbacks of Abrogation. It is often slow to work or requires prior knowledge in order to be effective. Abrogation is rarely subtle and to cast it is to be frequently exposed. In order to respond against magics in other schools, an Abrogator must be exposed to the magic itself in order to understand proper defense or countermeasures. Often a mage studying Abrogation will be sought by others and destroyed before they grow too powerful.



The basic scope of Abrogation is to use ether to "secure" the nature of what is around you, and keep it undisturbed. Preemption is expending ones own ether into the area around you to enforce the reality of Idalos. This field passively dampens any and all magic that passes through it, including any additional magic that the Abrogator casts. This ability has sometimes been likened to a Transmuter's ability to Drought ether in an area, but whereas a Transmuter makes it impossible for Domain ether to materialize in an area, an Abrogator simply makes it much more difficult. By reaching out and feeling the area, releasing their own ether, an Abrogator visualizes the area as capable only of holding specific energy, their energy, and fills the immediate location with said energy, reorienting the ‘magical’ environment. This reversal is often referred to as 'Flipping'.

However, this Flipping often takes some time to complete and is rarely the kind of magic that a mage will employ when in an unexpected battle. As an Abrogator progresses, speed and specificity will become more available for them with this field but novices only employ this magic when they have time to prepare the battlefield. Mages with stronger power in their discipline will find way to overpower these fields with their own magic, but no magic that passes through a Flipped field emerges at full power. Maintaining a Flipped field takes a great deal of concentration and high meditation skill on the part of the mage, although this requirement is only if they want to make use of other casting while creating this field.

A Flipped field does not affect magical effects that have already been created. Thralls and Becoming forms are not made less effective in this field...however any magical effects they employ will be. Often mages will turn to conduits to help give their spells an edge when in such fields. This manner of preemptive Abrogation does not require previous knowledge or exposure to magic to be effective, as it targets all ether constructs.


This is a far more common application of Abrogative theory, and one that requires the knowledge of other disciplines. In this case, you are trying to neutralize the structure of a purposed cast as it is being focused. Obviously, you can not reach into an enemy's soul to perform a preemptive action against his work. So instead, you use ether gathered to create a field or cone of counter focus against the anticipated spell. For this reason it is extremely helpful to know the tendencies of that particular enemy; what magics he uses, what gestures he employs during casting, or both. You have to have "felt" the shape, pulse and swirl of the spell's structure before to do this, whether it was directed at you or not. All the knowledge and surety of what is being cast will not help you form a counter field to it, if you have no familiarity with the shape and polarity of the spell. In short, you can't form a counter to a spell you know nothing about.

Spells that focus no external force... some aspects of Necromancy, Becoming are not dispelled by such measures, although this field is extremely useful against Defiance, Empathy (when it is sensed), and Transmutation.

Often mages find that learning new disciplines when high in Abrogation can be just as difficult as learning Abrogation when they have other magics. Due to the nature of Abrogation, the sparks often vie against each other. This increases the likelihood for failure in an initiation. Although not a certain failure, it has been noted that Abrogators often have more trouble learning other magics and mages that choose to learn Abrogation last find immense difficulty in the initiation itself.


The last resort of spell protection, Replicative Abrogation has been often mistaken as a latent spell resistance. The truth of the matter is far more encompassing and wondrous than an innate resistance to magic in general.

Magic almost universally involves the alteration of something's current condition. When a hostile spell is unable to be preemptively or reactively negated, a mage can be left to weather the storm of the spell unaided. Replicative protection essentially overlaps the target with multiples of itself to deny the penetration of the hostile force from reaching the core existence of the target. Ether projected from the mage mirrors whatever needs to be replicated in a series of overlapped ether doubles. When a destructive force of any kind comes in contact with this replicative shield, the layers of 'mirrored' material shatter or rupture before the core is ever harmed. Replicated 'shells' vanish within a few bits of casting, but do not need to be recast until shattered or otherwise dissipated. Clever mages have used this to greatly increase the endurance of objects or their own bodies when subjected to sudden assaulting force. Although not invincible, the act of shattering the Abrogative shells of Replication can often mitigate or sometimes completely negate the damage to the actual core.

