• Graded • [Hopetoun] Night Prow-lers

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A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Hopetoun] Night Prow-lers

Arc 723, 26th of Cylus
The beacon was very tall.

From such a height, Crispin could see far out across the Hollow Sea. On a clear trial, he could identify many of Scalvoris' most notable landmarks. To the east lay the frozen island of Ishallr. From there, as he turned his gaze to the right, he could see the Scalvoris Mountains, the town that shared its name with the structure he now watched from, and Immortals' Tongue. And, he would swear, that if he squinted, he could even make out the smoke from the chimneys of Scalvoris Town's hearths.

When the sun sank beneath the horizon, however, those places first became mere outlines, before disappearing from view altogether. That was when Crispin - and others who shared his responsibility - relied on the light that the beacon shone. It stretched out across the water, inviting travellers to the safety of Hopetoun.

But it was more than a literal beacon of hope to the wet and weary. It also served as a lookout, protecting the very settlement that it invited others to visit.

And on this night, a mere handful of bits before midnight, it shone its haze upon something in the water. It took a few trills for Crispin to notice the silhouettes of three large ships, and he had to take a closer look, but when the light shone past the area again, they were impossible to miss.

He moved quickly, then, and was soon shining a second light. This one was much smaller, and it wasn't shone out to sea. Instead, it went directly to the gates of Hopetoun. He flashed it, passing on a message to the sentries keeping watch on the palisade. Despite visitors - and potential invaders - having to navigate their way through a collection of foothills before they could reach the settlement, Crispin was high enough to see beyond them.

That's was how tall the beacon was.


Ulric was panting when he knocked on the door. This wasn't the first time he'd found himself waking Hopetoun's leader in the middle of the night, and he rather hoped it wouldn't become a habit.

"Ulric," came Darius' reply as he opened the door. "We need to stop meeting like this."

As the guard caught his breath, Darius looked past him and to the houses and streets beyond.

"No snow tonight," he observed.

"No, milord," Ulric finally spoke, his composure apparently regained. "The beacon sent us a message. Pirates on the horizon."

Ulric passed on the information Crispin had sent their way, and Darius wasted no time in responding.

"Fetch Ms Angelus immediately," he instructed the guard. "Tell her to meet us on the palisade. Then wake the emergency council, and send them our way, and then head to the barracks - but tell them to keep quiet until I've assessed the situation."

Ulric nodded, then ran off into the night. Darius ducked back into the house, where he found Astra had stirred and was getting dressed.

"Pirates," he explained matter-of-factly as he grabbed his sword belt and pulled on his boots. "I just knew this would happen."

The dangers of the Hollow Sea - and what he believed to be an increase in piracy - was an issue he had raised in the past. But Astra made it clear that there was no point in feeling annoyed by the lack of urgency shown by certain politicians.

"Focus," came the reply, and the half-biqaj was soon getting dressed herself. "Take your frustration out on the pirates."

Darius nodded. The seafaring brunette had proven to be his harbour in the tempest, and he knew there would be plenty of time for arguments later - assuming they dealt to the pirates first.

"We have to warn Vega."

When the Hopetounians visited Seetsong, the two settlement leaders agreed to alert each other if they saw trouble along the coast, in case it spread from one settlement to the other.

He rummaged through his paperwork, looking for the echo scroll that matched Vega's. But before he could find it, another parchment that caught his attention.

It was the scroll he had received during an event now known as the Forging. It was supposed to be used for Joy, but he could see there was a message on it.

Darius cursed as he read Vega's missive.

"There are pirates near Sweetsong, too," he told Astra. "That can't be a coincidence. I wouldn't be surprised if they're in other places, too. At least Kura has been notified, so the Elements will soon be on their way."

Kura possessed a scroll from the Forging, as did an Air Element named Eckman.

"We have to warn Faldrass, too."

Darius nodded again, and called on Katara, who made her presence known upon his shoulder. The diri nuzzled her beak against Darius' cheek, and her ward spoke calmly and quietly.

"Katara, someone wants to harm Faldrass, and we need to stop them."

Darius' explanation was met by the hawk cocking her head in curiosity.

"They want to hurt Sweetwine, too. I need you to tell the Faldrass Induk that we are being attacked. And Faldrass needs to contact the other Induks, so they can defend themselves."

The Forging had spoken of the need for balance. Could the others also be under attack?

"And Ledas," Darius spoke, turning to the ice tiger who revealed himself at the mention of his name. "Are you able to speak to Ishallr?"

"I am of Ishallr," came the reply.

"I need both of you to do what you can," Darius breathed calmly. "Raise the alarm, and if you must leave here, then return as soon as you can, unless the Induk instructs you to stay with them."

Ledas nodded, then vanished from sight. Katara took flight with a squawk, appearing to fly through the roof of the building in her rush to leave.

Darius looked at Astra, then hurriedly wrote a reply to Vega.


Pirates sighted off the coast of Hopetoun. Suggest they may be in other places also. Spread the word. Hopefully Kura can rally the troops. Keep us updated. Will endeavour to do likewise.


His handwriting was not as neat as it normally would be. Expediency dictated that legibility must triumph over beauty. He looked over the words, reading his reply back to himself, then took a deep breath and nodded.

"Let's go."

Darius and Astra hurried through the dark streets to the palisade. The echo scroll that had received Vega's message was with them, as was Astra's bow, slung over her shoulder. They climbed the steps to the top of the charwood wall and hurried to the gate. The light from the beacon was clearly visible, as it reiterated its message, and there were other guards who were able to point out the silhouettes of three ships.

"They're large," Astra observed. "They could hold two hundred sailors. Maybe more."

"An invasion force?" Darius wondered aloud.

Initially, the idea of attacking Hopetoun seemed strange. But it actually made a lot of sense. At the southern tip of Faldrass, the settlement was strategically important for the security of Scalvoris, and the beacon served as an early warning system. If they were attacking Sweetsong and Hopetoun, who knew where else was being targeted.

Three bleary-eyed councillors - two men and one woman - arrived, having been woken by Ulric. Darius pointed to the ships beyond. The shock of seeing such an imposing fleet was enough to shake away any tiredness their bodies.

Darius took his spyglass from his pocket and lifted it to one eye. He looked first at the decks, in the hopes of seeing how many people he could see. Of course, there would be sailors below deck, but he wagered that curiosity might lure many of them to look towards the shoreline. He described what he saw to the others present, and then he studied the hulls.

"Black wood," he added. "Seems like they don't want to be seen. Let's use that to our advantage and not play our hand too early."

Ambush the ambushers.

Darius turned to one of the nearby guards: "Instruct those at the beacon to keep shining the light as they normally would. I don't want these pirates to know that we are aware of their presence."

He turned back to study the ships, and cursed when he made out the image on the sails.

"Chrien," he spat the word, and he heard Astra inhale sharply.

"Chrien attacked us once, on the Libertalia," she spoke quietly to the councillors, giving them a basic summary of what had happened.

Gritting his teeth at the situation, Darius turned to address the councillors. He made sure his voice was calm, and tried to make his instructions clear.

"Ms Angelus should be joining us shortly. The garrison is being woken as we speak, and they have been trained in how to defend the settlement. We need to summon the Green Knights to help us do precisely that. We need to wake the settlers - anyone who is willing to fight to defend their homes is welcome to - but we want people to remain calm. The less the pirates know of our preparations, the better. Also fetch the rangers - we'll need them to aid those who are unable to fight."

Darius sent a glance in Astra's direction.

"And we'll need to keep Vega informed. The scroll she is using can convey our information to Kura and the others."

The others nodded, and the councillors moved away to fulfill the tasks they had been given.

Darius stared back out at the three ships, sitting in the water, and muttered under his breath: "Immortals help us."
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Re: Night Prow-lers

Any other time, Kin imagined that a wolf and what could have passed for a horse-sized fox strolling into a settlement might have caused some considerable amount of alarm. However, considering they slipped through the cover of darkness and straight from the inland regions of the island, during a time where lookouts were considerably more likely to be focused on the shoreline if any of them were good enough at their job to see what Nir'wei had already caught wind of, she was already under the impression they wouldn't get nearly as much attention as they should have.

