7th of Cylus 717 Noon
Only a handful of trials into Cylus, and the waters around the Northern Wing of the Temple was beginning to develop a thin sheen of ice. Even the fires of the Temple had cooled into embers, with this portion being less trafficked than others on general in this season. Less sailors found a reason to be out to sea at this time of year, with much ice forming on the lake waters, and deeper ice in the Bay to the South. Not to mention the fact that most would rather just wait out the darkness, hoping every night to see another dawn only to remember those dawns were still twenty three days or so away. It was a depressing season, on the whole.
Even so, as Rorom looked up at the statues of Chrien and U'frek locked in battle, with the solar eclipse positioned between their locked arms, the fisherman could find that beautiful sight reason enough to be there.
He regarded the likenesses of the two immortals, masterfully captured in stone. U'frek looked regretfully determined to finish this battle, while Chrien flung herself headlong into the fray. As a frequent traveler of the Western Seas, Rorom paid homage to both immortals in equal measure, though he had to admit to little knowledge of either. He'd always known about the children of Chrien, the mer, who'd been kind to his people by and large. There were a few rotten fish among them, but on the whole the local mer had been a boon to the society.
His name, Rorom Nji'jhai meant roughly in Rikahi, 'In the Tumult, Seeking Earth or Land', named by his parents for the fac that he was born during one of the worst storms in his parents' fleet's history. They'd been aided by a pod or school of mer then, who'd led them safely out of the path of the storm. Thanks to those children of the storm, he lived. So he threw a fish as offering over the starboard side of his ship as offering to Chrien as well as portside to U'frek when leaving the shore, and vice-versa when entering safe harbor.
He padded silently over the bridge, to the main complex where offerings of significance could be made. As Rorom was quite a poor fisherman, he had little to offer other than some food for the fishes, which he sprinkled liberally over the open portions of the surrounding waters. All he really had was his old fishing net, which had been damaged in battle with a fathom-long sturgeon. It had served him faithfully for a few seasons, but he was ready to set it down at the offering altar. He set it down on the stone in appreciation for the Immortal siblings, with the treasures others had left, most of them far grander than his. He stepped away from the altar and knelt for a few moments, glancing from one side to the other wondering if there were any acolytes or priests in attendance to teach him about the Immortals.
Only a handful of trials into Cylus, and the waters around the Northern Wing of the Temple was beginning to develop a thin sheen of ice. Even the fires of the Temple had cooled into embers, with this portion being less trafficked than others on general in this season. Less sailors found a reason to be out to sea at this time of year, with much ice forming on the lake waters, and deeper ice in the Bay to the South. Not to mention the fact that most would rather just wait out the darkness, hoping every night to see another dawn only to remember those dawns were still twenty three days or so away. It was a depressing season, on the whole.
Even so, as Rorom looked up at the statues of Chrien and U'frek locked in battle, with the solar eclipse positioned between their locked arms, the fisherman could find that beautiful sight reason enough to be there.
He regarded the likenesses of the two immortals, masterfully captured in stone. U'frek looked regretfully determined to finish this battle, while Chrien flung herself headlong into the fray. As a frequent traveler of the Western Seas, Rorom paid homage to both immortals in equal measure, though he had to admit to little knowledge of either. He'd always known about the children of Chrien, the mer, who'd been kind to his people by and large. There were a few rotten fish among them, but on the whole the local mer had been a boon to the society.
His name, Rorom Nji'jhai meant roughly in Rikahi, 'In the Tumult, Seeking Earth or Land', named by his parents for the fac that he was born during one of the worst storms in his parents' fleet's history. They'd been aided by a pod or school of mer then, who'd led them safely out of the path of the storm. Thanks to those children of the storm, he lived. So he threw a fish as offering over the starboard side of his ship as offering to Chrien as well as portside to U'frek when leaving the shore, and vice-versa when entering safe harbor.
He padded silently over the bridge, to the main complex where offerings of significance could be made. As Rorom was quite a poor fisherman, he had little to offer other than some food for the fishes, which he sprinkled liberally over the open portions of the surrounding waters. All he really had was his old fishing net, which had been damaged in battle with a fathom-long sturgeon. It had served him faithfully for a few seasons, but he was ready to set it down at the offering altar. He set it down on the stone in appreciation for the Immortal siblings, with the treasures others had left, most of them far grander than his. He stepped away from the altar and knelt for a few moments, glancing from one side to the other wondering if there were any acolytes or priests in attendance to teach him about the Immortals.