[Forest of Corpses] Mowing the Lawn

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[Forest of Corpses] Mowing the Lawn


Saun 22nd 722

For the past few cycles, Lorogh had noted how time in the army had made his mind more machine-like. His existence, from top to bottom was regimented and run like a vast network of gears, all lifting and supporting each other. He had his scheduled refueling (feedings) at the same time around every day, barring any emergencies. Daily exercise was employed to keep the machinery limber. And then there was study time at the end of the day, as if he wasn't feeling enough like a machine, to read about them and study the theoretical implementation of various inventions and gadgets. And in the running of this machine, many of the creature comforts that were a part and parcel of cadouri society fell by the wayside. He was effectively a soldier and an Imperial Citizen for true now. He felt it in his bones.

So when the news of trouble came from Carhyst, Lorogh knew he would volunteer to answer it. Reportedly, the Forest of Corpses was a perennial thread, but mostly active in its attacks during the warmer seasons, such as Spring and Summer. Thus, the cadouri war-engineer sought to shore up the defenses of his comrade, and if in so doing he got ideas for how to combat and possibly even erradicate the menace that the Forest of Corpses presented, all the better.

He stood well behind the front lines, manning one of the scorpions that dotted the battlefield. Lorogh marvelled at the machine as he began assembling it with his team. He noted that it wasn't unlike a ballista, this particular scorpion, in that it utilized a crossbow-like lathe of flexible steel. The lathe was thick enough to create quite some tension, that would enable it to hurl projectiles a great distance into a fixed formation. Lorogh had never witnessed this particular foe, but was heartened to learn that there wouldn't be any blood shed, at least on the other side should the battle go well. Lorogh did have a squeamish reaction to the sight of blood, as he'd learned in earlier battles. It wouldn't do for him to get nervous in handling a siege weapon, howver. These were delicate instruments, and the wrong articulation or quirk of poor aim could send the payload firing right into a formation of allies. That was not an option, obviously. But since he stood well behind the front lines, he didn't anticipate having to deal with his squeamish aversion to blood and gore.

He finished assembling the parts that still needed it, of the scorpion his particular team would be manning. Lorogh, as the most experienced Stalwart with actual siege experience would be the one manning it, and directing its fire. His corporal stood by, lording it over him and the other privates that stood by him. And so, they waited for the greens to enter the vicinity. Scouts had reported that the Forest of Corpses was on the move against Carhyst interests. They would stand in its way, and by hickory drive them back into the darkness of that forest!

Last edited by Lorogh on Sat Feb 04, 2023 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 523
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Re: [Forest of Corpses] Mowing the Lawn


The interesting thing about manning a siege engine on the open field of battle was that while one was often expected as a result to be among the first to make contact (via a volley of projectiles) with the enemy in skirmishes, they were also (if the lines held) among the last to make face-to-face contact with their enemies. Supposing any of these Forest creeps had faces, anyway.

So as the creeping plant-life began to emerge from the darkness of that forest, the Infantry vanguard braced itself against their approach, while the cavalry stood over the hill, regal and distant from the battlefield for the moment. The archers weren't far from the cavalry, situated on the slope of those hills, ready to fire incendiary arrows at the vegetation monstrosities that threatened Carhyst.

For Lorogh's part, he was not manning a long-ranged siege engine. His team's role was to break up, disrupt, and damage clustered sections of the enemy's masses. It was the Infantry's role to try and corral the enemy into those clustered positions so that the siege engines could do their worst. There was sadly, often collateral damage in such tactics. Something that bothered Lorogh greatly. He knew the Empire valued its soldiers too much to consider this an intentional flaw of the battle plan's design. War was messy after all. And some commanders had less regard for the lives of their soldiers when it came to conscripted convicts put on duty with the Forest of Corpses. Still, it wouldn't stop Lorogh from dreaming of ways to circumvent the loss of life. He envisioned a future where fleshly soldiers need never take the field. A field dominated by manned machines and automatons such as are dreamt of in certain texts he'd read about. Necromancy was an option, but not one that Lorogh wanted to delve into himself. It felt like too much of a crutch.

But all that was beside the point, and Lorogh asserted his attention lest he lose himself to daydreaming in the middle of a battle!

The encroaching creepers were slowly making their way toward the lines of the infantry, slow at first, then faster as they got moving. Lorogh held up a hand, signaling that they should make ready the red-hot shrapnel and potentially an incendiary pot or two for the scorpion's payload. He held his hand up, but not to signal that they should place it in the payload just yet. He had to wait for the opportune moment.

