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Valeria meets Zane

4th of Zi'da 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...

4th of Zi'da, arc 717

A night of cheers, that's what it was. Cheering all around, cheering everywhere, from everyone, and why was it a night of cheers, one might ask. Well, it was a night of cheers because one of Zane's, and many other people's pals had just gotten promoted among the moseke knights, and was thus buying drinks all around. And free booze was never something the young skyrider could refuse. In fact, he couldn't refuse it so much, that he had already drunk two glasses of something extremely fine. Whether it was beer, wine, or something completely different, he didn't know, nor did he care. Usually, he would turn around as the bartender picked a drink for him, and thus would be surprised when he tried it. This wasn't the safest thing one could do, considering anyone could slip anything into his drink during this period of time, but considering all the other stuff the boy would do, this was mild at best. This fear of someone slipping something into his drink, the near-paranoia most people would experience wasn't something that troubled the young man of messy hair, but instead, he had his own troubles, that being the fact that the guy buying the drinks had his eyes on one of the waitresses, and most of his other friends all had relationships. Really, he was probably the only one in the tavern to not have someone to love.

"Oy. Z. O'er there." Jonathan said, as he pushed his elbow into Zane's side, where the pocket of his long coat stood. He looked over, and there she was, the solution to his problems. Now, of course, he might have been a bit too drunk to fall in love for real, but he couldn't know if he never tried, or something like that. Not all sheep were accounted for in Zane's brain, and thus he decided it would be a smart idea to follow up on Jonathan's advice, which if he was sober, he would never agree with. Jonathan was the bad luck guy of the group, one that would say one word and jinx them all, and yet there he was, listening to his advice on this late break. Zane really didn't have anything to lose, even if the girl denied him, and thus he turned around on his seat, jumping off of it and barely managed to stay still without falling upon contact with the ground. His shoes barely supported his usual weight, much less the weight of him jumping on top of them. Everyone at the bar swiftly turned around to see why he was rising, and after only a couple moments, they were back to their usual business.

The woman he set his sights on, though, seemed to be the polar opposite of him. Where his face had dirt, hers had makeup. Where his had dark, messy hair, hers was light and wavy, perfectly made to look the way it does. And where he had dark eyes, to look into a light soul, her ones were ever-changing. And that was only what the half-drunk boy noticed on the first glance. He was rather good at this, he thought, if only he could remain at this distance and build a relationship without ever contacting her. Zane was social, rather social actually, and yet he didn't have luck with women. He never even truly had a relationship, only pseudo-ones that wouldn't last longer than a season. And it wasn't willing. This bar seemed more expensive than the ones he'd been used to, he suddenly thought as he approached the woman, his intentions rather clear in the way his lips moved to practise the speech he would give her.

His clothing was ragged, messy, and even dirty and stained in some smaller places, and yet he didn't care about any of that, because love came from inside, not outside, as his father had taught him. His father, the philosophical genius, he had to be right, the boy thought as doubt started to overcome him, and he thought about chickening out. And yet he didn't, he just kept walking towards her, until he took a seat next to her and looked at her with the calmest and most collected face he could've gathered in that moment. And it was pretty good, if he had to be honest with himself. He was as calm as any other trial, and thus he decided it was time to speak. He had the phrase ready, it wasn't too classy, not too cheeky, and yet still funny in a way. It was the pick-up line of the century, he had to agree with himself. Finally, he opened his mouth, and words flew out of it like waves on the seas during the summer seasons.

"Hey, are you an Aukari, no, wait, not that one, I didn't mean to use that one, can we start over please, yeah. Hey, I'm Zane." He said with a smirk to rival all smirks in existence. To her, it would look like a save of a catastrophic turn of events, but to him, it was exactly what he'd intended to do. "My friends wanted me to use the line, but I'm not that low." He said, playing off the words previously stated, not even thinking about how they were received. He had all the confidence of the world, thanks to the liquid he consumed earlier. There might have been more to that drink than he'd originally thought, now that he looked back. Drunkenness was already getting to him.
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Valeria Burhan
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...

Sometimes, Valeria couldn't resist being among those who weren't part of Rynmere's high society. For one thing, there was some anonymity to it and while she still had to be careful, she had a better chance of mingling with those lower than her without having unfortunate rumours being spread. It allowed her to shed certain expectations and play a slightly more dangerous game than she already played.

It was what had brought her to one of the nicer taverns in Andaris' Mid-Town, nice enough that she could be quite happy drinking and socialising there but not so nice that she'd be likely to bump into many nobles, if any at all. This was Mid-Town after all and the nobility had certain standards, except for those like her who liked to flout the rules a little. However, there were also those who might come here to snigger with their friends as they "slummed" it, busy deriding their inferiors behind their hands. The Burhan's intentions for being here weren't malicious or anything. She hadn't come to sneer and mock but rather to have fun and keep certain talents sharp.