That said, they also arrived at the settlement with very little in an attempt of stealth. The only thing on their minds was checking the state of alertness in the settlement, and if it matched what they were already currently feeling out about Haven, the Barony, Faldrass, and Saoire's Dream. If it was overrun - they'd already prepared themselves to jump face-first into the frontal assault and begin tearing at necks until the streets ran slick. If they weren't alert of the threat already, bark and howl and do everything in their power to wake up whatever nearby forces were remotely well-equipped to deal with them safely, or start leading the vulnerable to safety even if it meant biting their clothes and dragging them.

Bachu was relatively new to the line of work of Kin, but was much better-equipped to work with it, given her much more placid and approachable face. She was also able to sprint ahead much faster despite the forest terrain they'd bounded through earlier to reach the settlement, with an unreasonable amount of fox-given agility despite her sheer draft-horse size.

However, they both arrived to a settlement already beginning to rouse in motion. It seemed things would fare better here - though the first point of concern, the shorelines and their security, sent the wolf and Hyx charging between houses while residents continued to wake in order to spot the three approaching ships on the horizon, and pass this information to Nir'wei. Combined with the six they'd already seen up above to the north, that made nine ships - that they knew of. None of the three held the same flag on the hull as the one north, too... did that mean they were all following the orders of one ship above? Did they perhaps have a line of communication to coordinate attacks, and could that be used to their advantage?

No time to waste pondering such fanciful ideas while there were people still asleep in their beds at the houses closest to the shorelines. Kin ran in one direction, Bachu in another, thumping on the doors with their tails to rouse the inhabitants before quickly moving to the next in a pattern spreading along houses closest to the shore first, then turning back on themselves and moving to the next. If the pirates landed at the shore - and there was certainly nothing that either of them could see that would stop them at the moment - then anyone of those houses would be the first victims, and whether they intended to up in arms or flee to safety, they first needed to be up and dressed!
word count: 549
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: Night Prow-lers

Pretty Modnote!

Crispin: aka: The Fella on the Beacon
1. Is able to communicate with / receive information from Hopetoun in a subtle way that the pirates can't see. He keeps going with the lighthouse just carrying on in a "nothing to see here" sort of way, and the pirates are, currently, none the wiser.

2. Is able to see the ships quite clearly - they are preparing to disembark. There are lots of small rowboats.

3. He sees the flames in Saoire's Schools. The large tree which grows up in the middle of the school is on fire.

1. Darius being involved will spark his Leadership Capstone, most certainly. Pick the 10 people who get +1 level to their skills, please.
2. The Garrison is summoned and ready and active.
3. The Green Knights are ready to go - but need direction from someone as to what you want from them.
4. The Rangers are ready to go.
5. People are being roused from their sleep by large animals banging on doors. This is going to cause panic - this will be an issue quite quickly because the pirates are perfectly capable of seeing it, if it gets big enough. At the moment, you're fine, but if people start running around and screaming (which they might, if enough of them get panicked ) the pirates will see. You need someone to deal with this / the people.

Katara / Faldrass
1. Katara says to Darius, quite simply. "Faldrass knows. Faldrass stands ready to defend Faldrass and Scalvoris. You are the first among the fire forged and so, Faldrass instructs that you and I bond together and you take on the mantle of command.

If Darius accepts then this has the following impacts.

1. Darius and Katara bond - this is quite an experience, it means that he and the small Diri become linked in a deeply personal manner (It will mean that you gain the final available +1 to Diri relationship).
2. While bonded with Katara, Darius gains +1 level in his Fire Forged powers - this will make him an Arch Legatus as he's only a few points away anyhow.
3. Darius will then be able to speak to every forged diri
4. He knows that this is a big thing and that he will be exhausted, emotionally and physically, afterwards.
5. He also knows that while Katara is using words like "instruct" it is an invitation from Faldrass, not a directive. That's just how he talks.

Ledas / Ishallr
1. Ledas will be gone for about 5 minutes. He'll reappear roughly when Elisabeth does.
word count: 434
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: Night Prow-lers

"Ships in the water. Strange sails, dark wood. Looks like pirates"

Varlum nodded as he knelt down on the ground, looking forward at Hopetoun. It had been some time since he'd arrived here, in dire need of time away from the world. Then he'd returned to Rharne, his duties as a Lightning Knight resuming while he collected his thoughts. Ethelynda had given him a lot to think about, as had the loss of Faldrun. The big goal of his life, to slay a man that had taken so much from him, and it had ended with the two fighting side-by-side. Not the ending he predicted. Much less biting and stabbing.

After some time of watching, Varlum quickly realized that he wasn't dealing with any old pirates. What kind of pirate rolled up towards the shore, let alone at a settlement like this? They wanted something, something in particular if he had to guess. What it was, he had no idea. Maybe they simply needed a big loot haul and Hopetoun had it. Didn't matter to Varlum. Chances were, Vega was in this settlement, and while she was perfectly capable of fending for herself she was still his sister. If these pirates wanted something from her, they'd have to get past him. A task he wouldn't make easy.

Starting a fight unannounced wasn't his way, however. It was risky, and assuming that Hopetoun was under threat was a quick way to spark a conflict that could have been avoided. He wouldn't make the first move, nor would he sit around and do nothing. His best bet was to join the people, find Vega and see what he could do to help.

After some time he made his way towards the settlement, the glowing magma shining in the night from his body, making him visible as he approached. There was no weapon in his hand, but he wanted it to be made clear he was friendly. "Send word ahead, tell them I'm friendly. Tell them I'm Vega's brother" he looked to Ivarn, his Lovalus familiar. The small dragon nodded his head and vanished, taking charge ahead as Varlum approached the hill. The Diri looked around unseen for anyone who appeared to be in charge - and soon enough found one. Stood atop the palisades, looking in the direction of the ships.

Appearing before Darius, the small dragon-like creature bowed it's head. "I come in peace" he prefaced as he manifested, wanting to avoid startling anyone around. "I come with a message, from Varlum Onarmus. Brother of Vega...whatever her last name is" the gruff Dragon spoke, shaking his head. "The large brutish Ithecal approaching is a friend. We came searching for Vega, but saw pirates on the shore. Can we be of help?"

As Varlum approached the gate it opened, guards stood around as he was let in. Slowly, Varlum removed the battle-axe from his back as he walked into the settlement, looking around. Many of the people had likely seen him before while he visited, it was hard to miss him. If they let him in, odds were they knew he wasn't a threat. "So" he started, looking around to anyone that might have any idea on what was happening. "We got a plan?"
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Re: [Hopetoun] Night Prow-lers


There was a brief moment - just after Darius had turned back to look at the ships and muttered "Immortals help us" - that he thought they might have been doing just that. An unfamiliar visitor, moving in the darkness, began to reveal itself. Was this some kind of ethereal messenger, acting on behalf of the Immortals to swear that no harm would befall Hopetoun?

Perhaps Xiur had arrived to offer hope in the form of protecting his sacred land? Or Cassion, eager to ensure his source of seafaring tales was not endangered, was going to provide a positive twist to the that night's tale?

Alas, it soon turned out to be neither. As the visitor escaped the darkest portions of the night sky, it was revealed to be long and thin, blue in colour, and with a pair of wings. The nearest guards expressed alarm, and Darius half-drew his longsword, but the creature was quick to declare its peaceful intentions.

Darius had never met Ivarn before. Nor had he met Varlum, but he knew the ithecal by sight. At precisely twice Darius' height, Vega's brother was almost impossible to miss.

"Varlum is welcome here," Darius assured Ivarn, then turned to the nearest guard. "Let the ithecal through the gate. He will prove a powerful ally."

Perhaps the Immortals had come to Hopetoun's aid, after all?

The group on the palisade began to disperse, but the councillors had only just stepped away when the commotion started. Somewhere in the darkness of Hopetoun, shrouded by the night sky, a disruption could be heard.

Darius immediately looked back out to sea, as if doing so would enable him to see if the pirates could hear the noise. It was a silly notion - they were too far away for him to be able to judge something like that - and he reached into his coat for his...

"Damn," he spoke under his breath, then turned his attention to his returning diri. "Katara, go get the snowglobe from my quarters."

The messenger he had sent to Faldrass squawked as Darius used his FireForged abilityLesser Incarnation to solidify her form, and - still appearing as a hawk, but without the tendrils of flame that usually emanated fom her feathers - and she flapped her wings and turned away from Darius.

Katara had a message for her ward, but she could sense his urgency in the moment, and she could make that message known when she had regained his attention.

In the dark of night, the hawk flew to Darius' quarters, landed on the ledge of a window, and jumped inside. Within trills, Katara was flying across Hopetoun, the snowglobe in her talons. When she found Darius and Astra, they had already left the palisade, and Darius was addressing the garrison that had been roused from their sleep.

