Category:Effigy of Drathaidir

The Effigy of Drathaidir

The Effigy of Drathadir is given to those that share in Drathaidir's passion for the beautiful, the rare, and the lost. Not just in selfishly hoarding these treasures, but in sharing them with the world. Drathaidir's Bearers are also part of her personal collection, and even part of her museum to an extent. However, Drathaidir considers herself part of her museum and part of her Bearer's collections as well. As Drathaidir prefers to eschew combat, there are no combat related powers in her Effigy.

Initial Effigy Manifestation

When initially given, the Effigy of Drathaidir manifests as a as a golden sheen to the Bearer's hair and eyes, golden scales covering the backs of their arms and the side of their legs, and the light will catch on them as if to passively show them off to everyone around them.

Breath Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Breath Power 1 Preserving Breath Free The default Breath Power of Drathaidir’s Effigy, Preserving Breath allows the Bearer to breathe out a golden mist. This mist stops the decay of weather and time on that which is caught in it. This effect only lasts up to ten days, and then it will have to be re-applied. This power does not prevent growth. This mist works on both living and non-living objects.

The Branches

The Effigy of Drathaidir is divided into the following Branches: The Beauty Branch, the Treasure Branch, the Companionship Branch, and the Joy Branch. The Beauty and Treasure Branches are further divided into two sub-branches each.

The Beauty Branch

The Beauty Branch represents Drathaidir's nature as part of all that is beautiful in the world of Idalos, both within and without. As a result of the prominence of beauty in Drathaidir's nature, the Beauty Branch is split into the Inner Sub-Branch and the Outer Sub-Branch.

The Inner Beauty Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 2 Beautiful Creature 25 An upgrade to the Bearer’s Dragonling, Beautiful Creature makes it so the Dragonling itself never gets dirty. Dirt, mud, dust, and all other forms of grime literally slide off the Dragonling without leaving a mark on it. This even applies to its own blood, should someone be so gauche as to hurt a Gaithir.
Tier 2 12 Proud Beauty 50 Those who bear Drathaidir’s Effigy are possessed of a remarkable self-confidence, and this power makes all those around them aware of it. Those who are inclined to insult the Bearer, especially on matters of appearance, will be subconsciously aware of how futile it would be to attempt to slander such a magnificent being. This aura covers a 100 foot radius around the Bearer. This aura does not prevent someone from insulting the Bearer if they're particularly determined to do so, as a discipline of Master or higher will break through the aura. This aura is passive
Tier 2 13 Perfect Self 50 This power has two effects, a passive and an active one. The passive version prevents the Bearer from getting dirty, toussled, or generally being made to look less than their personal best. However, the Bearer can, at will, extend this to the people around them, allowing them to keep the people around them looking their best as well. When the Bearer is showing their Draconic Traits, this power also gives them a slight golden glow.
Tier 3 20 Alluring and Enforcing 75 By their very nature, the Bearers of Drathaidir's Effigy are the type to draw the eye to them, and the grace of their attention tends to be uplifting to those they speak to. This power passively reinforces that, making it so that people's eyes will catch on the Bearer, making people want to pay more attention to them. In addition, those who speak with the Bearer, and the Bearer has to be an active and willing participant in the conversation, will grow more confident from the exchange, more willing to speak to others and to the Bearer themselves.
Tier 4 29 Cleansing Breath 100 An alternative Breath Power that works by inhaling rather than exhaling, Cleansing Breath allows the Bearer to purge themselves of all effects that are negatively effecting their physical or mental state, so long as that effect isn't stronger than this power. This cleanses all powers that aren't Tier 5 Effigy or above.
Tier 4 30 Bolstered Folly 100 Sometimes the Bearer doesn't want to enhance the inner beauty of those around them, but rather their inner ugliness. The Bearer can touch someone and drastically increase their desire to give into their darker urges, making harder and harder to resist their negative impulses the longer they go unsated. With a discipline of Grandmaster or higher, this can be resisted for long enough for the effect to wear off, which is a period of an hour.
Tier 5 37 Inner Becomes Outer 125 Everyone hides things away, for some it may be the worst parts of themselves, for some it may be the best of themselves. Either way, this is part of their true nature that they keep from showing. The Bearer can call this hidden part out to reflect in the real world. This power is a single target power that causes the target to reflect that which they've hidden about themselves, turning uglier if they're hiding their darker nature, or more beautiful if they're hiding their better natures. How this change manifests depends on the secrets that have been hidden.

