Saun 22nd 722
For the past few cycles, Lorogh had noted how time in the army had made his mind more machine-like. His existence, from top to bottom was regimented and run like a vast network of gears, all lifting and supporting each other. He had his scheduled refueling (feedings) at the same time around every day, barring any emergencies. Daily exercise was employed to keep the machinery limber. And then there was study time at the end of the day, as if he wasn't feeling enough like a machine, to read about them and study the theoretical implementation of various inventions and gadgets. And in the running of this machine, many of the creature comforts that were a part and parcel of cadouri society fell by the wayside. He was effectively a soldier and an Imperial Citizen for true now. He felt it in his bones.
So when the news of trouble came from Carhyst, Lorogh knew he would volunteer to answer it. Reportedly, the Forest of Corpses was a perennial thread, but mostly active in its attacks during the warmer seasons, such as Spring and Summer. Thus, the cadouri war-engineer sought to shore up the defenses of his comrade, and if in so doing he got ideas for how to combat and possibly even erradicate the menace that the Forest of Corpses presented, all the better.
He stood well behind the front lines, manning one of the scorpions that dotted the battlefield. Lorogh marvelled at the machine as he began assembling it with his team. He noted that it wasn't unlike a ballista, this particular scorpion, in that it utilized a crossbow-like lathe of flexible steel. The lathe was thick enough to create quite some tension, that would enable it to hurl projectiles a great distance into a fixed formation. Lorogh had never witnessed this particular foe, but was heartened to learn that there wouldn't be any blood shed, at least on the other side should the battle go well. Lorogh did have a squeamish reaction to the sight of blood, as he'd learned in earlier battles. It wouldn't do for him to get nervous in handling a siege weapon, howver. These were delicate instruments, and the wrong articulation or quirk of poor aim could send the payload firing right into a formation of allies. That was not an option, obviously. But since he stood well behind the front lines, he didn't anticipate having to deal with his squeamish aversion to blood and gore.
He finished assembling the parts that still needed it, of the scorpion his particular team would be manning. Lorogh, as the most experienced Stalwart with actual siege experience would be the one manning it, and directing its fire. His corporal stood by, lording it over him and the other privates that stood by him. And so, they waited for the greens to enter the vicinity. Scouts had reported that the Forest of Corpses was on the move against Carhyst interests. They would stand in its way, and by hickory drive them back into the darkness of that forest!