• Graded • [Hopetoun] Night Prow-lers

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A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Re: Night Prow-lers

As expected of a time like this, Hopetoun was in chaos. People were running back and forth, some to fight and others to hide, while the group stood on the palisade to talk. Some animals seemed to be pushing people around, animals that seemed all too familiar. Yet one seemed to acknowledge Varlum but made no moves to stop him. Nir'wei's animals. Perhaps it remembered him from the battle against Kata, or perhaps it knew better than to try and force Varlum around.

"We need men to fight, not to hide" the Ithecal reinforced after Darius addressed Nir'wei, confirming his suspicions. "Keep these beasts away. Now isn't the time for cowering. Now we act."

Despite the chaos of it all, however, this was familiar. Storm's Edge had been no different, the first battle against the Flameborn had been no different. Everyone panicked and concerned, some rushing to battle while others rushed to safety. Maybe Varlum was simply a magnet for this kind of chaos. Or perhaps he simply had impeccable timing. Either way, he was here now. This was where he thrived. War. Battle. It was his domain, after all. Violence.

Seeing the history of the boats offered him very little, beyond the alchemy that had been used to create them and the image of just how old they were. Unfortunately, he knew nothing of alchemy and what it might mean. But he knew battle. These boats would sink, be it through the fire of his magic or his bare hands. He'd rip them apart himself if he had to.

At the sound of a familiar voice Varlum turned his gaze aside. "Well. Small fucking world" he couldn't help but smile at the sight of Elisabeth. First Nir'wei, now Elisabeth. All he needed was Faith to show up and everyone from his past would be making appearances. "Good to see you alive and well. And far stronger than I recall" he nodded, sensing the defiance spark that flared within her. Truth be told, he had changed too since they had last met. Stone had turned to magma, sharp spikes laced his back. But moreso, his mind had changed. Even when the battle had begun at Storm's Edge he had been a different man. He'd seen less. Fought less. That was the Varlum that threw himself under a spear to save a life and it had nearly killed him. Now he was Varlum, slayer of Kata. A man that had torched an Aukari from the inside with defiance.

Perhaps he was harsher now. Or perhaps he had just learned to do what had to be done.

His head turned to Darius as they spoke of the defenses available, as well as a battle plan. "We get to the waters edge, I'll make sure those ships don't touch the ground. I bear the mark of my father, Faldrun. They won't get close without burning" he explained, openly admitting to being the son of Faldrun. Perhaps it was brave, but Elisabeth knew him well enough to know he was good. Realizing that his mark of Faldrun would be news to her, and would likely surprise her given his blatant hatred of the Immortal, he turned his eyes to Elisabeth for a moment. "Long story."

When Darius pointed out that Varlum may need to keep his word sooner than he realized, however, the Ithecal nodded his head. "You keep your men behind me and I swear to you, I'll do everything in my power to keep them alive. You have my word."

That sentiment was quickly interrupted by the sudden burst of rain, however. It turned out the time for talking was over. As quickly as the rain poured so too did the phantoms in the rain appear. Shadowy figures that seemed to take the shape of an all too familiar group. An Aukari that had slaughtered his friends. Faldrun, his father. Kata, the Immortal he'd killed. All people he'd sworn to destroy given the chance, all of which had taken something from him.

With no hesitation Varlum let out his Dragon's Cry, turning to face the enemy ships. A loud roar that spanned over two miles burst out of the Ithecal. A part of it was the intimidation aspect, hoping to unsettle his enemies, even if it would unsettle his allies too. But more than that. It would draw attention to him, make him seem the bigger threat to his enemies. As such, he also activated his Serpent's Hood from his blessing of Ethelynda, making himself the main target to every hostile he could. He had no idea how these phantoms worked but he knew how it would effect mortals.

Without a second to breathe he turned himself to the others, head snapping back. "Prepare whatever troops you can, I can't let those ships get closer. If you can't make it to the beach then keep the settlement secure" he hissed at Darius and Elisabeth before turning to his various spirits. "You. Keep these fucking phantoms off me, keep me alive." he ordered to the hellhound before looking to the bear and summoning a Serpent of Ethelynda in front of him, another Spirit to add to the list. "Let no man or woman die if you can help it. You see a civilian under attack you help pull them to cover!"

With that order given, and with no time to discuss or argue with the others, Varlum threw himself off the outside of the pallisades with a leap. As he got closer to the ground he prepared to meld with the Earth, sinking into it immediately as if he was diving into water. He had a short distance to travel to the beach but he needed to get closer to the ships. If it was simply the ships he would have no fear, no worry of the enemy breaking through his shields. But the rain changed everything. They had magic of some kind, or a blessing. Something empowering them. It made them unpredictable. He couldn't leave the fight to chance.

So he'd take the battle to them.

As he rushed through the ground towards the beach he allowed the scratch on his hide to draw on Syroa's corruption, calling upon a pair of leathery wings that would sprout out of his back. They enhanced his control over fire and air, making him stronger. It was a dangerous combination. Faldrun's blessing, Defiance at a level very few could obtain and these wings. He could summon heat that would tear flesh apart in moments, burn ships with ease and even melt stone. Which meant these ships would fall fast - or at the very least the people onboard would die.

On the surface his hellhound rushed to the beach with him, while his other various Spirits ran through Hopetoun to protect anyone they could find, dragging them to shelter. As of right now the rain couldn't touch him, meaning the phantoms had no sway over him. It was his only moment of respite, however. Soon he would be on the surface again. Soon he would be face to face with his enemy.

Once he was at the beach he would rise from the ground and stand before water. The rain wasn't pouring over the boats. Perhaps they weren't immune to their own abilities, or maybe only the person casting them was immune. That was how most of his own power worked. It didn't discriminate targets, friend or foe. The boats were vulnerable. So long as they weren't fireproof he would be able to sink them here and now.

Only one way to find out.

From above the boats the sky would turn red as Fire Fall was called upon. They wanted to rain hell on Hopetoun? Then Varlum would let it pour. Small blasts of fire poured out in a random pattern over a 150ft radius, targeting at least one boat, more if he could fit it in the radius. As the fire would fall Varlum would use his Defiance and his Elemental manipulation to ensure they hit their mark by targeting them to each boat, as well as raising the heat so the flames would fall white hot, capable of scorching flesh, woods and even burning through stone. Combined with the wings of Syroa on his back and he would ensure the heat was like nothing these pirates had ever seen. This was only the beginning of what the Mortalborn could do - and he would use it all if it meant keeping the innocents behind him safe.

Should he be in range of any phantoms his Spirit of Turmoil would seek to fight them, growing stronger the more chaos and turmoil was around him. It would be enough to keep them at bay for now he hoped. All of his focus went on torching those ships before the people or weapons on board would become a threat. As one final attack on the enemy he would call on Solar Purge. A beam of pure sunlight, targeted directly for one ship. Hot enough to try and cut a hole clean through the hull.

"Come on. What else have you got?"
word count: 1553
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Re: Night Prow-lers


Arc 723, 26 Cylus

Trouble always had a way of crashing the party when the universe felt things had been too quiet for too long. Elisabeth had long accepted that her life would be filled with adventure, but sometimes she wished the midpoints between such were a bit longer. Oddly enough, the thin circlet Tiara with two Krorros abilities: Conqueror's ArmorThe Blessed creates a set of perfectly fitted black plate armor, and the required padded garments for wearing plate armor, that instantly appears on their body upon creation. The armor is no more durable than common armor and isn't a proper replacement for a personalized set of armor forged by a master smith, but can be summoned as many times as needed, meaning that Raskalarn's Blessed are never unarmored in a fight, even if they're caught unawares. & Conqueror's EmpowermentAn ability that spreads out like an aura from the Blessed, Conqueror's Empowerment affects all those who are truly loyal to the Blessed, granting them enhanced durability and strength. While this power is active, both the Blessed and the ones they're empowering are given a sigil that glows with black light. The sigil is in the shape of the Krorros crown, but covers their upper chest and shoulders instead. Sustaining this ability comes at a cost to the Blessed, draining them the longer its sustained, with the average time this ability lasts being up to a break.. - Awarded by Jackalope in Ruin's Dawn: Conquering Hive woven into her hair reminded her that such would never be true and that remaining vigilant was necessary.

This time, trouble had brought pirates to Faldrass' doorstep, and the young leader wasn't pleased. Her own self being in danger was commonplace. Threatening those who inhabited Faldrass, people who had already seen and risen above adversity? That enraged her more than she could express, which made Haven's leader a dangerous adversary.

She understood while her reputation had grown throughout Scalvoris, her abilities weren't widely known, as were the things she had access to, and Elisabeth liked it that way. It meant she could play the wild card role and use the element of surprise more significantly.

There was something else, though. Something…off. It wasn't the first time she had been involved in a situation of dire nature, but from the moment she woke that morning, Elisabeth had felt…off. At first, she thought perhaps it was like the way things had come on, before the Forging, with the visions, but that wasn't it. There was tiredness but not normal fatigue. It was probably just life catching up to her, but she had little time to consider the matter.