Particularly skilled Abrogators have learned to form such replicative shells around their own thoughts and mind when they feel they are targeted, requiring abilities and magic to penetrate twice or three times in order to effect the mage. For particularly powerful Marked abilities, however, this defense is usually only partially helpful. Those who are more skilled in their magic than the Abrogator may find it easier to pierce these mirrored replication shells.

Masters found that applying both the intuitive ability of preemptive, to grasp the flow of the air, and the bolstering ability of Replicative, they could, by repeated overlays of this same air flow, "harden" it in front of them to form a deflecting shield. Focus must be maintained on this shield for it to remain in place. but since most masters have learned a great deal of meditative skills by that time, they can usually split their concentration sufficiently to perform other actions simultaneously.

Reference Guide: Knowledges Required


This ability, learned at Novice level, allows the Abrogator to place a magic-inhibiting barrier that hides his magic domain powers. This means that others can not sense his magic affinities using Attunement and other revelatory magic of similar level. At higher levels, this can be placed on a hostile target to require them to spend a greater amount of effort and ether for the same result. Muting cannot be maintained indefinitely and is an activated aspect of Abrogation. A general Mute on a mage is a specific spell dampener, but not one with the same power as a preemptive field. Mute around expertise and Mastery can be combined with Nemesis disciplines to alter the way ether is processed in a mage. For non-forceful magic, like the magic focused on the self, ether can be twisted around to make utilizing certain techniques or transformations difficult or impossible for those under the level of the mage casting it.


This novice ability is often the most important that an Abrogator will learn. Barrier is the sudden erection of a reactive barrier, but tasked with a stronger ether pulse. Focusing out from the hands, Barrier is a simple expulsion of Abrogative magic that provides a simple counter-effect to incoming force. Abrogators will use it at earlier competency to deaden the impact of falls, bludgeons, or other forces their body must contend with. In later levels this is an efficient means of defense without resorting to replication. Replication can sometimes be exhaustive and encompassing. Barrier is a much easier expenditure of ether. An Abrogator can choose to release short bursts of Reactive kinetic barriers or hold the barrier out and create a shimmering ether shield that is quite useful against incoming ether based attacks, as well as blunt force.


Exception is an ability learned with Preemptive casting. At competence, an Abrogator can choose a discipline that will not be affected by their Preemptive fields. Although this will remove any magical restriction for an enemy, many Abrogators use this ability to maintain a magical defensive field while not dampening their own alternate arcanas.


This is just the term for a selected domain that the abrogator has developed a particular empowerment against. This special affinity is realized at Competent level. When battling users of this discipline, the Abrogator is only taxed half as much with his Abrogation against that particular magic. Effectively, he can stymie this magic domain twice as long as others before succumbing to “Overstepping”.

Choosing a Nemesis magic is always an important step in the development of an Abrogator. A Nemesis magic cannot be the same magic as an Abrogator already knows. When chosen, due to the shapes certain magics take, the effect is always a little different.

For Becoming, an Abrogator becomes capable of forcing a Revision, making contact with the Becomer and forcing them to take the previous form they held. The change is natural, like all Becoming, and the Becomer can choose to utilize Borrowing when being forced into various forms, but this unsettling ability to force a change has made some Becomers wary. It’s an effective counter to their Chrysalis as it will force them even to resume an injured shape.

For Rupturing, the Abrogator becomes capable of altering destination. While not controllable, all Rupturing destinations chosen while an Abrogator is attempting to Abrogate a Rupturer will begin to randomize. For blinks, the difference is maybe five to ten feet from target while any technique requiring portals from farther locations can shift the destination by theoretical miles. This change cannot be controlled by either Rupturer or Abrogator.

In terms of Defiance, the Abrogator simply becomes much more skilled at shields and defenses against elemental attacks.

A Nemesis to Empathy will gain a much swifter refresh time of any other with a Tangle. Forced emotions, even when the Abrogator is unaware, will last at much shorter intervals. Self replicated Abrogation fields will always be stronger than any other field (save revealed techniques) the Abrogator summons.

Attunement, having no offensive capability, is one magic not subject to Abrogation’s nemesis. Necromancy has the curious quality of treating all thralls as one to the Abrogator. Backlash will be applied to all linked servants in the Abrogator’s area.

Transmutation Abrogators will have the capability of triggering Mute upon magical items as well as mages.


