• Graded • Dead Bait

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Dead Bait

93rd Zi'da 717

One break gone by.

Ten bits spent convincing Neronin that getting a bath may not have been in their collective best interests, but it was essential for the continued longevity of her nose. 15 bits spent popping over to the neighbours and borrowing -okay, fine, stealing- a fresh set of men’s clothes instead of waiting around uselessly while he begrudgingly dipped himself into her wooden tub. Another 15 bits spent dragging that cat out of the alley behind her house, chasing it down, wrestling it down with a complete lack of dignity, melting its spine with an ether missile, and tossing it over to the necromancer to siphon for his wounds. 5 bits for her to rampage through her drawers for the last of her wells… only to remember that her main Etzori cache was all but relocated, her modest dragon’s horde situated back in the Sons’ base at Foster’s. Her side cache in the main city, in turn, was too far away to be worth hitting. Another 5 bits debating Nero over whether to turn those pesky neighbours into fresh thralls to replenish his diminished stock - disappointingly, they both agreed it wasn’t worth the hassle finding bodies so close to home. The underground had too many faces the world wouldn’t miss.

They had given Gavrel an entire break to prepare while they wallowed about.

She wasn’t completely sure where the last 10 bits went to. Time seemed to fly when you were reconnecting with an old friend who was being chased down by at least two necromancers and one skilled mercenary.

The two mages left her home and quickly took the nearest turn into the underground. Neronin’s assertions that he had been chased all this time were…. Suspect, she admitted. She doubted even he could have survived literal seasons behind hunted down like an animal with little rest or respite in between. Her old friend and one-time childhood flame was like her in many ways… a liar, needlessly secretive where sharing information would be the optimal choice, and distrustful even when trust was earned. From the first time they met as children down that horrible alley, he would give her only enough to work with, holding back until it was absolutely necessary to share information.

Coaxing him out of it bit by bit was an art she had somewhat perfected. She hoped she didn’t have too much ring rust with it.

“It’s not going to be easy to find him,” Zipper said, as they found themselves deeper and deeper into the underground. “Especially since he has, to our best suspicions, a complete bead on you. He’ll see you coming a mile away.”

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Last edited by Zip on Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:15 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 461
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The quest for Nero's booty

Neronin looked at Zipper then, his eyes narrowed and his face grim. Truthfully, his face had been grim since she insisted wasting time having him take a bath. The stench seemed to be the last thing he was thinking about. He walked along beside Zipper with a slight limp. The cat’s desiccated corpse had relieved the wound, but not completely. “What are you saying Zipper? You think we should just continue this cat and mouse game I’ve been playing for half my life?” The cold tone was familiar to her. It did not mean anger, it was just Neronin’s usual voice. It seemed he had embodied so much of his dark magic in his manner.

“It means you -we- are at a major disadvantage here. At best, we’re looking at a fuckin’ needle in a fuckin’ haystack stuck in a bigger fuckin’ haystack. Gavrel runs a small crew. We can hit every single possible location he could be hiding in and find nothing - more so with an alleged attuner on his side.”

“Wait wait wait.” Neronin said, slowing to a standstill. His face bore a faintly pained expression. “We can find him quicker than that. We...we know what he’s after.” Neronin looked up and met Zipper’s eyes. His grey, black veined face bore a faded, almost imperceptible resemblance to the child she once knew. If she had any judgements on his new appearance, she was uncharacteristically quiet about them ever since he got them all those seasons back. “Me.” He continued, his usual smooth coldness wavering with anxiety. “We can-”

“Use you as bait?” She finished his thought. Neronin nodded.

“We find a place of our choosing and I, I don’t know, cast some magic? Is that how they track you?” Neronin asked her as he slunk against a shadowed stone wall, almost out of habit. He seemed to treat hiding his appearance as second nature. He would embrace the heavy shadows of the Cylus season and flit from one to another, all to protect himself from stray eyes.

After a moment he continued. “I think I might know the spot. An old benefactor of the Museum died in Saun and her children are still battling over her estate. It’s empty now, we could draw them there.” Neronin said, his voice quickening and growing confident even as he seemed to square himself with the danger he faced in their plan.

Neronin lead the way, still shifting from shadow to shadow. They only paused on occasions when Etzori guardsmen passed or particularly awake looking pedestrians strolled across their path. Neronin lead them up into the more wealthy streets where street urchins rarely went. He paused outside a particularly neglected looking mansion and there was a bright flash of green lightning and the necromancer stood on the other side of the wrought-iron gate. He threw the bolt and let her in.

