• Information • [Scalvoris] Materials

Rocks, wood, sand, fabric, gems, crystals and all sorts!

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[Scalvoris] Materials


Developed by Pegasus
Type of Material: Mineral ~ Stone

Acquired By: Exploration

Rarity: Exceptionally Rare: Found on the small island of Ishallr in the ice caves there only

Skills Needed to Obtain / Work: Extremely dangerous to obtain due to location.

Details: These are found in Ishallr ice caves

Price: Not for sale

Other Information: These are considered largely myths. Few people believe they exist.

Properties: Always black in colour, these stones are, on the purpose, entirely normal stones. However, even a short space of time in the presence of one of these stones tells you what its properties are. The stones seem to drain emotions and the ability to feel them. This means that being close (within 20ft) or even better to be touching these stones means that the individual experiences muted emotions. Over a period of a break it gets to the point that the individual is entirely emotionless and, arguably, an entirely rational being. As soon as the stone is taken out of the proximity of the individual, they quickly return to normal.

 ! Message from: Pegasus
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Originally found by those who undertook the "Ice Caves of Ishallr" expeditions in Ashan 717
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            [Scalvoris] Materials

            Blue Sand

            Developed by Pegasus
            Type of Material: Sand

            Acquired By: Exploration of beaches on Scalvoris where it is very common. This is the only place it exists.

            Rarity: Only on specific beaches on the island of Scalvoris. Please see this thread

            Price: Freely available on the beaches identified, 2gn for a jar in any other area of Scalvoris only. Not available elsewhere.

            Other Information: The sands of Scalvoris are as strange as the rest of the island and the Blue Sand is no exception. It's deep blue colour is the sort of deep blue of midnight.

            Properties: Blue sand has a slight sparkle to it, meaning that the blue sand beaches are particularly beautiful, especially at night. The sand itself has a hard-to-spot, but well known quality which is that sound resonates better when one is on it. When sitting on a blue sand beach, songs sound better, voices sound more melodic. It makes sounds sound better. Egilrun glass made from this sand produces some of the best musical instruments and blue-glass instruments have amazing depth and beauty of tone and pitch.

            Blue Scalvoris Soil

            Developed by Woe
            Type of Material: Fertilizer/Dirt/Sand
            Short Description A mixture of one part manure, one part dirt, and one part blue sand.
            Found made from blue scalvoris sand, wherever blue sands are found.
            Toxicity/Hazard - It's dirt, don't eat dirt. Otherwise, non-toxic in any other way, but tends to carry the sound of footfalls when you walk over it, potentially alerting predators or other hostile parties.
            Appearance It appears a grayish soil that has a slight dark blue tint to it, but otherwise is hard to notice the color. As a growing medium, this soil is best used in temperate areas.
            Rarity Common
            Property 1 ~ Can be mixed with the soil of the ground, in order to make footfalls carrying sound more audibly over it. A security measure for those who don't want to be sneaked upon without hearing them.
            Property 2 ~ When used as a medium to grow plants from, or added to plants, it causes their leaves to reflect and echo the sounds that occur around them, producing an interesting acoustic effect.
            Property 3 ~ When used on fruit-bearing plants, the juice of these plants will have a pleasant effect on the vocal quality of those drinking the juice. It will also improve the volume of their voice.
            Side Effects
            Side Effect 1 ~ The extra noise can be annoying without proper care or pruning of plants. If the plants grown from blue soil aren't well manicured, they might grow discordant.
            Side Effect 2 ~ Sometimes, if the plants aren't well-cared for, the echo they produce might be inflected with a sardonic tone, as if their mood is sour.
            Side Effect 3 ~ Talkative plants. Those who are able to speak to plants (such as Soul-Forged individuals) are able to make much better sense of plants that have been settled with a handful of blue soil overnight.
            How To Use Those experienced in gardening can introduce blue soil as a growth medium. Otherwise, using it and mixing in gravel (for the loud ground-noise) can be done by someone experienced in field craft.
            Status Legal
            Price Not sure
            Notes N/A
            Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
            Fast Facts
            Knowing It
            -- Scalvoris: Competent
            -- Idalos: Competent
            Wealth Tier
            -- Scalvoris: Not sure
            -- Idalos: Not sure
            Sell/Buy It
            -- Scalvoris: Not sure
            -- Scalvoris: Common
            -- Idalos: N/A
            Finding It
            -- Scalvoris: Novice
            -- Idalos: N/A
            Collecting It
            -- Scalvoris: Novice
            -- Idalos: N/A
            Using It
            -- Expert Gardening ~ echo plants.
            -- Expert Fieldcraft ~ Noisy gravel/ground.
            Killing It
            -- n/a
            Capturing It
            -- n/a
            -- n/a
            Tending It
            -- Competent
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                      [Scalvoris] Materials