Abrogation has few offensive capabilities. Often it is primarily a defensive measure. However, at expertise an Abrogator can learn to imbue their reactive or Replicant shields with Backlash. By doubling the cost of the shield, the Abrogator creates a barrier that will shatter towards the force that triggered it. Usually this is force that mirrors the force applied against it. If it was a physical attack, a physical force will hurl a subject away from the mage and the shattered shield. If the attack was mental, a mental backlash can be expected. Depending on the size of these shields, the cost to cast can be extraordinary.


In addition to Replicating a defensive personal barrier around himself, at Expert level the Abrogator can form remote layers of “hardened” air in the form of flat round shields. These can be positioned either vertically, or horizontally overhead and can be placed within 50 feet of the Abrogator. Both his personal barrier and his shields are capable of absorbing extensive punishment and the power that does get through is often diminished. This hardened air can be seen as a thick, hazy patch that shimmers with a slightly phosphorescent quality. Depending on shield size, they can be conjured quickly or with a few minutes of preparation. Usually any shield that is fairly small, the size of a personal buckler or below are easy to summon quickly whereas larger shields such as ones that might shield an entire body or doorway might take longer. At least four of these shields can exist at any time, two for each hand.


As an Abrogator grows in skill and ability, so thus do the shapes of their shields. At mastery, an Abrogator’s focus on replicating air to a strong density becomes focused in small applications. Shackle is the use of hardened air to create restrictive bands, ropes, and chains to wrap around mages or other dangers to restrain them. The air, once hardened, is difficult to move without first breaking the Abrogative shield around it, allowing an Abrogator to effectively bind an opponent or hang them in the air. This technique can be used to slow an Abrogator’s fall, catching them in weak air shackles to slow their descent and minimize damage or it can be used to hold someone over quite a drop, suspended. These shackles last as long as replicative magic, save for when broken by magic or enough force. Shackles, depending on size and complexity, are not as costly as shields (often being much smaller) and can be applied in multitudes of different ways.


The Master Abrogator can enhance a Mute to sever the tie between a hostile mage and his minion. This must be consciously maintained and the Abrogator should consider the possible unexpected consequences before deciding to break the bond that controls such entities. Once the connection is broken, however, the Abrogator can drop this focus, as it will now be on the other mage’s ability level to determine how long it takes to recall or regain control of his companion. In addition, Strangle is known for its namesake of replicating the air around an individual to slow them down or make breathing difficult. By making the air around someone thicker through temporary Replication, breathing can be somewhat restricted and movement will become more difficult. These fields of Replication are stationary and can be exited. The Abrogator can make the effect quite potent if pouring their ether into the process, but they cannot move the field and the larger they attempt to make it, the harder the process is.

Exultant Barrier

This powerful barrier is a testament to the skill of an Abrogator of this level. A force of power, the Abrogator can create a powerful wall of force, sustained solid by his ether. This wall can be either opaque or transparent and is strong enough to withstand an assault for a few breaks. Abrogators of this level are often tasked with being the vanguard of a retreating unit, creating a wall that shields them from harm or being pursued. The Wall is a purely defensive measure and when finally destroyed or ruptured, it detonates, hurling a wall of force at the side that destroyed it. Curiously, this Shield wall is impressively reactive to Domain magic. While the Abrogator can allow any to pass through it, a domain caster will immediately be unveiled. A Rupturer cannot blink past such an obstacle and must instead teleport to a point around it, unable to actually fold their space through it. A Revealed Wall can stretch as Wide as a Rupturer's Rend, which can sometimes be quite some distance. Owing to the size, an Abrogator can choose to manifest this as a much smaller and thicker projection for less ether. This ability should not be attempted on a grand scale unless the Abrogator is prepared to accept the consequences of their Overstepping.

Those magic users not possessing any of these selected abilities will still be blocked by the force, but will suffer no backlash unless they attack it with magic. This will then inflict a level of Overstepping, though it consumes two charges, since it was not one of the originally-selected abilities. The touch of other revealed mages that DO possess any of the selected abilities will suffer this same backlash, but will also cause two charges to be consumed in the process. Once all the charges are consumed, the wall dissipates. The revealed Abrogator can only cast this revealed spell once per trial, and it brings him immediately to the brink of Overstepping.


