Faith's Letters

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Re: Faith's Letters

6th of Cylus, Arc 721

To: Mrs. Faith Augstin
From: Professor Doran Thetys

Dear Mrs. Augustin,

I hope you do not mind my writing you. I have concerning news about Scalvoris, and I humbly ask you for your help and advice. The Council has declared war against Slag’s Deep which considers itself a sovereign nation now, and there are other, worrisome news besides that. When I heard that war was coming, I immediately decided to see how I could help and if I could find anything that might be of use to Scalvoris – and minimize the bloodshed as much as possible. To that purpose, I consulted the Prime Atheneum.

During my research I happened upon a book written by a Mrs. Guffone, or Violunne, as she also called herself, a book of prophecies that was written two-hundred arcs before the Pirate Lords arrived.

The book of prophecies mentioned that Scalvoris is connected by a series of underground tunnels and that the constantly moving caves in Ishallr are in fact not randomly moving at all but controlled by someone and they provide access to the whole island.

Furthermore, the book spoke of ice statues that guard against people finding the way into the “Heart of Scalv”. It speaks of the “Heart of Scalv” overseeing the five elements – and of the “King of Egilrun” who seeks to take the Pirate Lord crown. It mentions isledots and shrine, and the need to Watch at all times, lest the dark ships come and bring death with them.

Over the course of my research, I was able to find a connection between Watch and the fortress named Watch that sits at the entrance of Treid’s Mouth. The author of one of the books that I consulted speaks of it being the entrance to a series of underground caverns and tunnels beneath Scalv – the true home of the Pirate Lords. Dark ships were already seen before, in Ymiden 718, when three different places, including Baron Smooglenuff’s manor on Faldrass, were attacked which suggests a connection in my opinion.

Furthermore, I cannot help but wonder if the Pirate Lords who disappeared a few arcs ago still exist somewhere, deep under Scalvoris.

Another book talks about the stars that protect Scalv. This is often described as though it is a person – and has friends. They protect the heart. Apparently, Xiur is one of the protectors of Scalv. There are a wealth of legends surrounding the Heart. Some say that it is in Faldrass. Some say that there are five “crystals” – Earth, Air, Fire, Water and either Heart or Spirit. Some say that the “Heart” is Faldrass or the “essence of Faldrass”. Finally, the author of the book of prophecies herself seems to have a connection to Xiur and Ziell.

There were two topics that I did not manage to find out more about though, or at least not much more. There is very little information about the Pirate Lord crown, apart from it being linked to the Pact in some way, and no mention of the King of Egilrun anywhere in the Prime Atheneum, a fact that took me by surprise, considering that there are hundreds of thousands of books. There might be some information in libraries in other cities though.

Do any of the things that I mentioned so far seem familiar to you? I will be most grateful for whatever help and advice you can give me. Since I do not know how familiar you are with current events on Scalvoris, I have included a brief overview of what is happening there. I have also included copies of my notes on the subsequent pages.

In Hope and Peace

Doran Thetys
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Re: Faith's Letters

8th of Cylus, Arc 721
To: Mrs. Faith Augstin
From: Professor Doran Thetys

Dear Mrs. Augustin,

I appreciate your quick reply. Your mention of Mrs. Violunne Guffone and why she emphasized the “Mrs.” especially made me think, as did the mention of the essence and the elements. The latter subsequently made me wonder about other stories and legends surrounding a heart.

I know of Treid’s heart and Treid’s return and that he is close to Yvithia, although I am largely unfamiliar with the details of his history. I learned that your husband and you resurrected him.

I am aware that there may be things that you cannot or do not want to talk about, in regard to Treid and the Immortals in general, but there is anything that you can tell me about Treid’s heart and the events surrounding it and about his ultimate resurrection, I would greatly appreciate it. Furthermore, I would like to ask you if there are any other stories surrounding a heart or hearts that you know of.

I am not sure to which extend hearts that are not the Heart of Scalvoris matter, but at this point in time, I consider it to be prudent to pursue every single hint and even weak links as it seems as if the future of Scalvoris itself and all the people that live on the island may be at stake. What is happening is far bigger than I thought at first.

I will of course update you on my research, provided that you want me to do so, and if there ever is anything that I can help you with, please let me know.

In Hope and Peace

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Re: Faith's Letters


I am well aware that it has been a long time. Since we've spoken, since we've crossed paths. In all this time, we have both changed tremendously; even metaphysically. You, a Champion of these... Gods of ours, and me, a mage-bastard better left forgotten. For a long time now, I have been forgotten. In some ways, I enjoyed this state of being, despite the great pains that came with it. The idea that others wouldn't recognize me was... reassuring. No judgmental eyes, no one seeking to vindicate their anger over my actions; no one who could issue retribution. I fear even now that, perhaps, even if Ymiden forgives me, and urges his 'brother' so, this world at large will not. Not just for my crass, self-serving, whimsical curiosity; what it might be like to devour divine might, and the damage that action caused. But for the things I have done before that; the hearts I have broken, the futures I have stolen.