“Here, Mackey Mansion. I think we’ll be able to set up here.” Neronin said. He lead the way up to the house and smashed the glass window in the front door with a stone. The mage reached in and threw the bolt to that door as well before leading the way inside.
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Her Ether sense tingled half a trill before he blinked, and then he was gone in a blaze and back on the other side, the gate unlocked for her. She forgot how convenient it was to have a mage ally by her side that acted without any fuss or fanfare. Robin wielded great power but, as with all Defiers, his elemental prowess came with the mental hangup of jostling for action with four imaginary friends. Every bit of aid was built on a bedrock of indecision, another possible reliance on him dependent on the idea that the it was what the elements wanted today. Even now that they were together… very little of that had changed.

Of course, Robin didn’t take her to dingy crypts and underground caverns and, today, abandoned mansions like it was simply another day in the life of a necromancer.

“Gavrel was the one that initiated you twice over, yes?” Zipper asked. “Is that not a link that can be exploited, a sense that he’s coming you can take advantage of?”

“Heh, No. I have sensed him for three seasons now. I can’t tell how close he is, only that his magic is around and he’s here to rip my head off.” Neronin said, stepping forward to survey the dust covered entrance room. “He’s justified, I suppose. I cost him two initiations and then betrayed him.” There wasn’t a note of guilt in his voice, only speculation.

“Don’t go soft on me in your old age.”

“Old age?” Neronin asked, his eyebrow quirking slightly.

“Yeah, old age.” she said, wondering herself where she was going with this. “Grey hair and all that, geriatric demeanour, corspelike pallour.”

Neronin actually smirked at that. “Magic is always a double edged sword, and I bear my wounds willingly.” Neronin muttered, continuing into the house. “Besides, who am I trying to impress?”

“Must be hard to hold down the job at the museum like that,” she said. “I’ve been luckier.” No, she hadn’t. No, she absolutely hadn’t. Her mutations just didn’t show up on her face. “Just a bit luckier.” She began poking around the old antique cabinets to the side of the wall, rummaging through drawers, scurrying for something.

Neronin looked back at her. His cold, gaunt features betraying something that could have been concern for a moment. He shrugged one shoulder. “We play the cards we’re dealt, right?” He said simply. The pain in his eyes would have gone unnoticed to anyone who know him less than Zipper. Even then, it vanished in a moment. “Looking for something?”

“Just an old habit. Rich people leave stuff around.”

“Oh, yeah. You need help-”

“No, no, it’s fine. You’re jittery enough as it is-” the Identity ability found the box and the Identity ability told her there was Nel inside. “Can you believe them? There can’t be less than 400 GN in this box and they left it here like this.”

Neronin shrugged. “The lives of the rich and sinful.”

“Split with ya?”

“Can we do this later.” he said irritably. “Are you ready to kill some mages?”

She wanted to touch him on the arm, give him a bit of quiet assurance, a bit of shared solidarity… but that wasn’t their dynamic. That wasn’t what they were about. Even the hug she had given him earlier was a surprise to both of them, and one that wouldn’t be repeated easily. What did it say about her that her closest, oldest, most genuine friendship was built on this absence of intimacy, of mutual touch.

Instead, she simply nodded. “If you ready thralls, I fear the Attuner will be able to see you coming. If we cannot kill Gavrel or his apprentice this time, I have to be ready to Attune one of them before they we beat a hasty retreat. It will take time.”

Neronin nodded, the moment of vulnerability already gone. “I think I might be able to hold one. I have no thralls with me, save my Haunt.” Neronin gestured to the floor where his own shadow shuddered and clawed at the floorboards to no avail. “It could give them trouble, perhaps enough to let you attune if we can’t kill them.” Neronin looked as though he was curious about the attunement, but did not ask. Undoubtedly, he thought it was the wrong time.

“And we could be facing two haunts in turn. Along with the sum total of their,” she looked at him for the word, but found it herself. “Menagerie.”

Neronin frowned at her. “We could go kill some people.” He suggested. “Can you attune to necromancy magic because you attuned to me?”

“I’m not quite there yet.” she said. “Thankfully, Ihave a few other talents to compensate. I’ll catch a thrall coming as if enters the mansion.”
in many ways… a liar, needlessly secretive where sharing information would be the optimal choice, and distrustful even when trust was earned. From the first time they met as children down that horrible alley, he would give her only enough to work with, holding back until it was absolutely necessary to share information.

