Blue Sand
Developed by Pegasus
Type of Material: Sand
Acquired By: Exploration of beaches on Scalvoris where it is very common. This is the only place it exists.
Rarity: Only on specific beaches on the island of Scalvoris. Please see
this thread
Price: Freely available on the beaches identified, 2gn for a jar in any other area of Scalvoris only. Not available elsewhere.
Other Information: The sands of Scalvoris are as strange as the rest of the island and the Blue Sand is no exception. It's deep blue colour is the sort of deep blue of midnight.
Properties: Blue sand has a slight sparkle to it, meaning that the blue sand beaches are particularly beautiful, especially at night. The sand itself has a hard-to-spot, but well known quality which is that sound resonates better when one is on it. When sitting on a blue sand beach, songs sound better, voices sound more melodic. It makes sounds sound better. Egilrun glass made from this sand produces some of the best musical instruments and blue-glass instruments have amazing depth and beauty of tone and pitch.
Blue Scalvoris Soil
Developed by Woe
Type of Material: Fertilizer/Dirt/Sand
Short Description A mixture of one part manure, one part dirt, and one part blue sand.
Found made from blue scalvoris sand, wherever blue sands are found.
Toxicity/Hazard - It's dirt, don't eat dirt. Otherwise, non-toxic in any other way, but tends to carry the sound of footfalls when you walk over it, potentially alerting predators or other hostile parties.
Appearance It appears a grayish soil that has a slight dark blue tint to it, but otherwise is hard to notice the color. As a growing medium, this soil is best used in temperate areas.
Rarity Common
Property 1 ~ Can be mixed with the soil of the ground, in order to make footfalls carrying sound more audibly over it. A security measure for those who don't want to be sneaked upon without hearing them.
Property 2 ~ When used as a medium to grow plants from, or added to plants, it causes their leaves to reflect and echo the sounds that occur around them, producing an interesting acoustic effect.
Property 3 ~ When used on fruit-bearing plants, the juice of these plants will have a pleasant effect on the vocal quality of those drinking the juice. It will also improve the volume of their voice.
Side Effects
Side Effect 1 ~ The extra noise can be annoying without proper care or pruning of plants. If the plants grown from blue soil aren't well manicured, they might grow discordant.
Side Effect 2 ~ Sometimes, if the plants aren't well-cared for, the echo they produce might be inflected with a sardonic tone, as if their mood is sour.
Side Effect 3 ~ Talkative plants. Those who are able to speak to plants (such as Soul-Forged individuals) are able to make much better sense of plants that have been settled with a handful of blue soil overnight.
How To Use Those experienced in gardening can introduce blue soil as a growth medium. Otherwise, using it and mixing in gravel (for the loud ground-noise) can be done by someone experienced in field craft.
Status Legal
Price Not sure
Notes N/A
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using
this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Not sure
-- Idalos: Not sure
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Not sure
-- Scalvoris: Common
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Expert Gardening ~ echo plants.
-- Expert Fieldcraft ~ Noisy gravel/ground.
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- n/a
-- n/a
Tending It
-- Competent