The Outer Beauty Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 3 Shared Beauty 25 No one in the Bearer’s presence should look anything less than their best, and this power makes that a reality. Everyone within a 100 foot radius around the Bearer’s Gaithir will find their appearance passively improving towards their own perfect look. While this won’t continue outside of this radius, it also won’t immediately go away either, and it being centered on the Gaithir allows the Bearer to send their Dragonling around prettying people up. Particularly severe cases of untidiness can even ride the Gaithir so they can get prettied up while the Dragonling roams.
Tier 2 14 Impart Grime 50 Attracting the ire of a Bearer of Drathaidir can be quite the gaff, and it's not recommended to do it in a situation where one needs to look their best. This power allows the Bearer to touch someone and actively worsen their appearance, causing their clothes to become dirty and tear, their own physical appearance to become more worn and ragged, and even making them appear uglier, though the latter effect will wear off after an hour.
Tier 2 15 Piercing Vision 50 Everyone has things they hide about themselves, and while this power doesn't tell the Bearer exactly what people are hiding, it does tell them whether or not people are hiding parts about themselves that the Bearer would consider ugly or if they're hidng parts about themselves that the Bearer would consider beautiful. When the Bearer has their Draconic Traits showing, this power gives them the slitted pupil of a Dragon.
Tier 3 21 Enchanting Breath 75 An Alternative Breath power that allows the Bearer to drastically improve and even alter the appearance of the area around them. This power can take a ruined hall and make it appear as though it were a grand ballroom. This power works by filling up an encloses space and making it appear to the Bearer's specifications. The effects only last for 24 hours before they fade, and what it created vanish into mist.
Tier 4 31 Enchanting Siren 100 Not everyone is the Bearer's friend or ally, and it simply wouldn't do for those who oppose them to be able to draw attention away from the Bearer. With this power, the Bearer can choose to make their voice enchanting and alluring, capturing the attention of those who listen and making the voice of all but the Bearer sound muffled and quiet in comparison.
Tier 4 32 Shun 100 Not everyone is deserving of the time and attention of the people around them, and the Bearer can actively make it harder for people to get said time and attention. This power allows the Bearer to create a feeling of exclusion around someone, making people more inclined to ignore their presence, exclude them from conversation, and generally ignore them, though the Shunned person can regain that attention by doing something drastic. The Bearer can Shun up to three people at a time, and the effect ceases if they're more than 100 feet from the Bearer.
Tier 5 38 Social Royalty 125 The Bearer of Drathaidir's Effigy move smoothly through society and their presence at events and parties is a definite boon to those hosting it. This power enhances that by making it so that any in the city where an event the Bearer is attending will be held are inherently aware that the Bearer will be there and why, drawing the attention of those that might otherwise never hear of or attend the event.

Beauty Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 46 Beauteous Palace 150 The Bearer should never be housed in anything less than suits their magnificence, and so this power allows them to create a private space that they can anchor to any doorway they wish. This private space is the size a moderately sized mansion, capable of housing the Bearer and their family, friends, followers, guests, and servants. This space will be laid out, decorated, and furnished to the Bearer's own personal tastes, no matter how grand or humble those tastes be. If the Bearer already has Personal Museum, their Personal Museum will also be an additional part of this space.