Varlum's comment brought a smile to her face. "One needs to be strong these days, my friend. By the grace of many, I'm still standing. I think my husband would prefer my life be a little less exciting, though."

First and foremost, though - dealing with the beasts trying to herd her. Glancing at her two companions with a look of confusion, Elisabeth tried to piece together what was happening. As far as she could deduce, they weren't trying to hurt her. They did, however, want her to go someplace or do something. Most any other time, she would have happily complied, but with lives in danger, there wasn't a moment to lose.

"Do either of you know what's going on here?" Asked of both Darius and Varlum, she wondered if either had insight she did not. Hurting the animals wasn't an option, but they were getting quite insistent about the matter, making it even more difficult for her to evade their advances.

The reunion with Varlum was short-lived, as the three launched into collaborative discussions regarding the situation. Looking out at the ships, a few things struck Elisabeth, picking up clues to a few players' identities. An avid reader of the Baron Books, she recognized the flags of Red Seas and The Haunted and knew a little of both. Perhaps that information would be helpful as the three discussed what needed to happen in the next moments.

Darius supported her thoughts about helping to boost their own peoples' morale while doing the opposite to those opposed to them, so without further ado, she stepped slightly away from her companions, eyes set on the sea. For what she needed to do, her thoughts had to focus.

She was Adored of Xiur, her feet firmly planted within his holy land. There was a connection to him here that was unlike most places – she could feel it. Reaching for that, she unleashed an ability Shadow of Doubt: The Blessed brings clouds overhead to create a dusk-like atmosphere that strips the morale from enemies over a broad area. Those of only Novice Discipline or Resistance throw down their weapons and run or surrender. Competent level enemies back away, promising no aggression. Expert level enemies stand their ground, but do nothing unless attacked. Master or higher are unaffected, but will probably reconsider any aggressive act if many of their support troops are demoralized.she had used before, sending waves of uncertainty and doubt hurtling toward those that came for them, trying to inflict hurt and pain. While it was unclear to her how far the ability could span, Elisabeth fervently hoped it would be enough. She passionately believed in Xiur and his domains, pouring every ounce of hope into her being and that belief.

"Thank you, Xiur – for believing me worthy." Softly spoken, Elisabeth felt it only right to express appreciation to those that imparted such meaningful gifts to her.

While still in that state of hope, she turned her mind to her companions and the people of Hopetoun. People that had already suffered but risen despite circumstances. The current situation shouldn't have been happening, yet it was, and she would do everything in her power to help.

With that firmly in her mind, she reached out again, this time to Ethelynda, whispering under her breath. "Be with us, and let your gift to inspire steel the hearts and souls of those that stand here to fight the evil that comes." In releasing the ability Ethelynda's Thanks[/b] - With thanks for all she has done, Ethelynda gifts Elisabeth one of her abilities. She thanks Elisabeth for seeking to Inspire those around her and gives her this ability. This may be utilised 3 times a season.
to spread out around her, whispered gratitude also was sent to the one who thought her worthy enough to wield the gift in the first place.

The young mage then returned to her companions, having set into motion what she could for the moment. They had decisions to make and little time to do so. There had been time to make a few observations, and it seemed the right moment to convey what she knew.

"Red Seas and The Haunted – I'm sure of it. They are a part of Scalvoris history, and the Baron mentioned them in his books." Darius soon confirmed that with comments of his own - comments that supported what she knew to be true of the pair. "I agree that this is not a surprise from Red Seas, despite the very fact of Pirate Lords looming again, but it seems out of character for The Haunted."

That part of the equation bothered her so her thoughts lingered a bit longer, trying to ascertain Capstone - Snap Analysis from what she knew of the pair as to why The Haunted would be involved. Did Red Seas have something on him that forced him against his will?

Darius had plans and ideas. He knew his people's abilities best, and she was willing to defer to him, but Varlum had vast experience going up against the kind of evil they were facing. It wasn't commonplace and often ugly. She, too, had seen her share of it and wasn't looking forward to what was coming, but it would take all of them working together to claim a victory that day, even though the word 'victory' was hollow when conflict was involved.

Varlum's comment about having Faldrun's mark caused a curiously raised eyebrow. During their time in Rharne, the Ithecal had imparted to her some extreme opinions about his father, so his bearing that mark was surprising. Regardless, Elisabeth knew his heart and soul. He was still the one that had sat with her outside, under the stars, talking about the past and future. More importantly, he was and always would be her treasured friend. If Varlum wanted to burn things using Faldrun's power, she trusted him to do just that.

The pair commented on the long-range weapons, prompting Elisabeth to mention something she had observed, hallmarks of logistics behind the scenes. "Their troops are prepared. Very prepared. This was not a spur-of-the-moment thing. If there are issues in other places, then that reinforces that this is a highly scripted affair with a clear endgame we aren't privy to. Surprise and preparedness are on their side."

Another thought came to her. "But they couldn't have known who would be where." Her experience with logistics informed her that while logical assumptions had probably been part of the plan, they couldn't have known she or Varlum would be in Hopetoun. Darius, perhaps, but even he traveled a great deal. It was overkill, so to speak, to send two Pirate Lords to deal with a settlement the size of Hopetoun.

"Why two Pirate Lords? This stinks of a much bigger plan. Saoire's School, maybe? Hopetoun was just the first stop – we must stop them here and now." What that plan was, she had no idea, nor did they have time to get into the weeds of it. Their objective was clear.

When fear tried to creep into Elisabeth's soul, it was times like these that she searched for inspiration. The feel of Ilaren's gauntlet around her arm reminded her that even in the darkest moments, light could be found in the most surprising places – such as lightning. Around her neck, a necklace that had been with her since the beginning, and Balthazar's ring, quietly speaking to commitment. A gifted chainstone, something she never left home without, prompted her to remember her inner strength and all that she had already fought.

It all gave her a sense of grounding, which was needed, but beyond all that, the thought of the people of Haven and Balthazar always allowed her to find her center. They were 'home' to her, and her home was in danger, whether by those in front of her or the unknown of the situation brewing in Haven. The longer the problem was allowed to continue, the more people would get hurt. They needed to find a way to shut down what was to come quickly.

They needed an advantage and fast. Luckily, Elisabeth had some saved up for a metaphorically rainy day.

It wasn't a pleasant memory, Immortal's Tongue, Especially not after learning what happened to Balthazar there. However, after everything was said and done, a gift had been bestowed upon her. It was something she kept close at hand, and the current situation seemed appropriate.

Pulling out an exquisite white eagle feather Cassion's Eagle Feather: Image - A singular feather from Cassion's eagle. One use to call for the aid of the Eagle, wherever Elisabeth may be.from her pack, Elisabeth made her wishes known. "I call upon Cassion's Eagle to aid us in this battle."

And that was when the non-metaphorical rain came. Huh. Guess it was a rainy day after all.

Having felt the drops on her skin, Darius' warning came too late for Elisabeth. Chrien? Well, the pirates were flying her flags, so that made sense, but again, what was the point? If two Pirate Lords were overkill, what did that make an added Immortal? Was Chrien trying to lure Saoire out? Elisabeth knew first-hand the wrath of Chrien, having witnessed her rage on more than one occasion and caution was definitely required.

More likely than direct involvement, there was a marked of Chrien in the advancing force. Given a few trills to think, the logical answer came to her – Red Seas. If the rumors were true about the pirate lord, hatred and anger drove the woman, making her rather perfect for the Immortal of Storms and Spite.

What happened next was terrifying in the most familiar way possible. Images of people in masks flooded her vision while questions of doubt filled her ears. Two different inner demons surfaced simultaneously, attacking her while the rain fell. With a moment of clarity, Elisabeth commanded the tiara she wore, activating its ability to provide her with armor – Raskalarn's gift. It could, perhaps, keep some rain off her, but regardless, the armor was a welcome addition.

"Red Seas!" Elisabeth voiced her guess by calling out to Darius and Varlum as she unsheathed her sword. "She might be a marked of Chrien. We should focus on neutralizing her." It also made sense tactically as of the two pirate lords, Red Seas presented as the more aggressive of the pair.

This last thing - the phantoms - prodded Varlum into action. Drawing her sword Masterwork + quality longsword made out of Adamantite ,Elisabeth slashed at any specters approaching her, trying to ignore the voices gleefully dancing in her mind, rattling off the same laundry list of insecurities that Isis had fought her with. With a quick thought, the mage called upon her kin element, alighting her weapon in a blaze of flames Defiance - Caress, hoping to make the phantoms consider approaching her more carefully, buying her a bit of time for things to unfold.

A quick glance at Darius found him battling something of his own creation; Fastia as well. Things were slowly getting out of hand - never a good position to be in when controlling the tide of battle could often make or break it.
OOC Notes
Has done:
  • Is trying to evade Nir's beasts. Also asking Varlum and Darius if they know what's going on with them.
  • Uses the Nalos ability "Shadow of Doubt" on the bad peoples
  • Uses Ethelynda's gifted custom ability "Inspire" on the good peoples
  • Uses Capstone "Snap Analysis" and psychology to try to figure out why The Haunted is working with Red Seas
  • Uses Cassion's Eagle feather to call for aid
  • Uses the Raskalarn tiara ability "Conqueror's Armor"
  • Identifies Red Seas as a possible Chiren marked
  • Uses Defiance technique "Caress" on her sword.