Valeria had dressed down considerably, for her at least, which really had more to do with how she'd done herself up rather than her clothing. Her clothes were similar to the ones she'd worn the previous evening while working alongside Darcy Venora, a simple but well-fitting white blouse and black skirt. However, she'd lost the rigidity of the corset, deeming it too needlessly uncomfortable for an evening of sitting at a bar looking pretty. Besides, it wasn't as if her figure was terrible without it. Aside from that, she'd only lightly curled her hair so that it fell in more natural waves around her face and her make-up was simplistic: an complete powdering to try to hide the flaws in her skin, a light pink stain to her lips, a light dusting of rouge along her cheeks, and soft grey lining her upper eyelids. For her, it was very minimal and understated but it still made her stand out, which was what she wanted.

She'd parted with the necessary coin for a mug of ale although she shuddered at the prospect of drinking. It was unpleasantly flavoured but she needed to have something or she'd look entirely desperate. Also due to the taste, she wasn't likely to forget herself and simply drink it rather than nursing it. Unfortunately, she'd found herself stuck with it for far longer than she would have liked without any other options forthcoming. If she wanted to then she could always call on Zanik's power and use Eye of the Beholder but to do so seemed a waste, especially as a few drinks worked just as well in a prospective target, if not better given that alcohol tended to work for a longer duration. All the same, she was disappointed that no man had attempted to throw himself at her, to try to chat her up as she sat there looking so tempting and ripe for the plucking. It made her wonder if it was the way she held herself, her confidence enough to make many men shrink from the prospect of talking to her. However, she'd had good luck in the past so she couldn't understand it!

The noblewoman sat with her legs crossed, the material of her skirt riding a little higher up her thighs as a result as she perched on a barside stool. She'd angled herself so that she was visible in profile to many in the room, seeming to gaze almost vacantly off to one side, her eyes remaining a soft neutral blue for the most part although occasionally shifting in response to her thoughts. Additionally, she'd undone the top two buttons of her blouse, a feat that actually allowed the pendant on her necklace to show although she doubted that anyone would be looking at that! Still, to the careful observer, the lightly traced symbol of House Burhan was on the amber, which was certainly a potential identifier. However, any man worth his salt would be too busy being enamoured with her cleavage and what it promised beneath rather than that.

Catching movement from the corner of her eye, she turned towards it, irises brightening and shifting to the honey of amusement and delight as she saw the young man approaching her, mouth moving as if in rehearsal. Her glance his way was fleeting before she moved her head back, waiting to see if he was indeed coming to speak to her. Sure enough, he slid onto a seat beside her bearing all the confidence of one who'd been indulging. He seemed to think that he was rather smooth although truthfully, his attempt was laughable. She didn't even try to hide a smile as she rested her fingers against her chin, allowing her gaze to flick up and down the man, as well as glancing over to the group of young men from whence he'd seemingly come.

They were a rowdy sort, some of them bearing some obvious indications of being part of the Moseke Knights or the Skyriders and she wondered if this 'Zane' was one or the other, or had simply managed to tag along with the group. She couldn't tell but she could certainly see that he was untidy, unclean and generally a state. Still, despite the shortcomings of his clothing and his toilet, he was rather attractive, especially when he smirked like that. Furthermore, she could smell the alcohol on his breath, which meant that he must have been purchasing his drinks with something; she doubted that his friends had brought him along for a free ride. So in spite of his appearance, she smiled at him, allowing a finger to move almost sensually along her bottom lip.

"Oh? I don't think I've heard that line before. Are you sure you don't want to use it? I'm curious to see how creatively awful it is. Does it has something to do with heat?" she asked playfully, giggling. She could imagine how abysmal it was and the mere notion of it was enough to make her want to laugh herself sick. "So Zane, why don't you stay and tell me, hm? Maybe buy me a drink?" She twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, watching him expectantly.
-1SN for a mug of ale, based on this
Last edited by Valeria Burhan on Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1103
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...


The woman seemed playful, which was a good sign for Zane. They had something in common, and he could work of that. Of course, how he was supposed to work of that was beyond him, considering this was one of the rarer times when he wasn't rejected straight off the bat. Thoughts raced through his mind and cut it apart like a fast river would a mountain. He was creating endless futures within his brain, only to tear them apart when he decided they weren't good enough. His entrance went exactly according to plan, and it was received even better than he could've imagined, but what happens after the entrance? He needed a way to keep his aura of confidence up as he thought about moving further, so he decided he would dance to the woman's beat, and respond to her words much like she did to his. His eyes glanced downwards for a moment, losing his momentum of self-confidence, and then back up again, as he regained it and figured out what he was to say. And yet they stopped on her skin, below her neck, noticing something. She had a pendant there, and the only reason the boy stopped his eyes on it, was for he had a similar one beneath his shirt. His one was made of wood though, and was rather abstract, while her one had a pattern much similar to a compass in reality. Still, he didn't linger on it, but instead moved his eyes back towards her face after but a moment of looking away from it, and opened his mouth to let the words catch the breeze that came from the recently-opened door.