"Hopetoun needs to be woken," he was telling the commanding officer. "But we need to avoid panic setting in."

The soldier nodded in agreement. It had not taken long for word to spread that the commotion was being caused by a pair of animals running amok, and his troops were on alert. Rumours of a giant wolf being in the settlement had frightened some, but allayed some of Darius' fears. He had, after all, encountered large wolves in the past.

So when Katara reached him, releasing the snowglobe from her grasp, he wasted no time in studying it.

"I recognise one of them," he said. "I'll deal with the animals. You take care of the people."

The group quickly dispersed, the soldiers tasked with waking up those who were asleep, and calming those who weren't.


Crispin counted the flashing lights that he saw atop the palisade gates. Confident that he had understood the message, he then tried to do as little different as possible. Let the light turn as if it would if there were no ships off the coast, but not shift the angle so extremely that it might cause.

It was not the easiest task - he was used to shining the light at objects in the sea, rather than away from them - but he trusted Hopetoun's leadership enough to be confident that he would not have received such an instruction if it wasn't important.

Before long, Crispin caught sight of something else. To the east, beyond Hopetoun, an orange glow was forming. He watched as it slowly grew, until he was confident that it was a fire.

He was soon using his message light to send more information towards the settlement to tell them what he had seen. That message was soon spreading throughout Hopetoun, almost as quickly as the fire itself.


Using the snowglobe, it didn't take long for Darius to locate Kin. Up close, the huge wolf was a sight to behold, and it was no surprise that his presence was causing concern among some of the settlers.

"You have come from Nir'wei?" he asked Kin, hands held out in front of himself in what he hoped expressed that he wasn't looking for conflict. "Thank you for your aid. Is Nir'wei nearby?"

"He's somewhere on Faldrass, or near enough to it, anyway."

Darius turned to see that Astra was holding the echo scroll. He read the message from Vega, taking in the information.

"This is much larger than just Hopetoun," he realised. "This is widespread."

At the mention of Pirate Lords, Darius instinctively reached one hand to touch the sword knot that was tied to his longsword. Liathen The Guardian was not mentioned in the missive, but if some of her former peers were in Scalvoris, might she be too? And if she was, would she be kind to Darius for trying to return her sword knot to her, or would she be vengeful that he had it in the first place? Was it even her sword knot at all?

These were, of course, not questions that he would find answers to in the immediate future. He had a settlement to defend and a letter to write. He turned back towards the palisade, for that was where Elisabeth had likely been told to find him, and he dictated to Astra along the way.


There are three ships anchored off Hopetoun. I would wager they could have up to a hundred sailors on each - maybe more. As such, we are heavily outnumbered.

The sails on the ships do not bear any images belonging to the Pirate Lords. We believe this group are being led by Chrien.

Fire has been sighted at Saoire's School.

We're making plans to defend Hopetoun as best we can and we hope the beacon will help to keep us safe.

Your brother Varlum is here. I'm sure he came to be with you, but know that you will both be together in a way, taking up arms against those who would do our settlements harm. I will send him your regards.

Whereabouts on Faldrass is Nir'wei located?

Please keep us updated. The sooner the Elements get involved, the better.

Will keep you in the loop as best I can.


As Astra scribbled down the last of her words, Katara landed on Darius' shoulder. Reverting to her spirit form, she was finally given an opportunity to pass on her message from Faldrass.

Had Darius not been mid-stride at a brisk pace, he might have fallen over at the offer. He had declined an invitation from Cassion to receive his mark, but Faldrass had captured his attention. He saw his work for the Induk as a natural extension of himself: a proud Scalvorian, looking to preserve and protect his homeland. And Katara had proven to be a fine companion, so the idea of strengthening their bond was too enticing to ignore.

"Tell Faldrass I am honoured, and I accept," he told the diri.

Almost instantly, he felt a heat run through him. It began in his heart - just as his time as a FireForged had begun in the heart of Faldrass - and then flowed through his arteries to his capillaries, before working its way back up his veins to his heart. Darius was no medic. He couldn't have described it as such. All he knew was that he could feel the heat surging through every part of his body.

It was an intense heat, but not a dangerous one. It did not burn him; it only warmed him. He half wondered if his feet had left the ground, for he felt a numbness run through him.

At the same time, his mind flooded with voices. At first, he became disorientated as he struggled to make sense of the noise inside his head.

And then, after a few trills, the heat faded. The voices, too, drifted away into silence. He felt the same as he had been before, but he knew full well that that was not the case. A massive change had taken place within him.

When he regained an awareness of what was happening around him, Darius saw that approximately two dozen Green Knights had arrived from Shellknight Lodge. He quickly decided how they could help.

"Take your four fastest riders," he instructed, "and find out what's going on at Saoire's school. But don't engage any enemies if you don't need to."

A bit or two later, Darius was keen to take another look at the pirate ships. He was halfway up the steps of the palisade when he caught sight of Varlum, and introduced himself.

"Vega is not here," he said, almost apologetically. "She is valiantly defending her own settlement in the Sweetwine Woods. But we would be honoured to have you fight alongside us."

Darius looked the thecal over - something he could only do from his elevated height - and cocked his head slightly.

"How comfortable are you with going on a ship?"
Post Summary
- Darius invites Varlum into Hopetoun.
- Katara fetches the snow globe and Darius uses it to track down one of Nir'wei's pets.
- At the same time, the garrison is sent to continue waking the settlers.
- Crispin tries to 'play it cool' with the beacon by not shining the light directly on the pirates...but also without making it overly obvious that he's avoiding them.
- Crispin sights the fire at Saoire's school and alerts Hopetoun.
- Darius reads Vega's letter (02) and dictates a reply.
- Darius accepts Faldrass' offer.
- Darius sends four Green Knights to investigate the fire at Saoire's school.
- Darius meets Varlum.

Darius' Leadership capstone impacts the following characters:
- Varlum
- Elisabeth Angelus
- More to be determined! :shock:
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:26 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1776
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Re: Night Prow-lers

Upon being let into the settlement Varlum glanced around, seeing the looks he got as he approached the palisades. It was uncommon for an Ithecal of his size to exist, let alone one coated in molten rock. Then again, when pirates were moving along the shore a warrior like Varlum was likely a welcome sight. As he walked through Hopetoun he felt Ivarn appear at his side, resting on his shoulder again. "They know you're Vega's brother and you're welcome here. Though I hope you're ready for a fight?" the low voiced Diri spoke, looking up to the Ithecal. Yet Varlum's gaze remained forward, focused. This was what Ethelynda had expected of him, this was what he was supposed to do. Protect, defend and shield those that needed it. In the name of the Immortals. In the name of Idalos.

It didn't take long for Darius to approach and begin to speak, though it was very clear that the man had plenty to be dealing with now. Being a leader was never easy. Staying as composed as Darius was left Varlum impressed from first impressions alone. At his mention of Vega the Ithecal nodded his head, offering a reassuring smile. "My reunion with my sister can wait. She'd want me here where I can help. Until these pirates are gone, my axe is here with you" he nodded his head, preparing himself mentally. When the fighting began he would need to be ready. At his side appeared a bear of Ralaith - a spirit that made him physically stronger and more durable. It was a wide array of colors, glimmering and vibrant, stood alongside the giant Ithecal. At his other side appeared a Hellhound, a spirit of Turmoil summoned by his mark of Faldrun, his fallen father. The Spirit began to absorb the worry and turmoil from the camp, empowering itself as it did.

"I don't have an army to fight, but these spirits are more powerful than most. They'll help us in the fight but they won't be enough. How many soldiers do we have?" he asked, wanting to understand just how much trouble they might be in. Truth be told, Varlum had fought an Immortal. He'd done more than that, he'd gripped her throat in her hands and burnt her to a crisp, landing the killing blow. But that did not make him invincible. This many pirates would be dangerous to face, it would take a lot.

But he would give whatever it took.

"As for going on a ship, I can handle it for a while. Anxiety hits in after that. Don't like being away from the Earth" he started, looking to Darius for a moment before glancing back to the waters. "If I can be blunt, you shouldn't board the pirates. Unless you have experience on the waters, you're bringing the fight to them. We'd lose too many. We should prepare the beaches, have them bring it to us. The boat? That's their home. But the earth?" he raised a claw, showing the molen rock covering him. "It's mine."