The Treasure Branch

The Treasure Branch represents Drathaidir’s role as a collector and displayer of all things valuable, beautiful, or rare. As a result of the prominence of treasure in Drathaidir's nature, the Treasure Branch is split into the Collecting Sub-Branch and the Displaying Sub-Branch.

The Collecting Treasure Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 4 Treasure Sense 25 The Bearer’s are responsible for collecting new treasure for Drathaidir’s collection, and this power gives them the ability to perform this task more easily. Treasure Sense will let the Bearer know when there's rare or particularly valuable things in the area around them, including plants or animals. Granted, more commonplace things have a value and beauty of their own, but the Bearer will have to exercise their own judgment on what is worthy of a space in Drathaidir’s museum. It will also be down to the Bearer's own abilities to identify what is giving them that feeling.
Tier 1 5 Rust Eater 25 Sometimes things in the Bearer’s collection get rusty or blemished, and while they can use their various powers to clean it up and repair the wear and tear of time, this power gives them another way to fix such damage specifically for when they can't attend to the issue personally. Rust Eater gives the Bearer’s Gaithir the ability to eat or claw away rust and other similar blemishes without damaging what’s underneath.
Tier 2 16 Collection Tracking 50 Drathaidir’s Bearers often have their own personal collection of things, and this power allows them to sense when someone has tampered with not only their own personal collection, but that of Drathaidir herself. With this, the Bearers of Drathaidir’s Effigy are able to quickly respond to attempts to steal from or ruin either their own collections or Drathaidir’s Museum. This power also gives the Bearer the ability to track things that have been removed from either their own collection or Drathaidir's, until such a time as the Bearer gives up on recovering it.
Tier 3 22 Capture and Share 75 Sometimes the Bearer wants to add a place to either their own collection or Drathaidir’s museum, but places aren’t exactly easy to transport. This power allows the Bearer to capture a perfect image of a place in their mind and, when they are able, to call forth a replication of the image that they can then either paint themselves or show to an artist to paint themselves.
Tier 3 23 Claws of the Collector 75 A power that allows the Bearer to feel for damages and blemishes that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye. Claws of the Collector allows the Bearer to feel any cracks or imperfections that are too small or fine to be detected normally, even if they are beneath the surface of what they're touching. When the Bearer is showing their Draconic Traits, their hands take on the appearance of draconic claws, covering them in gold scales and giving them black talons in place of fingernails.
Tier 4 33 Animal Collector 100 Sometimes either Drathaidir or her Bearers will decide that an animal merits a place in their collection or in Drathaidir’s Museum. While not every animal can be safely transported, and the Bearer will have to deal with that with their own ingenuity, those that can be safely added to the collection will need to be calmed for transport. This power allows the Bearer to imbue a sense of calm onto any animal they touch, allowing them to be more easily collected. This power doesn't last once the Bearer stops touching the animal.
Tier 5 39 Collecting Breath 125 A power that lets the Bearer add things people to their collection, Collecting Breath allows the Bearer to breathe out a gold wind that surrounds whoever they’re breathing on and settles into them. This creates a reflection of the person they've collected in Drathaidir's museum, as well as in their own personal collection.
Tier 5 40 Moment Collector 125 The rarest and most valuable thing in Idalos is time, something that cannot be truly collected by most people. Drathaidir’s Bearer’s are not most people, and this power allows them to collect even this rarest treasure. This power allows the Bearer to create a perfect replica of a moment in time, up to thirty minutes at once. This perfect replica will only exist in the Bearer’s head with just this power, but there is no cooling down period, allowing them to capture longer moments by chaining together uses of this power. Once they have captured these moments, they can then display them in either they're own collection or Drathaidir's museum, where the memory will play out exactly as the Bearer captured it on loop. They can chain captured moments together to display longer moments.