"You're as smart a lass as you are pretty, it seems, for it was a play on words that would suggest it was your Aukari blood that was making you as hot as you are." He said in a purposefully fancy way, seeing how her appearance suggested she had certainly had a fancy education. It was his mother's side showing, as the woman had been, before her untimely death, a true seductress, and she didn't fail to teach her son some of her tricks. Long and complicated words, they were to be used with caution, but when utilized properly, they were as lethal a weapon as the most refined of bows. The young skyrider's smirk intensified as he caught the eyes of one of the bartenders. "Two glasses of the good stuff, good sir, a fine wine to forget about the chilly air." He said nonchalantly to both V and the bartender, knowing the man knew exactly what he meant. He could remember his father bringing him to one of the taverns around the city, saying exactly the same words as he ordered a drink for him and a woman he would meet in the wooden room. Zi'da's cold winds could only be fought with the use of something nice, and the wine he ordered was just that, at least according to his one time drinking it before. If he was honest, he was clueless when it came to wines, and the only two he did know were the cheapest one on the menu, which was the first wine he was introduced to, by his mother, and this one, called smof. Zane preferred things with aesthetic and pleasing-sounding names, not things called smof, but alas, he didn't know of any other drink to order for the woman. He could've asked her, but then the whole dominance shenanigan he was pulling would've been for nothing. Soon, the man brought them the glasses, and the boy said goodbye to his hard-earned money. If this woman was only there to play the room and get some good drinks in her system, she would've been completely successful, considering a good part of his wallet was gone just on those two glasses.

"Now, I believe it's your turn in this game we're playing. I have spent my money on you, smart and pretty lass, but what do I get in return? I don't even know your name." He said with a bit too much playfulness in his voice, making clear the amount of sheer alcohol he's put into his system before even coming close to the woman. He was trying to play the role of the mysterious, deep stranger that had everything in the world except for a woman to care for him, while she, according to his thoughts, was playing the role of a fox teasing a hunter, only desiring to get him away from the farm, so she could steal more chickens. A chicken would be nice, considering he hadn't eaten anything since lunch. But he's just spent his dinner money on a woman. Oh Faldrun's fiery fingers, what was he doing, he couldn't afford this. And yet he couldn't let any of his doubts and insecurities show, considering he was among the newer guys in the Iron Hand, and all of his new mates would be watching closely to see how he played this night. If he chickened out after buying the woman wine, they'd never let him forget it. Fuck them, his mind would've never let him forget it. Didn't his mother teach him anything about caring for women before spending money on them? Oh Immortals, and how was he supposed to end this night, in the woman's bed? Would it go that far? A part of him wanted it to go as far as possible, just to experience something new, but the other part of him was screaming about him not being ready for it.

Still, his gaze shifted back to the woman from the glasses of wine he'd just spent a fortune on, and he hoped she was at least as confused and derailed as he was, for if she wasn't, and she had experience in the game, he would've been screwed. He wasn't a naturally charming guy, and thus he didn't know whether he should blame his manner of speaking and actions on a joke, or on something serious. He didn't even know where he should begin, should she tell him her name. He would just have to go with the flow, he presumed.
Money spending
Two glasses of Smof - 16gn
word count: 1080
Once you become FEARLESS life becomes LIMITLESS

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Valeria Burhan
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...

The blonde noted his eyes fall to her breast but she knew he couldn't be looking at the pendant, or rather, she really wanted to believe that it wouldn't catch his attention. Of course, it was made of gold and even though the stone within the Ouroboros was only amber, it was still sizeable enough. Maybe he'd just think that it was a nice present she'd gotten, which was actually true, rather than thinking that she came from money. Paranoia, that's all it was and really it was needless. She wasn't entirely sure just how drunk this guy was but she suspected that it was more likely for him to be tempted by the sight of female flesh rather than a necklace. Being face to face with a woman's cleavage was hardly the time to be appraising jewellery!

Oh Zanik!