Coaxing him out of it bit by bit was an art she had somewhat perfected. She hoped she didn’t have too much ring rust with it.

“It’s not going to be easy to find him,” Zipper said, as they found themselves deeper and deeper into the underground. “Especially since he has, to our best suspicions, a complete bead on you. He’ll see you coming a mile away.”

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Neronin looked visibly impressed. The necromancer watched her carefully for a moment, his eyes calculating. “I’ve got a few tricks too.” He said.

“You know Gavrel bought me for nine silver nels?” Neronin said, the talk of nels clearly igniting an old, painful memory. He turned away and set his fists upon the study table. As they had talked they drifted between rooms, leaving two sets of clean footprints behind. He had his back to her as he spoke. “My father nearly killed me with a firepoker. Then he sold my body to Gavrel. He was going to reanimate me until I woke up in his lab and begged for my life.”

The room was silent, the two mages standing on opposite ends amongst the dust covered furniture.

“Rather foolish,” she said. “To use a child as a thrall. Undeveloped muscles, limited height and reach. It just reeks of bad humor for anything more than a gaunt.”

Neronin snorted, straightened with a sigh, and turned. “Gavrel was desperate back then. I was kept alive to find him bodies.” Neronin walked over to a shelf of liquor and carefully took down a glass bottle. He tossed it over his shoulder and it shattered against the wall in the corner. “My spark doesn’t like the drinking and eating.” He explained. “Now Gavrel and I are almost comparable in strength. Or at least I think so. I think I might have stunted his progress when I betrayed him.”

“My spark disagrees with food too,” she said. He knew this…. He just didn’t know how far it had progressed since their collective childhoods. “I haven’t eaten or drunk anything in arcs.”

Neronin raised his eyebrows in genuine surprise. “Keeping that girlish figure?” He asked with dry humor.

“I have the spark of a diva,” she smiled back. “Is Gavrel a coven stooge? I figured he would be of their ilk, but apparently not.”

Neronin shook his head. “Coven? I haven’t heard of them.”

She narrowed her eyes a little but said nothing. He was either playing dumb or more likely it was his usual thing, feigning ignorance on a known subject to test the breath of her own knowledge. “A necromancy cult with alleged roots in Etzos.”

Neronin tilted his head slightly. He shrugged and looked away again, his face impassive. “He’s unaffiliated, or was when I knew him.

“Do you ever wonder where you would be if your father didn’t sell you to him?”
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Neronin blinked at her. It was clearly a thought that he hadn’t been expecting. His smooth face creased with thought. “I don’t.” He began slowly, a look of deep speculation on his face. “I suppose I would be a shmuck. Some mundane street thug or dead.” He looked up into her face. “I don’t regret it, and I don’t regret Gavrel. Without that I would be nothing, I’d have nothing.” Neronin hadn’t mentioned the sparks within him, but they both knew what he meant. For people like them, there was only one currency, one drug, one goal that mattered - the spark was too greedy, too possessive to share much.

Zipper nodded without looking at him. “I’m going to start hiding my frequency,” Zipper said. “Dimming it low so they think you’re alone, thralless, and with nowhere else to run.” Which would be close to the truth if he hadn’t come to her, she guessed. “When they come, they will be expecting one fatigued necromancer instead of two mages.”

She found the place in her souls of souls where her sparks lay and touched the quieter, smaller one that didn’t seem to want to make requests of her. While Transmutation was loud in its demands, theatrical in what it wanted, and ever greedy for more Qualities in the world, the Attunement was… passive, for lack of a better word. It held silent, polluted her little even as she relied on its magic, and touched her life in small ways rather than big, dramatic ones. She found the part of her that gave off her frequency…. And jammed a swirl of ether into it, mixing it up, keeping it garbled and unreadable. She was no master of the craft but hopefully it would be enough for the apprentice to miss her as she approached, intent on Neronin.

“Neronin,” she said. “I don’t know where else to go but up.” She didn’t elaborate but he knew what she meant. Neither of them had an inkling of what the other were capable of at the upper thresholds of their power - but they both knew they were there. They both knew there was a ceiling above them, with a swirl of power visible in the cracks above, and they both knew there was something awaiting them up there, something big and new and unreal.

