Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Henry Smoog
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: This is a thread for Qylios’ task which is a plot for Doran’s Tier 2 Research. It is related to the modnote that Pegasus made here. Plia is a Personal NPC. Bren and Arjori are Order NPCs and can be found here.
Skills Used: Tier 2 Research, GM Investigation (250x/70k), GM Detection (250x/114k), GM Discipline (250x/89k), Expert Socialization (76x/98k), Competent Etiquette (26x/79k)
Link to approval for Tier 2 plot: here

Requested Rewards:
Tier 1 Knowledges:
Storytelling: Enri von Smooglenuff’s Melrath adventure
Detection: Noticing that someone is out of breath
Etiquette: Don’t share information that might be private
Investigation: Pictures can be helpful when it comes to verifying someone’s identity
Investigation: Being familiar with someone’s personality can help you find them
Investigation x1

Loot: -
Injuries/Overstepping: -
Renown: Reviewer's discretion
Wealth Points: -
Collaboration: no

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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Memories of Mysteries
City/Area: Faldrass/Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: This is a thread for Qylios’ task which is a plot for Doran’s Tier 2 Research. It's abandoned, but I was told I could post it here anyway.
Skills Used: Tier 2 Research, GM Investigation (250x/81k), GM Detection (250x/118k), Expert Socialization (76x/100k), Competent Etiquette (26x/80k)
Link to approval for Tier 2 plot: here

Requested Rewards:
Tier 1 Knowledges:
Detection: The smell of freshly cooked food
Investigation: Baron Rodrigues’ murder mysteries
Investigation: Accents can tell you something about a person
Investigation: Learning more about the people someone surrounds themselves with can help you understand them
Investigation: Paying attention to the things that someone doesn’t say
Investigation: Sometimes, the circumstances surrounding an event are more important than the event itself

Loot: -
Injuries/Overstepping: -
Renown: Reviewer's discretion
Wealth Points: -
Collaboration: yes

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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: This is part of a broader plot for which there is a tracker. Pig Boy will determine how much Faith ends up paying. I have deliberately requested only one knowledge, which is Tier 1. As a Tier 2 thread, this gets no mundane XP,

Thread: [Eureka] With a flower with a flame
City/Area: Towns and Settlements
Renown: Yes please, if appropriate
Wealth Points: Nope.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No)
Local Language Thread? No
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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Part of a Tier 2 storyline here

Thread: [Eureka] The Times They Are A Changing
City/Area: The Stormlands

Renown: Yes Please - If Appropriate
Wealth Points: None
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed:
Collaboration: (No)
Magic Experience?: (No)
Local Language Thread? (Yes - Gernevoir)

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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Part of a Tier 2 storyline. I'm deliberately not claiming full knowledge.

Thread: [Institute for Innovation] Dream Big, Build Bigger.
City/Area: Rharne
Tier 2 Knowledge:
  • Logistics: The reality of trying to balance the needs of two separate agendas.
  • Logistics: Use resources to mutual advantage.

    Renown: Reviewer's Discretion.
    Wealth Points: No thanks!
    - If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed:
    Collaboration: (No)
    Magic Experience?: (No)
    Local Language Thread? (No)

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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Part of a larger Tier 2 plot here - I'm deliberately not claiming knowledge. This is Faith being Faith. She can't help it.

Note I had originally posted this request in the Tier 1 review request. I realised my mistake and edited. That's why this is different in terms of time / date. My mistake - but it was originally posted when the Tier 1 request was. Hope that's ok!

Thread: [Eureka] Step 2: Organisation
City/Area: The Stormlands

Renown: Reviewer's Discretion
Wealth Points:I'll be removing the WP at the final number from Pigs.
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed:
Collaboration: (No)
Magic Experience?: (No)
Local Language Thread? (No)

Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sat Jun 11, 2022 2:49 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 151
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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Note: Part of a Tier 2 Story Line. I'm deliberately not claiming knowledge.
Only warning is that this is part of large plot and, rather than repeating the proposal to each person, I'm having Faith face a challenge from each of them. The plot itself is linked there, if needed.

Thread: [The Merchants Guild] Popularity? Contest.
City/Area: Rharne

Renown: Reviewer's Discretion
Wealth Points: Nope
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed:
Collaboration: (No)
Magic Experience?: (No)
Local Language Thread? (No)

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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Nothing. I've linked the relevant threads where she gives the information about what she's trying to do, but I don't want to keep repeating the same thing in a dozen threads, so I'm skipping it in my description / dialogue here. ( Letter to Ilaren here )

Thread: [Skywatch Keep] I'm living in a powder keg and giving off sparks.
City/Area: Rharne

Renown: Reviewer's Discretion
Wealth Points: Nope
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed:
Collaboration: (No)
Magic Experience?: (No)
Local Language Thread? (No)

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Faith Augustin Champion
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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Nurp. GIven permission to play the NPC by Pigs. No knowledge requested. Part of a larger plot here

Thread: [Lightning Cathedral] Height
City/Area: Rharne

Renown: Yes, please, if appropriate
Wealth Points: Nope.
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed:
Collaboration: (No)
Magic Experience?: (No)
Local Language Thread? ( No)
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Re: Tier 2 Review Request Thread 1.0.0

Hi players,

Staff has voted and opted to unify the various review queues into the main one. That makes this queue no longer necessary.

Thank you.
word count: 26
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