The Display Treasure Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 6 Mobile Display 25 Drathaidir’s Bearer’s, much like Drathaidir herself, are part of her collection, and thus should be properly displayed. Since living people cannot be just propped up on a pedestal, this power serves to display them. The Bearer’s Gaithir is enhanced by this power, making it a mobile display stand for any who ride upon it. This power can be activated at will, and while it's on, the person riding the Gaithir will be surrounded by a glow that pulls attention to them, drawing the admiration of those around them.
Tier 1 7 Display Stand 25 While the Bearer obviously can’t be their own display stand, this power allows them to act as such a thing at will. With this power, the Bearer can turn themselves into a living display stand that draws attention, and usually admiration, to anything they’re holding, allowing them to easily display any treasure they should desire to show off. This power deliberately draws attention away from the Bearer and focuses it on what they're carrying. Any attention gained through their Effigy or other powers will go to the displayed person.
Tier 2 17 Crown Jewel 50 Drathaidir’s Bearers are the crown jewels of her collection, and this power reinforces that reality. Once this power is obtained, People in the Bearer’s presence will know that they are, in some way, inherently special, a rare, even unique, sort of person. While what feelings this creates in others will depend on the individual, the Bearer’s status as a living treasure will always be known. If the Bearer is showing their Draconic Traits, this power manifests a pair of golden horns that curve around the back of the head as a physical crown.
Tier 3 24 Catch The Light 75 Proper lighting is integral to always putting a treasure, living or inanimate, on display. This power allows the Bearer to give any treasure they wish to show off its own personal lighting, so that it is always seen in the way that best shows off its own unique beauty.
Tier 3 25 Put On A Pedestal 75 Sometimes it’s a person that the Bearer wishes to display, and that’s generally a bit more difficult. This power alleviates that difficulty by allowing the Bearer to place someone on a metaphorical pedestal, drawing attention to them and highlighting their better qualities while downplaying their negative ones. This latter part manifests as the people observing the pedestaled person having a much harder time focusing on what they dislike about them, as opposed to what they do like about them. Like Display Stand, this power draws attention away from the Bearer and focuses it on the person they're displaying. Any attention gained through their Effigy or other powers will go to the displayed person.
Tier 4 34 Copying Breath 100 Sometimes the Bearer will wish to add something to Drathaidir’s museum that cannot, for whatever reason, be removed from its current location. This power allows the Bearer to breath out a golden fog that blankets such items for a moment before creating a perfect replica of them in Drathaidir’s museum, ready to be displayed once a place for it is found. Once the replica is created, the fog vanishes.
Tier 5 41 Living Trophy 125 The presence of a Bearer of Drathaidir's Effigy is quite a prize for any place they choose to live. This is a power that extends to the Bearer's home city, region, or nation, and it effects the entire area. The place will gradually become neater, cleaner, and more beautiful. Things and people won't get dirty as easily and will be easier to clean, damages to clothes and buildings will be easier to repair and won't show the signs of the repair as clearly, and visitors will be struck by the beauty of even mundane things.
Tier 5 42 Conjure Treasure 125 As a living embodiment of the concept of Treasure, Drathaidir and her Bearers can create treasure as well as collect and display it. Once per Cycle, the Bearer can create a Tier 10 enchanted artifact. This artifact has three enchantment slots. Favored level enchantments take one slot, Adored take two, and Exalted take three.

Treasure Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 47 Personal Museum 150 By this point, the Bearers of Drathaidir’s Effigy will likely have amassed quite a collection of their own, and it helps to have a place to display all of it at once. This power creates a pocket dimension that the Bearer can bring people to, a large museum that allows them to arrange and display their treasures in whatever way they see fit to best show off their collection. There’s no limit to how often or how many people they can bring into this pocket dimension. If the Bearer already has Beauteous Palace, the two spaces are linked.

The Companionship Branch

The Compansionship Branch represents Drathaidir’s part in the closeness and camaraderie of all the living creatures of Idalos.