He nodded, then laughed, a quiet and ill used bark. “I’ve always envisioned it as down, personally.” Neronin was watching her. He leaned against a desk, releasing his wounded leg from the pressure of standing. “I don’t think there really are options for us, Zip.” His chest heaved in a sigh as he ran his finger along the edge of the desk. “You know, only two options now.” His words carried a cold sort of weight. Continue down their own separate paths, or die.

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“I have a brother,” she said, her voice strangely casual. Maybe a little too casual. “I… I do have family. I’m not sure I can afford to make the jump. They… I know you’ve heard the stories. Monsters melded with fire, immortal beasts that can never die, creatures that can find any shape and form in an instant. There’s power there, yeah, but I can’t leave my brother.”

Neronin stared a moment. Then he looked away. He stood, his posture suddenly stiff. “You walk the path of magic, Zip. You can’t get held up by mundane trivialities like family. You know the cost of all this. It isn’t a cakewalk.” His voice took on a harsher tone, as if reprimanding her. “Magic is a double edged sword, Zip! You’ve got to own your cuts and bruises! Look at me. I’m half dead already. We aren’t those people anymore. We’re more.” Neronin said, his chest rising and falling. Emotion played in his eyes for the first time in a long time.

“We are,” she said. Her tone was strangely defeated. “But there’s the matter of responsibility. If I am denied the opportunity of returning to society, if what I become is unacceptable, fine. But I will set my affairs in order.”

Neronin shrugged. “He should be strong enough to live without you.” He folded his arms across his chest and turned away, his features once again impassive. “Solitude and suffrage build strength. Give him these tools and he will be fine. Besides, you don’t know you won’t see him again.” Neronin said. His words were harsh, and spoken like a man who had grown to maturity with very little human connection.

“There it is again,” she said, the harshness of her tone matching his. “I’m not having this argument with you again.” Their ideological dispute was an old one that had its roots from years before: Neronin saw civilization as a shackle, a ball on chain on the potential of the individual. You got carved a niche in society and was forced to fill it. Zipper saw it as a distasteful but necessary evil to be controlled, that had to be tolerated for anything to be done. It was the difference between a budding anarchist and a fledgling fascist. “For the last fuckin’ time, no man -or woman- is an island.”

“How do you know. Do not mistake your own human connection as universal.” Neronin said, his voice going cold and apathetic.

“Ya know, Nin, this would be a lot less pathetic if you had chosen solitude, rather than have it forced on you.”

“I chose to kill Gavrel, I chose to kill my family, didn’t-“ But his last word was interrupted by Zipper shushing him, right before the door to the study exploding into dusty wooden shrapnel. Neronin turned and saw a gaunt standing there, the eyes glowing blue in the darkness. Behind it he saw the familiar dark form of Gavrel’s apprentice. “Shit!” Neronin said as a black miasma of necrotic energy erupted around him, ready for combat.

“Hey, senior!” The apprentice called out. The youth of her voice contrasted eeriely with the sadism in her tone. Gavrel must have liked her as a pupil. “Welcome to the last day of your life!”

And the gaunt exploded into movement, charging them with the wild, uncoordinated gait of an animal starved for food.
Last edited by Neronin on Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 579
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I have no complaints about being able to continue reading more of Neronin and Zipper hanging out, doing things together. NONE. Thank you. That is all. YES. Also, meow.



15 | These points can be used for magic.

-5 Breaking, entering, magicking, stealing.



Injuries + Overstepping



Skill Knowledge:
Rupturing: Useful for breaking into homes
Rupturing: Blinking past a gate
Rupturing: Easier to Blink to new places you can see
Stealth: Keeping your kennings hidden
Stealth: Walking from shadow to shadow
Stealth: Choosing a vacant surge to avoid detection
Tactics: Luring an enemy in with bait
Leadership: Picking an ambush site

Other Knowledge:
Location: Mackey Manor


15 | These points can be used for magic.

-5 Breaking, entering, magicking, stealing.



Injuries + Overstepping



Skill Knowledge:
Attunement: Static
Attunement: Static - Disrupting your frequency to mask your presence
Intelligence: Sussing out the unsaid and the unspoken
Intelligence: Whittling away at diversions of a secretive target
Acrobatics: Catching a cat
Running: Chasing down a cat
Strength: Holding down a cat
Tactics: Luring an enemy in with bait

Other Knowledge:
Location: Mackey Manor
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