[Hopetoun] First steps....

26th of Ashan 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Hopetoun] First steps....

26th Ashan, 721

following: this
Doran had just taken her blood and was working on the alchemification of the mirrors which they'd need for the beacon they were building. They were doing that because Xiur had come to them and told them that, soon, there would be a ship coming, at a time when things were really cold and there would be low visibility. So, he had tasked them with making a beacon of hope. Therefore, Vega was starting to work with the wood. Around the tree, in the mental imageImage she had, there would be stairs. She needed to make a prototype or example of each of the pieces which she wanted made, and then she'd have to get people on the job. Her cousins, the community members who had basic woodcrafting skills - they were all happy to help.

Vega was more than happy about this, and so she got started. She was using the gemini wood - she'd been clear that it was resistant to the elements, and it looked metallic and was beautiful. So, Vega got herself busy. First she worked it all out. How many steps to make, that kind of thing. The depth and height of the steps, too, was important, and Vega spent some time on that. She tried a larger step first, because she knew that this was an enormous task, but that she had to get it right. So, start with large and make it smaller - after all, she thought with a smile, she couldn't add wood back on.

For the steps Vega knew that she had to get it just right. So, once she'd made the first one, she laid it on the ground and she tested it. Standing on it, she called over her cousin, Reese, and she asked him to stand next to her. "Yeah, it's not comfortable side by side, but that's alright." She didn't want the steps out too far. "Stand on that for me." She measured Reese's footfall, and nodded. "Alright, I can do this, then. That works." Vega looked up at Reese and smiled.

Looking at her cousin, Vega stopped what she was doing and she raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" There was something in his face, and she knew it. So, she looked at him and asked. Sitting back on her haunches, Vega looked at Reese and waited.

He didn't speak for a few moments, and then he too crouched down. "I'm happy about the baby, Eva."

"Well, that's not a bad thing, is it? Why'd you look like someone pulled your toenails off?" He sighed as Vega asked that and he was quiet for a moment. Then, he spoke quietly - it seemed like every word was painful to drag out of his mouth, Vega thought. She didn't say anything, just waited for him to speak.

"You fought for a year, an entire arc. I am worried about you, Eva."
word count: 500

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Vega Dweeb
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Re: [Hopetoun] First steps....

"Worried about me? Why?" Vega looked at Reese with an expression of total incomprehension on her face.

Reese sighed and shook his head. "You are tired and you push yourself too hard. Always. And now, you are pregnant, and still you are doing that." He looked at her sternly. "You should be resting."

Vega sighed and shook her head. "You've never really understood me, Reese," she said, her voice showing a distinct lack of irritation, despite her words. "An' I understand why, because mostly I wouldn't let you. But this is restin' for me." Gesturing around, she smiled. "It were hard an' it were horrid, an' I really didn't like it. But to sit around in some resort an' do nothin'? It'd drive me doolally in ten bits, an' you know it."

"I do not know any such thing," Reese said, sternly. "And neither do you. You have never tried to relax properly."

"Who says that's properly, Reese?" She sounded a little irritated now. "Who, exactly, is definin' what's best for me? Me? Or you? Because you know, I get why you're tryin' to, but I know myself." Reese glared at her and Vega grinned. She picked up a piece of wood, the stair which was the shape she wanted and she marked on it where the poles would go for the railings. Measuring them meant that she had something to do, so she didn't glare back at him. "I understand, Reese, I do," her voice was quiet. "An' I don't know what I can say to make it better for you."

That stopped his glare and he blinked in surprise. "We are talking about making it better for you Eva. You should be resting."

Vega shook her head. Then, she pointed to where the small marks were. "I'm goin' to make this railin' so it sweeps around the stairs. I'm goin' to do it with a design what's a repeatin' pattern, an' that pattern will include a crescent moon, with a boy sittin' on it, an' the boy is wearin' a hat." Reese frowned slightly, but said nothing. "An' other things, what are relevant to Arlo's mama, missus Creede." She looked up at Reese then. "An' I can tell you that I'm doin' it for Arlo, or mister Creede. I can tell you that an' it'll be true, at least a little bit. But mostly?" Vega smiled at him. "Mostly I'm doin' it for me, because I liked her such a lot an' I worry that I didn't do enough things when she were alive."

He sighed and nodded. "But how is that relevant here, Eva?" Reese's voice was softer, more concerned again.

"Because, Reese, while we're talkin' about makin' it better for me, really it's about makin' it better for you." She shook her head. "I understand that you feel guilty, but you shouldn't. An' I understand that you think I'm hurt, but I'm not a fragile little flower, Reese. Storm's Edge were awful, an' I need to rest. I do. But there's no need for you to feel guilty about it. I'm workin' it out, in my own time, in my own head, in my own way."