"Besides, I can torch the ships. Anyone that stays on them will cook. Morbid as it is, we kill more of them that way, and we lose less in the process. Get me to the beach and I'll see to it that these pirates never sail again" he vowed. There was a dark truth to what he would have to do, but every good soldier knew the truth of the fight. It was his people or their people. Darius was a stranger to Varlum, but he knew Vega. He talked fondly of her, how she was defending her own settlement valiantly. Vega was a good judge of character, whoever she trusted Varlum would trust with his life.

Varlum glanced around at the people inside Hopetoun, before looking back to Darius. "They start shooting anything, bows, catapults - even a single fireball? Get anyone that can behind me. I will keep as many of you alive as I can. You have my word" he vowed. As he glanced out at the boats there was a curiosity to his eyes, however. Who were these pirates, what was it they wanted? If he could ask them it would be simple. But as he looked aside the Bear of Ralaith seemed to glance to him for a moment - nodding. He couldn't ask his enemies what they wanted. But perhaps he could find out another way.

As he reached for his mark of Ralaith, all around him time froze. He called upon the Breach to pause the entire world around him, though nobody would realize it. To them, time continued to be fluid. But to Varlum he had time. One break to examine and observe. What mattered was understanding his opponent. Knowing what they were capable of. Next he beckoned for Visions of Yore, eyes going cloudy for a moment, looking forward at the boats - trying to see their history. He wanted time, looking over the boats in his vision, understanding what they were and where they came from.

Once he had seen what he wanted, time would resume around him, ending his vision.
Off Topic
Abilities used/what I did:

Bear of Ralaith: Right now it's just in spiritual form, but can go corporeal for up to 6 seconds at a time later

Servant of Domain: Summoning a Turmoil Spirit, described to "imparts upon the owner an ability to quiet doubt and fear from ones mind, absorbing the turmoil into itself. For three breaks a trial it can manifest as itself, a shifting shape of teeth and claws to assist the marked. It grows weaker in places of peace or calm, growing stronger and replenishing when in the presence of chaos or tumult"

Suggested a strategy

Breach: Pause: Pauses time for up to an hour

Visions of Yore: Grants Varlum a vision of the past, specifically for the pirate ships he's looking at. "This ability cannot be used to view the origin of Idalos, but it can look centuries in the past at any structure or landscape."
word count: 1035
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Elisabeth Black
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Re: Night Prow-lers


Arc 723, 26 Cylus

Leadership, as she had learned over the two arcs of guiding and protecting Haven, was never easy. She felt Balthazar was the superior leader in many ways, having far more experience in different areas that he could bring to bear when needed. Being cut off from Haven and her husband left the young woman vulnerable to the negative thoughts that discipline generally kept at bay - not unlike what she experienced during her battle with Isis. Time had tempered the voices, but she still lived with them, waiting for moments of uncertainty to rear their ugly heads.

It was that which confronted her as a scene revealed itself in the enchanted snow globe. Masked and cloaked people confronted by…wolves? One was…but the other, Elisabeth wasn't so sure. Adding to it, it appeared to her that the people were headed directly for Immortal's Embrace from a trajectory that indicated they hadn't come from the water's edge. Wherever they had come from, it was inland. Interesting.

Elisabeth's mind immediately went to work, quickly summoning her focus, narrowing in on what she could do and what she couldn't.

She could not get to Haven more quickly than her legs could take her. That was a fact, and she had to deal with it. Others often teased her that the settlement was like a child to her, and she couldn't argue the point. It was a difficult pill to swallow when something that was so much a part of you was in danger, and circumstances forced you to stay on the sidelines by necessity or need.

That didn't mean there was nothing she could do, however. She had information they didn't.

Quickly, she fired off letters – Balder and Nia. She didn't have time to compose long or separate messages, so they got the same one The Delegation Expectation (Leadership)[/b] (If this capstone qualifies, Elisabeth's letter raises Nia's Leadership skill to Master)

Elisabeth’s experience with the Haven settlement has helped hone her into a practical, positive leader. Through projects such as constructing the clam farm in Haven and working with others on the planning and building of Munny Farm, Elisabeth has honed several different aspects involved with the leadership of people, earning her a positive, wide-spread reputation.

While being hands-on is something Elisabeth is known for, there are times when she needs to delegate specific jobs to others, empowering individuals to exercise autonomy in dealing with an aspect of a task that she is involved in. When delegating, Elisabeth can inspire an npc/pc to operate at one skill level above their current stage, and it applies to any one skill relevant to the task.

This capstone only applies to one skill for one npc/pc per thread. It does not apply to groups.

Elisabeth must personally give the task to the pc/npc, although her presence is not required. She needs to have a direct method of instructing the npc/pc (echo scroll, for example). Communication must be direct and understandable, as per echo scroll or direct communication, as though through speaking..

“Masked, cloaked figures fighting creatures near Immortal’s Embrace. Came from inland. Find out big picture and engage. Nia – pass word through settlement. Those willing and able - join guards with weapons. Safety in numbers.”

In Haven...

“Masked, cloaked figures fighting creatures near Immortal’s Embrace. Came from inland. Find out big picture and engage. Nia – pass word through settlement. Those willing and able - join guards with weapons. Safety in numbers.”

Balder blinked as he read the message, quickly putting the puzzle pieces together. The information sent was essential, and there wasn’t time to waste.

Nearby, Ronan sat in a chair, head back, snoring. The two had been relaxing in the guard house when the message arrived while Silk and Lore patrolled. Quickly, the man rose, kicking the chair his fellow guard slept in soundly with his boot. ‘Wake up! Trouble’s here.”

Waking with a start, Ronan scowled a bit at the abrupt intrusion. “Not likely – she’s in Hopetoun.”

Ronan enjoyed treating the settlement leader like a younger sister, teasing included. Balder ignored it momentarily, rolling his eyes and tossing the other’s weapon toward him. “Elisabeth’s sent word. People near Immortal’s Tongue. She’s looking through the snow globe.”

The two men armed themselves, leaving the guard house and looking for the other two guards. As luck would have it, they didn’t need to look far, hearing rustling from the nearby tree line. As they turned to look, Silk emerged. “Something is happening by the chapel. I came to get you guys. Lore’s keeping an eye on things. It’s…interesting.”

The last thing Balder saw in the settlement proper was Nia leaving her home, setting what Elisabeth had asked into motion. It would take a little time for word to pass, of course, but being beyond efficient was Haven’s thing. There were procedures for this sort of thing, and the settlers knew how important it was to stick to the plans. Plans gave people a sense of security and stability, allowing them to carry out their tasks without hesitation calmly.

The guards, however, had a looser rulebook to play by. Elisabeth wanted to know the story behind the late-night visitors, and they would do their best, but engaging could mean a wide variety of things, from talking to fighting. How they responded would depend on what happened when they made their presence known.

As all four guards grouped at the edge of the clearing, they noted the skirmish between beast and man, but before too many trills passed, the creatures departed, leaving those who thought to sneak into Haven unchallenged. It wasn’t immediately clear if the beasts had done damage to them, but they would probably find that out sooner rather than later.

“Well,” Ronan whispered. “What’s the plan?”

Silk shrugged her shoulders. “Elisabeth said to figure out what was going on. We can’t quite do that unless they say something, meaning we must say something first, right? They are really close to the chapel - that can't be good.”

Lore, always ready with the short version of his thoughts chimed in. "It's simple. We put ourselves between the Haven, the chapel and them - that's what we do. That's what Elisabeth would do."

Balder wasn’t usually the most outgoing, but since being voted to the Emergency Council, he had stepped up leadership-wise to fill the gaps where solid opinion might be needed. “This isn’t the moment for debating. They gain an advantage and get closer to the settlement every second we stand here."

And with that, he moved out from the shadows of the treeline, calling to the unknown figures. “Who goes there?”

They needed to give Nia time to rouse the settlers. If things went sideways, sheer numbers might be the only thing that saved them. For the moment, the plan was put themselves between the unknown and that which they held dear....and stall.