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 8 Sense Bonds 25 It's imporant to know if the people around you are bonded to each other. Sense Bonds allows the Bearer to tell when someone has a connection to the people around them, though it doesn't tell the Bearer the nature of the bond. For example, the Bearer may sense a bond between a man and a woman, but wouldn't be able to inherently tell if the bond is familial, romantic, antagonistic, platonic, or criminal in nature.
Tier 1 9 Companionable Touch 25 Sometimes, words won’t do the job of settling ruffled feathers or balming bruised egos. This power allows the Bearer to imbue a sense of companionship with a mere touch, making the affected more inclined to be tolerant and favorable to those around them.
Tier 2 18 Companion’s Breath 50 Conflict and chaos are not things prized by Drathaidir, and this alternate Breath Power allows the Bearer to help counteract the feelings that create such things. This power allows the Bearer to breathe out a cone of subtle mist that creates a feeling of companionship and togetherness in those caught within it, as well as with the Bearer. While this power won’t instantly make friends out of enemies, it can help bridge such gaps.
Tier 3 26 Calming Influence 75 It’s easier to form a bond with those around you when tempers are stilled, and this power allows the Bearer to emit a fifty foot aura that carries a sense of calm with it. At a base level, this calm significantly lessens the sting of insults and other offenses, making it harder for people to get angry over new issues. However, on a deeper level, it also soothes long held aches and grudges, making people who are at odds with each other more ammenable to peacefully solving their problems. Granted, it doesn't solve the problem on its own, but it create opportunities to do so that might not otherwise have existed. This aura can be turned off or on at will, as the Bearer may not always wish to prevent an argument.
Tier 4 35 A Friendly Tail 100 The Bearer gets the ability to manifest a golden draconic tail. Rather than a decoration or a weapon, the tail of Drathaidir’s Bearers is a prehensile thing that can be used as an extra limb if needed. In addition, it’s strong enough to support the Bearer’s weight on its own, as well as quite comfortable to sit on, giving the Bearer immediate access to a chair, no matter where they are. The Bearer’s Tail also the upgrade that the Gaithir’s tail also has, once that power is acquired.. While the tail is obviously on display if the Bearer is showing their Draconic Traits, the tail can also be manifested separately from the others.
Tier 5 43 Friendly Dragonling 125 Once this power is acquired, the Gaithir that accompanies the Bearer will exude a constant aura of companionship. Those within fifty feet of the Dragonling will feel closer to the people around them, more inclined to view them at least as allies, if not friends. This power can be combined with other Companionship powers to amplify the effects. This aura is passive.
Tier 5 44 Forged Bond 125 The Bearer of Drathaidir may not always have time to naturally work themselves into a social grouping, especially if it starts out hostile to them. This power allows them to forcibly create a platonically friendly bond with someone, making them more friendly and approving towards the Bearer. The Bearer can only have one Forged Bond at a time, and they will do have to strengthen it into a true bond on their own.

Companionship Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 48 Social Heart 150 In many situations, the Bearer will be the beating heart of their social group, however big or small it is. This power reinforces this by allowing the Bearer to, once a Trial, anchor the social situation they find themselves in on themselves. This will have the effect of making the Bearer not only someone those in the Bearer’s social situation want to have a bond with, it will make others in the same social more appealing by association, as they clearly have, if not the Bearer’s favor, their tolerance, else they wouldn’t be there. This means that people will essentially feel as if the Bearer’s bonds with others are their own for the Trial.

The Joy Branch

The Joy Branch represents Drathaidir’s part in all the joy and happiness of Idalos.

