Review Request 2.1.3

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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Fire in the hole
City/Area: Foster's Landing
Notes/Warnings: Explicit conversation and spanking children
Requested Rewards:
Business management: Discussing a proposition with a partner
Business management: Outsourcing work to a better equipped specialist
Detection: Predicting the inevitable escape attempt
Intimidation: Reinforcing a harsh sentence
Politics: Doing the right thing at the wrong time can be disastrous
Politics: Endorsing a patriot's viewpoint
Politics: Supporting the rights of a profession you despise
Intimidation: Denouncing a coward
Negotiation: Do or don't

Politics: Solving Problems in Private
Persuasion: Creating Dilemmas and Providing Solutions
Rhetoric: The Glory of Justice
Persuasion: Disciplinarian
Persuasion: Patiently helping someone think it out
Discipline: Dealing with children
Discipline: Holding back even when bursting with frustration
Intimidation: Yelling in someone’s face

Finn: Zipper's blood brother
Finn: Mischievous brat
Finn: Needs some corrective discipline
Zipper: Loves Finn despite not showing it

Transmutation: Corrosion
Defiance: Subconsciously calling on the wind
Discipline: Staying your tongue after receiving a warning
Discipline: Restraining the urge to break an foe's grip
Endurance: Taking a kick to the stomach
Rhethoric: Living with Zipper never works out
Discipline: Adressing Gangui as commander
Tactics: Coming up with a plan to kill pirates

Location: (Foster's Landing) Sons of Justice Camp
Location: (Foster's Landing) Sons of Justice: Tower
Location: (Foster's Landing) Sons of Justice: Tower Basement
Location: (Foster's Landing) Sons of Justice: Gangui's Office
Zipper: Interrogating you, again.
Zipper: Reminding you of Transmutation
Zipper: Considered letting you be jailed
Zipper: Warning you against Vuda's intentions
Zipper: Pleading you to stay with her
Gangui: Commander of the sons of justice
Gangui: Hot-headed
Gangui: Gives people only one chance, and you wasted yours
Gangui: Considered jailing you
Gangui: Guided you through making a plan
Gangui: Speaks highly of the glorious life of a Turkey Knight
Gangui: Your future liege lord

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Bruises for Finn
Fame: None
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
Last edited by Gangui on Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:13 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 332
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Oath Makers
City/Area: Foster's Landing
Notes/Warnings: Explicit superstition
Requested Rewards:
Discipline: Waking early as part of training regiment.
Discipline: Saying your vows without falter.
Discipline: Using proper titles.
Discipline: Standing your ground when charged
Discipline: Following commands
Strength: Holding the reigns of a mare
Running: Chasing a horse.
Running: Jogging back uphill.
Endurance: Taking two longs sprints in a short time
Animal Husbandry: Calming a horse.
Animal Husbandry: Pleading with animals.

Gangui: Your liege lord
Gangui: Gave you a belt
Gangui: Hard to please
Gangui: Gives you more to eat
Rjorn (NPC): Stable Master
Bertha (NPC): Horse

Discipline: Making Oaths
Rhetoric: Formalities
Running: Sprinting out of the office
Running: Quickly mounting up.
Horsemanship: Galloping down a hill.
Horsemanship: Trotting in the darkness
Horsemanship: Rounding up another horse
Leadership: “On me!”
Discipline: Being Patient with your squire.
Strength: Dismounting and Remounting
Strength: Working in Armor.

Rjorn(NPC): Stable Master
Finn: Squire to Gangui
Finn: Took a sacred Vow
Finn: Has an affinity for horses.

Loot: Red Turkey Belt for Finn
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: Positive fame for both of us for taking oaths in front of everyone
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
word count: 201
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Tio Silver
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Captain's New Clothes
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Honestly... it's kind of boring. Sorry.
Requested Rewards:
Alchemy: Using Scalv Ziemia parts as reagents.
Alchemy: Using a binding step.
Alchemy: Using a preservation step.
Alchemy: Alchemically enhancing threads.
Alchemy: Alchemically enhancing metal.
Chemistry: Stabilising Scalv Ziemia parts.

Scalv Ziemia Clothing Set
- 179gn 9sn 6cn

Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: None
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 72
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Standing Alone
City/Area: Andaris
Notes/Warnings: Nah
Requested Rewards:
Blades, Rapier: The weight of a slender sword
Endurance: Dealing with pain silently
Endurance: Forcing yourself through pain
Etiquette: Paying attention to conversation
Rhetoric: Cryptic answers
Psychology: Avoiding direct questions

Basalt Rose topped Cane Sword
- 75 gn

Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: None
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 63
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Good Tidings
City/Area: Ne'haer
Notes/Warnings: Nah
Requested Rewards:
  • Discipline: Stay Strong In the Face of Uncertainty
  • Discipline: Keeping A Brave Face
  • Psychology: Determining One's Motives
  • Psychology: Learning To Predict One's Actions
  • Higan: Left Ne'haer A While Ago
  • Uphrisca: Has Helped Tremendously
  • Uphrisca: Suggests Rynmere Is Worth A Try
  • Personal: Another Promise of Friendship
  • Promise: Meeting Uphrisca Again
Loot: -30.5 GN for the trip
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: None
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 86
"Can you tell me what hurts more? Is it remembering... or forgetting?"