    Abilities Used
    Starry Eyes
    The Blessed can always see perfectly well in all darkness. What's more, he can detect Shadow-form Naerikks, and can see through the shadow-based blessings of Audrae, if his blessing level is superior to theirs. This does not, however, cure blindness.
    Snap Analysis (Socialization)
    Elisabeth's experience dealing with a wide variety of people, personalities, and attitudes has led her to develop a keen social awareness of people and how they interact with each other. She's aware of the complexities of human social relationships and has a deep understanding of key social processes. In working with the settlers of Haven, her dealings with Scalvorian government and politics, and even personal relationships, her ability to read between the lines and troubleshoot social interactions has dramatically sharpened. Time is of the essence sometimes in social situations, and Elisabeth has learned to waste none.

    This diverse experience allows Elisabeth to quickly assess tense social interactions between people, sorting through and understanding the underlying issue with little direct information being presented to her.

    Abilities Noted (I have tried to include all abilities that might be relevant to what Elisabeth is doing, but please know I’m not assuming success. In some cases, it is very much a FAFO situation)

    Novice Tier 2 Ability - Logistical 'Bones'

    Elisabeth has spent a lot of time making plans for all sorts of projects over a wide range of skills. Her ability to walk into a situation, quickly assess what's going on based on the information in front of her and develop a road map for an operation is something that her experiences have well-prepared her for.

    During her development as a leader, Elisabeth coupled her love of learning with the idea that she needed to know anything and everything about a skill before she could be helpful in developing a logistics plan for something related, but over time, she's realized that all logistics boil down to similar 'bones,' and has adapted her abilities to recognize and adjust them regardless of the project.

    The depth of experience she's had allows Elisabeth to break down any project to the logistical 'bones,' regardless of her level of skill in abilities necessary for the project (engineering, gardening, woodworking, etc) and swiftly create a solid plan. For example, she doesn't need to know anything about textile production to be able to develop a feasible, well-considered plan to build a material production operation. The participants in the projects she makes also do not require levels in related skills in order to carry out her plan.

    This ability requires her direct oversight and total attention. She cannot set up everything needed at all times with no knowledge of any of the skills she has set up - she needs to set a task with a clear goal and monitor the progress to prevent errors or miscommunications. If these processes already include capable people (at the required skill level for the task and carrying out tasks that they should be reasonably expected to complete) then they can continue without her intervention once they begin, but those of lower skill won't last.

    There is a limit, however, to the quality of the product of this method. Those that know nothing about what they are doing will never excel beyond those that do, so while the results will be of a good quality, as though made by someone of a high-competent, and the tasks they complete will be as though those involved have a high-competent skill level, it will never outright replace the work of someone at Expert or above, and any tasks they do will have the usual minor errors or issues that would not otherwise have happened to someone of an acceptable skill level.

    This ability is flexible in terms of moderator interpretation. There are no mechanics attached to it and is intended to be utilized in a logical manner and within story/plot parameters."

    The Delegation Expectation (Leadership)

    Elisabeth’s experience with the Haven settlement has helped hone her into a practical, positive leader. Through projects such as constructing the clam farm in Haven and working with others on the planning and building of Munny Farm, Elisabeth has honed several different aspects involved with the leadership of people, earning her a positive, wide-spread reputation.

    While being hands-on is something Elisabeth is known for, there are times when she needs to delegate specific jobs to others, empowering individuals to exercise autonomy in dealing with an aspect of a task that she is involved in. When delegating, Elisabeth can inspire an npc/pc to operate at one skill level above their current stage, and it applies to any one skill relevant to the task.

    This capstone only applies to one skill for one npc/pc per thread. It does not apply to groups.

    Elisabeth must personally give the task to the pc/npc, although her presence is not required. She needs to have a direct method of instructing the npc/pc (echo scroll, for example). Communication must be direct and understandable, as per echo scroll or direct communication, as though through speaking.

    Waste Not, Want Not (Logistics)

    Being the leader of a fledgling settlement with limited resources has taught Elisabeth different ways of maximizing what's available. Whether dealing with manpower or materials, she's become extremely skilled in planning the use of resources to down to the tiniest details, honing tips and tricks over several different projects.

    When Elisabeth plots logistics for projects, less material and/ or resources are needed to complete them due to her efficiency in this skill, knowing how to effectively stretch available resources/materials for maximum effect, allowing her to need 25% less. This encompasses human and material resources.

    HR Savant (Logistics)

    Elisabeth's experience with the settlers of Haven, cataloging their skills and organizing them to tasks best suited to their abilities, has allowed her to develop a keen awareness of how to use human resources quickly to their maximum effect and efficiency.

    The result of these honed abilities is being able to do more with fewer people. When Elisabeth is involved in planning a project, task, etc., that requires the use of people, the amount of labor needed to accomplish it is decreased by 25%.

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Re: Night Prow-lers

There were three things that all wise men fear, went a quote Nir'wei had heard passed down through many families, across campfire after campfire. The sea in a storm, that roiled with blood-eyed fish. A night with no moon, their own marred with tainted stormclouds. And the anger of a gentle man.

She was no man, of course, she wasn't even human... but there was something deeply, awfully wrong about how so many of the people she tried to guide to safety seemed so resistant. Didn't they see the danger so near and understand that it was time to leave? No matter how gentle she tried to be, they pulled back, afraid and confused. No matter how firm - for when she tried to hold her ground and push them towards the safety of higher ground and the indoors, they pushed back and readied themselves for a fight, as though she was attacking them! She could have roared in frustration and disbelief!

She wouldn't fight back, though. No, she couldn't - this wasn't the time or the place to devolve into petty squabbles, no matter how much she wanted to make them see that she was only trying to help, if they'd listen to her. She backed away from their swings with ears tucked down, overcome with... helplessness. Ledas' verbal lashing, the complete reluctance to seek shelter, was the last straw entirely.

Nir'wei, far away and otherwise very preoccupied, received Darius' message at that moment, and finally turned his full attention to his own Forged Diri, Gaddwin. "Darius. Varlum." There were a lot of emotions in his tone. Frustration, surprise, confusion... but for all of it, his reply to the command were quiet. Not out of restraint. More like all that anger, that had at first boiled red-hot, had quickly melted away again into resignation. "Did you not think I had a very, very good reason to send whatever animals I could spare to make sure you got inside as quickly as possible?" It was a genuine question, but he didn't give time to answer. "Check your Echo Scrolls. It should hit you now. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help." Then he tuned out, focused on something else far away again.

Darius had said to either stand down or fight, and she opted for the former. A sharp bark at Bachu to stay put and close to the Hopetoun leaders, and Kin dematerialised, seeking to reunite with Nir'wei as quickly as possible. It tore everything, inside and out, to abandon them so, just as she knew that Castile had done for Haven. She could not bring herself to cause more issues for the defenders, though, nor could she fight what was coming, or save those left behind.

Bachu, the towering ten-foot fox, seemed considerably less concerned with corralling the Hopetoun civilians. She passed a long, lingering look over Darius and Elisabeth, as though looking for something, before turning her attention back to those few still fleeing for safety and protecting them with her larger form as they took shelter. She showed little inclination to join the front lines, mostly because she frightened the people around her, and the pirates were yet to land upon their shores where she could bite a good few chunks out of them.

There were also a few particularly pressing matters that stopped her - the first being the sudden torrential rain, that soaked the fox's fur almost down to the skin, and conjured shadowy creatures that swiped at her from the shadows. She hopped back, agile on her feet despite her size, snapping and spinning to lash out at the phantoms, in-between continuing to help others to safety as best as she could.

The second, however, was Varlum's ear-piercing roar. The shudders it sent down Bachu's spine were perhaps even worse than those left by the shadowy creatures, and acting on pure instinct and fear, she turned and fled from the large creature through narrow streets and across the rain-soaked roads, towards the nearest abandoned shelter she could find to hide. Better to be alive. Better to be prepared for what would soon come next... Bachu was no fool, to stand around on ceremony while being beaten down and harassed from the far distance the pirates held.
word count: 732
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: Night Prow-lers

Round 2 Complete!

Crispin: aka: The Fella on the Beacon / The Ships
As per Round 3, as Round 4 begins:

a) The large ships have moved quickly.
b) The balistas which start to fire at you. This will cause damage to Hopetoun, without doubt. They seem to be too far away - yet as the first one lands it is obvious that they have an extra / extended / unnatural range.
c) The animal frenzy is getting worse but, honestly, it's hard to tell what's frenzy and what's panic.
d) A strange yellow mist begins to descend.
e) The abject terror people are feeling is apparent - they fight and fight against invisible demons and then, things start to get better.