                      Royal Amber

                      Developed by Qit'ria
                      Name: Royal Amber
                      Type of Material: Gemstone
                      How To Gather: Gathered from the depths of the Grizzly Bee Hives in Sweetwine Woods in Scalvoris.
                      Skill Level/Skills Needed: Competent+ Climbing (or Novice flying/flying mount) and Expert+ Stealth or Field Craft in order to obtain from the hives. Novice+ Mining to retrieve it. Competent+ Jewelrycrafting to process it effectively.
                      Rarity: On Scalvoris: Rare. Off Scalvoris: Incredibly Rare
                      Durability: Durable, not nearly as strong as diamond but still requires a decent bit of force to break.
                      Estimated Price: 75gn base x (per carat + per width modifiers) x2 if a whole insect is trapped within
                      Native to: Grizzly Bee Hive in the Golden Cliffs in Sweetwine Woods on Scalvoris

                      Information: Petrified honey that has been dubbed Royal Amber, and is incredibly valuable for its golden glow. The gems being formed from the liquid honey are not crystalline in their natural shape, but rather smooth and rounded. When treated with heat, the royal amber can be forced to change into a wide variety of colors without the structure failing, covering all available hues in the spectrum of flowers on the island. Occasionally will have Grizzly Bees or other insects trapped within, doubling their value.
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                                [Scalvoris] Materials

                                Grizzly Grubs & Eggs

                                Developed by Qit'ria

                                Name: Grizzly Grubs and Eggs
                                Type of Material: Fishing Bait and Animal Feed
                                How To Gather: Obtainable within the hives inside the Golden Cliffs.
                                Skill Level/Skills Needed: Competent+ Climbing (or Novice flying/flying mount) and Expert+ Stealth to reach the larvae rooms. Competent+ Field Craft to harvest and keep alive.
                                Rarity: On Scalvoris: Rare. Off Scalvoris: Incredibly Rare
                                Durability: Fragile, without proper care, these grubs and eggs die and spoil easily. Once dead, they lose their value both as bait and as food.
                                Estimated Price: 3gn per grub or egg
                                Native to: Grizzly Bee Hives in the Golden Cliffs of Sweetwine Woods on Scalvoris

                                Information: The grubs of the Grizzly Bee are highly sought after by freshwater fisherman. Their scent and coloring is often ideal for attracting salmon and trout, particularly in standing water such as lakes or ponds. They are also considered a delicacy for animal handlers to use as feed for creatures that feast on insects such as birds and reptiles as they are highly nutritious and tasty.
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                                          [Scalvoris] Materials

                                          Name: Ol' Tuck's Shellshine (Clay)
                                          Type of Material: Clay
                                          How To Gather: With buckets and other implements for carrying clay
                                          Skill Level/Skills Needed: Field Craft (Novice) to gather, Pottery (Novice) to use.
                                          Rarity: Very Common on Scalvoris. Found easily around Ol' Tuck's Run. Uncommon off of Scalvoris.
                                          Durability: Medium (for clay)
                                          Estimated Price: 5 sn per pound
                                          Native to: Scalvoris

                                          Information: Ol' Tuck's Shellshine is a fairly standard clay. If used in pottery, it functions normally, albeit makes shinier objects. However, the more common use of it is to apply it to a dull object, and let it sit in the sun for a day. Once the clay is broken off the object, it will be cleaned and shinier than if it were new and will retain the shine for about 5 tentrial. If applied to rusty objects and left in the sun for 5 trials, it will completely remove the rust.

