Throughout time, Desnind has had to combat a variety of illness. The sädudä ceh'aj ("sick blood" in Common) has been dangerous disease that has ever swept through the Southern Region. Many suspect that Lisirra created it, but the reason behind it is currently unknown. At this time, the sädudä ceh'aj has not resurfaced; however, the Cïkäkkẹn are ever vigilant against up-and-coming diseases. At the request of Moseke and the other Cïkäkkẹn, Aik'lara Mẹẹd began to teach like-minded individuals the art of healing. Those that wanted to serve the sick flocked to the temple to train and learn beneath her. They wished to prevent disease from sweeping through the forest again. She established the guidelines of health within the city. Aik'lara became known throughout Idalos. The Aik have continued to live by her teachings, long after her death. Over the arcs, the Aik became a powerful healing faction, known by other healing factions throughout Idalos.
The Dabi Mẹẹdọgun ("life warrior" in Common) make up a majority of the Aik. Although they prefer to be called by their Xanthean term, the Dabi Mẹẹdọgun are known by more sophisticated Northeners as witch doctors and druids. Some mẹẹdọguns specialize in medicine while others dabble in the domain magic of Graft. Surgery is crudely done, having little formal training; however, they rely heavily on Sevrath to save critical patients. As the source of life, Moseke plays a big role to all Mẹẹdọgun. Only the newest members are not marked as they must be assessed prior to going before Moseke to receive Sevrath.
The Dabi Mẹẹdọgun are lead by the Dabi Imọvi. This position is maintained by the most skilled healer. He/She is a champion of Moseke and tends to be hold a seat on the council. Although not all have connections to Aik'lara, some whisper that her spirit has been reincarnated as a successor from time-to-time. Other times, they are her descendants. The most recent Dabi Imọvi, Ephi'ta Mẹẹd, has established a link to the Order of Adunih. The Aik welcomed a liaison from the northern healer faction in hopes to improve their knowledge and technical skills.
Rank Requirements:
Dabi Mẹẹdọgun
This position requires moderator approval to join the Aik branch. Once accepted, this becomes the PC's job and requires minimal moderation. Although a second job can still be attained, it is recommended that a PC focus solely on their Cïkäkkẹn position. There are no specific requirements to elevate themselves. Skills that are recommended when becoming a Dabi Mẹẹdọgun include medicine, surgery, sewing, poisons, caregiving, gardening, research, and intelligence. Graft is a pursuable Domain Magic. Sevrath is the recommended blessing.
Dabi Imọvi
This position requires moderator approval and several moderated threads. High levels in the following skills are expected of the Dabi Imọvi:
- Medicine and/or Surgery
- Leadership
- Intelligence
- Caregiving
- Two of the following: Poisons, Gardening, Research, Needlecraft
- Optional: Graft
The Dabi Imọvi should be well on their way to becoming an Exalted Sevrath. The intent is for the PC to become one of Moseke's champions and lead Desnind as one of The Five.