Ledas informs Darius of the situation in Ishallr.
Darius was invited to join with Induk Faldrass - he accepted.
Elisa asks you what's happening with the animals.
The Beacon targets the closest ship. Where it hits, it starts to burn. This is obvious / clear to see - but will be slow (round after next) before it has a chance of doing serious damage.
Crispin targets people activating the balista - but there are too many people for Crispin to keep up with.
Darius and Ledas speak (firmly) to Nir'wei. He replies.
Darius sent Varlum in the vanguard. He went (see Varlum's section).
Darius sent Elisabeth to the trees near the Hollow Sea. She didn't go there. There's a group of fighters who are seeking clarification (briefly, then they're fighting "demons")
Astra tells others what's happening via Echo Scroll.
He sees no tendrils but everyone (Astra, the guards, etc) are seeing their greatest fears. This is about to be very very bad. Darius would recognise that this rain is likely to be their undoing. Yet, he remains immune.
Darius prays to Cassion. Maybe the Taleweaver doesn't hear, or maybe he does. There's nothing obvious just yet.
Varlum roars and Darius feels abject terror (just in case he didn't already). Then, he starts to feel those feelings of unnatural fear abate.

Varlum reinforces Darius' point to Nir'wei.
Elisa asks you what's happening with the animals.
Varlum takes the vanguard, as Darius suggests. He goes to the beach.
The "demons" appear to Varlum - and he uses his Dragon's Cry ability. Then he sets his spirits / diri to fight the spirits. This allows Varlum to learn something - his diris don't see what's attacking Varlum - they see their own.
Varlum gets attacked by the "demons" - they will cause significant damage to Varlum by the end of the round. If he doesn't get rid of them somehow, he'll die next round.
He rushed through the ground, this pauses the rain and so stops the "demons" attacking a while.
Significant improvement to feeling positive.

And then - at the end of this round there's Varlum, using Fire Fall - the ships are large enough that he needs to target it at one ship. It will slowly destroy that ship - so please pick which one and feel free to describe it. By the end of the next round, if you keep your focus on the one ship - it'll be in major trouble (though not destroyed, just 70%).

Elisabeth asks Varlum and Darius what's going on with the animals.
She uses her "Shadow of Doubt" ability. It works, she knows it works, but it has no impact on the behaviour / actions of the crew on the ships. Why is not apparent.
She uses the ability granted to her by Ethylynda. That has a significant and positive impact on those around her.
She uses the Eagle Feather (please note, this is the only / single use of this item and it is no longer usable). Nothing is immediately apparent.
Elisabeth sets her sword aflame, but that doesn't impact the demons attacking her. She is in the open and not defending. By the end of this round, she has Very significant damage. If she doesn't get rid of them somehow, she'll die next round.

You leave.

  • There is a new ship on the horizon. What it is (in terms of which ship) isn't clear. However, there is a large white eagle sitting atop the crow's nest .......
  • Balistas strike Hopetoun, fires break out.
  • The rain continues. Darius continues to be immune. No one else is. Elisabeth's ability helps with people not hitting panic - BUT - it doesn't stop the "demons"
  • The yellow mist is - on all levels - wrong. Diris sense it - it makes them feel dizzy and sick and disoriented. You are - as of about half way through the next round - breathing it in.

word count: 788
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [Hopetoun] Night Prow-lers


Darius was relieved that Elisabeth and Varlum were in Hopetoun during this time of crisis. Of course, that wasn't to say he enjoyed having them in harm's way. But Elisabeth was not simply a dear friend. She was a skilled leader and swordmaiden, as well as being a calming influence. And though he didn't know Varlum, anyone who introduced themselves as "Vega's brother" was probably someone worth having around. Besides, just look at the guy - the ithecal was large and imposing enough to make any pirate think twice about getting into a fight!

But, alas, it wasn't as simple as that. If it was a fair fight between Varlum and one of the pirates, Hopetoun wouldn't have been under threat much at all. (Nor would it have been much of a fair fight, in truth!)

The pirates vastly outnumbered the settlers, they were firing ballistae at Hopetoun, and the rain was causing the defenders to become filled with terror.

There was nothing fair about this at all.

Nir'wei received Darius' message, and his creatures backed off. The settlement leader could sense the other man's frustration, but the man's intentions were undoubtedly honourable, and he could only express gratitude in return. With Kin and Bachu ceasing their attempted herding of Hopetounians, there was one less issue facing the settlers.

Nir'wei suggested Darius check his echo scroll, but it was temporarily rolled up and being used as a weapon to swipe at whatever Astra could see that Darius could not. It might have been comical, were it not so serious. Mysteriously impervious to the effects of the rain, Darius was able to grab hold of the brunette by her shoulders and lead her to shelter. Along the way, he repeated the instruction to others to find cover. Some of the soldiers began to hold their shield above their heads to serve as their own portable roof. When Darius got Astra out of the rain, he wrapped his thick coat around her, knowing that he didn't feel the cols like others did.

"Try to get out of your wettest clothes," he instructed her, and waited a moment to see that she was doing precisely that under the large coat before he took the echo scroll from her and returned his attention to what was happening on the water.

It all happened quickly, in just a matter of trills, as Hopetoun's leader moved at a frenetic pace. He quickly read the echo scroll as the rain bounced off the vellum.

Varlum agreed to lead a group of soldiers to defend the water's edge. That initially sounded like a good idea, but before Darius could organise who to send, the ithecal let out a terrifying scream that made the Hopetounians - Darius included - back away from him.

And then the ithecal was gone, seemingly too eager for a fight to wait for anyone to catch up.

At the same time, the soldiers Darius had arranged to go to the forest remained where they were, as their intended leader Elisabeth battled with her own fears brought on by the rain.

No members of the garrison were where Darius had wanted them to be, and the weather and its effects were threatening to be the settlement's undoing.

And, on top of that, the first attacks from the ballistae were beginning to land. The first couple of missiles fell short of Hopetoun, but it didn't take long before they began to land in the settlement, causing damage, fire, and even more chaos. In any other situation, Darius would have sent people to put out the fires, but that would not be possible in the rain.

Something had to be done.

Darius' mind initially reached out to Faldrass, but the Induk was preoccupied with protecting Saoire and the Arch Legatus was tempted to use his newfound abilities to good measure. A river of lavaAvatar of Faldrass would make short work of the pirate ships, but it would do nothing to deal with the rain or the encroaching fog. But what other option did he have?

The Scalvorian quickly went over the situation in his mind, which provided a glimpse of clarity. The Pirate Lords were attacking multiple places at the same time. Rather than an opportunistic raid of convenience, this was clearly a planned and coordinated attack. That meant the pirates must have done their homework; identified key locations; studied their opponents.

Darius was not an unknown entity. Though it was in his nature to downplay his own exploits, he had a reputation that preceded him. They probably knew he was FireForged. If so, there was every reason to think they might have planned for that somehow. And if they had what had happened at the Forging, they might even know he had been invited by Ishallr to become IceForged.

He had called on Cassion and not heard a reply. The Immortal certainly hadn't made his presence known as he had in the caves beneath Faldrass. And so Darius decided to do something else.

Standing atop the palisade, and with the yellow fog beginning to descend upon Hopetoun, the Scalvorian closed his eyes.

"Faldrass will be protected," he spoke to every Forged diri that could hear him, as if the Induk itself was speaking. "Faldrass will not fall. Scalvoris will overcome."

The words seemed to echo in his mind as each diri delivered his message to its ward.

His voice dropped to a whisper then, and he spoke only to Katara.

"Forgive me, friend. We will be reunited soon."

Katara squawked in apparent understanding, and then she was gone. Darius had severed their connectionLimit Breaker: A tricky, but useful ability to have in a pinch. In agreeing to work together, the four Induk of the Forged have created a weak bond between themselves which is further shared between their servants. With this ability the forged is able to replicate an ability belonging to whichever subfactions of the forged that they themselves have not joined that they would have unlocked with their current level of forged points. However drawing the power of an Induk they have not fully sworn themselves to carries its own consequences. After using the replicated ability, the forged will find their own bond with their diri temporarily severed for the same number of trials as the forged points needed to unlock the ability they replicated., and a few trills later, Darius opened his eyes. They shone a bright whiteAvatar of Sweetwine: When inducted as a Songforged a special bond is formed between the Forged and the Heart of Sweetwine. This bond not only binds the mortal to a Diri but it also forms a silent but residual bond with the Induk. It is only the most powerful of Forged that can call upon this hidden bond and summon forth the power of the Sweetwine Induk. This ability can be used anywhere due to the power of Sweetwine, linking the Induk to all of its Forged. Capable of being used once a Cycle, the Arch Legatus may beseech Sweetwine to come to their aid. If this call is accepted, the Induk will reach out and infuse the Arch Legatus with it’s will and it’s power. The Forged for a time will find that their consciousness melds with the strange and wild mind of the Induk. For that one moment they will no longer be wholly mortal. The Arch Legatus' eyes will turn a pure, shining white and their skin will be radiant with power.

The Arch Legatus may then control and manipulate any air within a mile of their position. They will also be capable of creating sonic booms and other incredibly loud noises.

This ability can last for twenty bits before the Induk will withdraw, otherwise the Arch Legatus' body will begin to fail due to the power flowing through it.
, and his body felt as though it was reverberating with power. His mind immediately went to work, controlling the air around him and beyond.