The Praetor

When a mage Reveals to become a Praetor, Idalos trembles. The Praetor is the final result of the Abrogation Spark and a mage's towering ambition. Wrapped in fields of Replicative force, the Praetor is formed in pressure and pain. When it emerges, its former humanity is washed away, leaving only the memories, ambitions, and drives of the mage behind. Often up to a foot taller than the mage, the Praetor's skin ripples like waves on the sea, flickering with curious colors and mesmerizing mandalas.

The magnitude of their etheric connection is focused inward, rather than outward, and the Praetor seems almost to devour light and sound around it. Broad, but elegant, these beings tend to be fairly similar to the Crux in terms of appearance. Where they differ is in the construction of their new body. Whereas the Transmuter Crux is drawn of curves and gentle lines, the Praetor is sharp angles and ridges. Often their body resembles armor in a certain sense, a segmented rigidity and design to their skin, especially around the joints. Their eyes are opaque wells of swirling, shimmering design. A Praetor's body functions as well made steel armor for the purpose of being dealt damage but often makes the Praetor a difficult Revelation to conventionally hide.

Upon realizing this step, the Praetor is capable of one final and pinnacle ability of Abrogation, and that is the ability to Abolish.

The Final Revealed technique of Abrogation is one of the most fundamentally destructive techniques in magic. Most who study Abrogation cannot begin to comprehend the enormous potential of such an ability in the early expertise, and rarely even at mastery. The revelation of this ability comes with an Abrogator who has truly excelled to the end of their mastery.

Abolish is an ability seen and used rarely. While Attunement and Transmutation can temporarily nullify magic where it rears, Abolish is the only technique that truly destroys it. Abolish requires the Abrogator be within close proximity, usually touching, of a magical artifact, well, or other construct created of or powered by magic. With their own ether they insidiously reverse the flow of ether and essentially ‘abolish’ the magic back into Emea. Magical items will be destroyed, wells harmlessly dispersed. Abolish is supposedly a technique originally designed to combat liches and the power they put into protecting their phylactories. The level of magic invested in an object will decide how costly this ability is to the Abrogator. For some, it could mean drastically overstepping...but some are willing to make this sacrifice to banish some of the darker examples of magic from the world at large. This technique has been kept secret among Abrogators as few have raised themselves to such status. If many mages could guess at this ability, Abrogators would be targeted. Unlike Transmutation, Abrogation makes no attempt to understand the nature of these ether constructs, it only Abrogates them, abolishing them from the face of Idalos.

Dangers and Overstepping

Light Overstepping

Dizziness, Migraine, Nausea, Loss of feeling in hands or feet, Amplify, Misshapen Shields (minor)

Medium Overstepping

Severe Disorientation, Cramps throughout those body parts used to allow flow of ether while casting. Nemesis Backlash, Discipline Restriction,. Replicative Warping, Abrogative Backlash

Heavy Overstepping

Immediate unconsciousness, which lasts up to 12 breaks, Temporary paralysis, Replicative Suffocation, Permanent loss of sensation in various parts of the body, Spark Antipathy, and more severe versions of medium and light overstepping.


Rather than Muting, ones spark does the opposite and brashly transmits waves of ether much farther than it would normally. Usually a temporary effect, mages that accidentally Amplify will often draw other mages, hunters, and darker things to their location. The tricky part is that someone else would have to tell you. A mage that is Amplifying is unable to detect their own amplification.

Misshapen Shields

Showing up in any severity, Misshapen shields is a persistent effect where an Abrogator’s shields are often malformed and strangely rendered. Too thick and small or too thin and wide are often some of the common problems, but many hardened air shields may suffer from a hole in the center or uneven edges. Usually these flaws can be the line between blocking and attack and succumbing to it.

Discipline Restriction

A dangerous overstepping consequences, Discipline restriction is the temporary nullification of one domain magic. This does not apply to any Revelation or to Abrogation, but any other magic spark within the mage can be temporarily shut down for a long period of time. For some mages, especially those with minions, this can become deadly fatal.

Replicative Warping

Where the process of replication casts a copy of the item slightly wrong and warps the item or part protected after the spell. This can result in breaking the item protected and even badly damaging one's own body.

Abrogative Backlash

A moderate to severe overstepping penalty where some of the force negated transfers directly to the Abrogator, shattering bones after the spell has been cast. Usually this penalty is only when blocking a colossal or overwhelming force.