Settlement Effects
Faldrass' Favour:The Induk of Faldrass favours this settlement. Crops planted in this settlement will grow large and healthy, well-fed by the rich nutrients from the volcanic soil that never seem to run out.
New Leader: For the Hot Cycle 721, the settlers of Haven see that Elisabeth is working in her new role. Since she has already earned their trust, they work cohesively together and help her where they can. This also means that you have a one-time opportunity to change the Survival and Growth skills for Haven. If you choose to do that, then it will need discussion with me and to be evident in threads for the settlement. It doesn't need it's own threads, per se, but I'd like to see evidence of a shift happening.
Military Training: Haven's military NPCs possess 15xp in Strength, 5xp in Combat: Unarmed and 15xp in a random combat skill.
Cultural Quirk: Community Spirit Those who live in Haven will experience less conflict among themselves and will experience a sense of calm and serenity as individuals. It's like the effect that people get when being in the gazebo seeps into the residents, who are just more chilled out and xen-like. Conflict (even small conflict) reduces significantly.

Haven wasn't a large settlement with experienced fighters. Well, beyond herself, Balthazar and Fastia. Balthazar had seen to it that many there could fight if needed, but that didn't translate into experience as she well knew. It wasn't a large group she had seen in the snowglobe, so logic told her that more significant numbers could level the field against more-skilled opponents if others joined the guards. The type of damage the creatures had done was also unknown, so there was that.

Fastia, to her credit, stood there quietly, waiting to see what happened while Elisabeth scribbled the messages. Standing, Elisabeth collected all the scrolls and snowglobe, tucking them into her bag and explaining as best she could while doing so. "Unknown people are approaching Immortal's Embrace from inland. Small group. I saw them fighting animals of some sort. I've sent word for the guards to engage and the settlers to back them up. We need to get to Darius and tell him."

Upon leaving the Inn, it became immediately apparent that in the time it had taken her to receive Vega's message, snowglobe-gaze, and respond, things were happening in Hopetoun too. As her eyes quickly adjusted to the dark Starry Eyes - The Blessed can always see perfectly well in all darkness. What's more, he can detect Shadow-form Naerikks, and can see through the shadow-based blessings of Audrae, if his blessing level is superior to theirs. This does not, however, cure blindness.that Cylus always brought, Elisabeth thanked Xiur for the ability to see in such conditions, grateful that his blessing provided such wonderous tools for her to use to help others.

The two made their way through the settlement, asking for Darius' whereabouts until finally, she saw him in the distance at the palisade. Strangely enough, there was a very familiar figure with him as well - a presence that made her smile.

"Varlum?" It could only be him, although the tone of her question left an impression of confusion. He had likely sensed the approach of another defier Expert but might be surprised to note who exactly it was as communication between the two had been sparse since Rharne. It had been some time since seeing him, and for the Ithecal to pop up in Hopetoun at the same time as she was a pleasant coincidence.

Time had changed Elisabeth since the last meeting with her friend - something she was well aware of. The three glowing rings around her forearm Adored of Qylios were an obvious symbol of that but in her heart and soul, she was still the same girl he had known from Rharne as there were aspects that time couldn't touch. Her warm nature shined through the severity of the situation, gently laying an hand on the Ithecal's arm in greeting.

As lovely as it was to see him, her mind was someplace else – in Haven. Turning to face both him and Darius, Elisabeth began explaining what was going on there and the information she had gotten from Vega, but her words fell away as sapphire eyes took in the scene from the palisade.

"That's new…."

Elisabeth's logic allowed her to put two and two together. Or extrapolate that whatever was happening in Haven, and Sweetsong it was likely that Hopetoun's situation was somewhat related, if not directly.

The young defier's mood was quickly deteriorating. There were situations in both Haven and Hopetoun, and unless some Immortal had blessed her with a power she wasn't aware of, she could only be in one place….and she hated the answer logic gave her. Inside, she felt the familiar burn of her spark, leaping at the opportunity to unleash the power that Elisabeth so carefully and meticulously tried to keep in check. Emotions were a wonderful thing, but in times of stress, her opportunistic spark tended to seize advantage of her nature. A quick, deep breath quelled the sensation for a moment, but it would return - she had no doubts.

Haven's situation was still developing. It could be nothing or a lot of something. Hopetoun was in obvious trouble, as could be the whole of Faldrass. The Barony, Saoire's School, Haven…all were in harm's way. Who's to say things would stop with Hopetoun?

Trust the people you've tasked to do the job you asked them to do. Step back and let them do it. It was one of the most complicated rules of leadership to learn – at least for her – yet at that moment, Elisabeth had to do the hard thing and do precisely that, prioritizing until she had more information.

She quickly finished explaining about Haven and Sweetsong but then turned and handed her scrolls to Fastia with a tight smile, laying a gentle hand on her arm, knowing what the Ithecal was thinking. "The boys will be fine. I'm sure they are being spoiled at the farm with the Munnys right now. Watch for a reply." Fighting didn't seem to be on the agenda quite yet, so Elisabeth felt giving her companion the scrolls could give Fastia a sense of control – something she might need right then.

Turning back to Darius and Varlum, the settlement leader got down to business. "What do you need from me? I'm marked by Xiur Adored of Xiur and know this is holy ground for him. I have some abilities that might help. I can bolster optimism throughout the people here and cast doubt in the hearts of those who might oppose us if it comes to that. I've used both abilities before to great effect on their own. I'm unsure, however, if they are amplified in his holy land."It was an intriguing question, to be sure, but one she didn't know the answer to.

Darius knew her abilities with people very well, but they weren't at the stage…or perhaps they were? Just because she had never been able to analyze a large-scale scene didn't mean there wasn't something to pick up.

She studied the scene before her, looking for clues to decipher intention or motive Snap Analysis (Socialization)

Elisabeth's experience dealing with a wide variety of people, personalities, and attitudes has led her to develop a keen social awareness of people and how they interact with each other. She's aware of the complexities of human social relationships and has a deep understanding of key social processes. In working with the settlers of Haven, her dealings with Scalvorian government and politics, and even personal relationships, her ability to read between the lines and troubleshoot social interactions has dramatically sharpened. Time is of the essence sometimes in social situations, and Elisabeth has learned to waste none.

This diverse experience allows Elisabeth to quickly assess tense social interactions between people, sorting through and understanding the underlying issue with little direct information being presented to her.
– anything that might help. Did she recognize any of the flags being flown? Had the Baron mentioned anything in his books that she had so diligently studied?

"Whatever is to happen, we should choose the battlefield, not them. That gives them way too much power, and we know this place better than they do and *that* is an advantage to the logistics of conflict. Novice Tier 2 Ability - Logistical 'Bones'

Elisabeth has spent a lot of time making plans for all sorts of projects over a wide range of skills. Her ability to walk into a situation, quickly assess what's going on based on the information in front of her and develop a road map for an operation is something that her experiences have well-prepared her for.

During her development as a leader, Elisabeth coupled her love of learning with the idea that she needed to know anything and everything about a skill before she could be helpful in developing a logistics plan for something related, but over time, she's realized that all logistics boil down to similar 'bones,' and has adapted her abilities to recognize and adjust them regardless of the project.

The depth of experience she's had allows Elisabeth to break down any project to the logistical 'bones,' regardless of her level of skill in abilities necessary for the project (engineering, gardening, woodworking, etc) and swiftly create a solid plan. For example, she doesn't need to know anything about textile production to be able to develop a feasible, well-considered plan to build a material production operation. The participants in the projects she makes also do not require levels in related skills in order to carry out her plan.

This ability requires her direct oversight and total attention. She cannot set up everything needed at all times with no knowledge of any of the skills she has set up - she needs to set a task with a clear goal and monitor the progress to prevent errors or miscommunications. If these processes already include capable people (at the required skill level for the task and carrying out tasks that they should be reasonably expected to complete) then they can continue without her intervention once they begin, but those of lower skill won't last.

There is a limit, however, to the quality of the product of this method. Those that know nothing about what they are doing will never excel beyond those that do, so while the results will be of a good quality, as though made by someone of a high-competent, and the tasks they complete will be as though those involved have a high-competent skill level, it will never outright replace the work of someone at Expert or above, and any tasks they do will have the usual minor errors or issues that would not otherwise have happened to someone of an acceptable skill level.

This ability is flexible in terms of moderator interpretation. There are no mechanics attached to it and is intended to be utilized in a logical manner and within story/plot parameters."
If you give me peopleHR Savant (Logistics)

Elisabeth's experience with the settlers of Haven, cataloging their skills and organizing them to tasks best suited to their abilities, has allowed her to develop a keen awareness of how to use human resources quickly to their maximum effect and efficiency.