The first thing he did was create a wind that forced the fog and the rain away from Hopetoun. He pushed the rain over the water with the intention of positioning it above the two large ships. He wagered that the fog, being a less solid than a raincloud, might be more difficult to manipulate, and so it might simply disperse. But if it did not, he would send it to join the rain, allowing it to creep over the decks of the attacking ships.

With the pirates hopefully having to fight their own demons, Darius then set about suffocating the flames that had were breaking out in Hopetoun. He knew that a fire needed oxygen to survive, so he sought to put an end to them as quickly as possible. Even if he was unable to, by removing the rain and fog, he was enabling some of the settlers to come outside and fight the fires in a more conventional way.

And then, having done what he could to protect the settlement itself, he sent a fierce gale across the bay. His mind moulded the gusts to create a massive swell around the pirate ships. He knew from personal experience how terrifying a storm at sea could be - and so would Chrien, for she herself used it as a weapon - and so he sought to inflict it upon the attackers. He tried to create a swell fierce enough to cause the two ships to collide, or to have their masts tangle with one another, but even if that wasn't possible, he wagered that the combination of the rain, fog, and swell should - at the very least - prevent the ballistae from firing accurately as the deck of each ship rocked back and forth. And all the while, Crispin continued to shine the beacon light on any pirates he could see.

Darius watched on, the power of the Sweetwine Induk flowing through him. What might have seemed like chaos surrounded him, but from where he stood, it all made perfect sense, as though the winds were an orchestra and he was its conductor. His loose clothes, no longer shielded by his thick coat, rippled against his body, while the sword knot attached to his hip began to get caught by the wind.

And then something unusual happened. (Which is saying something, given that nothing that was going on could be called 'usual'.)

In the distance, beyond the storm and still upon calm seas, a third ship was sighted. One of the soldiers called Darius' attention to it, and he lifted his spyglass to one of his bright white eyes. He saw the eagle, but that was not what caught his eye. Although it was difficult to be certain, he thought he could make out a black and white shape on a gold field. And then the sword knot became suspended, as if it was pointing directly towards the approaching ship, reaching out to it.

"Is that...?"

Astra, warm and dry in Darius' coat and under shelter, had seen the same ship.

"It might be," Hopetoun's leader admitted, and as soon as he did that, he became convinced that it was. "Aye, I think it is."

A burst of hope washed over him as he announced not only to those around him, but to the diris who were listening.

"Liathen is coming! The Guardian is on her way!"
Post Summary
- Darius watches as Kin and Bachu back off.
- Darius gets Astra under shelter and wraps his coat around her so she can get out of her wet clothes.
- Darius retrieves the echo scroll from Astra.
- Darius watched in horror - (HORROR, I TELL YOU!) - as Varlum departed for the beach.
- Ballista ammunition starts to hit Hopetoun.
- Darius reaches out to Faldrass but the Induk was occupied with protecting Saoire.
- Darius considers using the Avatar of Faldrass Forged ability, but decides against it.
- Darius sends a message of defiance to every Forged diri.
- Darius uses the Limit Breaker Forged ability, thereby severing his connection with Katara for 100 trials.
- Darius uses the Avatar of Sweetwine Forged ability.
- Darius tries to control the air to push the rain away from Hopetoun and to the pirate ships.
- Darius tries to do the same with the yellow fog.
- Darius tries to suffocate the air of the fires to starve them.
- Darius tries to send a squall to wreck/capsize/damage the pirate ships, or, at the very least, throw off their aim.
- Crispin continues to shine beacon light at the pirate ships.
- Darius decides the third ship belongs to Liathen the Guardian and conveys this news to every Forged diri.
 ! Message from: Peg

Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:28 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 2125
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Re: Night Prow-lers

Varlum took a deep breath.

Everything quickly fell apart around him as hellfire rained down on his enemies. A strong enough storm of flames to shred a boat in seconds. Except for the fact that it didn't. There was notable damages, undeniably so. But the boat remained in one piece. They had prepared for fire. It all made sense. He'd seen it. Alchemists working on a boat. That must have been what they had done. The boats would be hard to sink, perhaps even impossible without overstepping, but he had to do something.

His train of thought was quickly interrupted by a deep slash as a feral roar left his mouth, pain mixed with anger as he turned around. The Hound of Faldrun at his side was busy fighting - but not anything Varlum would see. They had different demons attacking them. Along Varlum's back were two deep slashes from the phantoms, sharp enough to cut through the molten stone surrounding him. Without a second of hesitation he pushed the phantoms back with a short but powerful blast of wind, giving him enough time to grab his axe. The damage they had done to him was enough to hurt yet far from enough to keep the Ithecal down. It would take more than a couple of rain spirits to keep him from sinking these pirates.

But as Darius' storm manifested overhead and the rain started to push closer to the boats Varlum knew he had to do something. He didn't know what Darius had done, he barely knew what was going on. But he knew his window to strike was shrinking. Pushing the phantoms away had bought him time. If sending fire at the boats wouldn't be enough to sink them he had to find another way. Even if the storm tossed and turned against them, his enemy had control of storms. What if it wasn't enough? What if this just delayed the inevitable?

Without a second of hesitation he leapt.

Varlum had only used his wings for brief moments before, never having flown properly. But they also gave him greater control of the air, which he used to steady his course as best he could. It was rough, but the Air would not let him down now. It was a risky move even for Varlum. But he'd fought Kata and lived, albeit barely. Backing down wasn't his thing. Those phantoms were a mistake. They had hurt him, they were attacking the settlement. But the people they took the shape of would always remind him of what happened when he wasn't strong enough. Today was not another one of those days.

As he felt his chest tighten from the anxiety of being off the earth he continued towards the ships, remembering what happened in the battle with Kata. The pirates had prepared their boats to be immune to his elements, or at least resistant to it. But they were mortal. Just because their boats were immune to the fire and heat didn't mean they would be. As he flew through the air he focused on the pain his back, the anger he had felt seeing the phantoms - the threat to innocent people. If he didn't do this now more would die. More phantoms in the rain for him to see next time.

As soon as Varlum hit the deck there was a heavy thud as he landed on both knees, pain surging through his legs. There was only half a second of pause before the urge to scorch every inch of Idalos overcame him, a loud cry of hatred bursting out of him in the form of another Dragon's Cry - loud enough that the people of Hopetoun could hear him despite the distance. Then he erupted in flames. Faldrun's Rage overcame him as every inch of his body combusted and his breathing became heavy. The wings along his back, the rage of his father's mark, his Defiance - they combined to give him control of the Elements in a way even the strongest defiers could dream of. Even if he was in the firing line of the storm it didn't matter now. So be it. These pirates would die.

Varlum beckoned the air around him to kick up to high speeds as he mixed fire into it, creating a small sphere of flames and air around himself, pushing outwards. As he clutched his axe he used Heavy Burn and Coiled Strike, both increasing his strength and endurance exponentially. All he felt was rage. It was a power he would never have used in the midst of Hopetoun or even on the beach if others had accompanied him. But it was just him and the pirates now. The only life he was risking was his own. One life in danger to save hundreds of others. One chance to turn this fleet to ash.

As the fire and wind kicked up he would attempt to push anyone off the boat with the wind, while he pressed forward. The Ithecal burst out of his own windstorm with his axe raised high and slammed it down onto the nearest pirate, his newfound Strength assisting the blow as he plunged the axe through the neck of whoever was closest. While he did so Fire Fall activated - this time with him at the centre. He was immune to fire and could guide the fire to hit around himself if he had to, but with his newfound rage came a new aspect to his flames. Upon impact they would explode. Perhaps it wouldn't be enough to damage the boat. But anyone hit in the blast would suffer.

While fire and explosions would surround the ship he was on Varlum would seek out any pirates, attempting to cleave his way through any, using the wind and flames around himself to push people into the water or scorch them alive. So long as they couldn't shoot the ballistae it didn't matter. The rain would be approaching soon, which meant if he saw phantoms he'd have to focus his axe on them, but the Elements could handle the rest. As for the fog, Varlum had backup wings if he needed them, and the Air could carry him back if he had to use it. For now it was an afterthought.
word count: 1067
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Re: Night Prow-lers


Arc 723, 26 Cylus

Things, as they always seemed to, devolved quickly. The rain brought chaos to the intimate and raw scene, striking each person in unimaginable ways. The pain and horrors in front of her were not what Fastia faced, or even Varlum was. They only meant something to the one inflicted, yet all of them were united in fighting such.

The issue with such moments was that there was precious little time to sort out and problem-solve. Others, like Balthazar, were good at going with their gut instincts and running with them, but then again, he was someone that had done that his whole life. It was second nature to him, while for Elisabeth, the entire idea was a relatively new concept. "New," meaning since Balthazar. Her life really had changed since meeting, falling in love, and marrying him.

She knew his ring would be warning him, but Elisabeth couldn't deal with that right then. The only way to help the situation would be to get out of the problem – a very tall order.

It should have worked. In fact, she knew in her soul that it had, yet nothing had changed. There was no noticeable difference in their enemy, but Elisabeth knew it should have. There was something out there far, far more powerful than she, countering their moves.

Or…was there?