I do not send word to you to make excuses, or claim that all of my misdeeds have been washed away by my time in forgotten purgatory. I am speaking to you now to thank you, and to congratulate you.

It is a tragedy that my... mother of sorts had to lose her life, though I do not blame you. It was, perhaps, for the best. She was a good soul, always a heart filled with light. Her intentions... I do not know when they soured, but somewhere along the way she lost the ability to hold grasp on what was good, and right. I have known this myself. It is a struggle that comes with power -- and change.

I'm sure you are aware by now that I am a Necromancer. Famula, Vri... whoever else might have somehow learned. I can only imagine. That is fine. I have not wielded the magic since some time before my Curse; it is a relic of memory that I do not wish to use. Perhaps some things... augmenting my own bones, restructuring tissue for surgical reasons. But this control over the soul -- as is seen with the Revenant -- it is foul, and cruel. I have left that aside.

Some of us were taken into the Coven because we believed we had nowhere else to go, and we wanted nothing but release from our chains. Necromancy was instilled into me as a cure from the Venora grasp; a way to become my own man, to forge a new destiny. Over time I learned that all it did was rob that from others.

If we meet again, I will not meet you as an enemy. If you wish to revoke the Spark of Necromancy from me, I will take that as a gift. My days seeking dominion through conquest and the acquisition of arcane power are past me. While I will always be a mage, and will always be Revealed, this lust for power no longer carries the same allure. The philosopher in me lives again -- the man who questioned everything, and challenged my own assumptions. I want to pursue that kind of meaning.

Thank you,

Son of the Rose,
Alistair Venora
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Re: Faith's Letters

2nd of Cylus, 722
To the Professor Faith Augustin:

I suppose it was inevitable that I hear of your adventure in Quacia, but news of the events that transpired have finally reached my eyes. While I don't expect you to entrust me with the granular details of that ordeal, nor whatever personal significance they might've had, I have to admit I thought it very interesting that the Champion of Famula was sent along to a place that is a direct anathema to her Immortal Patrons. But I suppose the Immortals had good reasons for acting and choosing who they did for each location during those events...

I myself was sent along by an Immortal to the Caverns of Augiery, a gloomy hell I never thought I'd revisit. I wasn't prepared for everything that occurred, but by whatever ounce of luck I possessed, I made it through the trial, and at the end, there I found a dragon.

I'm wondering if you would like to compare notes about the city-state of Quacia sometime, particularly with regards to the Theocratum, a cult that worships an invisible entity known as the Wounded God. You may find my insight somewhat valuable, as I spent many cycles there myself and participated in the war against the Creep menace. At any rate, I'm glad to have learned that you returned from that ordeal unharmed.

Yours in service,


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Re: Faith's Letters

Ashan 10, Arc 722

Delivered by Snail Mail


I hope this letter finds you and your family well.

Chancellor Manyon of the University recommended I reach out regarding an area of study you and Padraig have been pursuing. As with all stories, the best place to begin is probably the beginning.

When I was abandoned outside Viden as a child, I was left with a necklace of unknown origins. During my trials in Viden, there were attempts to identify the necklace, or the writing upon it, but nothing ever came of it. Over the arcs, I've shown the necklace to a few others and gained small pieces of information, but nothing that ever pointed to its origins or an explanation of how it came into my possession.

I approached Chancellor Manyon and the University for assistance. After researching, they came up with a few exciting conclusions, with the first being that the writing upon the necklace is, at the very least, linked to something draconic, and is very, very old.

As well, they have concluded that the necklace is protected by Divine magic. Just the necklace, not the wearer. The magic is protective - a means of protecting the necklace from magical intrusion, stopping it's purpose from being discovered. They believe the necklace is much older than the magic on it, but that the necklace itself does not pre-date the Immortals.

There was an odd little piece to that. The Chancellor said that this necklace and those like it (Sorry, they found a few more similar necklaces during their research) are probably maintained somehow. They were unclear if it was part of the protection magic, but it seemed to them like the necklace was 'topped off' at some point.

I am happy to make the necklace and all the information I have available to you for research, if you desire such. I am still looking for answers and would be grateful for any information you might be able to offer.


Elisabeth Angelus
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To Faith Augstine

20 Ashan, Arc 722

Balthazar Black
Elisabeth Angelus

Invite you to share in the joy of their wedding.