The result of these honed abilities is being able to do more with fewer people. When Elisabeth is involved in planning a project, task, etc., that requires the use of people, the amount of labor needed to accomplish it is decreased by 25%.
,I can get things done quickly and efficiently. Waste Not, Want Not (Logistics)

Being the leader of a fledgling settlement with limited resources has taught Elisabeth different ways of maximizing what's available. Whether dealing with manpower or materials, she's become extremely skilled in planning the use of resources to down to the tiniest details, honing tips and tricks over several different projects.

When Elisabeth plots logistics for projects, less material and/ or resources are needed to complete them due to her efficiency in this skill, knowing how to effectively stretch available resources/materials for maximum effect, allowing her to need 25% less. This encompasses human and material resources.
The reputations of Haven and its leader were growing Settlement Effect: The Reputation Reverberation within the bounds of Scalvoris, known for their ability to assess and get matters handled in almost super-human fashion .

There were things she could infer by looking around. People were being evacuated and information gathered. All that came to her quickly, allowing Elisabeth's mind to go to work.

Another thought came to her, quickly calling for her diri. "Fintan, I need your help." Quietly, the ice phoenix appeared, hovering over her shoulder, eying Darius and Varlum but remaining silent, not like Finn but perhaps sensing the severe nature of the situation. "Would you please go to Ishallr and apprise of the situation here, Haven and Sweetsong, and then return unless you need to stay there? I would appreciate it very much, my friend." The bond the ice-forged had with her diri was meaningful in many different ways, but mostly because they were a team in the young woman's eyes. Each had a different perspective, allowing Elisabeth to teach Finn about the world she lived in and, in turn, gave the diri the opportunity to help his forged understand Ishallr and her bond with that world.

The last minute inclusion of Haven's uncertain situation felt necessary in case her gut-feeling about the predicaments in all three settlements was correct.

Within a blink, the diri vanished, off to run his errand.

OOC Notes
Has done:
- Sent letters to Balder and Nia with information seen in enchanted snow globe (Per Peg, this info can be considered as sent with the first batch of letters)
- Haven section of post!
- Found Darius and Varlum at the palisade
- Told them the situation in Haven (what she knows of it) as well as the note from Vega.
- Gave echo scrolls to Fastia to monitor for the time being
- Attempts to use socialization capstone/various Expert+ skills to analyze the situation
- Attempts to remember if the Baron Books included flags of pirates or anything that might be useful
- Told Darius and Varlum of her abilities to inspire friendlies and demoralize enemies, as well as other useful information.
- Spoke of her opinion that they need to choose the battlefield for the most advantages
- Sent Fintan to Ishallr to apprise of the situations in Hopetoun, Haven and Sweetsong.

Abilities Used
Starry Eyes
The Blessed can always see perfectly well in all darkness. What's more, he can detect Shadow-form Naerikks, and can see through the shadow-based blessings of Audrae, if his blessing level is superior to theirs. This does not, however, cure blindness.
Snap Analysis (Socialization)
Elisabeth's experience dealing with a wide variety of people, personalities, and attitudes has led her to develop a keen social awareness of people and how they interact with each other. She's aware of the complexities of human social relationships and has a deep understanding of key social processes. In working with the settlers of Haven, her dealings with Scalvorian government and politics, and even personal relationships, her ability to read between the lines and troubleshoot social interactions has dramatically sharpened. Time is of the essence sometimes in social situations, and Elisabeth has learned to waste none.

This diverse experience allows Elisabeth to quickly assess tense social interactions between people, sorting through and understanding the underlying issue with little direct information being presented to her.

Abilities Noted (I have tried to include all abilities that might be relevant to what Elisabeth is doing, but please know I’m not assuming success. In some cases, it is very much a FAFO situation)

Novice Tier 2 Ability - Logistical 'Bones'

Elisabeth has spent a lot of time making plans for all sorts of projects over a wide range of skills. Her ability to walk into a situation, quickly assess what's going on based on the information in front of her and develop a road map for an operation is something that her experiences have well-prepared her for.

During her development as a leader, Elisabeth coupled her love of learning with the idea that she needed to know anything and everything about a skill before she could be helpful in developing a logistics plan for something related, but over time, she's realized that all logistics boil down to similar 'bones,' and has adapted her abilities to recognize and adjust them regardless of the project.

The depth of experience she's had allows Elisabeth to break down any project to the logistical 'bones,' regardless of her level of skill in abilities necessary for the project (engineering, gardening, woodworking, etc) and swiftly create a solid plan. For example, she doesn't need to know anything about textile production to be able to develop a feasible, well-considered plan to build a material production operation. The participants in the projects she makes also do not require levels in related skills in order to carry out her plan.

This ability requires her direct oversight and total attention. She cannot set up everything needed at all times with no knowledge of any of the skills she has set up - she needs to set a task with a clear goal and monitor the progress to prevent errors or miscommunications. If these processes already include capable people (at the required skill level for the task and carrying out tasks that they should be reasonably expected to complete) then they can continue without her intervention once they begin, but those of lower skill won't last.

There is a limit, however, to the quality of the product of this method. Those that know nothing about what they are doing will never excel beyond those that do, so while the results will be of a good quality, as though made by someone of a high-competent, and the tasks they complete will be as though those involved have a high-competent skill level, it will never outright replace the work of someone at Expert or above, and any tasks they do will have the usual minor errors or issues that would not otherwise have happened to someone of an acceptable skill level.

This ability is flexible in terms of moderator interpretation. There are no mechanics attached to it and is intended to be utilized in a logical manner and within story/plot parameters."

The Delegation Expectation (Leadership)

Elisabeth’s experience with the Haven settlement has helped hone her into a practical, positive leader. Through projects such as constructing the clam farm in Haven and working with others on the planning and building of Munny Farm, Elisabeth has honed several different aspects involved with the leadership of people, earning her a positive, wide-spread reputation.

While being hands-on is something Elisabeth is known for, there are times when she needs to delegate specific jobs to others, empowering individuals to exercise autonomy in dealing with an aspect of a task that she is involved in. When delegating, Elisabeth can inspire an npc/pc to operate at one skill level above their current stage, and it applies to any one skill relevant to the task.

This capstone only applies to one skill for one npc/pc per thread. It does not apply to groups.

Elisabeth must personally give the task to the pc/npc, although her presence is not required. She needs to have a direct method of instructing the npc/pc (echo scroll, for example). Communication must be direct and understandable, as per echo scroll or direct communication, as though through speaking.

Waste Not, Want Not (Logistics)

Being the leader of a fledgling settlement with limited resources has taught Elisabeth different ways of maximizing what's available. Whether dealing with manpower or materials, she's become extremely skilled in planning the use of resources to down to the tiniest details, honing tips and tricks over several different projects.

When Elisabeth plots logistics for projects, less material and/ or resources are needed to complete them due to her efficiency in this skill, knowing how to effectively stretch available resources/materials for maximum effect, allowing her to need 25% less. This encompasses human and material resources.

HR Savant (Logistics)

Elisabeth's experience with the settlers of Haven, cataloging their skills and organizing them to tasks best suited to their abilities, has allowed her to develop a keen awareness of how to use human resources quickly to their maximum effect and efficiency.

The result of these honed abilities is being able to do more with fewer people. When Elisabeth is involved in planning a project, task, etc., that requires the use of people, the amount of labor needed to accomplish it is decreased by 25%.

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Re: Night Prow-lers

As it turned out, having a wolf and a giant fox running around and waking people up in the middle of the night caused a considerable amount of panic. Surprising, really, considering the much bigger problem on the horizon, but Kin had to guess they hadn't looked over there yet, and it wasn't as though she could tell them about it. She could only do what she knew was best for the moment, and hope that it was the best course of action. If the people she woke were frightened of her presence or ran away screaming, there was nothing more to do than make sure they ran in the right direction - towards the middle of the settlement and away from the shoreline, where they'd just end up caught in the inevitable crossfire. Though they'd started with the goal of waking up as many as possible via the fastest route, soon Kin was tasked with running ahead to bang on doors and windows, while Bachu trailed behind as the more 'friendly face' of the two, tactfully blocking off streets with her sheer size to regulate the flow of worried citizens back towards the palisade and the centre of the settlement.

It wasn't particularly nice, though, getting all panicked over from people when all they wanted to do was help. Hell, both of them could be somewhere else and not saving human lives if they felt like it.

Well, at least someone had the good manners to approach, if only for a moment. He seemed to know things, and Kin halted mid-stride to turn to him, nodding in intelligent acknowledgement of his thanks - then giving a brief shake of her head when he inquired further. 'Nearby' was a relative term of course, but he wasn't close enough to be of much help to them at that moment.