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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: GLASSY SKY
City/Area: Emea, In Juniper's Dreams while she's still in Desnind in the past
Notes/Warnings: Creepy Spider? Scary falling? Uhm... Chill warning?
Requested Rewards: Just some Non-Skill knowledge and Points
Self: The Glass Nightmare
Self: Reaching for the Sky

Emea: The Dream World

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Fame: N/A
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
 ! Message from: Khymarah
word count: 72
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Fateful Encounter
City/Area: Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: Nah
Requested Rewards:
  • Investigation: Searching For Answers
  • Investigation: Following A Possible Breadcrumb Trail
  • Investigation: Checking To See if It's a Trap
  • Investigation: Scouring For The Truth
  • Deception: Keeping Motives Hiden
  • Hooded Man: Is Watching You
  • Hooded Man: Is Watching Higan
  • Hooded Man: Isn't Alone
  • Aelorn: Also An Interest To the Hooded Man
  • Aelorn: Found in Rynmere
  • Aelorn: Wants to Investigate The Hooded Man
  • Aelorn: Determined to Find Higan Also
  • Aelorn: Plans to Write to You With News
Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: None
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No

word count: 104
"Can you tell me what hurts more? Is it remembering... or forgetting?"

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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Alchemical Dealings
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: It's a job thread. Also, the reagents are for Doran's boss, Vuda, and thus Doran is not paying for them!
Requested Rewards:
Chemistry: My capstone allows me to quickly identify chemicals
Alchemy: Definition of an inhibitor
Alchemy: Definition of a mutagen
Alchemy: It's important to be thorough
Politics: Magic is illegal in Rynmere
Politics: The importance of staying up to date

Location: Foster's Landing

Loot: nothing
Injuries/Overstepping: no
Fame: Doran pays the man 20 gn for delivering exactly what he asked for. Perhaps I could get a little fame for that?
Collaboration: no
Magic EXP: no
word count: 113





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Ring of Reversal
Ring of Immunity
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: In the Flesh
City/Area: Uleuda
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:
Discipline: Ignoring the stares of the people around you
Discipline: fighting awkwardness
Linguistics: explaining one language by using another
Linguistics: Pronunciation is paramount to understanding each other
Linguistics: Putting the stress on the right syllable is important for a good pronunciation
Linguistics: cursing
Linguistics: tone of voice
Linguistics: context clues
Linguistics: emphasis
Linguistics: Knowing how to make the sounds necessary for speaking a language can help for fluency
Linguistics: non-fluent speakers don’t always know they are making mistakes
Meditation: some people like to hum while meditating
Seduction: taking the lead

Ulehi: How to express emotion without facial features
Ulehi: Harsh sounds for negative connotations
Ulehi: Some words have multiple meanings
Ulehi: Adjectives can be positive or negative depending on pronunciation
Ulehi: Never mispronounce a name
Ulehi: Vibrating different crystals to speak
Ulehi: Excessively harsh sounds are difficult to understand
Ulehi: the meaning of a word changes with its pronunciation

Sintih: Yludih form
Sintih: the name and occupation of his parents

Discipline: Failing to not act on your emotions
Discipline: Keeping yourself from jumping someone you like
Linguistics: Learning one language by using another
Linguistics: Harsh tones are harsh in all languages
Linguistics: Pronunciations makes a world of difference
Linguistics: Small differences could matter a lot
Linguistics: Emphasis changes the meaning
Linguistics: You won't learn your mistakes if nobody tells you
Linguistics: Learning from a native speaker is the best way
Meditation: Best done in private in the beginning
Meditation: Certain sounds help to meditate
Seduction: Small touches for big results

Ulehi: Harsh sounds for negative connotations
Ulehi: Words with multiple meanings
Ulehi: Never mispronounce a name
Ulehi: Vibrating crystals to speak
Ulehi: Spoken differently than any other language

Yana: Yludih form
Yana: Has a curious mother
Yana: Shy?

Loot: Love?
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: None
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
word count: 321
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Dead Bait
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Not that I can think of
Requested Rewards:
Rupturing: Useful for breaking into homes
Rupturing: Blinking past a gate
Rupturing: Easier to Blink to new places you can see
Stealth: Keeping your kennings hidden
Stealth: Walking from shadow to shadow
Stealth: Choosing a vacant surge to avoid detection
Tactics: Luring an enemy in with bait
Leadership: Picking an ambush site
Location: Mackey Manor

Attunement: Static
Attunement: Static - Disrupting your frequency to mask your presence
Intelligence: Sussing out the unsaid and the unspoken
Intelligence: Whittling away at diversions of a secretive target
Acrobatics: Catching a cat
Running: Chasing down a cat
Strength: Holding down a cat
Tactics: Luring an enemy in with bait
Location: Mackey Manor
Loot: +200 GN to Zip, +200 GN to Nero for looting
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Fame: Negative for breaking and entering for both
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: Yes for both
word count: 158
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