• Event • When Pigs Fly

A bright and joyful land on the surface, Rharne is a place that is full of mirth and mystery. With its capitol seated on the edge of Lake Lovalus, it serves as a busy trade city and tourist destination. Beyond the city lies the Stormlands, a sprawling golden countryside that is bursting with towns, farms and local wildlife.

Moderators: Pig Boy , Basilisk Snek

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Re: When Pigs Fly

Link to thread: Overhead Piggies Part 2
Names of PCs Involved: Illuvia
Number of pigs killed: 10
Number of pigs saved: 0
Summary of what happened in thread and confirmation that it's submitted for approval: Luvi and a group of hunters go after some pigs. Ten get killed and one well is obtained. Submitted for review!
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
You were very vague in the actual action about how many pigs Illuvia killed herself. I can't accept that number when it's only counted in summary. I won't be allowing such 'background kills' in the future.

1 pig confirmed killed.

word count: 104
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Pig Boy
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Re: When Pigs Fly

Just a friendly reminder for people, please if you intend to kill or save pigs, be specific in the actual killing or saving that you're doing so. I won't accept summary paragraphs at the end of a solo of how many you killed or saved. You don't have to go out of your name to lay hands on or name the pigs :lol: but at least describe each killing or saving while doing that. Thanks!
word count: 77
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Tristan Venora
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Re: When Pigs Fly

Link to thread: The Littlest Pigasus
Names of PCs Involved: Tristan Venora
Number of pigs killed: 0
Number of pigs saved: 5
Summary of what happened in thread and confirmation that it's submitted for approval: Tristan and his friends meet three hunters that are hunting a group of flying pigs. The hunters wound the smallest and clumsiest pig while the rest of the herd manages to escape.

Tristan persuades the hunters to stop killing flying pigs and tells them of his plan to give Westwind back its farmlands. They agree to stop, and what more, they decide to tell others to stop hunting flying pigs as well.

Tristan treats the injured pig and decides to take it home with him until it has recovered.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
1 saved directly by taking care of it and saving it from immediate death. The four let go don't totally count since they were let go of, and not led to safety. However I'll count one as saved, because the action of making the hunters stop should count for something.
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Re: When Pigs Fly

Link to thread: Pigs might Fly
Names of PCs Involved: Dandelion
Number of pigs killed: 0
Number of pigs saved: 1
Summary of what happened in thread and confirmation that it's submitted for approval: Dandelion live traps a pigasus for Rosebay to breed/fatten up. He also got pooped on.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
1 Pig saved.... for later :pig: :evil:
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Re: When Pigs Fly

Link to thread: Crash and Oink
Names of PCs Involved: Illuvia
Number of pigs killed: 3
Number of pigs saved: 0
Summary of what happened in thread and confirmation that it's submitted for approval: Luvi shoots down three pigs, interacts with a farmer who saves pigs, and a hunter who hunts them. Submitted for review!
 ! Message from: PIg Boy
3 Pigs keeled. :evil: confirmed.
word count: 63
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Re: When Pigs Fly

Link to thread: Dawn of the Pig
Names of PCs Involved: Netzach
Number of pigs killed: 1 (Not by Netzach, technically, but I'll still count it since he reaped the rewards of the kill)
Number of pigs saved: 0
Summary of what happened in thread and confirmation that it's submitted for approval: Netzach gets a message from his mage-mentor, gets told to kill a pig and take whats at its core (windstar). Goes down and discovers the first ever instance of Flying pigs in the city (Its 27th of Ymiden!). He tries and fails to kill a pig, finds others who succeed in taking one down. Devises a plan to steal the corpse. In the proccess, he tricks them into thinking the Flying Pigs have a curse on them, which they fall for when he reanimates the corpse of the pig.
This might start a nice little rumour down in the Dust Quarter about the flying piggies, which I'm sure our friendly-neighbourhood city mod might enjoy ;)

(Also I managed to get this in right at the cusp of 1st of august! I had the ending for the thread in my head for so long I just couldn't get around to it, but I did it!)
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
1 Pig... keeled :evil:
word count: 217
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Re: When Pigs Fly

Hello Fellow Pig Enthusiasts and Murderers alike,

So it's midnight somewhere. *checks watch* it's passed midnight in Kathmandu I think.... Anyway, that's reason enough to close this up and introduce you to the majestic and very much alive Pigasus!!!

Developed by Pig Boy
Price: ~ Tier 7
Habitat: ~ Mainly in Westwind Town in the Mudflats, but anywhere it's muddy. Can be found across Rharne.
Forum Location Stormlands
Lifespan and Development: The lifespan and development is similar to that of a ordinary domestic hog. However it has several unique characteristics that set it apart from others. A newborn pigasuslet gains the ability to float (not fly) upon weaning off their mother, beginning by hopping really high and floating on the wind, up until they grow to full measure at an arc old, where they can float very high above the clouds.

They float quite fast, and have a lot of endurance on the wing. They're buoyed by some internal force, rather than their wings. Like hot balloons.

They can generate a quick burst of speed every other break, by flapping their bacony wings really fast.

Their flesh tastes very very good.

The wings aren't what's keeping them afloat. They are covered in white-gray feathers, and the wing limb itself is very meaty and tender. The wings are used more for directional steering, not flying.

Pigasus have a curious ability that seems to be strengthened when their diet is supplemented with the ingestion of Rharnean slimes. When it's on a steady diet of slime, it dampens magical effects and Emean corruption around it. Its anti-magic properties are strong enough to lower the effectiveness of spells and techniques by one level when aimed at it, and ambiently around a ten meter radius around it. This ability does not function as usual unless they're on a steady diet of slimes. This also applies to the effects of wells or ensorcelled items.

Needless to say, this renders the capability of ensorcellers to render such pigasuses' byproducts such as bone, hide, leather, teeth, etc... as less than ideal to imbue with well-craft. They're quite unsuitable to this purpose, and trying will result in varying degrees of failure. The same goes for blood magic with alchemy.
Diet: Omnivore, but especially fond of truffles and slimes.
Temperament: variable, but mostly docile and domesticated in captivity.
RPG Abilities:
Ability 1 ~ Floating, and light bodies. They can float like baloons. Their wings are mostly of no use, but are used to alter course on the air, as they float and change directions.
Ability 2 ~ Slime ingestion, which results in anti-magic and Emean dampening.
Weakness 1 ~ They're so tasty, that people just want to butcher them right away so they can eat them.
Weakness 2 ~ Few natural defenses other than the ability to float away.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Idalos: Competent
Wealth Tier
-- Rharne: Tier 7
-- Idalos: Tier 8
Sell/Buy It
-- Rharne: 1 wp per pigasuslet. 3 per pigasus
-- Rharne: Uncommon
-- Idalos: Rare
Finding It
-- Rharne: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Collecting It
-- Rharne: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Using It
-- Food
-- Slime disposal
-- Anti-magic and other alchemical applications.
Killing It
-- Competent-Expert
Capturing It
-- Competent
-- Insignificant
Tending It
-- Competent

Thanks to all who participated in this little tracker style event.
word count: 572
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