Chrien Tested, U'frek Approved

Temple activities

7th of Cylus 717

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Chrien Tested, U'frek Approved

7th of Cylus 717 Noon

Only a handful of trials into Cylus, and the waters around the Northern Wing of the Temple was beginning to develop a thin sheen of ice. Even the fires of the Temple had cooled into embers, with this portion being less trafficked than others on general in this season. Less sailors found a reason to be out to sea at this time of year, with much ice forming on the lake waters, and deeper ice in the Bay to the South. Not to mention the fact that most would rather just wait out the darkness, hoping every night to see another dawn only to remember those dawns were still twenty three days or so away. It was a depressing season, on the whole.

Even so, as Rorom looked up at the statues of Chrien and U'frek locked in battle, with the solar eclipse positioned between their locked arms, the fisherman could find that beautiful sight reason enough to be there.

He regarded the likenesses of the two immortals, masterfully captured in stone. U'frek looked regretfully determined to finish this battle, while Chrien flung herself headlong into the fray. As a frequent traveler of the Western Seas, Rorom paid homage to both immortals in equal measure, though he had to admit to little knowledge of either. He'd always known about the children of Chrien, the mer, who'd been kind to his people by and large. There were a few rotten fish among them, but on the whole the local mer had been a boon to the society.

His name, Rorom Nji'jhai meant roughly in Rikahi, 'In the Tumult, Seeking Earth or Land', named by his parents for the fac that he was born during one of the worst storms in his parents' fleet's history. They'd been aided by a pod or school of mer then, who'd led them safely out of the path of the storm. Thanks to those children of the storm, he lived. So he threw a fish as offering over the starboard side of his ship as offering to Chrien as well as portside to U'frek when leaving the shore, and vice-versa when entering safe harbor.

He padded silently over the bridge, to the main complex where offerings of significance could be made. As Rorom was quite a poor fisherman, he had little to offer other than some food for the fishes, which he sprinkled liberally over the open portions of the surrounding waters. All he really had was his old fishing net, which had been damaged in battle with a fathom-long sturgeon. It had served him faithfully for a few seasons, but he was ready to set it down at the offering altar. He set it down on the stone in appreciation for the Immortal siblings, with the treasures others had left, most of them far grander than his. He stepped away from the altar and knelt for a few moments, glancing from one side to the other wondering if there were any acolytes or priests in attendance to teach him about the Immortals.
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Chrien Tested, U'frek Approved

The fisherman did not have to look long. A young woman moved through the candlelight to sink down beside him. She slid to her knees and then settled back into a comfortable sit, close enough to be companionable but not so close as to invade Rorom's space. She carried with her the familiar scents of the sea, all salt and sun blasted days, green current sharp and murky. It was a bit dulled by beeswax and incense, but unmistakably suited to her all the same.

"My father used to make me weave fishing nets."

She did not much look like a priestess and definitely did not strike a person aesthetically as wise or holy. There was too much youth about her, no trace of silver to be fond in crow dark hair that tangled, wind tossed, over her shoulders. She was barefoot today and wore weathered, black leather trousers and a plain tunic whose sleeves were a bit too long. Easily, she could have worn what she wore now aboard ship were it not so cold outside.

"I think he did it in an effort to make me sit still for awhile," she continued, quite as if they had known each other for years on the water, and this was an old conversation she was picking up again. "A great deal of work goes into those knots to assure they'll hold, and a great deal more work comes out of them once they're finished. What an insightful offering to our father-god who fished us free from death."

Finally, the priest turned her head to offer Rorom a wide smile. It climbed all the way up into her eyes, glimmering them to gold in the soft light. They faded into sunset colors after a little while and she offered him a respectful nod. "Moiran Lac'Toraj. It's good to see another biqaj in the temple today."
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Chrien Tested, U'frek Approved

Rorom nodded respectfully to the Biqaj woman that seated herself next to him by the altar. He caught the scent of another Biqaj, one better bathed than he perhaps, but smelling of sun-kissed skin and other scents that he recalled from a childhood spent among his own kind.

He turned back toward his offering on the altar, slightly abashed to have someone witness the meager sacrifice. When she began to speak, he let her do so uninterrupted. She spoke easily and with the grave wisdom of a woman many times her apparent years. Speaking of things that all Biqaj understood. While it might seem like an old conversation two acquaintances were picking up after a while apart, it was just the ease with which Biqaj related to each other, coming from such a common origin.

"For all the talk there is of other Biqaj wandering around this city, I rarely see any other than land loving races. Not that I mind it. Ne'Haer is a city with a tongue that speaks a hundred different languages. Someday the Biqaj will sail to every port and safe harbor often enough that the common tongue will become Rikahi." He spoke Rikahi now, of course, because it was more comfortable to do so, and this woman spoke it or at least understood it as well as he.

He turned to glance at his offering on the altar, "I've had this net myself more than a few seasons. It's caught many fish, and fed many people, myself included. A great battle with a sturgeon saw it torn and eaten a foot or so down the middle. I jury rigged a few hitch knots to keep it together for the few days I remained at sea, but now it's time for it to be laid to rest. I only hope it pleases either Immortal enough, as you imply."

