Category:Desnind Calendar 720 Rebirth
The issue of the Doomsayers and the Red Iyo had dominated much of Cylus. The actions of agents to either side of the conflict will resolve and ensure that Ashan comes as promised or slightly off kilter. Cylus is a season of darkness and waning hope.
The weather is remarkably balmy for this time of year. From Mid Cylus to the beginning of Ashan, however, snows fall almost continously.
Cylus: 30 trials
General Weather
Warm and then slowly chilling into snow-laden season in Mid-Cylus.
Desnind Specific
1st-14th: The season comes on with a remarkable warmfront, which fades slowly as the lands are deprived of the sun's kiss. They grow colder until the 14th-15th, when the first wet snows begin to fall on the celebrations of Yara Meje.
15-30th: The first snow falls of Yara Meje are wet and heavy, and the sickhouses are full of people coming down with seasonal illnesses. The snows begin to fall lighter as the season wears on toward the 30th.
Ashan: 123 Trials
General Weather
Sweet Spring is in the air.
Desnind Specific
Dark cold and snowy under the trees
Seasonal Context
The Red-Eyed Iyo Conspiracy and Wide-spread Paranoia.
Will the Red-Eyed Iyo be resolved, or will something else happen?
Players decide.
Thread Tracker Here
Festivals of Note
Mwẹnz Tsäbtä - "The Star Release" Trial 23 of Cylus This holiday is designed in honoring an insect that provides a great service to Desnind - light. The iyọ are large glow bugs that live year round in glass lanterns. At the beginning of Cylus, the entire city falls into darkness as these glow bugs form cocoons. On trial 21 of Cylus, the cocoons split to reveal bright, bioluminescent butterflies. These butterflies are released on trial 23 of Cylus, after they have left a few eggs at the bottom of the lantern. By the beginning of Ashan, the eggs have hatched to bring new light to a new year and life. On trial 23 of Cylus, all the residents bring their captive iyọ and release them. There is no place to congregate for the release, as most residents will release them just outside their front door. The sky is filled for the next 24 to 36 breaks with the bright butterflies, making all of Desnind glow. During these hours, the eggs are opaque. They slowly become translucent while the adults are still around, although they will begin to disappear into the Makubwa Lori. The last butterfly leaves Desnind when the first egg glows. Many believe that the day of hatching guarantees new life to Desnind, and this occurs on the last day of Cylus. Rumor has it that the day the butterflies do not hatch, Desnind will remain in darkness forever.
Yara Meje
During the first snow of Cylus, a number of hollowed out logs are left, standing upright around the Fire Pit. There are also buckets of what seems to be fine, coarse sand in a variety of different colours. People from all over Desnind come and put a handful of this "Ãdälcï sọ i’en" or "wish sand". As you put the sand into the hollowed out log, you should whisper a wish for the arc ahead. That night, the logs are burnt on the Fire Pit ~ the Ãdälcï sọ i’en burns slowly and causes the flames to burn high and move through a variety of colours. It is a beautiful sight and is said to be Moseke's reminder that the light will return. No one knows what the Ãdälcï sọ i’en is made from, that is a closely guarded secret, only the higher ups in the Temple know anything.
- 1st - Dark Fall - The people have gathered the iyo in lanterns, the red iyo, birthed only seasons before, are paraded around the city, with somber melancholy for the coming season of darkness. As with every Dark Fall, there's a shred of hopefulness, as Ashan and first growth always follows Cylus. Yet that attitude of hope is disrupted as Doomsayers and self-proclaimed prophets come out of the woodwork, to announce the coming darkness, if the people of Desnind do not rid themselves of the Red Iyo. Many lantern bearers are attacked in the streets, butThe Näfäkä of Desnind apprehend these troublemakers swiftly, before they're able to disrupt the procession. (Open, Self-Moderated)
- 2nd - A new agreement between Desnind and Scalvoris sees the flutterbus leaving all arc round and the exchange of goods and knowledge begin - tentatively - between these two locations. The first Flutterbus appears on this day, from Scalvoris, bearing all manner of supplies including ever warm sands to keep the people of Desnind warm during the season. A number of researchers have also arrived from the Scalvoris University, to investigate the Red Iyo phenomenon. They conclude that the strange mono-coloring of the Red Iyo's eyes is nothing to be alarmed about, and that no divine or magical tampering has been detected. This spurs the Doomsayers to proclaim that the Scientists are spies of Audrae, of all things! - Moderator Input; Self-Mod
- 3rd - Greendawn Dusk - Mushrooms are planted all around the city of Desnind, as they celebrate Greendawn Dusk festival. Despite the gloom of first dark, the people are relatively cheerful and prepare multiple mushroom cookouts.
