Rewards Requested
City/Area: Foster's Landing
Notes/Warnings: Explicit conversation and spanking children
Requested Rewards:
Business management: Discussing a proposition with a partner
Business management: Outsourcing work to a better equipped specialist
Detection: Predicting the inevitable escape attempt
Intimidation: Reinforcing a harsh sentence
Politics: Doing the right thing at the wrong time can be disastrous
Politics: Endorsing a patriot's viewpoint
Politics: Supporting the rights of a profession you despise
Intimidation: Denouncing a coward
Negotiation: Do or don't
Politics: Solving Problems in Private
Persuasion: Creating Dilemmas and Providing Solutions
Rhetoric: The Glory of Justice
Persuasion: Disciplinarian
Persuasion: Patiently helping someone think it out
Discipline: Dealing with children
Discipline: Holding back even when bursting with frustration
Intimidation: Yelling in someone’s face
Finn: Zipper's blood brother
Finn: Mischievous brat
Finn: Needs some corrective discipline
Zipper: Loves Finn despite not showing it
Transmutation: Corrosion
Defiance: Subconsciously calling on the wind
Discipline: Staying your tongue after receiving a warning
Discipline: Restraining the urge to break an foe's grip
Endurance: Taking a kick to the stomach
Rhethoric: Living with Zipper never works out
Discipline: Adressing Gangui as commander
Tactics: Coming up with a plan to kill pirates
Location: (Foster's Landing) Sons of Justice Camp
Location: (Foster's Landing) Sons of Justice: Tower
Location: (Foster's Landing) Sons of Justice: Tower Basement
Location: (Foster's Landing) Sons of Justice: Gangui's Office
Zipper: Interrogating you, again.
Zipper: Reminding you of Transmutation
Zipper: Considered letting you be jailed
Zipper: Warning you against Vuda's intentions
Zipper: Pleading you to stay with her
Gangui: Commander of the sons of justice
Gangui: Hot-headed
Gangui: Gives people only one chance, and you wasted yours
Gangui: Considered jailing you
Gangui: Guided you through making a plan
Gangui: Speaks highly of the glorious life of a Turkey Knight
Gangui: Your future liege lord
Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Bruises for Finn
Fame: None
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No