Mulier Colletis
A tree-like monster that eats the unwary in a most unpleasant way!
Throughout Desnind in dense forests and anywhere you might find plants really. Forests, sometimes grasslands or open areas by a river or lake.
Mulier Colletis are giant flowered plant monsters that have a female humanoid form growing out from between the petals. The form varies and can look sweet and endearing to lure in unwary travelers, or vicious if needed. Despite having a seemingly humanoid form, it is entirely a plant and even if you cut the human form, it would not bleed blood. It is not a sentient creature, despite having a humanoid form it is all plant, and the reactions the human form has is just DNA programmed in order to lure in prey, like a plant that traps a bee or wasp to put pollen on it, or a pitcher plant that lures creatures in with its smell.
The acid could be bottled and mixed into a drink and if ingested, would start to dissolve the person’s insides. Note that this is an extremely painful process that the minute it touches their tongue would start to cause great pain, as such it is not a useful tactic for assassins unless trying to get information. Also note that it is incredibly difficult to kill the plant to attain the acid, as when not luring in prey, it hides within a bulb that is pretty resilient to most attacks and well, you’re not going to be in good shape if you just run up and whack it with a sword, let’s just leave it at that.
The poison is illegal and requires moderator input. It is currently unknown the full extent of it's effects.
Toxicity / Hazard Level
Not directly toxic by touch, but they have a rather high acidity in the bulbous pouch beneath the bodies that can be incredibly harmful to the body and will dissolve through skin in mere minutes.
Other Information
A meat-eating plant, they lure in unsuspecting animals or travelers by seeming to be a girl in trouble being devoured by a plant. If you get too close or grab 'her' to help 'her' out, however, you will soon find yourself fighting for your life as 'she' wraps vines around you and tries to (and often succeeds at) pull you into the plant. Beneath 'her' body is basically a pitcher of acid used to digest whatever 'she' manages to pull in, and if you manage to take out one of these plants, you’ll often find a fair amount of useful things like horns and other hardened things not easily digested by the acid, as it was made mostly to digest flesh and muscle and sometimes bone (if they are hollow.)
Credit: Ailluin-Yelven