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Valeria meets Zane

4th of Zi'da 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...


It seemed not everything went according to plan. And the plan was rather simple, for a win-win situation. He would either go home with the woman, enjoy the night and be happy for himself in the morning, or he would teach her to be honest, to say what she desires to say, and accept the truth as the ultimate victory. But he must have said something to move the woman from a seduction, quiet mood to an agitated, annoyed one. If only he could figure out what it was and then apologise. She went on about something, he couldn't quite hear what exactly, since she was speaking much louder than before, and it made his ears buzz. Only near the end of her monologue did his hearing come back and adjust to her tone of voice, just in time to hear the last couple of words. You're quite drunk, I think. The woman said, and the boy smiled, whatever she had said must have been truthful, considering she acknowledged something she wasn't ready to acknowledge before. Or rather what she didn't want to say before. "Yes, you're exactly right." He said, replying to her comment about drunkenness, not realising that she was angry about anything else. She must have not wanted a drunk man in her house. Probably because her father used to come home drunk and then yell at her and her mother, Zane deduced. He was the best detective in the world, he thought with certainty. After he spewed out his next lesson, she would have no other option but to agree with him and respect him, he thought with even more certainty. "Listen, not all men are the same when drunk. Don't worry about it, if your fears from the past still haunt you, I won't come with you tonight. But I want you to be brave, and try to live on with your past. It's the only thing you can do, since you cannot change it." He would say to the empty bar stool, not realising the woman had left since he closed his eyes at the beginning of the short speech. Only when he paused to look at her and see her reaction did he notice that she wasn't there. Yes, it must have worked, and she rushed home as fast as possible to try and deal with her past all alone. If she had only waited, he might have come with her to help her in her quest of freeing her soul from the burdens of the past.

"Z. We're heading out, you plan on making out with that stool or what?" Jonathan said with a chuckle, as he stepped out of the line of men that were heading outside, to tap the boy on the shoulder. The boy instantly moved, and followed the relatively older man in his path to the outside world. To freedom. The chill of Zi'da air was once again upon him, but this time Zane was happy, considering his recent successes in bringing joy and lifting the burdens of others. The woman would thank him tomorrow, he was sure of that. She only wanted to go home and start working on her subconscious fears and issues as fast as possible. Tomorrow, though, he would teach her to thank someone before rushing out of the tavern. Or he wouldn't remember anything that went on this night, that was possible as well.

"Just you laugh, Johnny boy, but I have lifted a mountain from someone's chest to-trial." He would say with a smirk in his face as he walked straight into the wooden wall of the tavern, hitting it dead center with his nose. Only after a couple trills did he realise what happened and leave out the door, where everyone else had gone out.
word count: 649
Once you become FEARLESS life becomes LIMITLESS

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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...



  • Skill Knowledge:
    • Detection: Small accessories
    • Detection: Noticing gentle touches
    • Detection: Being drunk doesn't help
    • Detection: Finding a door
    • Investigation: Using deduction in conversation
    • Investigation: Deducing the meaning behind touching
    • Seduction: Bad pick-up lines
    • Seduction: Whispering
    • Socialization: Confidence is important
    • Socialization: Practicing your opening line
    • Socialization: How to offend a girl 101
    Other Knowledge:
    • Valeria: An expensive girl
    • Valeria: Not a whore
    • Valeria: Offended by you?
    • Valeria: Appreciates your advice?
    • Valeria: A confusing woman
    • Smof: A funnily-named expensive wine father used to buy for women
    Loot: You already did the moneys thing!
    Injuries: Nope
    Fame: +1 for buying a lady a drink

    Story: 5/5
    Collaboration: 5/5
    Structure: 5/5

- - - - - - -

Valeria Burhan

  • Skill Knowledge:
    • Seduction: Dressing the part
    • Seduction: The Flirtatious Giggle
    • Seduction: The Hair Twirl
    • Deception: Keeping gaze averted to hide emotions
    • Deception: Telling a half-truth
    • Seduction: The Importance of Touch
    • Seduction: Subtlety doesn't always work
    • Seduction: The Slow Lip Bite
    • Rhetoric: Dispensing harsh advice
    • Rhetoric: Having the last word
    Non Skill Knowledge:
    • Zane: Above using cheesy pick up lines
    • Zane: Filthy
    • Smof: An expensive but delicious wine
    • Zane: A useless flirt
    • Zane: A military man
    • Zane: Has pretensions of grandeur
    • Zane: Doesn't care if he sleeps with V or not
    • Zane: Appreciates honesty
    • Zane: Wounds a girl's ego
    Loot: -1sn for the drink
    Injuries: Nope
    Fame: None

    Story: 5/5
    Collaboration: 5/5
    Structure: 5/5

- - - - - - -

Comments: Awwww. Was going so well, and then poor Zane put his foot in it. Maybe he'll learn a little more about the ways of women from this thread.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 294
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