The moment came, when the left and the right flanks gave way, and the center joined either flank, splitting off into a sandwich maneuver, intended to trap the mass of creepers between them and the siege squad's line of fire. The maneuver was performed marvelously, and Lorogh had to suppress the urge to salute them as they did it. There'd be time for accolades later!

"Load em up, comrades!" Lorogh shouted to his squad, over the din of battle.

"Crank it!"

"Hold!" The flanks parted, and then their false route reversed and they squished the creepers into a cluster of wood and plantlife. Lorogh winced as he saw some soldiers skewered by sharpened vines and wooden limbs. Yet, that was all part of the plan, wasn't it? He loosed his hand with a forceful sweep.


The red hot caltrops were sent flying into the cluster of enemies, and instantly caught alight on their branches and limbs and leaves. "Again! Load the incendiary pots! We've got them pinned down comrades!"

"Crank it!" Lorogh began to adjust the aim of the scorpion, to put its sights into the center of the clustered formation of corpsetrees.

Then he signalled for them to release the tension.

"Loose! Fire!"

The incendiary grenades flew over the heads of the soldiers that coalesced around the formation of creepers, and they all watched as the corpse trees burned.

Smoke billowed from the battlefield, visible for miles, as they cut them down and stamped out the fires in equal measure. It was a deadly day, but Lorogh thought he could say the battle went well for their side, at least.

Last edited by Lorogh on Sat Feb 04, 2023 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 705
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Re: [Forest of Corpses] Mowing the Lawn


"Ahhh..." Lorogh sighed, as he took one of the cigars loaned by one of his fellow soldiers, and dipped it into the remnants of the enemy. All around them, signs of the vegetative carnage and conflagration was beginning to fade into embers. There were casualties among their side, mostly injured, but what could you do? Take care of the wounded and see to the dead. The flames would sort the rest out. Lorogh might've been alarmed at the destruction he wrought upon the enemies, had they been of a more sentient or fleshy variety. But he had nothing against killing things made of wood. They were essentially fuel for his war machines now. Which gave him an idea, perhaps he could see if any of their charred remains had alchemical properties? Well, a thought for another time. He'd take some samples later.

For now, he was relishing the victory with the rest of his squad, lighting that cigar from the remnants of the corpse trees. "I love the smell of burning wood. Smells like a winter's night, with honey tea cooking on the hearth."

One of the other stalwarts snorted, and shrugged at Lorogh. He looked up at him, from his four-something feet of height, and quirked a brow. "What amuses you so, Stalwart? Come share with us."

"It's nothing, just..." The stalwart said and then stalled, "You are a strange sort of creature Lorogh. By all accounts afeared of blood, but the destruction and carnage here?"

Lorogh didn't take offense, but furrowed his brow, reserving the observation for a deeper thought. Perhaps there was something to that? "Well, fire is clean, washes away the impurity and disease from what might've been a feast for rats." Lorogh shrugged. Was he becoming blithe toward the idea of mass death? Perhaps. But then, he was nothing if not adaptable. He took a long puff of the cigar, and then blew some haphazard rings into the air. He coughed as the smoke nearly went down his throat, dispelling the ring as he did so. Then he pounded his chest, "Ahh, nothing like a good smoke, eh?"

Lorogh cleared his throat, and stood victorious over the embers of the forests' former inhabitants. "Well earned too, I'd say!" He certainly could get used to this!

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Re: [Forest of Corpses] Mowing the Lawn

Your Review


Hello Lorogh. This is my first Lorogh thread. The weaving of what was going on and what he was things was extremely well done. It would have been nice to see a bit more of the battle, but I do like that it was a prolonged battle scene either. Lorogh working with the siege engines seem to make very good sense as he likes machines. It will be fun to see if he becomes some type of inventor to keep people out of battles. It was a good thread and I look forward to reading more of Lorogh's stuff. Thank you for the Read. Fate
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Combat: Siege Weaponry: different siege engines use various methods to produce kinetic force. A scorpion or ballista uses potential energy stored up in a stiff material, such as a lathe or a flexible piece of spring steel
    • Combat: Siege Weaponry: Spring steel is a strong material that can store up a good amount of energy as it's flexed, and then released.
    • Combat: Siege Weaponry: Field assembly and operation of a siege engine takes a whole team.
    • Leadership: Give basic orders to reload, crank, and fire.
    • Combat: Siege Weaponry: Shoot a payload into a cluster of enemies in order to break them.
    • Resistance: Coughing to dispel the smoke from the lungs, as one inhales cigar smoke.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 245
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