After that, it seemed Darius had everything he needed. Kin shared a look with Bachu that the Hyx returned with a cocked head. Then they went right back to their task of guiding settlers away from where the inevitable fighting was going to take place - using their size to herd the settlers like sheep to where they would likely be the most safe - and even more importantly, somewhere indoors and defensible. The obvious choice was the largest building they could find within the closest distance, and that meant the Hopeful Rest Inn. Nudging them up to the door should have been enough of a hint to get inside.

Maybe, at some point, people would start to realise the large animals weren't really threatening anyone, and were making quite the poor job of intimidating those around them, even if they'd wanted to. Maybe they might even see they seemed to have a plan in place, and were at the very least incredibly well-trained. Ultimately though, while they would have preferred to get the population of Hopetoun moving with as little fuss as possible, the more pressing concern was getting them to somewhere that would ensure their survival.

It also didn't really matter if they were dressed in the garb of civilians, or the uniforms of soldiers. Humans were humans - and the soldiers, for all their preparation, would be much better off inside than outside, Kin knew. If they could have, they would have shoved Darius, Elisabeth and that strange-looking Ithecal in as well. Whatever talking they were doing could be done inside and within the comfort of four walls with no less success. She considered doing the same thing to the walking rock next to them... until she recognised some lingering familiarity under all that stone. They'd never spoken, but Kin recalled the creature from the fight with Kata, Syroa, Audrae... she'd seen him in action and he'd held his own against Immortals themselves single-handedly.

She bowed her head in deference when she passed him - there was no risk he'd end up in danger, no matter what came. For everyone else however, Kin had a job to do, and nobody - especially not a bunch of panicking bipeds - was going to stop her from doing it, because when all was said was done, they'd live to breathe another day and that was all she cared about. Into the shelter, the lot of them.

She'd glare. She'd push insistently, and Bachu as well - but they were getting to safety before what happened next, and Kin wasn't above picking them up by the scruff like a recalcitrant pup to get her point across. They needed to get to safety.
Kin and Bachu do their best to lead the people of Hopetoun to the Hopeful Rest Inn and get them inside, treating panicked citizens like sheep to herd them inside.

They do the same thing for soldiers, Rangers, anyone else they find within Hopetoun, regardless of what they're doing at that moment.

They also do the same for Darius and Elisabeth. They don't back down when challenged. Varlum gets a polite bow instead.
word count: 847
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: Night Prow-lers

Round 2 Complete!

General / All of ya!
It would help me a lot if you could link the thread when you post in the tracker. I understand that there's already a link in there somewhere, but I need to go searching for it and, presumably, you have it :D Thanks!

Crispin: aka: The Fella on the Beacon / The Ships
As Round 3 begins (right at the beginning of it) Crispin signals wildly; something has changed. What the cause for this change is, it is not clear, but the Pirates have abandoned stealth in favour of - it seems - brute force. This round, Crispin and those who are able to see what's happening will see (and Crispin will inform via light-show).
a) The large ships begin to move and will quickly gain speed.
b) The balistas which were covered and not visible get the dark coverings pulled off them and will be being fired at you next round (unless you do something to stop 'em, of course).
c) There is the beginning of the crazy movement of animals - specifically fish atm - off the shores of Hopetoun. Being close to where Nir was (relatively) it hits you first. This makes disembarking onto the boats difficult for the pirates - but it means that they have more time to focus on their long-range weapons.
d) Anyone with a high enough DetectionExpert or above or other means of seeing will notice (as it gets closer), two things.
  • The large ships unfurl new flags. One is a black flame on a red field and the other a black skull on a white field. Anyone with a reason to // a native Scalvorian // appropriate skills Research, etc - Expert will know who they are. They continue to fly the flag of Chrien, also.
  • As the new flags unfurl, something else happens. The fabric of the flag - and indeed the wood of the ship itself takes on a more reflective sheen.

Darius accepts Faldrass' offer and that may well take up the majority of his time in the first half of Round Three. He is linked with the Induk. There is nothing vaguely human about the Induk and yet, Darius would be aware that the Induk is being respectful and not just taking him over. Darius speaks with his own voice, but he can allow the Induk to speak through him if he chooses. Darius is still entirely in charge of his actions, but he and Faldrass share a connection. That connection is that Darius is being allowed to hear all the Forged Diris. Darius can think words or speak them and - if he commands it - the Forged Diris will speak them, exactly. He is also aware that Faldrass is just the "face" of what he's experiencing - Faldrass himself is in direct contact with all three of the other Induks.
You are being "herded" by Nir's animals - or rather, that is being attempted. Please ensure you respond in your next post. Ledas responds to that by firstly being "polite" and standing in front of Darius with a very calm expression. He will attempt to communicate with the creatures, also, telling them to back the heck off. If they don't though, he'll get testy and will fight to stop them hassling Darius unless Darius tells him not to.
At some point, a fight will break out when someone insists on resisting ""Kin wasn't above picking them up by the scruff like a recalcitrant pup to get her point across." This will more than likely be a Ranger, or one of the more combat-focused / determined to stand and fight Hopetounians.

Spirit summoned (but see the rain in point 2 of the "Hopetoun" section below)
The "Spirit of Yore" ability shows you that these ships are old - much older than they look. There is a long and bloody history and you see much of what is written here = however, you also get more recent past, and you see them preparing with others - many more ships than this. They (the ships) are prepared by alchemists and you see at least half of the Pirate Lords setting sail together. DM me if you have other questions!
You are not being herded.

You can use your skills to analyse the situation - but it really is pretty much what it is - there aren't really lines to read between. They're attacking, they're not messing around, they're well prepared. As Elisabeth gets more information, she'll see just how well prepared they are, but this is more of a tactics situation than a socialisation one.
There's not really a need to send Fintan - since Darius sent Ledas in his first post and Ledas arrived back at the same time that you arrived. However, Fintan goes with additional information.
You are being "herded" - or rather, that is being attempted. Please ensure you respond in your next post.

Kin and Bachu are getting some of the people of Hopetoun moving. They seem quite happy to get going to the stone structure, but there are bloody big pirate ships out there and they don't know these animals.
The ones who move are the ones who are afraid - The ones that don't are determined to stand and fight.
The Rangers do NOT move at the behest of the animals.
When Kin "Kin wasn't above picking them up by the scruff like a recalcitrant pup to get her point across." does this - a fight will break out. Please liaise with Darius before he posts to let him know when that is.
Of course - when the rain starts, that really does pose something of a problem ....... and yes, the rain will certainly impact the Hyx (not the Velduris wolf though).
When they try and herd Darius, Ledas (the ice tiger) will make his feelings very known. (See Darius' section up there).

  • The Shellknights go to Saoire's School.
  • Half way through this round, it starts to rain. Not a little, a lot. A big lot. And in the rain, there are dangersA powerful, driving rains that put out raging fires, flood rivers, and drown those who can't escape rising waters. Unlike a normal rain, however, this is a corrupted downpour, causing any caught in it to be stalked by phantoms of their worst enemy. These phantoms have a physical presence and can injure the stalked. PLEASE ALL RESPOND TO THIS IN YOUR POSTS. This is your worst enemy given physical form that only you can see but which can hurt you and will be actively trying to. This will impact NPCs, too.
  • The large wolf and the hyx 10ft tall winged wolf-thingie are attempted to herd people to the inn. Some are going, some are resisting.

There were a lot of suggestions from both Elisabeth and Varlum last round. If we keep the posting order as Darius, Varlum, Elisabeth, Nir, we can ensure that everyone has a chance to respond to the posts since yours. Thanks!

word count: 1175
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Darius Baer Bottom
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Re: [Hopetoun] Night Prow-lers


When Darius bonded with Katara, there were a host of voices that flooded his conscience. The majority were friendly but unknown to him; a handful were familiar, and one was completely unexpected.

"What?Image Ledas asked, feigning innocence. "Can't a cat interrupt his servant?"

Darius turned to see his companion returning from Ishallr.

"My old home will be fine. There are a few intruders, but they won't cause any problems. You'd know more than most that the ice caves can be terribly difficult to navigate."

That was true. Darius and Ledas had met in one such ice cave, and the Scalvorian had sworn he was staring death in the face. Unexpectedly, Ledas had instead become a fine companion and a fierce ally. But his voice didn't linger; his message delivered, the tiger's voice slowly faded into the background.