Replicative Suffocation

Where abrogation hardens the air in a radius around the mage so firmly as to prevent breathing. This can lead to unconsciousness and even death.

Spark Antipathy

One of the most dangerous Overstepping penalties. Spark antipathy is when the Abrogative Spark recognizes other Sparks within a mage’s body as problematic or as enemies. A mage suffering from Spark Antipathy will naturally Abrogate any magic they attempt to cast, as if reacting to that magic defensively. This leads to an extensive amount of ether expenditure and additional overstepping.


There is a reason that new Abrogators start play with knowledge of two other domains of magic that they can try to nullify. This is because the ritual involves them being subjected to an attack by these magics. The initiate is infused with the spark through some wound caused by magic and must then suffer for as long as it takes to recognize the “feel” of that power and attempt to neutralize it through sheer will. But the real trauma is from the onset of a second magic attack inflicted simultaneously with the first. It is not until the initiate can sense the difference in the “feel” of both powers assailing him that he can truly begin to grasp and develop the purpose of the spark now within him. If he has what it takes to be an abrogator, the spark will slowly empower him with the ability to accomplish this dual defense, if he survives long enough that is.

It is an unfortunate obstacle that most mages don’t like the idea of more Abrogators coming to power. Since the initiate is ultimately going to be a liability to them, they will not willingly contribute to this effort. It is for this reason that it usually takes an Abrogation mentor trained in additional domains to provide these attacks, as those mages that do not practice Abrogation will simply kill the initiate. It is not uncommon for a non-Abrogation mage to claim skill in this domain in order to lure a potential Abrogator to their death. This is particularly true of mage’s whose domains are stigmatized as evil, or involve separate entities.

Suggested Mutations

It turns out that the constant brush of ether upon our bodies is part of what makes normal skin color. Orienting your affinity to blocking and denying ether causes your skin takes on odd colors. There can be a slight “flattening” of your facial features do to the prolonged “wrapping” of layers around yourself. Or this can cause a ‘squeezed” look to some body parts, that can result in things like skinny, elongated fingers, exaggerated bone definition where they lie close to the skin or at joints, loose skin being piled up like mountain ranges in places where it is loose, ears flattening against the skull, etc. The constant addition of layers of replicated self can make the skin thicken noticeably and develop so many dermal layers that the top ones cannot stay moist enough, and constantly peel or crack like a patch of dried mud. Or it can have the opposite effect and convince the body that there is already enough skin, so there ends up being a lack of dermal layers, leading to a pinkish look and considerable sensitivity. Hair falls out everywhere due to either disruption of dermal balance. Revelation is an enhancement of this, giving the skin an oddly reflective, almost metallic sheen, in addition to any mutations already accumulated.

Witchmarks - in most cases, the brand will be a raised, reinforced patch of skin, that may resemble a thick callus. It often takes classic forms of support or bracing, like a series of arches, or a simple circle. What has been looked upon as a capital “A” has been assumed to stand for Abrogation, but is more likely to represent the A-frame support formation. There have also been instances of pyramids, often with one of the long corners running down the middle, with the callus rising slightly to meet at that middle point.


The practitioner has learned to create flipped fields. Learning Preemptive casting usually takes some time, up to half a break or a little less to get a full Preemptive field. At this level they learn how to Mute their own magic signature, an essential first skill. However when using Mute, they cannot make use of any other magic. As far as Reactive magic goes, an Abrogative mage has a natural affinity to ‘feeling’ magic. While not on the same level as Attunement, an Abrogator is usually aware when magic is being cast, especially when they name a Nemesis magic. This ‘sense’ manifests to each mage somewhat differently and while it does not tell them where the magic is or who is using it, they have a general idea that it is actively occurring. This sense will follow them throughout their discipline. This sense only applies to cast magic, rather than the existence of magical items, creatures, or shapes. Additionally at this level, Barrier can be learned.


It now only takes a quarter of a break for the Abrogator to Flip a field, usually less. As his Reactive magic increased in competence, he is able to learn two new magics to apply reactive magic principles to.