As soon as he opened his mouth, all the paranoia went away and she felt like burying her face in her hands instead. It was far more difficult to suppress her laughter this time. It would have been amusing to hear him recite that hackneyed pick-up line out of sheer stupidity but to hear him explain it to her, and in such a convoluted way too, it was enough to make her want to cry with laughter. Valeria bowed her head a little, hand covering her mouth as she dropped her gaze demurely as if she was actually embarrassed by what he'd said. Oh, she was embarrassed all right but it was all on his behalf! Behind her hand, she had to bite her lip but even so, the corners of her mouth climbed upwards, unable to keep her mirth hidden.

When she could trust herself to speak again, she uncovered her mouth, shifting in her seat as she uncrossed her legs and recrossed them the other way with a light laugh. "Oh yes, that would have worked really well if I had any Aukari blood. Alas, I do not so I suppose that I must be hot for some other reason," she threw back with a giggle, sweeping hair behind her ear. He was going about this in such a clumsy and inept way that the blonde felt as if this would make an excellent anecdote for the future. Perhaps she could tell Ivy and they could laugh about how cringeworthy men could be sometimes. Although, maybe Ivy wouldn't appreciate it given her... sensitivity where men were concerned. She'd find someone who could appreciate the humour of this situation, even if it was a few arcs from now.

Her eyes shifted to a soft lilac-tinged grey when she realised the sort of wine he was purchasing. The Burhan might be gaining amusement from this but she wasn't cruel. Considering his condition, she didn't think that he had a great deal of nel and yet here is was shelling over a shocking amount of gold for the express reason of impressing her. The poor fool... she pitied him. More than that, she was ashamed of herself. He probably had picked up on the fact that she was of a higher social standing and so he was trying to treat her accordingly; she doubted that he'd spend so much on a drink for any regular bit of skirt. It was too late to say anything when he was paying though and so Valeria endeavoured to be that little bit kinder to him. It wouldn't kill her to meet him at least part of the way, especially given how much of an effort he was making.

The blonde considered his question carefully, noting the way his eyes shifted to the group of men he'd left. Maybe he was expecting a rejection at any moment or maybe he was considering bailing despite the nel he'd spent on her account. She bit her lip, sucking it in slowly as she thought about it before coming to a decision.

"I'm Val," she told him simply, leaning closer so that the gap between them wasn't as extreme as she moved to lay a soft, well-tended hand on his arm in spite of his dirty state. "It's very kind of you to spend so much but you really shouldn't have. I'm really not worth the effort," she informed him with a small, sad smile; the lilac in her gaze increased. Her eyes shifted to the wine, withdrawing her hand from him so she could take up the glass instead, sipping the alcohol appreciatively. He shouldn't have bought it but by Zanik was she glad he had! It was certainly better than the piss she'd previously been nursing.

"So tell me, Zane, what is it you do to have such a knowledge of fine wines?" the noble questioned softly, shifting her legs again but this time, she ensured that her foot brushed off his leg in the midst of the movement. She pretended not to notice but in truth, she knew the wonders that touch could do in a seduction. The blonde couldn't think of how he could help but she prayed silently to her favoured Immortal, asking him to help her do this in his name. Zane obviously wanted her but there was also a skittishness about him; she didn't want him to bolt without any warning.
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...


Now, the sober parts of Zane's brain were activated, and the young man of messy hair thought for but a moment that the woman wasn't actually interested in a detailed explanation of the horrible pick-up line. But then the alcohol in his blood started talking again and he couldn't stop himself from speaking the words that were spoken. He maybe did seem like a complete idiot, or something worse, to everyone around him, but what was important, not just shallowly important, but truly important deep down inside one's heart, was that he was an idiot with ridiculous amounts of self-confidence. He couldn't see the giggles behind the woman's smile, or the sarcasm in her words, or the salt in the sea, and thus he continued with his speech. If he was only sober, he could've used similar words in a different fashion and actually came off as charming, and maybe not utterly cringe-worthy, but then again, if your grandma had a pecker she'd have been your grandpa. The young skyrider was even bordering explaining to the woman that her above-than-average appearance was why she was hot, but the conversation had by that point moved further down the river, and away from the pick-up line, which was what he would've aimed for, had he been completely himself.

As the wine came though, the drunkenness was amplified, and any thought of sixteen golden coins being too much for one woman on one night went away, leaving only crazy fearlessness and self-confidence in its place. The boy didn't hesitate to move the see-through glass close to his lips, but he did stop for several moments to see if she would do the same, before taking a sip and bringing his taste buds to heaven. He wasn't the type to drink fancy, unless it was for free, and thus he didn't often have the pleasure of experiencing Smof move down his throat. "Val. Is that short for something? I don't believe I've heard it before." And how would he, since the nobles chose to name their children the fanciest and most exotic names they could think of, or hear of, just so they could be separated from the common folk. But that was his father talking, and there was no room for philosophy in tipsy half-drunk conversations. Most of the time that is. Sometimes, but only sometimes, one could pull a joke with meaning behind it and not look like a dumbass while under the influence of alcohol, but that time certainly wasn't now. The boy seemed genuinely curious about the origin of the woman's name, although in reality, on the inside, he couldn't care less for it. The real question he should've asked, but couldn't because it probably wasn't fitting of the situation was "How far do you intend to let me go with this nonsensical act of mine, Val?". Nonsensical, that word was extremely funny to the boy, and as the thought stopped on the red light inside his brain, he chuckled at it.