A quick glance told her where Darius and Valrum were. They were a powerful force to contend with between the three of them. The pirates were prepared – beyond prepared. That spoke to foreknowledge and considerable tactical acumen. She knew that the attack was part of a larger plan as spending so much force on Hopetoun didn't make sense, but figuring out the grand design of their intentions was too much for her to deal with right then: bigger fish to fry and all that.

Her body was taking considerable damage by the on-slot of phantoms, and the manifested armor wasn't helping the situation at all. Neither was the flame, for that matter. Both things together pointed Elisabeth down a new path of logic.

Chaos was a hallmark of Chiren, and it was reigning supreme at that very moment. Remembering what had happened outside Element Hall in Scalvoris, even the very air felt similar. It wasn't a huge surprise considering the flag of Chiren was flying. Elisabeth had already made her guess who the responsible party was, but that was the next problem to deal with – she had a bigger one to tackle first.

Once it was clear the phantoms weren't affected by her previous efforts, she launched into defending herself, blade aiming for anything it could strike. It hurt – a lot – but pain was an old friend. Elisabeth had felt it before in a multitude of ways, each time making her more and more immune to its paralyzing effects. She could power through each movement's searing torment better than many others. Some would consider how she gained said ability torture, but to her, it was a gift and something to embrace.

Amid turmoil and madness, clarity struck in the form of Balthazar's ring - she felt it telling her that the man she loved needed her.

Sapphire eyes turning to steel, Elisabeth poured every ounce of strength into summoning the wind, directing a powerful burst of the element outward from her in all directions, attempting to push anything in its path away for a few precious moments.

Elisabeth knew what she had to do.

Those who approached Hopetoun thought the phantoms would be their undoing, but truthfully, they were a critical mistake. She could appreciate their tactical value, but Faldrassians were exceptionally resilient people. If she could give them just one tiny fraction of hope, the Faldrassians could beat the phantoms.

"For Hopetoun!" The battle Fulcrum of Fervor - The Blessed can select a single word to empower with the ability to spread optimism. When he cries it, those nearby may take up the cry, compounding the power and range of it's uplifting effect. The fervor generated by this collective outcry will last until dawn of the next trial. This can only be cast once per cycle. At "Exalted", it can be cast three times per cycle.cry roared as loud as she could manage. She was Xiur's adored in his holy land. As such, the ability behind the cry came from the Immortal himself, one that hopefully would pick up steam, focus and remind people what they were fighting for.

It was a lie that Elisabeth had only faced Chiren once before. No, there had been another time – the crossing. U'frek had found her then, speaking of what was to come. Balance. Scalvoris lived and died on balance. The Induks talked in length about how important balance was to everything. The storm was the very soul of Chiren, full of spite and rage. The phantoms were the manifestation of that.

For everything, there was a counterbalance. To combat spite, Elisabeth would have to acknowledge what was in front of her and reject it. Lucky for her, the experience with Isis had shown her the way. She had to let the various forms of anger and resentment pent up inside of her go. Everyone had them, even if they didn't realize it.

No longer defending, Elisabeth went on the attack, using what strength she had left to make her stand, yelling into the air as she did so. "I reject you. I acknowledge what you are showing me and choose to let it go. It will no longer have power over me." She hoped that people nearby would hear and follow suit.

Spite was difficult to counter because, in truth, a standard definition of it didn't exist. It was wrapped up into little pieces of other things. Things that were hard to pin down. Elisabeth's own resentments didn't assert themselves in significant ways but subtle undercurrents. Always below the surface, simmering. But if what she was trying was to work, she needed to lay bare all those things and reject their power over her, releasing them.

So she did.

One by one, as the phantoms appeared before her, Elisabeth spoke of her resentment towards them, finally acknowledging what she had tried so hard to bury inside herself.

The last was Syroa and her followers, agents of fury that had dogged her and Balthazar for quite some time. Both had, either directly or indirectly, led to the couple's deaths. Elisabeth was tired, and time was short, but it was perhaps the grievance she needed to let go of the most and, therefore, the most important.

"I accept the part you have played in my life. The lessons taught, but you have no power over me anymore. I choose to let the bitterness go and learn from the experience instead of letting it turn me into someone I'm not. I choose hope, not spite or fury! I will always choose hope!"

Elisabeth would either live or die on hope. Hope is where she chose to make her stand. The past needed to stay in the past.

OOC Notes
Has done:
  • Starts defending using her sword
  • Uses Xiur's Fulcrum of Fervor
  • Switches to attacking the phantoms
  • Accepts that she harbors resentment and chooses to let them go to counter the phantoms

    Abilities Used
    Starry Eyes
    The Blessed can always see perfectly well in all darkness. What's more, he can detect Shadow-form Naerikks, and can see through the shadow-based blessings of Audrae, if his blessing level is superior to theirs. This does not, however, cure blindness.
    Snap Analysis (Socialization)
    Elisabeth's experience dealing with a wide variety of people, personalities, and attitudes has led her to develop a keen social awareness of people and how they interact with each other. She's aware of the complexities of human social relationships and has a deep understanding of key social processes. In working with the settlers of Haven, her dealings with Scalvorian government and politics, and even personal relationships, her ability to read between the lines and troubleshoot social interactions has dramatically sharpened. Time is of the essence sometimes in social situations, and Elisabeth has learned to waste none.

    This diverse experience allows Elisabeth to quickly assess tense social interactions between people, sorting through and understanding the underlying issue with little direct information being presented to her.

    Abilities Noted (I have tried to include all abilities that might be relevant to what Elisabeth is doing, but please know I’m not assuming success. In some cases, it is very much a FAFO situation)

    Novice Tier 2 Ability - Logistical 'Bones'

    Elisabeth has spent a lot of time making plans for all sorts of projects over a wide range of skills. Her ability to walk into a situation, quickly assess what's going on based on the information in front of her and develop a road map for an operation is something that her experiences have well-prepared her for.

    During her development as a leader, Elisabeth coupled her love of learning with the idea that she needed to know anything and everything about a skill before she could be helpful in developing a logistics plan for something related, but over time, she's realized that all logistics boil down to similar 'bones,' and has adapted her abilities to recognize and adjust them regardless of the project.

    The depth of experience she's had allows Elisabeth to break down any project to the logistical 'bones,' regardless of her level of skill in abilities necessary for the project (engineering, gardening, woodworking, etc) and swiftly create a solid plan. For example, she doesn't need to know anything about textile production to be able to develop a feasible, well-considered plan to build a material production operation. The participants in the projects she makes also do not require levels in related skills in order to carry out her plan.

    This ability requires her direct oversight and total attention. She cannot set up everything needed at all times with no knowledge of any of the skills she has set up - she needs to set a task with a clear goal and monitor the progress to prevent errors or miscommunications. If these processes already include capable people (at the required skill level for the task and carrying out tasks that they should be reasonably expected to complete) then they can continue without her intervention once they begin, but those of lower skill won't last.

    There is a limit, however, to the quality of the product of this method. Those that know nothing about what they are doing will never excel beyond those that do, so while the results will be of a good quality, as though made by someone of a high-competent, and the tasks they complete will be as though those involved have a high-competent skill level, it will never outright replace the work of someone at Expert or above, and any tasks they do will have the usual minor errors or issues that would not otherwise have happened to someone of an acceptable skill level.

    This ability is flexible in terms of moderator interpretation. There are no mechanics attached to it and is intended to be utilized in a logical manner and within story/plot parameters."

    The Delegation Expectation (Leadership)

    Elisabeth’s experience with the Haven settlement has helped hone her into a practical, positive leader. Through projects such as constructing the clam farm in Haven and working with others on the planning and building of Munny Farm, Elisabeth has honed several different aspects involved with the leadership of people, earning her a positive, wide-spread reputation.

    While being hands-on is something Elisabeth is known for, there are times when she needs to delegate specific jobs to others, empowering individuals to exercise autonomy in dealing with an aspect of a task that she is involved in. When delegating, Elisabeth can inspire an npc/pc to operate at one skill level above their current stage, and it applies to any one skill relevant to the task.

    This capstone only applies to one skill for one npc/pc per thread. It does not apply to groups.

    Elisabeth must personally give the task to the pc/npc, although her presence is not required. She needs to have a direct method of instructing the npc/pc (echo scroll, for example). Communication must be direct and understandable, as per echo scroll or direct communication, as though through speaking.

    Waste Not, Want Not (Logistics)

    Being the leader of a fledgling settlement with limited resources has taught Elisabeth different ways of maximizing what's available. Whether dealing with manpower or materials, she's become extremely skilled in planning the use of resources to down to the tiniest details, honing tips and tricks over several different projects.

    When Elisabeth plots logistics for projects, less material and/ or resources are needed to complete them due to her efficiency in this skill, knowing how to effectively stretch available resources/materials for maximum effect, allowing her to need 25% less. This encompasses human and material resources.

    HR Savant (Logistics)

    Elisabeth's experience with the settlers of Haven, cataloging their skills and organizing them to tasks best suited to their abilities, has allowed her to develop a keen awareness of how to use human resources quickly to their maximum effect and efficiency.

