
Fast Facts
Size About the size of double fist
Associated Dragon Deabrutoa


Paithesir are small, as are all dragonets. They are gold in color, like the rest of their draconic family, and have big red eyes and tiny little horns. They are mostly quadrepedal, but they can stand on their hind legs for a bit and their front paws are built for grabbing small objects. They have wings with webbing that appears to be made out of gold sheets.

Lifespan and Development

Paithesir are born of the energies of companionship and treasure that surround Drathaidir. They a moderately long lived Dragonets, lasting up to four centuries before the ambient energy holding them together disperses and they rust into a solid statue of themselves. Some collecters try to keep these statues, but unless the statue is in the hands of a bonded, Drathaidir will send one of her people to bring the statue back to the museum, where she has a room set aside for them.


Paithesir are exploratory creatures, constantly getting into every nook and crany they can stick their shiny gold noses into. They also like to burrow into piles of coins to nap and can actually sleep for hours at a time if they find a particularly comfortable napping place. Unlike the Gaithir, Paithesir are not prone to vanity and don't often go out of their way to put themselves in the spotlight.


Paithesir are rather fragile, even for a Dragonet, due to their soft hides. However, they are excellent at finding things that the person they're bonded with has lost, and they can tell when seeming treasure is actually a forgery. They have a light breath power that cheers up anyone they use it on.


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