Category:Desnind Religion

Religion for a greater majority of the Sev'ryn revolves around the Immortal Moseke. Her gift of life and rebirth, even though it cost many animals their earth bound life, is one that is honored on a daily basis. A temple was built at the figurative center of the city. As the city stretches from the ocean in a tree like fashion, Moseke's temple was built at the point where the paths branch off into the city. It is an ornate temple built directly into a large tree by the Oludïbọ Cïkäkkẹn. Many Sevir will stop by once a day to offer prayers and thanks to Moseke although many others will stop in the middle of the street to pay their respects to the Immortal for her presence is ubiquitous in Desnind.

Moseke may be the Immortal most honored in Desnind, but she is not the only Immortal to play a role in its creation. After the poison leached into the lives of many Sevir and their animals, Lisirra was mostly cast out from prayers. After the rebirth and recreation of their civilization, some spirits were weaker than others and easily corrupted by dark thoughts. These Sevir will pay homage to both Moseke and Lisirra. Depending on the condition of their spirit, they may pay more attention to on Immortal. The darkest spirits tend to join the cult Cazav, whom have established their workings in Lisirra's temple.

Depending on a Sevir's trade, additional immortals may be honored. Karem, U'frek, Chrien, and Ashan are all names that have been spoken within the city of Desnind on the breath of a prayer before. No Sevir would worship these Immortals above Moseke, for she is the mother of their race.


Originally written by Nymph


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