- 15th - Scarlet Flames of Yara Meje - During this trial, upon which falls the first snows of Cylus, a number of hollowed out logs are left standing upright around the Fire Pit. There are also buckets of fine, coarse sand in a variety of different colours. People from all over Desnind come and put a handful of this "Ãdälcï sọ i’en" or "wish sand". As you put the sand into the hollowed out log, you should whisper a wish for the arc ahead. Yet, when the sand is dropped into these flames, they burn a deep red, the color of blood and the Red Iyo. This only seems to encourage the Doomsayers who still linger the terraces and high trees of Desnind, and they proclaim that this is the last sign that eternal darkness has fallen upon Desnind. - Self-mod; Moderator Input.
- 18th - Gloom and Doomsayers - The Doomsayers have had their say, and the authorities have scoffed as harshly as they could. Now has come the tiem for choice and action. Will the people of desnind act on the suspicions of these enigmatic doomsayers, in the hopes that the Red Iyo will show all colors? Or will people persist in fear and paranoia? Three days hence, the gathering of eggs from the Iyo lamps will commence. What will desninders find in those lanterns? - Moderated Event 1st Stage
- 21st - Red Stars Fall - the Iyo have extinguished, as they ever have, days before they begin molting into their cocoons. This brings all of Desnind into a cloud of darkness. Many Doomseekers use this opportunity to strike against the Red Iyo as they sleep in their cocoons, intent on destroying them. - Moderated Event 2nd Stage
- 23rd - Mwen Tsabta - Will the Red Iyo return, or will the Doomsayers have their wish, extinguishing the insects brood forever? What will this mean for the coming of First Light after the 30th? Are the prophecies of eternal darkness true?! - 3rd stage of Gloom and Doomsayers
- 30th and Into Ashan - First Light Eve - Light returns to Desnind, but what will have become of the city in the trees? Only the actions of those with agency can determine the ultimate fate of the city at this point.
- 3rd - Snaytu Kanna Spotted - Self Moderation Near the Ojogbon a snaytu kanna has been spotted, this is a rare and possibly fortuitous sight, people will be talking about this for tentrials to come.
- 15th - Winery Tastings - Self Moderation On this trial the Winery is trying out a new flavor of alcohol, it's said to allow the drinker to do "something special". Use this event to develop a new kind of alcohol for Desnind, feel free to get weird with it! Ask a moderator for some ideas if you feel stuck.
- 23rd - Butcher Quest - Self Moderation Ra'noti and Al'ena have been working hard all Ashan and Cylus to provide the best cuts of meat for the people of Desnind. They have something special in mind and have been asking around for something more... exotic. Bring them the body of a Nafinju for a reward.
- 45th - Legend of the Aidogba Eario - Self Moderation Stories are circulating about a sighting of a aidogba eario fighting a Spulmokawarta. Quite the legend is brewing around this and is being told around the Fire Pit. Perhaps your PC saw it for themselves and has something to add to the tale? Or maybe your PC is just here to listen to the hunter's story. Come taste the Stew and get to know the people of Desnind.
- 55th - Aukari Rumors - Contact a Mod for details Have Aukarian Occult infiltrated the city? A family of redheads have came to Desnind looking for a new life. Some of Desnind's people suspect they may be of Aukari origin. Will your PC find out the truth and make this right?
- 92nd - Threat of Mulier Colletis - Contact a Mod for details On the Tosibeere River near Desnind a mulier colletis has been terrorizing those who visit the river. A call has been put out by the Elders to stop this beast from attacking people as two people have now been seen in the Medicine House because of the monster. Will your PC be able to stop the attacks?
- 116th - Bug Problem - Self Moderation Insect Farm needs your help! Someone, or something, has been breaking into Teyga's glass ant houses and stealing his prized ants. This has caused quite the stir in Desnind as the smoked ants are a favorite treat around the city. How will your PC stop the thief?
- 120th - Crabby Mer - Contact a Mod for details Around the Docks some Mer have been spotted threatening people with crabs. This is uncalled for and violence will NOT be tolerated against Desnind's people. Will your PC find and bring these Mer to justice or will they find out just what it is that the Mer want?
Focus this Cycle: Locations
This season, we want to focus on the Locations here in Desnind. Our aim is to get more Locations developed in Desnind this season. We'd love to see players helping out!
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