4th of Zi'da, arc 717
A night of cheers, that's what it was. Cheering all around, cheering everywhere, from everyone, and why was it a night of cheers, one might ask. Well, it was a night of cheers because one of Zane's, and many other people's pals had just gotten promoted among the moseke knights, and was thus buying drinks all around. And free booze was never something the young skyrider could refuse. In fact, he couldn't refuse it so much, that he had already drunk two glasses of something extremely fine. Whether it was beer, wine, or something completely different, he didn't know, nor did he care. Usually, he would turn around as the bartender picked a drink for him, and thus would be surprised when he tried it. This wasn't the safest thing one could do, considering anyone could slip anything into his drink during this period of time, but considering all the other stuff the boy would do, this was mild at best. This fear of someone slipping something into his drink, the near-paranoia most people would experience wasn't something that troubled the young man of messy hair, but instead, he had his own troubles, that being the fact that the guy buying the drinks had his eyes on one of the waitresses, and most of his other friends all had relationships. Really, he was probably the only one in the tavern to not have someone to love.
"Oy. Z. O'er there." Jonathan said, as he pushed his elbow into Zane's side, where the pocket of his long coat stood. He looked over, and there she was, the solution to his problems. Now, of course, he might have been a bit too drunk to fall in love for real, but he couldn't know if he never tried, or something like that. Not all sheep were accounted for in Zane's brain, and thus he decided it would be a smart idea to follow up on Jonathan's advice, which if he was sober, he would never agree with. Jonathan was the bad luck guy of the group, one that would say one word and jinx them all, and yet there he was, listening to his advice on this late break. Zane really didn't have anything to lose, even if the girl denied him, and thus he turned around on his seat, jumping off of it and barely managed to stay still without falling upon contact with the ground. His shoes barely supported his usual weight, much less the weight of him jumping on top of them. Everyone at the bar swiftly turned around to see why he was rising, and after only a couple moments, they were back to their usual business.
The woman he set his sights on, though, seemed to be the polar opposite of him. Where his face had dirt, hers had makeup. Where his had dark, messy hair, hers was light and wavy, perfectly made to look the way it does. And where he had dark eyes, to look into a light soul, her ones were ever-changing. And that was only what the half-drunk boy noticed on the first glance. He was rather good at this, he thought, if only he could remain at this distance and build a relationship without ever contacting her. Zane was social, rather social actually, and yet he didn't have luck with women. He never even truly had a relationship, only pseudo-ones that wouldn't last longer than a season. And it wasn't willing. This bar seemed more expensive than the ones he'd been used to, he suddenly thought as he approached the woman, his intentions rather clear in the way his lips moved to practise the speech he would give her.
His clothing was ragged, messy, and even dirty and stained in some smaller places, and yet he didn't care about any of that, because love came from inside, not outside, as his father had taught him. His father, the philosophical genius, he had to be right, the boy thought as doubt started to overcome him, and he thought about chickening out. And yet he didn't, he just kept walking towards her, until he took a seat next to her and looked at her with the calmest and most collected face he could've gathered in that moment. And it was pretty good, if he had to be honest with himself. He was as calm as any other trial, and thus he decided it was time to speak. He had the phrase ready, it wasn't too classy, not too cheeky, and yet still funny in a way. It was the pick-up line of the century, he had to agree with himself. Finally, he opened his mouth, and words flew out of it like waves on the seas during the summer seasons.
"Hey, are you an Aukari, no, wait, not that one, I didn't mean to use that one, can we start over please, yeah. Hey, I'm Zane." He said with a smirk to rival all smirks in existence. To her, it would look like a save of a catastrophic turn of events, but to him, it was exactly what he'd intended to do. "My friends wanted me to use the line, but I'm not that low." He said, playing off the words previously stated, not even thinking about how they were received. He had all the confidence of the world, thanks to the liquid he consumed earlier. There might have been more to that drink than he'd originally thought, now that he looked back. Drunkenness was already getting to him.
"Oy. Z. O'er there." Jonathan said, as he pushed his elbow into Zane's side, where the pocket of his long coat stood. He looked over, and there she was, the solution to his problems. Now, of course, he might have been a bit too drunk to fall in love for real, but he couldn't know if he never tried, or something like that. Not all sheep were accounted for in Zane's brain, and thus he decided it would be a smart idea to follow up on Jonathan's advice, which if he was sober, he would never agree with. Jonathan was the bad luck guy of the group, one that would say one word and jinx them all, and yet there he was, listening to his advice on this late break. Zane really didn't have anything to lose, even if the girl denied him, and thus he turned around on his seat, jumping off of it and barely managed to stay still without falling upon contact with the ground. His shoes barely supported his usual weight, much less the weight of him jumping on top of them. Everyone at the bar swiftly turned around to see why he was rising, and after only a couple moments, they were back to their usual business.
The woman he set his sights on, though, seemed to be the polar opposite of him. Where his face had dirt, hers had makeup. Where his had dark, messy hair, hers was light and wavy, perfectly made to look the way it does. And where he had dark eyes, to look into a light soul, her ones were ever-changing. And that was only what the half-drunk boy noticed on the first glance. He was rather good at this, he thought, if only he could remain at this distance and build a relationship without ever contacting her. Zane was social, rather social actually, and yet he didn't have luck with women. He never even truly had a relationship, only pseudo-ones that wouldn't last longer than a season. And it wasn't willing. This bar seemed more expensive than the ones he'd been used to, he suddenly thought as he approached the woman, his intentions rather clear in the way his lips moved to practise the speech he would give her.
His clothing was ragged, messy, and even dirty and stained in some smaller places, and yet he didn't care about any of that, because love came from inside, not outside, as his father had taught him. His father, the philosophical genius, he had to be right, the boy thought as doubt started to overcome him, and he thought about chickening out. And yet he didn't, he just kept walking towards her, until he took a seat next to her and looked at her with the calmest and most collected face he could've gathered in that moment. And it was pretty good, if he had to be honest with himself. He was as calm as any other trial, and thus he decided it was time to speak. He had the phrase ready, it wasn't too classy, not too cheeky, and yet still funny in a way. It was the pick-up line of the century, he had to agree with himself. Finally, he opened his mouth, and words flew out of it like waves on the seas during the summer seasons.
"Hey, are you an Aukari, no, wait, not that one, I didn't mean to use that one, can we start over please, yeah. Hey, I'm Zane." He said with a smirk to rival all smirks in existence. To her, it would look like a save of a catastrophic turn of events, but to him, it was exactly what he'd intended to do. "My friends wanted me to use the line, but I'm not that low." He said, playing off the words previously stated, not even thinking about how they were received. He had all the confidence of the world, thanks to the liquid he consumed earlier. There might have been more to that drink than he'd originally thought, now that he looked back. Drunkenness was already getting to him.