He has begun to learn about Replicative magic, but can only focus its overlapping effect on himself. It is difficult to focus on protecting the self with replicative magic and any other activity at this level without a competent meditation skill. This layer of Replicative protection is of moderate value at this level. Of the three initial types of magic he first learned to Abrogate against (Attunement, plus two others) he can now designate one as a “Nemesis” domain.

In addition to these improvements, he has learned ‘Exception’, allowing one magic to function as normal within his Preemptive fields.


Flipping a field is almost becoming second nature, but still takes up to 5 bits under pressure. He is now capable of learning Reactive counters to all other domains applicable, if he has had experience with them. He can also designate a second magic as a Nemesis domain.

He can now cast a Mute barrier around another mage. If he also keeps one around himself, the target mage will be able to detect the Abrogator’s ability, but no other person can detect the magic capabilities of either the Abrogator or target. This illusion is disrupted if either of the mages begin utilizing magic again. He can now cast a significant personal barrier of Replicative protection layers around himself. He has also now learned to Replicate duplicated and “hardened” layers of air in the form of flat round “Shields”. He can only create one Shield if he is also maintaining a personal barrier or up to two without a personal barrier. In addition, the mage learns how to imbue Abrogative fields with Backlash ether, creating effective defensive traps.


Flipping a field takes only a few bits, distraction or not. The master Abrogator must be taken from behind, and by surprise, to be unable to Reactively cast against anything thrown at him.

He can now replicate himself to the point that melee weapons and ranged missiles are deflected from him with little or no damage at all, depending on the skill of the wielder or the force brought against such shields. Cumulative melee and ranged damage will also wear such shields down.

He can now designate a third Nemesis discipline. And if one of these is of an appropriate domain, the Abrogator can fully Mute a Nemesis enemy in an ether-blocking “Strangle” that can sever their tie to any ether-bonded familiars, constructs and minions; as well as denying a Rupturer access to his portals. In addition, they can now form ‘Shackles’ with modular hardened air to trap or restrain opponents. His shields and barriers can now be somewhat shaped into walls, or the shapes of doors if necessary. While visible in a hazy sense, the Abrogator has mastered shaping the planes into the flat form he wants them to take.

His personal barrier and shields can both be erected in a flash. Or, with some concentration, barriers can now be placed around others or created as stationary walls which the Abrogator can walk away from. They will remain intact for a number of minutes equal to the Abrogator’s level, unless otherwise breached or destroyed. In the case of enemies, the Abrogator can spend a minute or two in preparation, then flash form restrictive versions of these barriers around them. Up to four shields can now be formed or two when a personal field is established.

The Abrogator can now also replicate virtually any non-living matter for the purpose of core protection. He cannot alter or repair anything this way, but he can prevent damage. His Mute on a hostile target becomes a single, linked effort, and with an Expert Meditation skill, the Abrogator is not doubly taxed by this additional target and can still perform other magic functions simultaneously. A Second exception can be applied to Preemptive fields.


The Avriel still speak in dread of an unseen source, in a battle long ago, that hardened walls of air in front of them as they swooped, or around their wings, dropping many of them from the sky to their deaths. Other battles tell of entire flights of arrows hitting an invisible ceiling over attacking troops, neutralizing the defender's archers completely. Of officers being suddenly paralyzed by bands of compressed air and being easily captured. And an eastern city tells of a river mysteriously dammed by nothing, to bring flood waters into the surrounding farmlands, bringing a diplomatic conflict to a quick economic surrender. But who can really believe such outlandish tales?

The Praetor is rumored to be an unlimited force of stopping power. His command of abilities to stump the efforts of aggressive magic are only rivaled by the Immortals or other high level master Abrogators. And though these powers are primarily defensive, they often seem like aggressive magic simply because the force of the magic attacking them causes a terrible backlash.

His Mute can now enclose two hostile mages at once, requiring their combined effort to dispel it. Preemptive fields can stretch entire fields if desired and with enough time to prepare, and a third Exception can be made to the field.

Yet one more magic discipline can be declared Nemesis. And the Exultant Barrier can be finally realized, the ultimate in magical protection on a grand scale. Shields and Shackles summoned can last for up to a trial now before dissipating, unless otherwise destroyed. At this level, the Abrogator is capable of learning Abolish, a power so fearsome it must be kept secret from other mages.

Useful Links

Useful links and information for the magic of Abrogation.

"Credit to Maltruism and Plague"


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