[Faith] Metamorphosis

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Re: [Faith] Metamorphosis

Thread with link: Height
Summary of Story: Faith meet the head of the Thunder Priestesses, discusses concerns, considers broader security issues.
Which Step(s) does this Story Satisfy: Meet with the Thunder Priestesses.

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Thalia takes Faith's suggestions and thoughts on board, and offers to provide priests and monks who have the knowhow to develop a distillery for the Hospital, to make medicinal alcohols as well as recreational. Further, she wishes to provide entertainment and revelry to the patients and doctors, in the form of a tavern. She hopes that Faith will allocate some of the funds toward this end.
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Re: [Faith] Metamorphosis

Thread with link: Popularity? Contest
Summary of Story: Faith meets the head of the Merchants Guild, discusses concerns, considers another addition.
Which Step(s) does this Story Satisfy: Get the support of the Merchants Guild. Resources.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Acknowledged, all good here.
word count: 43
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Re: [Faith] Metamorphosis

Thread with link: Investing in the Future
Summary of Story: Faith meets Chancellor Manyon in Scalvoris - he suggests some scholarships and a new training programme. Faith agrees.
Which Step(s) does this Story Satisfy: Get the support of Universities.
 ! Message from: Avalon
Acknowledged! University of Scalvoris will support Faith's plan. Chancellor Manyon will personally oversee coordination with Faith and administration of the scholarships, understanding what an important project this is for Idalos and education.
word count: 75
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Re: [Faith] Metamorphosis

Thread with link: Dotting i's
Summary of Story: Faith meets Ilaren and Rharne Council. Buys the Thunder Dome, agrees a place for the hospital.
Which Step(s) does this Story Satisfy: Meet Ilaren., Rharne Council.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
All good here, Faith gets a place on the Rharne Council, buys the Lightning Dome, and sets a place for the hospital!
word count: 61
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Re: [Faith] Metamorphosis


Up to date!
Faith Augustin wrote: Sun May 29, 2022 1:25 pm Thread with link: Faith writes to Moseke & the Desnind Goverment
Summary of Story: Faith writes to Moseke and the government of Desnind. Gives them her proposal.
Which Step(s) does this Story Satisfy: Speaking with Councils.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Mod posted.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Moseke and the Oshkosh Chicken (sp?) give consent to Faith's proposal. Let me know when you want to pursue the plot hook, and if. Most likely would be best after the current seasonal, although next cycle works too.
word count: 96
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Re: [Faith] Metamorphosis

Thread with link: Portals & Promises
Summary of Story: The final step, last piece in the puzzle - Faith and Saoire meet to discuss the portals.
Which Step(s) does this Story Satisfy: Meet Saoire
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Reviewed and modded!
word count: 39
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Re: [Faith] Metamorphosis

Thread with link: Walking the walk, talking to walls.
Summary of Story: Faith makes the lakes of lovalus (Brightgleam Oases) and dedicates the building using her "Stone Herald" ability. Final thread. Thanks so much, it's been a blast - I've loved this plot.
word count: 44
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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