100th of Ashan, Arc 722

Haven, Faldrass Island, Scalvoris.

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Re: Faith's Letters

10 Ashan 722

To: Faith Augustin
From: Saoire

Dear Faith,

Your letter was a pleasant surprise! Thank you so much for taking the time to write and send it, and for the thought and detail that went into your proposal.

I believe your request is well-thought-out, and I am pleased to put my support behind it. I have one concern, and I am sure you have already considered it, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it.

The gateways pose potential security risks for their cities, Order members, and the hospital. I feel it would be prudent to assess each location and determine the best placement for such a gateway and make an action plan relative to the city/location.

I would be delighted to meet with you, but I also understand that an undertaking like this requires a great deal of planning and communication, and I wish not to restrict your forward progress.

To this end, might I offer to host a meeting with you on Faldrass during Ymiden? Doing this should provide you enough time to put your plan in motion, communicate with whom you need to, and then when you come, we can speak of matters at length? Of course, this is up to you. I simply wish you to have the time you need.

When it is convenient for you to do so, just send me the details regarding a date and time you would like to meet, and I will make the arrangements.

Thank you, as well, for your offer to teach at my school. Your generosity is appreciated, and I would like to take you up on that. It would be an honor to welcome you to our Staff.

I look forward to our gathering!

With warmest regards,

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Re: Faith's Letters

Sent 1st of Ymiden, Arc 722

Doctor Augustin,

First of all, I wanted to inform you that enough guards for the hospital have been recruited, briefed and trained up. They will be ready to move over to Eureka whenever you're ready for them. 
At our current rate of recruitment, by the time you are ready to open the portals, we will easily have enough men and women ready to protect the gateways.

Secondly, I was hoping that I could consult you on a different matter. I have been preparing for a trip to the Western Continent (rest assured, I have my own ways of getting back to Rharne on short notice, so I will still be available as needed). As you likely know, Sirothelle is a hub of slave trade in the west. I am not foolish enough to think this is something I can fix with my means—but the death of Faldrun should mean discord within the city, even an arc on from the ascension. I intend, assuming my initial scouting proves my theory correct, to take advantage of their internal conflict to pick off slave traders as they come in and out of the city. 

If possible, I'd like to meet with you to discuss coordinating with Isonomia. I am not well equipped to help those freed who would wish to leave the Western Continent entirely, as I intend to stay there for some time, and your help and advice here would be invaluable. 

Many thanks,

Praetorum of the Skydas Company
word count: 256
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
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Re: Faith's Letters


Suan 10 722

Dearest Faith.

I hope that you are doing well. I am sending this letter to you along with a scarf. The scarf, thanks to Daia, is infused with the memory of a resent research project I just did using one of my gifts from the Lake that allows me to see the health of people. If you have time I would be interested in a second view. I haven't ever tried this method of sharing information so I have included some notes as well. If at this time you are to busy to give it time I understand. I am looking into how the brain functions and with the ability I can do it humanly. I will keep up the research and send you updates from time to time if you are open to that.

I hope things are going well with the hospital.

Your Friend


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Re: Faith's Letters

32nd of Saun, 722
Dear Professor Augustin,

Good morning, how are you and yours? I hope well. Please, I am sorry to bother you with our problem.

Please know that it’s not by mistake I am contacting you but by the special grace of the Seven. Let my start by introducing myself. I am writing from the Mayor of Volta's office, with an urgent message.

Now is the time for all good men and women to come to our aid.

First the Plague, then Ellasin, and finally if that weren't enough to break the spirit of my people, a Dragon has taken residence in my homeland, enslaving all. According to my very capable spymaster, however, I've learned of a large sum of the Krome family treasure that has lain in security in a pirate's cove off the coast of Volanta. My chancellor has reached out to these miscreants, and they refuse to part with the treasure unless I offer a certain amount of collateral and a Royal pardon. Only one of which I can afford to provide at the moment.

My state of present poverty cannot be allowed to forestall the restoration of my family's fortunes, their hopes and dreams for the future. I ask that you send only a small amount of nels, 150 golden nels will settle the collateral needed in order to assure a safe meeting with these devils. If you send the money by carriage to Volta, I will ensure that you receive half of the vast Krome family fortune, which has been held hostage for too long. Please, you must trust me.

After we send your kind loan, the pirates will come to collect the remainder, and that is when my Martial will strike with a modest squad of my modest retainers. We will force them to tell us where the treasure is, and then it will be ours.

I assure you this is all legal and not a scam. I would not cheat you, not on my honor as Duke of the fallen Duchy of Krome.

Expecting your soonest response.

With utmost hope,

your Duke Vincent Krome, In Exile
word count: 361
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