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 10 Joyful Breath 25 Drathaidir is an inherently happy creature that does not like to see the people around her sad. Part of her Bearer’s task is to spread joy throughout Idalos, and this power allows the Bearer to do that a bit more directly than some others. By breathing out a comforting golden mist, the Bearer can alleviate the fears and worries of those caught in the mist, warming their heart and letting feel happiness easier without their worries clouding their mind.
Tier 1 11 Sense Sadness 25 While sadness is not inherently disruptive, it is still something that Drathaidir doesn’t like. This power gives her Bearers the ability to sense the sadness of those around them and the cause of it. The Bearer will be able to detect any true sadness, not simple momentary mopiness or disappointment, within a fifty foot radius around them. They'll know who's sad and why, though it will be up to the Bearer to figure out how to help.
Tier 2 19 Joyous Flight 50 With this power, the Bearer can manifest a pair of beautiful golden wings, letting them fly under their own power. In addition, these wings will gain the powers of the Gaithir’s wing upgrade, once that power is acquired. These wings are obviously showing if the Bearer is showing their Draconic Traits, but can be manifested separately.
Tier 3 27 Encouraging Word 75 Sometimes, all that’s needed to improve someone’s mood is an encouraging word. This power gives the Bearer’s voice a passive effect that makes them inherently uplifting to listen to. Even a casual conversation about nothing with a Bearer of Drathaidir can dramatically increase a person's mood as this power lessens their insecurities, fears, and worries.
Tier 3 28 Inspiring Presence 75 The Bearers of Drathaidir are inherently uplifting to be around with this power. With this power, the Bearer can, at their choice, emit an aura that erodes the bad moods and soothes the fears and worries of everyone within a 100 foot radius.
Tier 4 36 Uplifting Dragonling 100 Gaithir share in Drathaidir’s nature as part of the joy of Idalos itself, and this power allows them to more easily spread that joy. By wrapping people up in their wings or tail, the Gaithir can convey a sense of happiness and safety, as if those wrapped up are protected from the hurts and woes of the outside world. This power serves as an upgrade for the Gaithir’s wings and tail.
Tier 5 45 Lift You Up 125 Sometimes, someone is so mired in their misery, their worries, and their pains that even the regular effects of a Bearer of Drathaidir can’t help them much. This power allows the Bearer to instantly impart a sense of joy on anyone they touch. This power can only be used once a trial, and the effect isn’t permanent, as this imparted good mood is still vulnerable to whatever brought the affected person low in the first place, but this period of joy can often be enough to give them the impetus to begin climbing out of that pit of despair.

Joy Branch Master Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 49 Joyous Memories 150 A power that allows the Bearer to lift the spirits of a great many people, this power allows the Bearer to take the feelings of a happy memory, whether their own or one from the people they’re trying to affect, and spread it around everyone within a mile-wide radius around them. This power can only be used once a season, but when used, it can set off a chain reaction that can lift the mood of entire cities.

The Transformation Power

The apex of all the powers in Drathaidir's Effigy, this power shows the Bearers mastery over all that Drathaidir has given them.

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Transformation Power 50 Form of Drathaidir 250 The apex of all the powers at the Bearers disposal, this power allows the Bearer to take on the form of the Joyous Treasure herself. When this power is used, the Bearer becomes a dragon that is identical to Drathaidir in appearance, including her smaller, more mobile size. While the Bearer also gains access to the immense power and durability that is part and parcel to being a Dragon, the more important thing is they also get the innate majesty and beauty of a Dragon as well, enhancing those traits that are already extant in the Bearer. Finally, 4 powers are also unique to this form and can be activated at will while the Bearer is transformed.

-The Bearer passively transforms the area around them into something more worthy of their majesty. Buildings will repair themselves, decorations and furnishing will appear as if from nothing, and even the very construction materials of the buildings around them will become more aesthetically pleasing to the Bearer’s tastes. -Everything and everyone in the area around them will become part of the Bearer’s collection unless they wish it not to be added. -Everyone around the Bearer will form an instant bond of companionship with not only the Bearer, but the other people around them. These bonds will decay outside the presence of the Bearer, however. -Everyone in the Bearer’s presence has their mood instantly lifted, and sadness, fear, and worry will be unable to damper this good mood while they are in the Bearer’s presence.


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