                                          Developed by Qit'ria
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                                                    [Scalvoris] Materials

                                                    Name: Turtle Emerald
                                                    Type of Material: Gemstone
                                                    How To Gather: Find it in Ol' Tuck's Run
                                                    Skill Level/Skills Needed: Field Craft (Novice) to gather, Jewelrycrafting (Novice) to use
                                                    Rarity: Very Common on Scalvoris, easily found in Ol' Tuck's Run. Uncommon off Scalvoris.
                                                    Durability: Low (for gems)
                                                    Estimated Price: 1 SN Base x (per carat + per width modifiers) x2 if a segment is whole OR x100 if whole shell found intact
                                                    Native to: Ol' Tuck's Run

                                                    Information: Turtle Emeralds are formed when the shells of the many turtles and tortoises fall into the mineral rich waters of Ol' Tuck's Run and sit for many arcs. The high concentration of quartz and other minerals causes the shells to crystallize into a beautiful gemstone of green hues. Typically the shell segments fall apart from each other in the process, but in extremely rare cases a whole shell can be found crystallized. These gemstones are quite brittle, and are a favorite for youth as they are easy enough to find for anyone.

                                                    Developed by Qit'ria
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                                                              [Scalvoris] Materials


                                                              Developed by Tio Silver
                                                              Type of Material: Metal
                                                              Acquired By: Mining
                                                              Rarity: Rare
                                                              Details: This pitch black metal is uniquely found inside the volcano on Faldrass, where the intense heat and pressure are just right for it to form. When placed on a fire or other hot surface it will slowly absorb excess heat energy from it and then very slowly release it once taken away, making it a desirable material to obtain for nobles, as if left over a fireplace it will keep the room warm for the rest night when the fire is out.
                                                              Price: 300gn per ingot.
                                                              Other Information: After years of experiementing Forbick has found a way to blend Magmakite into other metals so as to give them a special property without loosing sharpness or durability. For an extra 300gn a weapon bought (in thread) from Forbick will be a shade darker and laced with thin black veins, and will retain the heat of any temperature it is exposed to for trials to come without melting. The handle and sheath of this weapon will be modified to make it safe to hold.
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                                                                        Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

                                                                        Yellow Sand

                                                                        Developed by Devin
                                                                        Type of Material: Sand
                                                                        Short Description During the trial, when the suns are shining, Yellow Sand looks just like the sand that you can find on beaches all across Idalos, with the exception of a slight yellow tinge. When darkness falls, it emits a soft phosphorescent glow for a while before it begins to fade again though. It is not strong enough to light up a room, but quite pretty to look at.
                                                                        Found On specific beaches on the island of Scalvoris, usually mixed in with Gold or Red Sand. Please see this thread.
                                                                        Toxicity/Hazard Yellow Sand is about as dangerous as normal sand. Eating a little does not have any side effect (although people might think you weird if they see you eating sand). Eating Yellow Sand in larger quantities might cause abdominal pain though. Since the glow is not very strong, it is impossible to tell if you glow on the inside once you have ingested it.
                                                                        Appearance During the trial, Yellow Sand looks just like normal sand, with the exception of a slight yellow tinge. At night, it emits a soft phosphorescent glow for a while though.
                                                                        Properties Yellow sand emits a soft phosphorescent glow.
                                                                        Rarity Uncommon
                                                                        How To Use Can be gathered and put into a jar. Someone with Expert Alchemy can use it to make items that glow. Expert Glassworking is needed to make various glass products.
                                                                        Side Effects None.
                                                                        Status Legal
                                                                        Price Tier 5
                                                                        Notes Can only be gathered on Scalvoris.
                                                                        Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
                                                                        Fast Facts
                                                                        Knowing It
                                                                        -- Scalvoris: Novice
                                                                        -- Idalos: Competent
                                                                        Wealth Tier
                                                                        -- Scalvoris: Tier 5
                                                                        -- Idalos: Tier 7
                                                                        Sell/Buy It
                                                                        -- Scalvoris: Competent
                                                                        -- Scalvoris: Uncommon
                                                                        -- Idalos: N/A
                                                                        Finding It
                                                                        -- Scalvoris: Competent
                                                                        -- Idalos: N/A
                                                                        Collecting It
                                                                        -- Scalvoris: Competent
                                                                        -- Idalos: N/A
                                                                        Using It
                                                                        -- Expert Alchemy to make items that emit light
                                                                        -- Expert Glassblowing to make various glass products
                                                                        Killing It
                                                                        Capturing It
                                                                        Tending It
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                                                                                  Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