"I'm afraid what I do has nothing to do with my knowledge of wines, for I have only recently acquired this job in the military. It is in fact whose child I am that you should be wondering." Zane said after chuckling, slowly moving his lips and forming the words so that the woman could hear each one of them separately. He didn't want to say what exactly he did, for he was technically just a lowly squire in the skyriders, but he also didn't want to not say anything, and avoid the question, so the quick, barely noticeable mention of the military was what he would give the woman. He could hear his friends laughing over some topic or other with one of the bartenders on the other side of the bar, having probably the time of their lives, being as drunk as they were. If he had to guess, the boy would've guessed they'd had twice the amount they had previously consumed by the time he would finish his glass of wine. Military men, they were surely talented in drinking, he thought quickly before his eyes returned from the point on his leg where he experienced contact with Val. He was too drunk to notice she had touched him but too aware to not notice anything.

"My father was one of the fancier folk of this city, and I dare say he taught me a few things." Zane said after a few seconds had passed since his last sentence. He didn't want to seem like he only wanted to talk about himself, nor did he want to seem like he was speaking only to fill the awkward silence. Something in between would've been perfect, in his opinion. Socialization was hard, he had to admit, but he was learning. At least his drunken self was, because there was no way he'd remember any of the finer details once he awoke in the morning. "I suppose now would be a time to ask about your fancy heritage, since you obviously don't come from a peasant's line." The young skyrider said with more calm in his voice than before. It was easier talking about Val than talking about himself, for some reason, probably because he still had deep-seated issues about his past that he wasn't ready to fight yet. Perhaps it was going too far, to ask about the woman's heritage before he even slept with her, thus he continued; "But if you feel it too early in our growing bond to talk about it, I won't push you." He said, after all, he was playing the gentleman tonight, not the rowdy rebel he usually was.
word count: 990
Once you become FEARLESS life becomes LIMITLESS

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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...

The young woman sipped the wine again appreciatively. She really did like it and if she had the money in the future then she might willingly splash out on such a beverage for herself. It probably wasn't enough to get her properly tipsy, not one glass in any case, but she could hope that it'd help her view the young man a little more favourably. If she wanted to be kind then she might need her natural inhibitions to be diminished somewhat. After all, he was filthy and she had standards. Admittedly, if other people were able to judge her, they might decide that she didn't have many standards at all but when it came to men, she did tend to be more careful. They came with quite a few risks after all, although certain things could be dealt with if you knew the right sort of herbs, or so she'd been told; she'd never had to resort to such measures though.

When he asked about her name, the blonde chewed her lip. She knew how her name would sound to his ears, how upper class it sounded. If he'd notice the necklace then he'd already know but she was going to let that one out of the bag if there was a chance he was too stupid or intoxicated to have missed it. Instead, she let out a short laugh. "It is short for something, yeah, but I prefer Val, or V," she explained, hoping that he wouldn't press her about it. Once again, she shifted her leg although she wasn't sure if he was even aware of her touch or if he was too out of it to make the connection. As such, she'd have to touch him in a way that was readily visible to him and that would be far less subtle an action. It was something that the blonde would have to consider carefully before she made a move on him again.

Her brows raised in interest when he talked about his parentage being important, a fact that was far more fascinating to her than his job. The mention of the military did little to intrigue her but if his parentage was noteworthy then she worried he might be closer in class to her. What if he was another noble? She tried not to let her feelings show but she was glad when he kept talking and it seemed that he was simply doing a poor job of trying to make himself appear higher than a commoner. He didn't seem to actually have any noble ties to speak of, which she was grateful for. Now that the moment of panic had passed, she was inclined to laugh with relief. It was a sound that she could use to her advantage, adding a lighter, flirtatious air to the interaction coupled with a hand resting delicately on his knee as she used the other to play with the stem of her glass. Her gaze dropped briefly before she regarded him from beneath her lashes, irises warm brown.

"I'm sure that he did. I'd be interested to see what you've learned," she murmured suggestively, catching her lip briefly between her teeth as she did so. Perhaps she was laying it on a bit thick but this was the sort of thing she revelled in, especially the freedom it brought her. Ultimately, she thought that it would please Zanik greatly.