    The result of these honed abilities is being able to do more with fewer people. When Elisabeth is involved in planning a project, task, etc., that requires the use of people, the amount of labor needed to accomplish it is decreased by 25%.

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Re: Night Prow-lers

Round 2 Complete!

Crispin: aka: The Fella on the Beacon / The Ships
As per Round 3, as Round 4 begins:

a) The large ships have moved quickly.
b) The balistas which start to fire at you. This will cause damage to Hopetoun, without doubt. They seem to be too far away - yet as the first one lands it is obvious that they have an extra / extended / unnatural range.
c) The animal frenzy is getting worse but, honestly, it's hard to tell what's frenzy and what's panic.
d) A strange yellow mist begins to descend.
e) The abject terror people are feeling is apparent - they fight and fight against invisible demons and then, things start to get better.

- Astra experiences a lessening of the phantoms.
- Limit Breaker works. Bye bye Katara.... :(
- Darius uses the Avatar of Sweetwine Forged ability. - Good idea!
- Darius tries to control the air to push the rain away from Hopetoun and to the pirate ships. That works. By the end of this round, it will be off Hopetoun. It won't be on the pirate ships yet, though, that'll happen in a round or two - it's not speedy.
- Darius tries to do the same with the yellow fog. That dissipates easily. Good work!
- Darius tries to suffocate the air of the fires to starve them. Fires are normal fires here (you should be glad you're not in Almund!) so that works to keep the fires contained, at least. Will take more concentration than you can give it to starve them, but you can hold off on any more damage.
- Darius tries to send a squall to wreck/capsize/damage the pirate ships, or, at the very least, throw off their aim. This will work against one of the ships for the next round. It's not so much that you're lifting the ship, but you're giving the crew a really bad day.
- Crispin continues to shine beacon light at the pirate ships. Really, this should be doing more damage. But it's doing damage. You could either have 1 ship being focused on by both Darius and Crispin (that will destroy / incapacitate one ship) or you can split your focus and he irritates one, you irritate the other. They're big irritations, to be clear.

Varlum did NOT do an actions list and is therefore on my list of poorly behaved people.
He flies over to the ships
Flying out of the rain means that he stops taking damage - but note that he has significant injuries. Will detail in review.
Varlum burst in to flame AND made them terrified (just in case the first one didn't do it alone)
In your next post you may assume mass slaughter of pirates on that ship.
He is able to cut a bloody swathe through the pirates. But he notices that there are signs here that this ship has seen more than its share of mass slaughters. There are also lots of defensive measures in place, attempting to keep him away from a specific area below decks. From that area emerges a woman who snarls at him and attacks. This is (strange as it may seem) a very close fight and she is on par with Varlum in terms of strength. As this is the last round, please describe how you fight her, describe the fight - and I'll determine the outcome.

Starts defending using her sword - that works, but there are too many of them to continue. She's taken a LOT of damage at this point.
Uses Xiur's Fulcrum of Fervor - noted. That will impact the final outcome. People are certainly fighting hard.
Switches to attacking the phantoms - she finds that the more she cuts down, the more arrive.
Accepts that she harbors resentment and chooses to let them go to counter the phantoms - the phantoms lose their power as she lets go of her negative emotions. That, coupled with Darius' pushing away the rain means that she's successfully defended herself.

You leave.

  • No more balistas strike, thanks to the combined effort of Darius and Varlum (and Crispin, in fairness to the boy)
  • The rain dissipates, as does the yellow mist.
  • The ship with the white eagle atop it is speeding towards you and will get within range to attack someone (you or the fellow pirates) next round.
  • A sudden swell of water from the ocean itself is a cause of worry - to give you an idea of what's being thrown at you and why it's a big. Big. BIG major worry.
    "A dangerous ability to both the Rusalka and the people around, them Rising Flood allows the user to flood any river or lake they can see, though the ocean is powerful and vast enough that even Chrien has never dared to try and cause it to flood. The reason for this is that the larger the body of water the Rusalka tries to flood, the greater the strain on their mind and body. If they don't go too far, the Rusalka can stop the flood before it kills them, but after a certain point, they lose all control and the water they raised consumes them to feed itself. The point at which it becomes too much varies based on the discipline, endurance, and meditative abilities of the Rusalka, but even the best of the Rusalka have never been able to get flood waters above three stories in a ten square mile radius."
  • Faldrass does not answer, but from the volcano you hear the sound of a might roar.

word count: 942
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: Night Prow-lers

Never a peaceful day.

When Varlum had come to Scalvoris it had been for peace and quiet, time spent with his sister and meeting her many friends. Yet here he stood. Perhaps people were born to be what they were. Carpenters destined to create, rulers destined to lead - and warriors born to fight. Or perhaps Varlum just had a face that screamed 'I sure hope Immortals bring their playthings and make my life harder'. It didn't much matter what the reasoning was. Once upon a time Varlum had been too weak, taking a spear from a Flameborn or being thrown through a building.

But he was not weak anymore.

As a small group of pirates rushed him he threw a ball of fire with Flame Throw, the fireball exploding on impact between two, knocking both men aside with harsh burns. Before one could stand the enraged Ithecal slammed his foot down onto his neck, crushing it, before snarling as he glanced at the other man. It was a terrifying sight, a raging ball of flame hellbent on killing everything, made all the more terrifying when that ball of flame was a twelve-foot tall Ithecal.

Around him, there was a slew of fire and explosions as the combination of Faldrun's mark and Defiance tore the pirates apart. His theory had proven right. While the boats were fireproof the people were not. Yet it didn't stop them from holding the line. Yet they had entirely abandoned one side of the ship and six of them had formed a wall on the other - some holding spears high while two others prepared to duel Varlum with swords. What were they protecting? Perhaps that was a question Varlum would usually ask himself, but right now it didn't matter. They had to burn. All of them had to burn.

The man that he'd knocked down rose to his feet, determined to keep fighting. Yet the look of fear on his face was impossible to miss. Somehow, it didn't stop him however, as all logic went out the window and he rushed toward Varlum. The Ithecal opened his mouth and lunged forward as fire burst from him, breathing fire with his Defiance and boosting it to white hot temperatures with Elemental Manipulation. As the first man was torched he turned his head towards the shield wall, maintaining the white hot fire as he did. The wall of men scattered and four of them avoided the fire, while another two were caught. As one man fell to his knees in agony the other dove off the boat in the panic, landing in the water to put himself out - yet facing a different issue now.

Without a second of hesitation Varlum charged the remaining four, axe held at his side ready to swing with as much momentum as he could muster. The combination of his mark powers had made him stronger, perhaps the strongest he'd ever been. Bad news for the Pirates. The first to fall was one holding a shield, raising the wooden shield in an attempt to stop the Ithecal's blow, yet watching as the pure strength of Varlum combined with the sharp blade of an Adamantite axe shattered the shield in an instant. The weight of the hit knocked the man backwards and to the floor.

Before Varlum could execute the first a man charged him with a spear from his left while another went for a short stab from his right. His axe swung left as he turned his body rapidly, slamming the weapon into the shoulder blade of the pirate, forcing him to drop the spear before it could reach Varlum. Spears were designed for range, but they didn't account for the size of a man like Varlum - nor the size of his weapon. As he turned his tail swung like a club, the stone-covered appendage knocking the pirate to the floor with enough weight to knock him out in an instant.

Varlum turned to face the final two as wisps of smoke left his mouth, snarling angrily. These pirates didn't know when to die. One of them was smart, however, as he had watched Varlum fight up to now and decided he stood no chance - so he retreated backwards and leapt into the water. Despite already being knocked to the floor from his broken shield, and probably broken arm, the final pirate stood up and clutched his spear with one hand. In other circumstances, Varlum would find him brave. But these people were attacking innocents. They were cowards. So they would die like cowards.

Ridding him of a chance to fight honourably, Varlum let a strong surge of wind burst forward, pushing the man back enough to throw off his stance and knock him just a single step closer to the edge of the boat. As soon as he had his opening Varlum would rush forward and, with a brutal swing, use the blunt of his axe along the side of the man's head - knocking him out one final time and sending him into the water to drown. A fitting death for a coward.

The Ithecal glanced to the ship as fire continued to rain down around him, the ship maintaining most of its structure despite it. From the side of the vessel they were guarding emerged one final pirate, snarling angrily as she walked towards him, clearly ready to fight. The rage of Varlum and this Pirate Lord were matched, snarling at one another as they held their axes.

Finally. An opponent worth torching.

As an unspoken agreement came to the two Varlum knew what had to happen here. One of them would die. All he could do was ensure it wasn't him. Before he could make his own move the woman took a step forward with a vicious cry, axe swinging towards Varlum with an overhead slash. The Ithecal returned with a block, using the blunt of his own axe to push hers aside, throwing her footing off a little. Yet she was far from sloppy, recovering before he could counterattack and stepping aside.

Her next attack came suddenly, catching the stone on Varlum's body and taking chunks of it away. It was stronger than a regular fighter should be, especially of her size. The sound of metal on stone echoed across the ship for a moment, sparks flying off the pair, before Varlum used Ralaith's Pocket of Time to slow her down. It would cut her speed in half, enough to mitigate her next attacks. She would still have her strength - but not her speed. It was enough for now.