                                                                                  Purple Sand

                                                                                  Developed by Devin
                                                                                  Type of Material: Sand
                                                                                  Short Description Purple Sand in and of itself has no unique properties, but it is much easier to work with than ordinary sand which makes it a favourite among crafters.
                                                                                  Found All along the eastern, south-eastern and southern coast of Scalvoris. Please see this thread.
                                                                                  Toxicity/Hazard None. If you eat excessive amounts of sand, you can get abdominal pain though.
                                                                                  Appearance Purple Sand is, as the name says, purple. It is a very vibrant shade of purple, and it is fine and pleasant to touch.
                                                                                  Properties Purple sand has no unique properties. It just looks pretty and is easy to work with.
                                                                                  Rarity Common
                                                                                  How To Use Purple sand be gathered and put into a jar. Glassblowers can use it to make various glass products. It can also be made into a simple, but vibrant purple paint, much more easily than other kinds of sand. Furthermore, it can be used to dye fabrics.
                                                                                  Status Legal
                                                                                  Price Tier 5
                                                                                  Notes Can only be gathered on Scalvoris.
                                                                                  Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
                                                                                  Fast Facts
                                                                                  Knowing It
                                                                                  -- Scalvoris: Novice
                                                                                  -- Idalos: Competent
                                                                                  Wealth Tier
                                                                                  -- Scalvoris: Tier 5
                                                                                  -- Idalos: Tier 6
                                                                                  Sell/Buy It
                                                                                  -- Scalvoris: Novice
                                                                                  -- Scalvoris: Common
                                                                                  -- Idalos: Uncommon
                                                                                  Finding It
                                                                                  -- Scalvoris: Novice
                                                                                  -- Idalos: N/A
                                                                                  Collecting It
                                                                                  -- Scalvoris: Novice
                                                                                  -- Idalos: N/A
                                                                                  Using It
                                                                                  -- Competent Glassblowing to make glass products
                                                                                  -- Competent Chemistry to make dye
                                                                                  -- Competent Painting to make paint
                                                                                  Killing It
                                                                                  Capturing It
                                                                                  Tending It
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                                                                                            Re: [Scalvoris] Materials

                                                                                            Copper Sand

                                                                                            Developed by Woe
                                                                                            Type of Material: Sand
                                                                                            Short Description A rare sand that requires meticulous sifting through blue sand to find even a single grain. When gathered in a sufficient quantity, the sand can be used to make a very rare and special glass that improves the quality of edibles plated, served, or prepared by copper glass utensils and cookware.
                                                                                            Found Egilrun
                                                                                            Toxicity/Hazard None
                                                                                            Appearance A metallic coppery sand.
                                                                                            Properties Improves edibles served or prepared with copper glass cookware (including but not limited to food, tea, alcohol, etc.) by one full tier of quality. Other uses as yet undetermined.
                                                                                            Rarity Rare
                                                                                            How To Use Process into glass and made into cookware/utensils by a master glassworker.
                                                                                            Side Effects None
                                                                                            Price Tier 8 x 1.4 to base price of skill kits, household items, and bespoke items.
                                                                                            Notes Due to limited availability, it's reserved for either those who perform important duties on behalf of the Egilrun community, for renown craftsman, or those who are owed a favor by the Glassblower's Union.
                                                                                            Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
                                                                                            Fast Facts
                                                                                            Knowing It
                                                                                            -- Scalvoris: Expert
                                                                                            -- Idalos: Master
                                                                                            Wealth Tier
                                                                                            -- Scalvoris: Tier 8
                                                                                            -- Idalos: Tier 9
                                                                                            Sell/Buy It
                                                                                            -- Scalvoris: Expert
                                                                                            -- Scalvoris: Rare
                                                                                            -- Idalos: Very Rare
                                                                                            Finding It
                                                                                            -- Scalvoris: Expert
                                                                                            -- Idalos: Master.
                                                                                            Collecting It
                                                                                            -- Scalvoris: Expert (time intensive, no more than a single measure could be found within an entire cycle.)
                                                                                            -- Idalos: Sand is only found in Egilrun.
                                                                                            Using It
                                                                                            -- Master Glassblowing for skill kits, household items, or bespoke items.
                                                                                            -- Master for other, as yet unknown uses.
                                                                                            Killing It
                                                                                            Capturing It
                                                                                            -- Highly coveted. Glassblowing Union members have been known to take out hits for people found undeserving of handling the sand.
                                                                                            Tending It
                                                                                            word count: 285
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