Valeria tensed when he asked about her heritage, her gaze an anxious blue as she regarded him. Perhaps he wasn't as much of a fool as she'd given him credit for, but he had the good grace to give her the option to remain quiet about it. She was grateful to him for that, namely because she didn't think she could easily brush over the fact that she was descended from one of the Seven. She was no peasant and she couldn't be a noble in this situation, but she couldn't bring herself to claim a lesser origin.

"You're right but I... I'd rather not talk about it. Thank you," she added, gently squeezing his knee before allowing her hand to drift an inch higher. "I appreciate that you don't want to force the matter. There are plenty of men who would have, not wanting to be denied anything, no matter how small it might seem. I'm very grateful." Her voice dropped almost to a whisper but she didn't move any nearer to him. If he wanted to hear then he'd simply have to lean a little closer, wouldn't he?
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...


Zane was the type of person to brave a snowy mountain for a bet, or to wrestle a monster bare-handed, on a challenge, or to be dared to do any other silly and more-than-likely impossible thing, but when it came to seduction, and to the careful movements of the body, he would rather go home alone. It wasn't that he was clueless about the game, or that he completely disliked it, it was just that he believed in simplicity for simplicity's sake, and what the woman was doing, what was expected of him to do, it wasn't simple. Every movement of the body was important, and it all made sense in the grand scheme of things. Every light touch and graze a sign, every inch between their noses filled with meaning. Why did people insist on these things? Sure, foreplay was one thing, and it was there because of the next act, as preparation, but this strange game with its own set of rules didn't guarantee anything would come after it, did it? It certainly didn't seem so to the boy, as his dark eyes moved down to look at the woman's pale hand. Her skin was lighter than his and definitely lighter than his dark brown pants. It was a nice contrast, at least, even if he couldn't decipher it completely. He knew how to flirt the beginning stages of a relationship, and he knew how to finish the play, or rather what to do when it came to the finishing moments, but everything in between was a mystery to the boy. Perhaps genes had more of an influence on his skills than he was willing to admit, at least the genes his father gave him, considering the older, now deceased man had also been somewhat of a klutz when it came to the finer moments with a woman. No wonder he had his only child with a whore, the boy thought swiftly before regretting it and returning his mind to the situation at hand.

He swallowed some more wine as he leaned in closer to the woman, letting the glass go when it was a third of an inch above the table, so it fell gently and perfectly, landing as if he had placed it himself. She wanted him to lean in, he knew that much, but did she want it to go further? Should he kiss her, or should he just take her gratefulness and accept it as that being it. And how did he move from this step to the next one? He wondered as the silence slowly began creeping into his ears. In a desperate attempt to avoid it, he heard the sounds of his comrades messing around, one of them flirting with a waitress, and the others readying to leave. His confidence was slowly draining as his eyes moved from the woman's biqaj-like eyes, to her lips, to her chin, and back to her eyes. What in the name of the Seven was he thinking when he listened to Jonathan. He would just end up embarrassing himself and somehow leaving all alone from this tavern, unless he pulled something off this instant. And now. And right about now. Here it comes. This instant. Almost as if on cue, his face moved towards the woman's, not listening to the logical side of his brain, which had by now gone completely mad, but instead acting on instinct. He, however, had no intention of kissing the woman, and thus moved right beside her, letting his cheek brush hers, and his lips reach her ear.

"Shall we stop playing the game? What is it you desire from here? From me?" He asked in a whisper, trying to seem as calm, confident and capable as humanly possible. Of course, things weren't really going the way he wanted them to this night, so instead of the smell of a mysterious dark stranger, there would be the smell of alcohol coming from his mouth, and instead of deep, watery brown eyes, the woman would get dilated pupils and the darkest of browns. This night wasn't Zane's night, to say the least, but the woman might show pity once more, or not. But his question was a solid one, since it was obvious the woman wanted more than she said, and was more than she'd led him to believe. Maybe brutal honesty was the way to go? If not, it wouldn't have been the first time he got rejected.
word count: 765
Once you become FEARLESS life becomes LIMITLESS

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Valeria Burhan
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...

The boy was slow to respond to what should have been a clear temptation. Either he was more nervous than she'd given him credit for or she wasn't quite as irresistible as she'd like to think that she was. She bit her lip, eyes wide and a soft green as she watched him expectantly, wondering if she'd failed to... what, exactly? What was she trying to get out of this? Hadn't she already received the drink that he was good for? To expect anything more from him would be utterly cruel. All she'd wanted was for him to buy her a drink and now that that had happened, she could only feel sorry for him and somewhat beholden to him. After all, he hadn't purchased something cheap so she clearly owed him something.