Yet in return, as she realized she had been slowed down, a storm-like aura surrounded her like armor. She turned to face Varlum, attempting to parry as he swung his own axe at her side, but thanks to his Ralaith power she couldn't raise her axe in time. However, as soon as his axe hit the armor surrounding her there was a crack of thunder that seemed to echo from the armor. While the Pirate was knocked backwards a few paces she was also unscathed, the armor eating the blow. Something strong enough to stomach a hit that hard was powerful - and the storm aura it took?

He'd found his Marked.

A burst of fire erupted from behind her suddenly, knocking her to her knees as Varlum beckoned the flames to life. Her armor could protect her from harm for now, but it would crack eventually. As soon as he had her on the ground Varlum slammed his axe down onto her, the armor deflecting the hit but beginning to falter. Yet in his rage he'd lost track of the time it had taken. As he prepared to slam down another hit her speed returned as time came back to normal, the Pirate dropping her axe and rushing forward, tackling Varlum. He dropped his weapon as the two fell to the floor, Red Seas atop of him, before she started to rain punches down.

Each hit felt like the force of a Warhammer, her anger increasing her strength to inhuman levels. Various scales surrounded Varlum as he let a slew of Ethelynda's powers shield him, lowering the amount of damage he took significantly. Each punch still hurt but it did very little lasting damage.

After many punches and cries of anger from the Pirate, Varlum shot his head up as she leaned down, slamming his head into hers with a snarl. He rarely fought with unarmed and the headbutt was far from clean, but it didn't need to be. Their fight had turned into a scrap fast. Besides, his head was coated in pure stone, his body erupted in flames and he had shielded himself from most damage.

Her shield shattered as his head collided with her, the force of the blow dazing her as she let out a loud roar of pain. It would typically take far more to break a shield of such power, but Varlum's strength was beyond most people, let alone with the Marked powers he had activated. With her shield lowered the burning heat from Varlum became more prominent, enough for each second of contact to sting. She was powerful, brutal and strong - but she wasn't fireproof.

Varlum used his bodyweight to throw her down to the floor, clawing at her with stone-coated claws, sharp enough to cut flesh with ease. All tactics went out the window now. He would try and tear her apart, keeping her down with his bodyweight while the roaring flames burned her. It was far from his usual fighting style. But when this much rage built up it was hard to hold it back. A shattering roar left Varlum one final time, giving the Pirate her chance. Using her legs and ignoring the burns, she kicked Varlum's body aside, using Strength that few other mortals could possess.

Varlum's body was launched across the deck, grinding to a halt. For a moment the pirate looked aside, her eyes seeming to take in the tidal wave coming towards them, her fearlessness seeming to waver. But she shook her head, gaze returning to Varlum. Both of them looked at each other for a moment, kneeling down to grab their weapons. Or so it seemed. As Varlum knelt down two abilities activated. The first was Heavy Burn, a power that would increase his strength and speed greatly for the next thirty trills before it would eventually burn him out. The second was a Mortalborn power, Soul of Dragons. Giant molten wings and claws wrapped around him. It made his claws sharper, but that wasn't the point now.

He had thirty seconds to flee.

Immediately he lunged, wings spread as his hands reached out. As he flew forward he would attempt to grab the Pirate, hoping to throw her into the water below before taking off towards the beach. His time was limited, he had only a short moment to get back to land. But if the woman was truly confused about the tidal wave it meant she wasn't prepared for it. Being in the water was the worst place she could be.

Besides, he couldn't stay on the water forever. Soon enough he'd have to make it back. Even with the urge to torch the world, he had survival instinct. So Varlum would try and knock her to the water, before using his last thirty seconds of speed to fly as close to the land as he could, hoping to hit the floor before passing out.
Off Topic
Actions list, so Peg doesn't splat me!

Killed some random pirates
Fought Red Seas for a while
Kicked butt and chewed bubblegum, and I'm all out of butt

Powers used:
Flame Throw (Just a regular old Fireball)
Fire Fall (Raining hell from the sky :twisted: )
Pocket of Time (Slows the Pirate Lord for 30 seconds)
An unnamed array of Ethelynda powers (Immortal Scales, Protective Ward, etc)
Heavy Burn (Unnatural strength and speed for the next 30 trills, before collapsing until I can recharge)
Soul of Dragons (coats me in the aura of a big molten dragon, lets me fly and hit harder)
word count: 2057
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Darius Baer Bottom
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Re: [Hopetoun] Night Prow-lers


The situation was unfolding quickly. Such was the nature of combat, with ebbs and flows that mimicked the waves and tides of the very sea that the pirates had used to reach Hopetoun.

Some of these tidal movements were gradual.

The rain was leaving Hopetoun, but it was in no hurry to reach the pirate ships; the fog was dissipating but had yet to fully leave; the fires were not growing, but neither were they extinguished.

But some were sudden, like a flaming, flying ithecal causing mayhem to anyone who stood in his way.

Darius could see Varlum - or, rather, flashes of flame that were associated with Varlum - flickering above and across the deck of the ship bearing the markings of Red Seas. And while he couldn't tell how the ithecal was faring, that made it easier for Hopetoun's leader to decide who to focus his own attacks on.

As much as Darius knew that his storm could hinder the pirates in their attempts to attack Hopetoun, Varlum's presence on their ship was certain to be doing the same. Vega's brother was just as likely as the pirates to be impeded by the squall.

And so, rather than split his efforts across the two ships, Darius decided to focus on one.

The presence of The Haunted continued to baffle Darius. The biqaj Pirate Lord had a reputation for attacking fleets that were enemies of Scalvoris, and yet, here he was, forming part of one of the very fleets he might have once attacked. Darius couldn't help but wonder if that meant the ship was being sailed by an imposter using The Haunted's colours, or perhaps it simply meant that what he had been taught as a child didn't reflect reality.

That in turn made him concerned that The Guardian, whose ship was quickly approaching, might not be in a mood to protect Scalvoris. Hopefully everything he knew about that Pirate Lord was true, and she wouldn't attach the settlement.

He couldn't spend time worrying about that, however. Liathen's ship had not yet arrived, and the generosity of her mood would be irrelevant if they didn't deal with the other ships first.

His attention shifted instead to The Avenger, its sails flapping about wildly in the wind.

"Tell Crispin to focus on the ship with a black skill on a field of white," Darius instructed the nearby guards, ensuring his voice would be heardInner Voice: Once activated, Darius has the ability to make themselves heard clearly by any and all in a radius around him, without having to yell or scream. If they do yell or scream, the radius doubles. This ability is active for up to one hour a trial. The radius on this is roughly the size of a tavern..

Then he rose his voice further, so that more settlers might hear him.

"Sons and daughters of Faldrass! Witness what becomes of those would rain fire on the flame of Scalvoris!"

He pushed the rain and what was left of the yellow fog towards the ship, while attempting to rock it back and forth with the wind. A sailing ship relied on favourable winds, and Darius had no interest in letting The Avenger have anything of the sort.

A rogue wave came into sight, and the blond FireForged could sense - courtesy of a helpful diri - that its origins lay in the Hopetoun Hole. There was no way of getting armed soldiers there before the wave threatened the coastline. Even the mounted Green Knight scouts, who at that very moment returned from their scouting of Saoire's school, would not get there in time. So he told Ledas to rush over there, to remain hidden, and to investigate further. He wanted to know everything that the ice tiger saw. The spirit companion came from the caves of Ishallr, and the Hopetoun Hole would be a comfortable environment for him to explore. Darius had no doubt that Ledas would locate the source of the wave, if it was indeed there.

"Be prepared for a fight, just in case," he calmly advised.

"Always," came the defiant reply.

In the meantime, he decided to use the wave to his advantage. Darius had sailed rough seas before, but rogue waves were particularly nasty. As the wall of water approached, the Scalvorian sent a gust of wind into the ship's rear sail, in an effort to turn it and position it at an angle perpendicular to the oncoming threat.

The strategy was simple: position the ship so that it was on an angle perpendicular to the threat, and let the growing wave do the rest. It should, in theory, be capable of capsizing even a ship of that size, or at the very least cause some of the pirates to dive overboard in sheer desperation.

But once the wave and The Avenger were introduced to one another, and the ship felt the brunt of the swell, Darius knew he had a fight on his hands. All of his attention would need to be spent on preventing that wave from reaching Hopetoun. He would no longer concentrate on how he had positioned the rain and the fog, and the settlers, freshly bolstered by Elizabeth'a contributions, would need to take care of the fires themselves. All of Darius' efforts - and all of the winds and gales he could muster - would be spent pressing back against the wall of water.

And if, despite his best efforts, the wave threatened to overpower him, he would reach out to Ledas once more. He wanted the pirates to pay dearly for attacking Scalvoris. He wanted them destroyed and made an example of. But he would not see their ruin at the cost of Hopetoun's.

As soon as he felt he could no longer hold the wave at bay, he would issue a simple but calm command to the fierce ice tiger: "Attack."
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 995
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