"It's my job to look after you, Eva," Reese's voice shook slightly as he spoke and Vega lifted her head to look at him.

"It is," she said, honestly. "An' I think, for what it's worth, you're doin' a grand job."

word count: 601

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] First steps....

When Vega said that she thought Reese was doing a "grand job", he turned a sharp, appraising gaze on her. As he realised that she was not, in fact, being sarcastic or ironic, he let out a slightly ragged breath. "Eva," he said, softly. "We weren't there to help you. We should have been."

Vega rolled her eyes. "Pier an' Pre's pink places, Reese! You'd have only slowed me down an' been a worry to me. You wouldn't have made it better by bein' there." Leaning forward she thumped him, gently, on the shoulder. He winced and rubbed his shoulder. "You made it better by bein' alive an' whole an' my safe place to come home to you steamin' plonker. Now can we please stop havin' emotions, you're startin' to right schnizzle my snoot." She smiled at him and he nodded. "This is what I want to do, Reese. Where I want to be. An' you know, Arlo wouldn't be idly sittin' around an' not tellin' me if he thought I were doin' anythin' other than what I need, an' what this baby needs, too."

This baby.

Their baby. Hers and Arlos.

Her son or daughter.

It was overwhelming to her and the delight which Vega felt far, far outweighed the terror. Which was good - and impressive since the terror was quite extreme. Her eyes flooded gold at the thought of actually being able to be a mother. She'd wanted it for so long - they both had - and it had been so difficult to overcome the knowledge that they couldn't have a child. She couldn't. And yet, now, here they were and Vega's heart sang the joy of knowing about the life she carried inside her. "I need to make this the best it can be," she said, pointing to the place where the railing would go. "Will you help me?"

Reese looked at her and smiled. "You're an excellent carpenter, Eva. You don't need my help." Vega grinned at him. "I know that, you dweeb. I didn't say I need your help, I said I want it. Stand up, an' let me have a look at the height of you." He did as he was told and she measured up so that she had a sense of the height of the railing. "A'right, so what I need from you is jus' as many of these as you can make." She pointed to the steps themselves then. "I've asked Lars for help an' him an' a bunch of the settlers are goin' to help out. There's ten of you on it. Can you do that?" He nodded.

"What will you be doing?" Reese asked. Vega grinned and lifted up the single piece of wood she had for the railing. "I'm goin' to make prototypes of these. An' then, Doran is goin' to alchemificate them for us, an' we're goin' to make it a beacon of hope." He nodded and gestured to his own chest, then to her. Vega knew what he was referring to - the constellation of a dragon shining on her chest was hard to miss. "He must be proud of you, you know."

Vega shrugged slightly, thinking about it before she answered. "Maybe. But Xiur, Arlo, Papa, Mister Creede. Even you an' your dweebish brothers. You all bring me the same thing, an' I hope you're all proud." She smiled slightly. "I'm proud of you all, an' proud to be in your hearts." Reese was quiet for a moment, the emotion with which she spoke was a rare thing. "Eva, I.."

"Shurrup, Reese," Vega said, lifting up the pieces of silver wood. "Or, I'm gonna beat you to death with this." She smiled at him. "Now get on an' make steps for me, yeah?"

He nodded. "As you say, Eva."

It was the most emotional conversation they'd ever had, Reese considered and he smiled as he made his way to get his group of workers together. Maybe this marked a change in their relationship, Reese thought. But then, he knew what his cousin would say. She'd tell him to calm down, not rush ahead of himself and not assume that she liked him. She did, of course, and he knew that. They loved each other, they were family. But liking each other?

Maybe this was the first step towards them both admitting it, he thought, and he got on with his job.

word count: 757

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] First steps....


Player Name: Eva

Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: None


Woodworking: x 2
Construction: x 3
Logistics: Planning a large build by prototyping the smaller pieces.

Renown: 0
Loot: A prototype step for the rest of the settlers to start building. By the end, you'll have the steps you need, that only need fine-tuning by experts in order to put them all together.
Injuries/Overstepping: A gibbet that's flibberty'd.
Wealth Points: None
Consequences: None

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: For a thread where you're carving up a bunch of prototype steps, this was a very deeply personal and intimate look at Vega's relationship with her family. I really felt the disconnect that Vega did when it came to her relatives doting on her, and treating her like she was made of glass or something. When all she wanted was to get on and do what needed to be done. That doing that was what relaxed her. You've described her as never standing still, due to growing up on a boat, and something about the way she is seems very true to that.

Well done and enjoy the rewards.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 219
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