When he finally leaned in, the blonde tensed a little, assuming that he was moving in for a kiss, something that she hadn't quite steeled herself for given the grime on his face. However, he moved his head to the side in a different manner, almost bringing his lips to her ear. His whisper tickled the soft flesh, the warmth of his breath sending a shiver through her and setting her chewing on her lip in earnest at his words.

The young woman wasn't sure what to do. Beating about the bush was more her style, especially as it allowed her to slowly warm up to whoever she was seducing. Now, he wanted to cut all that out and make her come to a decision at once. There would be no delaying the matter so she had to think about what she truly wanted. Did she wanted to bring this man home? It wasn't like Valeria had qualms with one night stands but she did tend to like her men a bit... cleaner. That being said, she'd already laid a hand on him and it hadn't killed her, had it? Zane wasn't rough around the edges, or as aggressive as some men could be. Of course, if she left with him, she might still discover a nasty side to him but that was always a chance that she had to be willing to take. Besides, if something happened to her... The consequences were too severe for a man to risk such a thing and the noblewoman didn't think that she was worth it under those circumstances.

She eyed him uncertainly, her eyes shifting through an array of soft silvery hues as she contemplated dropping the charade. If she carried on and played dumb, she didn't think it would go well. It didn't leave the Burhan with a great many options. So she reached up and cradled the side of his face, drawing back a little while she gently moved him so that they had to gaze right into one another's eyes without any sly looks, or side glances. There wasn't going to be any avoidance here.

"You want to know what I want from you, Zane? Well, I don't rightly know. I was going to keep playing this game, as you put it, to see if I could make my mind up but you want me to be direct so here we are... direct," she murmured, her eyes taking on a dark brown that mirrored his own. "I came here to do things that I can't do anywhere else. I came here to be free, to let loose and just... see how things go. I won't deny that I expect men to try to pick me up. I expect them to buy me drinks but I never thought you'd..." Valeria trailed off, biting her lip as her gaze flicked briefly down to her lap before she raised it to meet his eye again.

"Men pick me up, or maybe it's the other way around, and sometimes I take them home with me, other times I don't. I'm not a good girl, Zane, do you understand? If you don't want anything to do with me... well, I can understand that because I'm not exactly what I seem. If you... don't mind that well then I suppose it's up to you. I don't mind leaving with you if that's what you want to happen. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you felt entitled to me after what you spent. I won't say no," she told him, releasing him and turning her attention back to her drink. As she took a sip from it, there was a lot less confidence in her movements but also less obvious effort to attract or hold the eye. There was less sensuality and more vulnerability, the noblewoman regarding him a little uncertainly now that the situation seemed to be outside of her control.
word count: 823
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...


Seemingly, in the beginning, the brutal honesty worked, and the scene was dissipating. The woman would now answer with honesty, and it all would be over. Well, hopefully not all of it, but the uncomfortable, fancy parts of it Zane wasn't used to. Eventually, he would have to learn how to play the game, he thought to himself, but just not now. He didn't want to end up quite exactly like his father, after all, paying women to have sex with him. Several thoughts occurred on that topic, before finally dispersing into nothingness right as the woman's voice made its way right to his ears. It was soft, and calm, and warm, unlike the Zi'da air. The young man preferred the hot cycle, being able to wear next to nothing and still be rather warm, over this weather. Perhaps it was because he liked more manoeuvrability within his clothing, perhaps because he had never had the money to make himself properly warm during winter, either way, he knew his preferences, and he knew his desires, and he accepted himself the way he was, unlike most people in this tavern. Everyone constantly strived for something. Wanted to be something they were not. It wouldn't hurt to hit them all with some brutal honesty, Zane thought as the woman spoke. She said what she thought, and he appreciated that she gave in to his wishes at least after a couple moments talking. Still, there was something strange in the way she said her peace. It was almost as if she didn't want to stop playing the game. Well, she must have gotten comfortable playing it, and thus moving into the light, into a better conversation, would've been hard.

As she finished, Zane's eyes glowed under the torchlight, and his lips extended into a truly confident smirk. He wasn't playing the game anymore, thus he was much happier than before, and he let it show. His cheekbones moved slightly as he adjusted his position on the bar stool. The woman said the things she did in the exact way the young skyrider wanted her to, and he had her now. Maybe the scene was her playing field, with her rules and everything, but honesty, with others, with oneself, just honesty, that was something the boy was an expert in. He dislikes lies, and liars, and no matter how one puts it, acting and pretending was essentially just lying. Perhaps the woman wouldn't see it that way, convinced that flirting would be something of a white lie, something nobody could get hurt in, but Zane knew, even white lies were still lies, after all. His father taught him that, he said in his own mind proudly. He was in control now, and thus he had reason to be confident, and even if he was sober, he wouldn't have decided on anything else, he knew as he opened his mouth slightly as if to talk, but instead took a sip from his glass. The young man of messy hair decided he would let the feeling sink in within the woman's mind, so she could decide with a clear image of what was happening once he posed the question.