He sighed, and looked at her again, returning her introduction as Moiran Lac'Toraj, "Rorom Nji'jhai, good to make your acquaintance, Miss Lac'Toraj." He turned back toward the statuary of the Immortals, and the altar beneath them, "I don't suppose you can tell me more about our Immortals of the Sea and Storm? Are you a priest? My education as a child consisted of rigging the sails, casting nets, and carving fish bones. There was little time left in the trials to listen to stories about the Immortals and their heroes."
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Chrien Tested, U'frek Approved

A delighted laugh clapped up like tidewater rising. "Wouldn't that be a something? To hear Rikahi coming out of every mouth. I can only imagine the expression on the faces of the Andaris nobility. They would walk around their entire lives looking like they were eating spoiled cod. Or maybe they would just be silent, to keep the sound of our people off of them. I wouldn't necessarily be sad."

Laughter dimmed comfortably and Moiran made her study of the statue, thinking. After a long moment she reached out to lift a splinter of kindling and dip it into the flame of an already lit votive. She used this to ignite her own candle, murmuring a quiet prayer to U'frek and words that were less praise and more acknowledgement to the intrepid Chrien. Moiran had traveled the world during her formative years, and had crossed paths with all manner of prejudice against the biqaj.

"I am a priest." Narrow shoulders rose in a gentle shrug as she set the candle at the statue's feet. "Please, call me Moiran. We're both children of the water. I've been chasing stories of U'frek for as long as I can remember. There's a number of them trapped in my head. My father made some of them up. Can you believe that? I had no idea he'd spun them right out of his inspired mind until a follower of the Seira'ja told me a story of his wasn't true."

A fond smile lingered, layered over a distant sorrow at the mention of her father. "You know the story of our people? The battle of U'frek and Chrien? There's another favorite of mine. It begins in the cold of Zi'da, with a fisherman and his solitude."
word count: 304
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Chrien Tested, U'frek Approved

Rorom was silent while Moiran made her prayer, lighting a candle at the study. He looked down at his knees and made his own wordless prayer to U'Frek and Chrien.

"Very well, Moiran." Rorom said, accepting her insistence that he drop the formalities. In truth he didn't act that way often, but nor did he visit the Temple much, so wasn't sure about etiquette. The young woman was certainly more informal than he imagined a holy person would be. He'd always imagined them as stuffy individuals with no personality. Part of the reason he rarely visited these places, let alone venture into the hall itself.

He was jealous that she had no shortage of stories floating about in her head. She must have been very fortunate in her family. His, on the other hand, while kind had been always very serious-minded, about their business. When she mentioned that another priest had taught her that a story her father told her was untrue, he shook his head with a smile, "Oh, who's to say that a story isn't true? Stories are like the water our ships crash upon, loud and always shifting in tone and temper; the account of their natures changing as ships make it from one port to another and then another. Perhaps that kind of stone-writ thinking has a place in academics, but when it comes to stories, the best ones always change to suit the times they're told in."

"Perhaps in time, if U'Frek were to retire for a thousand or so years from now to whenever, we may start pronouncing his name so differently that we'd be calling him something else entire. All that would remain is written in the hearts of men: his guidance to lend hospitality and free water to the thirsty, and directions to the lost." He chuckled a bit at the last part, "At least, that's all I understand about the Immortals. The good ones, anyway."

When she began her story, Rorom shook his head and went quiet as an indication that she had his attention.
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Chrien Tested, U'frek Approved

The fisherman lingered in the temple for a break or more after the priestess took her leave. There he meditated on the stories she'd told him, and about U'fRek and Chrien, of whom he still knew so little after the short education he'd taken. He decided it was acceptable to be ignorant of some things. It was a rare occasion for his instincts to fail him, and in a roundabout way, he knew what these two Immortals stood for.

He bowed his head in meditation for a while longer, contemplating his offering of the broken fishing net. What he'd presumed might offend the god, had been reinforced as just the right offering. An object beyond its usefulness yet had provided to many folk through its best trials. A symbol of U'frek's favor to man, into which much work had gone to make it useful, and much work had come out of it to make it less useful.

The lines between luck and guided thought, between spite and comradery, they all sort of formed a lattice of knots to catch our fates up. The idle thought seemed a bit too contrived for Rorom, so he shrugged at his attempt at philosophizing. Then he stood, regarding his old fishing net one more time before going out of the temple.

Tomorrow would be another day for fishing, another day for work. Everyday offerings would continue, of trifles for Chrien's capricious children the Mer and their rich world beneath the waves. A nod and salute to U'frek, who made it possible for him to ply the coasts of Idalos.
word count: 273
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Chrien Tested, U'frek Approved

Name: Rorom

Storytelling: Recounting an experience
Storytelling: Discussing the way stories change over time
Socialization: Making the first impression
Socialization: Establishing common ground
Fishing: Fishing nets take much work to craft
Meditation: Prayer soothes the grief of a loss

PC: Moiran, an Biqaj Priestess
Pc: Moiran, Tells good stories
PC: Moiran, Wise beyond her years

U'frek: Fished mankind from their deaths.
Chrien: Immortal of Storms occupies a space in U'frek's temple
U'Frek and Chrien: Linked through their struggle against the other.
Location: Northern Wing of the Temple of Ne'haer
Location: Altar of Chrien and U'Frek

Loot: Disposed of a broken fishing net.
Injuries: N/A
Renown: +3 for visiting U'frek's temple to make an appropriate offering.
Magic XP: N/A

Points: 15
- - -
Comments: This was a very peaceful thread, but I didn't find it boring to read at all. Unfortunately I can't give Moiran any rewards as she only wrote two posts and 607 words.
word count: 166
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