Its prominent position was taken by Faldrass. The Induk appeared before Darius, as he had before - beneath the volcano that they both called home, and in Almund.

Almost three arcs had passed since they had first met, and Faldrass' voice was not one he would easily forget. It carried power and it could easily intimidate. But Darius knew it; when the Induk spoke, the Scalvorian heard.

And yet, in the midst of all the events that were unfolding around them, Faldrass didn't speak. He whispered. As Darius accepted the Induk's invitation, the situation facing Hopetoun and Scalvoris as a whole disappeared from his focus, while also fastening itself to the very centre of it. Everything spun around the Scalvorian, but nothing gave him dizziness. Nothing of the experience made any sense, and yet it all made perfect sense.

Instinctively, he knew that he could now speak to - and hear from - the many Forged diris. He knew that Faldrass could speak through him. And he knew that he could be heard by the other Induks.

The Induk whispered, reciting sacred apothegmatic mysteries that might have been previously lost to time, and perhaps would become lost again. Darius intuitively knew that they were not his secrets to tell, and so he swore to keep them to himself.

And that is why, dear reader, I can't tell you what Faldrass said to Darius. The Scalvorian simply refused to tell me.


Crispin wasted no time in alerting the guards on the palisade. With his small signalling light, he sent the alert with three patient flashes, each one lasting for a full trill. The message was clear to the sentries, and word of the escalation in the pirates' activity soon spread across the palisade.

The main light of the beacon ceased to avoid the invaders. Instead of rotating in a full circle and carefully avoiding the ships, it now began to target them specifically. If any of the pirates attempted to disembark their ships and lower longboats, the light would chase them. Similarly, if Crispin was able to see the ballistae, he would target anyone attempting to make use of them.


The voices that had faded when Darius had interacted with Faldrass were the first to return as the world around him stopped spinning. In fact, it was that same voice that was speaking as his attention returned to his immediate vicinity.

"Back down," Ledas spoke firmly. "You are threatening my ward, First-Forged of Faldrass and protector of Hopetoun. You do not make the rules around here."

Darius 'awoke' to see that there was much movement happening in the settlement. Nir'wei's creatures appeared to be corralling the settlers into the Hopeful Rest Inn, and not all of them were happy about it. The Scalvorian knew there were people in the settlement who would not be in a position to fight, so retreating to a place of refuge must have come as a relief to them. But there were plenty who would defend Hopetoun, and they couldn't do that if they were being herded into a building. That was only going to frustrate people and there was an increasing risk that someone would fight back. Hopetounians could not hope to defend their homes if they were already busy fighting someone else.

"Nir'wei," Darius said, his voice knowing that in doing so he could speak through the man's diri. "Have your beasts stand down, or let them join the battle line. I'm sure they mean well, but they are causing discord among the defenders. We don't have the numbers to fight on multiple fronts."

His words were calm but - he hoped - clear.

And then Darius found himself dealing with an avalanche of information. Varlum was eager to offer his services and share some strategy ideas. Elisabeth arrived and was eager to play her part. And the guards were passing on word from the beacon. It was a lot to take in, but Darius thought that was actually a good thing - the more information he had, the easier it would be to decide what to do next.

He started by telling Varlum the size of the garrison. He explained what they had been trained in, but also how other settlers might be able to help.

"There will be people who aren't fighting, but who can help," he added, explaining how Xiur had gifted settlers the ability to cause create lightEvery permanent settler in Hopetoun has the power to touch any item and cause it to glow with a bright, starry light. This light can be directed away from the holder, so as not to dazzle night vision. This power can be maintained as long as the item is held by the settler.. "Even those who aren't in combat can use lights to blind the pirates, especially as it's night. And they will be especially vulnerable when they disembark their longboats."

Darius nodded in agreement with Varlum's proposal to choose the battlefield.

"Aye, we can decide where they die," he replied.

His voice lacked the emotion that one might expect when discussing taking someone's life. Darius was not one to wantonly kill, for he knew the pain of loss. But he had sworn to protect Faldrass, and the island - and Scalvoris as a whole - was under attack. He could not ask the settlers to fight to the last breath without being willing to do the same himself.

Elisabeth's presence was invaluable. She offered her services, and Darius was grateful for that. Although most of their interactions had been social or political, he knew she had martial skills that would be useful in the coming fight. He didn't like the idea of his friend being endangered, but he also wagered that by having her involved, the pirates were in more danger than she was.

"Anything you can do to boost our morale and undermine theirs would be of great value," he assured the Videnese.

She, too, suggested they choose their field of battle, and Darius again nodded in concurrence.

"I propose we position ourselves near the water's edge," he suggested to the pair. "The longboats should make for easy targets as they approach the shore. I'm sure our archers can thin their numbers before their boots touch the sand."

Darius found himself looking between the two, trying to ignore the growing throb of adrenaline that was beginning to move through his body.

"Varlum, you should lead the vanguard."

The ithecal had offered to protect those behind him, which suggested that there was no better place for him to be than at the front. And seeing a creature of his size waiting for them as they slowly rowed towards their potential deaths would surely serve to frighten the pirates.

"Elisabeth, take a group of fighters with you, and hide in the trees nearest the Hollow Sea. If Varlum and the others begin to get overrun, or someone tries to outflank them, you can come to their aid."

Darius was making decisions, but he knew that Elisabeth would make alternative suggestions if she felt the need. And he was sure that Varlum - given his eagerness to offer advice earlier - would do likewise.

"Use the lights to your advantage," he recommended. "Don't shine them until the pirates are close. Blind them, then strike while they are dazzled."

It was as they were making plans that the guards brought news of a change on the seas. Darius turned just in time to see the second of the Pirate Lord banners being unfurled. His fingers touched the sword knot on his longsword as he searched for Liathen's flag, but it was not among them. In a strange way, that brought a small sense of relief.

"Pirate Lords," he growled, before searching his memory for the childhood lessons in which he'd been taught to memorise the emblems of each sea captain. "Red Seas will take no prisoners, but why is The Haunted attacking civilians? I thought he only attacked foreign navies."

They seemed an unusual pair: a Pirate Lord who avoided endangering non-combatants, and one who killed them for sport.

He saw, too, that ballistae were being readied, and he turned to Varlum.

"We should be out of range for now, but you might need to keep your word sooner than you realise."

Darius' voice dropped to a whisper as he looked to Astra.

"Tell the others what is happening," he instructed the half-biqaj, who was busily scribbling on the echo scroll when a raindrop landed on the parchment.

Within trills, that solitary droplet of water was being chased by hundreds and thousands of others. A sudden and unnatural downpour began to fall upon the settlement. For Darius, it was an annoyance, but he soon realised that it was much worse for others.

"Chrien," he spat the immortal's name as a curse as soon as he saw people beginning to react in a frighteningly familiar way. "Find cover! Try to stay dry!"

His cry was echoed across the battlements. Some people were quicker to move than others. Some of the soldiers held their shields above their heads, while others stepped under whatever cover they could find. More still began to fight invisible creatures, and Darius found himself looking for the tentacles that Chrien had used when she had sought to sink the Liberatalia. If he saw any nearby, he would waste no time in attempting to sever them with his blade.

Darius couldn't help but wonder how localised the rain was. Had it reached Saoire's school? Were the Shellknights able to find cover? Was there rain landing on the beach?

But even as he wielded his longsword - and regardless of whether or not he was able to cut any tendrils - he could see the sword knot swinging in the rain. The situation was clearly desperate, and he knew that if Liathen the Guardian was aware of what some of her fellow Pirate Lords were doing, she would be furious. And so he did something that was not familiar to him.

"Cassion," he muttered under his breath. "If you can hear me, I ask that you listen."

Despite being a proud Scalvorian, Darius was not prone to spending time in conversation with Immortals, so he wasn't quite sure how it was normally done. But The Wanderer had paid attention to him in the past, so perhaps he might do it again.

"I've never asked you for anything before," he went on, even as the sword knot began to get soaked by the rain. "You've asked me to record tales, and I have been doing that diligently. I have given you stories. Now I ask that you provide us with a twist to this tale that provides us a victory."

It seemed foolish to suggest an ending to The Taleweaver himself, but Darius couldn't help himself.

"Whether it is The Haunted coming to his senses and protecting us rather than attacking us, or Liathen the Guardian coming to the aid of those who have been attempting to return her sword knot to its rightful owner...please, provide something to aid us and bring us victory."
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 2021
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