"I don't particularly care whether or not I leave here with you." Zane said a little bit more clearly than before, as he took one final sip of his wine. "But what I do care, is that if I leave here with you, it isn't because of the money I spent." He continued, moving one of his feet down to the ground, ready to jump off his seat. He would either leave with her, showing all of his comrades how it's done, or he would leave with pride, having shown the woman a better way of making conversation, one that wasn't based on lying and unnecessary complications. Either way, he would leave home a half-drunk victor tonight. "But if you feel I am entitled to something, let it be honesty. If you desire to take me with you tonight, do it with honesty, and if you do not, do that with honesty too. Either way, be honest with me, no, with yourself." He said, as if he was some old sage on top of a mountain, even though his body moved against his will, and he needed some effort to remain stable on his feet. He had just taught some girl in a tavern a lesson, oh yeah! He was practically a professor at the University! He didn't even care that he'd probably spend the night alone, he just wanted to revel in his genius for a couple bits before he forgot what exactly happened.
word count: 797
Once you become FEARLESS life becomes LIMITLESS

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Valeria Burhan
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Hey girl, are you an Aukari...

The balance of power had shifted but she didn't think that it had ended up too far out of her favour. Zane had taken most of her power away from her by pulling honesty out of the bag. Gone were her flirtatious and seductive tricks, gone were her ambiguous words and her suggestive tones, and all because he wanted to stop playing the game. More than that, he had to strike a blow to her ego by claiming that he didn't care if he left here without her. It didn't sound like bravado either. He was genuinely saying that he couldn't care less. Either he'd sleep with her or he wouldn't but it apparently didn't make any difference to him which one it was.

The blonde gazed at him with watery blue eyes, leaning a little away from him with an expression on her face as if he'd slapped it. Her bottom lip jutted out, a slight tremble to it as she tried to work out how to respond to that. She could slap him, on some level her fingers itched to do it but she also felt the desire to examine herself in the mirror, to probe her reflection as she sought the cause of his disinterest. The young woman suddenly felt ugly, all the more so because Zane was the only one who'd approached her tonight. Nobody wanted her, maybe he didn't either and he'd only come to her because his friends had egged her on. It set her fingers twitching for a different reason, the young woman ready to shove them down her throat to purge everything from her body. Everything felt like it was spiralling out of control, slipping from her grasp and she needed to be able to do something.

She'd feel so much better if she got sick, she told herself. Hadn't everything always felt better when she'd done that? It'd had been more than seven arcs since she had. That was probably her problem. If she'd only done it sooner, maybe she wouldn't have this problem now.

The feeling of ugliness made her reach for Zanik, pleading to him for the power that only he could provide. She felt it move through her as she drew on Elithem, the golden glow altering her features in a way that she couldn't see but which she knew would add greater beauty to her face. The aura shimmered over her eyes, her lips, her chin, Eye of the Beholder working to make those parts stunningly attractive to him.

"I wouldn't sleep with you because of the money. I'm not a whore," she told him stiffly, her voice low. But was that true? Didn't she often sleep with people after they'd bought her drinks? Sometimes, her attraction to them was fleeting and she did it... well, almost as something to do. They'd bought her a drink or two so she'd brought them home. They might not hand her the nel but it was a form of prostitution all the same. Oh, if her parents or any of her friends could see her now... Even Ivy would be repulsed or maybe, especially Ivy.

"You want honesty? I'll give you honesty!" she hissed, a noticeable tremble in her voice. "Here's a tip. If a girl says she might bring you home, don't act as if you couldn't give a damn whether you went with her as not, because you don't seem too enthused by the idea and it doesn't do wonders for a girl's ego," she told him. The blonde reached for her glass and downed the rest of it in one. Then she took one look at the ale and decided to swallow that down too, making a face once she'd swallowed it. She slammed the mug down on the counter and let out a hiccup. She covered her mouth briefly, eyes flashing as she drew back the effects of the Elithem so that she was just plain her again.

She jumped to her feet and wobbled. Maybe she was feeling the drink a little. She just hadn't realised that she was a little inebriated, that was all. She drew herself up, pretending that she still had some pride remaining, even if her eyes were shimmering with tears. "I would have at least let you walk me home if nothing else but you know what? Fek you! Also if I was you, I'd get some water and then get some air. You're quite drunk, I think," she told him a little thickly around the lump in her throat. With that said, she turned on her heel and flounced out of the place.
word count: 809
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