Category:06 The Age of Immortals

500 Arcs before the Oath

The mists of sorrow enveloped the Immortals, each affected by the loss of their creators with little resistance to the bitterness of death. The Immortals had known death came to the residents of Idalos, yes. But their creators were of Emea and their passing was as sudden as it was inexplicable. Their passing overwhelmed the Immortals, crippling most. However, what they did not know, was that the fall of the Originals created the rise of humanity. The Shay were long gone but from the bones of their ruined society came Man, born of dirt and Original power.

Many arcs had past in the world of Idalos before any of the Immortals took notice of mankind, but when they did, fear drove tensions high as they observed the mortal beings. Some of the Immortals were fascinated by the humans; they were thankful for the mortals' existence and for providing purpose to the Immortals. But other Immortals were far from pleased, as mankind had introduced a dangerous new element to their society once more. To some, the memory of the Shay was still fresh and the ways the worship and power it gave had divided even their creators from each other. Some even viewed the mortal scum as the sole reason why their creators shattered. With no clues to understand The Shattering, only the creation of these mortals seemed to coincide with the event. For centuries the Immortals remained divided on the fate of humans, but never enough so that they came to blows. An uneasy peace had settled on Idalos as the mortals began to build their society, but the peace was fragile and did not hold.

It was only when the Immortal, Daia, was slain at the hands of a human did the Immortals reach physical conflict. The weapon used to slay her reached through Emea in a way no weapon before could, mortally wounding her essence, as well as slaying her mortal form. The Immortals, who had thought themselves above danger from humanity, were shaken to their core. Faldrun was among the first of the Immortals to threaten them into submission, commanding his brothers and sisters to rid the human scum from Idalos lest the other Immortals wanted to meet the same fate as Daia. Out of fear, some of them succumbed to his will. Out of noncompliance, others left, choosing to remain silent but observant to the rest. And out of moral obligation and love of the mortals, others rose up against Faldrun. It was then, when wrath and righteousness collided, that their heavenly world began to crumble along with the lands of Idalos and the humans that resided within it.

War was unleashed. Immortal against Immortal, fighting for the existence of a race that provided power and purpose for the Immortals. As they fought, the Immortals quickly realized that no matter how they tried, they could not kill one another. Their creators had made them to support the world they ruled, not to tear it apart. Together they only made each other stronger. Only through pulling out the heart of their brother or sister could an Immortal incapacitate their brethren. As their war entered a stalemate, some Immortals returned to the mortals in order to recruit or coerce their aid. But the long Immortal war had scarred the face of Idalos, which raged, boiled, and withered without the Immortal attention. Without the Verses, who once held order, the Immortals maintained the balance of the world. Among the wreckage of the home they had been tasked to protect, lay the shattered bones of countless humans, sown into the soil by the wrath of their battle.

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